News Alert
Thursday, 9/3/2020
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to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years.
Sea DVD Now Instock!

Red Sea Miracle, Part 2 of 2" DVD: Patterns of
Tim Mahoney investigates
one of the greatest miracles of the Bible. Did a mighty
sea split? After leaving Egypt, the Bible describes
the Israelites crossing a deep sea that was miraculously
split with walls of water on their right and left. When
the Egyptians and their chariot force pursued, the water
came crashing back down to destroy the entire army.
Skeptics contend
that no evidence has ever been found for huge numbers
of people crossing the wilderness or a mighty sea. Does
the lack of evidence at the traditional sites mean the
events didn’t happen, or might we have been looking
in wrong places all along?
Hear ideas from
all sides of the debate as you journey back to the lands
of the Bible in search of answers to one of the Bible’s
biggest mysteries; where is the lost sea of the Exodus,
and what really happened there? Can a patterns approach
help to solve the problem?
Your faith will
be mightily blessed!
or watch
the trailer
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News" DVD
UN's Agenda21 For World Domination"
Globalists in
the Power Elite — working through the United Nations
— are waging war against property rights, gun
rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist
World Order. This war is known as Agenda 21.
Considered a 'conspiracy theory' by the Mainstream Media
and other apologists of globalization, the flagship
term for Agenda 21 –- 'sustainable development'
— crops up in thousands of federal, state and
local government laws, regulations, policies and documents.
So is Agenda 21 really just a 'theory'?
The UN says 'sustainable
development' is simply the 'Environmental Movement'
reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others
maintain it’s the forced inventory and control
of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building
projects and human beings on the planet.
In other words,
Agenda 21 is a blueprint for what many fear could morph
into a totalitarian World Government. If true, this
should concern all Americans . . . and citizens of the
There is no other
movie attuned to Current News, like UNSUSTAINABLE!
Only $21.99 Order
your copy today 
Critical News
The CDC -- Centers
for Disease Control -- has issued an order to all states
to be prepared to distribute COVID-19 vaccine starting
November 1.
Therefore, the
Democrats are stymied in their efforts to force mail-in
voting because of a fear of a pandemic death toll at
the voting booth.
Breaking News
Update: Soros' man, Dr. Fauci, told CNN News this morning
that he considers it highly unlikely that a vaccine
for COVID-19 will be available by the "end of October".
2. A Bloomberg
funded group has just announced how the Democrats plan
to steal the election.
If Biden took
the office on January 20, 2021, stock markets will crash
and all Consumer Confidence will collapse - America
will never recover.
Thank God that
prophecy forbids this draconian scenario!
3. The massive
Ford Foundation has poured $2 BILLION into groups agitating
for the overthrow of our Constitutional Government!
I will never buy
a Ford automobile again!
Ford Foundation
funded the Vietnam War protesters during the 1970-1980's.
Southern Baptist
Is Teaching Communism By A Different Name!
Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist
$1.95 Booklet
- Best Value on the Internet!
Critical Race Theory is
a political/philosophical-driven ideology that claims
to be a solution to ending racism but according to critics
actually presents a “solution” that will
install Marxism into our society while creating a sentiment
leading to escalated conflict and diminished freedom
for all.
Critical Race Theory—A
Bait-and- Switch Tactic Infiltrating the Church, teaches
that American culture is rife with white
supremacy and baked-in racism, and is
used to hold women and people of color back.
This is the philosophy
behind identity politics and comes straight out of the
Marxist playbook. The words 'racism' and 'white supremacy'
have been bantered about for the last four years, reaching
a high in the past six months by Black Lives Matter
and Leftist groups all across this nation.
And, now we see that
the SBC is teaching this Communist doctrine to our youths,
right under our noses. This terrible teaching is yet
one more way in which Evangelical Christians are prophesied
by Jesus to fall away in droves. But should we be surprised,
since the foundation of the Southern Baptist Convention
is laid by Freemasonry?
All 77 Titles of These Wonderful Booklets - still only
New Booklets from Lighthouse Trails

Printed In 1958 -- Coming True in 2020!
Naked Communist: Exposing Communism & Restoring
Book Update of
1958 - Paperback by W. Cleon Skousen
NEWS BRIEF: "Compare
Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade:
From "Naked Communist",
Canada Free Press,
"Have you ever wondered
what the precursors to the current goals of protesters
and radicals demanding defunding police departments
across America? Also, their crazed goals to pull down
all historic statutes – even Mt Rushmore? And
as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand destruction of
capitalism, haven’t you wondered where such unhinged
and universally disastrous ideas came from?
"Well, there’s
an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World
Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963,
a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the record
that were argued to help take over USA. These were read
into the Congressional Record, taken from a book called
'The Naked Communist',” by
Cleon Skousen (On Sale, to the above left)
While Skousen lists 45
goals which Communists plan to achieve in any non-Communist
country, we shall just list the most important 10:
1) Normalize Revolt
-- “Create the impression that violence
and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American
2) "Cancel
the Police"
3) "Dismember
the Family"
4) "Infiltrate
Schools With Leftism "
5) "Pervert
the Press" - Take over the Mass Media
6) "Media
Blockade ... “Gain control of key positions
in radio, TV, and motion pictures.”
7) "Demolish
the Founders"
8) "Condemn
the American Experiment" -- "“Belittle
all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching
of American history."
9) Big Business
Now Intimidated - "“Infiltrate and
gain control of big business.”
10) " Cancel
the Constitution"
These are only 10 of the
45 Communist goals reported in this book, "The
Naked Communist"! I find it highly
offensive that such a Satanic failure system could erupt
so strongly in America!
Read this book, pass on
the warning: "The warriors are at our gates, threatening
to break them down! Now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of our country. Now is also the time
for mature Christians who know their Bible prophecies
to warn people to repent of their sins through Jesus'
shed blood on Calvary.
God has placed us here
to warn others. Listen:
"But if the watchman
see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the
people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any
person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity;
but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto
the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word
at my mouth, and warn them from me." (Ezekiel 33:6-7,
We are all "Watchmen
on the Wall", being able to uniquely see through
the din of turmoil to the approach of God's judgment
upon a prosperous America as foretold in Revelation
Christian, stand strong,
as the fields are white with fruit!
432 Pages --
-- Only $26.95
432 Pages
is Collective Demon Possession"
Same Individuals Who Plotted The 2016 Coup Are
Now Behind Communist Insurrection
= Communism
'Agenda' is a most
powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist,
Progressive Plan to overthrow our beloved country,
its Constitution, and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title
AMERICA DOWN -- A fascinating look at the people
and groups that have successfully targeted America's
morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down.
OF DECEIT' -- to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous
attacks on our freedom.
You will readily
see the outworking of the riots recently nationwide
over the needless George Floyd death as the planned
outworking of this "Agenda" script.
Back In-Stock
$33.95, Now Only $24.95
Headline News
is Collective Demon Possession"

The CDC -- Centers
for Disease Control -- has issued an order to all states
to be prepared to distribute COVID-19 vaccine starting
November 1.
tells states to be ready to distribute potential COVID-19
vaccine by Nov. 1", The New
York Post, September 2, 2020
"The federal Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention has told state governors
and health officials to be ready to distribute a possible
coronavirus vaccine by Nov. 1 ... Essential workers,
national security employees, senior citizens and members
of particularly vulnerable racial and ethnic groups
would be among those prioritized for the treatments."
Therefore, the
Democrats are stymied in their efforts to force mail-in
voting because of a fear of a pandemic death toll at
the voting booth.
Breaking News
Update: Soros' man, Dr. Fauci, told CNN News this morning
that he considers it highly unlikely that a vaccine
for COVID-19 will be available by the "end of October".
tumbles 900 points, stocks on pace for worst day since
June", Fox News, 9/3/2020
"U.S. equity markets
tumbled Thursday, on pace for the worst session since
June, after Dr. Anthony Fauci dashed hopes that a COVID-19
vaccine was coming soon, contradicting documents from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
I am not surprised that
Leftists would leave the CDC announcement alone, which
stated that a vaccine was going to be available Nov
1, just two short days before the election. Having a
vaccine available ust days before the election dramatically
undercuts Democrat's hysteria claiming that mail-in
voting was absolutely essential because of VOCID-19.
But, Fauci seemed to contradict
"Fauci told CNN a
vaccine was unlikely to be ready by the end of October.
In a separate interview with NBC News' "Today,"
Fauci said a vaccine was likely by the end of the year."
How is it possible that
Fauci could doubt that a vaccine could be ready by the
end of October, but magically appear "by the end
of the year"? It sounds like Dr, Fauci did not
get his facts straight between the CNN interview and
the one over at NBC's "Today" show!
Remember that Fauci is
a New World Order mouthpiece, even though he hides this
fact very well.
2. A Bloomberg
funded group has just announced how the Democrats plan
to steal the election.
NEWS BRIEF: "Bloomberg-Funded
Group: Trump May Win Election Night: But Joe Biden
Will Win Days Later Due to Mail-in Votes",
Breitbart News, 1 September 2020
"An analytics firm
bankrolled by billionaire Michael Bloomberg is predicting
that while President Trump will appear to win on November
3, Democrat Joe Biden will actually win the election
days later due to mail-in voting."
In fact, this is reportedly
THE Democrat plan. They plan to create millions of bogus
votes to be mailed at various points in the country.
President Trump stated that they planned to print and
to mail up to 80 million fraudulent ballots so that
the numbers of votes for Biden would be so huge that
the results of the election would flip to a Biden victory.
The Democrats had better
try to steal the election by whatever means possible,
because they surely cannot win on their own merits.
Democrat politicians have been pulling dumb stunts since
the 2016 election, stunts that a freshman political
strategist would know that they will cause voters to
cast their ballot for the other guy.
How is this fraud accomplished?
claims come as a Democrat operative detailed large-scale
mail-in voting fraud conducted for years by him and
staff in states like New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New
York. Part of the operation includes rigging elections
for Democrats through paying homeless voters off, taking
advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters,
and printing up fake ballots."
But, what about the mortal
dangers posed by voters going to the polls to conduct
"in-person" voting? The Democrats are making
the perceived threat so dangerous that they are urging
wearing a mask to be mandatory and their politicians
are, for the most part, wearing them religiously.
What is the real danger?
"Recent data has
not shown a compelling public health justification for
mail-in voting. In Wisconsin’s April election,
only 52 of more than 400,000 voters and poll workers
were confirmed to have contracted the Chinese coronavirus.
None of those cases were fatal. This equals an infection
rate below two-hundredths of one percent."
We feel compelled to share
with you the news report we shared on Tuesday, September
1, on this issue.
the Shockingly Small Number
of People Who Died From Only the Coronavirus",
Townhall News, August 30, 2020
"The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website disclosed
the shockingly small number of people who died from
only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death
Hang on to your hats,
because you may find this truth too startling to actually
be true!
"... out of the 161,392
deaths in the CDC data, just six percent, about
9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus
alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had
an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of
deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis."
(Emphasis Added)
What? How can this be?
Dr. Fauci warned that as many as 2.2 million Americans
could die if extreme measures were not taken, up to
and including a complete shutdown of our magnificent
Gregg: The Biden tax plan — recipe for recession",
The Hill, 8/17/2020
"The fiscal hole
is very deep. A robust economic recovery will be a true
challenge for our market economy. It will not be a good
time for the government to push forward a major tax
increase that will further chill productivity and job
growth. But a major tax increase is exactly what Joe
Biden has put on the menu."
"No socialist society
has ever produced prosperity for such a high percentage
of its people as the American free market has produced
for our people. Socialism is inherently regressive for
most who are subject to it ... it mutes the incentives
that drive productivity, which is the force that creates
good jobs and higher standards of living."
If Biden took
the office on January 20, 2021, stock markets will crash
and all Consumer Confidence will collapse.
"The Biden plan ...
will have the consequence of using, and wasting, resources
that are needed for a comprehensive approach to right
our fiscal dilemma. Equally important, it will generate
more debt and more difficult times for Main Street at
a time when the economic shock caused by the pandemic
is still reverberating."
But, why should the Democrats
worry? They will become the top 1% and they feel they
will never have to answer to the American people for
their destruction. After all, the Illuminati is above
the law!
America will never
financially recover.
Thank God that
prophecy forbids this draconian scenario!
In Revelation 18:7, we
read how God is going to bring America into His final
A prosperous America can
lead us to the despicable worshipping of Money, Wealth,
and worship of Self, on display in Revelation 18:7,
that leads to God's total annihilation in Rev 18:8!
God warned: " For
the love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy
6:10) Therefore, since a love of wealth is the issue
in Rev 18:7, we should not be too surprised that America's
love of money paves the way here for the appearance
of Antichrist!
Listen carefully to Jesus'
prophecy,starting first in verse 3:
"For all nations
have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
and the kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich
through the abundance of her delicacies." (Revelation
18:3, KJV)
" How much she hath
glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit
a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."
(Rev 18:7, KJV)
Notice the words of economic
luxury of which these citizens are bragging:
"... merchants of
the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
The Amplified Bible Commentary
sheds a bit more light on the full meaning of this verse:
"To the degree that
she glorified herself and reveled and gloated in her
sensuality [living deliciously and luxuriously], to
that same degree impose on her torment and anguish,
and mourning and grief; for in her heart she boasts,
‘I sit as a queen [on a throne] and I am not a
widow, and will never, ever see mourning or experience
Before President Trump
began his speech, I said to myself that, if I was right
on Trump's prophetic destiny being to lead America to
fulfillment of the incredible, historically unparalleled
position of wealth and prosperity in Rev 18:7, then
I should hear a most positive speech, promising just
such a position of unparalleled prosperity in America.
Then, God delivers His
final judgment in verse 8:
shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning,
and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire:
for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
America's destruction
shall be complete and irreversible:
"And the voice of
harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters,
shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman,
of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in
thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no
more at all in thee; And the
light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee;
and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall
be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were
the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were
all nations deceived."
Are you Born
Again so that you may escape with your
eternal soul?
3. The massive
Ford Foundation has poured $2 BILLION into groups agitating
for the overthrow of our Constitutional Government!
Foundation, With Biden Campaign Ties, Is Funding Leftist
Agitators On U.S. Streets",
"Claiming to be America’s
second-largest private foundation, the Ford Foundation
has poured almost $2 billion into groups active in 'disrupting
systems to advance social justice', according to its
grant database."
Folks, this is a Westerner
describing the effort to overthrow our current system
so Communism could be established!
"During the final
months of the Obama presidency, Ford Foundation gave
prominent leaders of the communist Workers World Party
(WWP) funding to form the Southern Vision Alliance (SVA),
a collective of activists that includes members of the
group raining down terror in Charlotte last week at
the RNC convention."
groups also get Ford Foundation support. Directed by
Bernie Sanders’s senior advisor Phillip Agnew,
the Dream Defenders group seeks the release of criminals
from prison and the “end to the Capitalist system
in the United States,” according to its now-scrubbed
web page. The Ford Foundation has given the group $1.1
million, according to its grant database."
Ford Motor Company is
buying this revolution!
"Like other private
foundations, Ford is governed only by basic IRS filing
requirements and has virtually no public oversight.
With woke leaders like Cisco’s CEO Chuck Robbins,
Ford Motor Company’s Henry Ford III, and abortion
giant Planned Parenthood’s former president Cecile
Richards sitting on Ford’s board, be assured it
will not cut off the funding to these Democrat street
I will never buy
a Ford automobile again!
However: The Ford
Foundation funded the Vietnam War protesters during
the 1970-1980's.
radicals ... were being used by the establishment to
condition the people to radical change ... Rubin [Vietnam
War Protest Leader] admitted as much, that he knew the
young people were being used. He wrote: 'Revolution
is profitable. So the capitalists try to sell it.
The hip capitalists have some allies within the revolutionary
community, longhairs who work as intermediaries between
the kids of the street and the millionaire businessmen.'
Rubin also knew that there was another group who knew
the young people were being used. He identified that
group as well. 'Only the right wing sees us for what
we are.' " [Epperson, "The
Unseen Hand", p. 403]
During the Vietnam War,
the right wing was regularly vilified in the press as
reactionaries; yet, here we see hippie war protester,
Rubin, boldly state that the only group who saw through
the veil of the war protest movement was the right wing
movement! The only people who could see the connection
between the Illuminati Industrialists and the Vietnam
War Protesters was the right wing 'reactionaries'! Now,
why would the press want to vilify the right wing and
"puff up" the Vietnam War protesters? Epperson
tells us:
Extremist Jerry Rubin,
in chapter ten of his book, "Every Revolutionary
Needs A Color TV", says, "... Television proves
the domino theory: one campus falls and they all fall
[to riot]. The media does not report news; it creates
it." [Ibid., p. 404; Emphasis was in the original]
Let us repeat that phrase just in case you missed it:
"The media does not
report news; it creates it."
Before you swoon away
by this amazing revelation, we need to tell you that
Capitalists have always supported radical Communism,
all the way back to 1911. Study the political cartoon
with me:
Thesis Vs. Anti-Thesis=Synthesis
political cartoon was created by Robert Minor and run
in the St. Louis- Dispatch newspaper in 1911. At this
point in history, the link between Karl Marx's Communism
and Capitalism was far more widely known than today.
Karl Marx is being given a ticker-tape parade down Wall
Street. Marx has his thesis on Socialism (Communism)
tucked under his arm, as he is being greeted by several
of the most prominent Wall Street businessmen:
George Perkins, shaking Marx's hand, then a partner
of J.P. Morgan
Andrew Carnegie, (Andy) waiting behind Marx with outstretched
J.P. Morgan tipping his hat to Marx
John D. Rockefeller (John D.) to Marx's right, smiling
John Ryan, of National City Bank, standing beside John
D. Rockefeller
Why are America's leading businessmen so happy with
Marx's theories? Because, under the utopia envisioned
by Communism, they would have an absolute monopoly over
every aspect of the world economy. Riches beyond measure
The political side of this American New World Order
Plan is represented by Teddy Roosevelt, shown with his
typically toothy smile. ("Wall Street And
The Bolshevik Revolution, by Anthony Sutton)
How can it be that successful
Capitalists could so graciously support the murderous
Communism? In the headline, above, of the political
cartoon, I listed the formula by which history has been
driven since 1776, when a revolutionary, Adam Weishaupt
formed his Masters of the Illuminati.
"Thesis Vs. Anti-Thesis=Synthesis"
could also be written thusly, "Western Capitalism
Vs Communism = New World Order"! There are three
(3) systems of government, two presently constituted
and one to come. Gorbachev specifically mentions Communism
and Capitalism as being presently established in the
world, but states that a third, as yet unnamed, government
is coming that will be neither Communist nor Capitalist,
commonly referred to as the New World Order.
Weishaupt lacked only
one element in his grand Plan to establish his New World
Order: a tactical Battle Plan that would clearly specify
how he was to proceed overthrowing all the established
governments in the Western World. In 1823, a German
professor named Hegel provided that formula, that specific
battle plan. Hegel proposed that societies were governed
by the following formula:
The existence of one type
of government or society, named Thesis, would provoke
the appearance of the opposite of that type of government
or society, which Hegel named Antithesis.
* Thesis
and Antithesis would naturally begin
to battle one another, since they were exactly opposite
systems and, therefore, would see matters differently.
* If Thesis and Antithesis
battled each other for a long period of time, with neither
side annihilating the other, that battling would result
in both sides changing to a hybrid system of government
and society, which Hegel called Synthesis.
* A constant battling, or threat of battling, was the
key. Hegel theorized that "Conflict brings about
change, and planned conflict would bring about planned
change." This theory swept through Europe, on college
campuses, sparking many a debate! After awhile, student's
fascination with this theory died down, but the Illuminati,
with Freemasonry
now thoroughly involved in the leadership in the New
World Order Plan, now had their formula to achieve their
That goal is the New World
Therefore, let us recap:
* From 1776 to the Present
Day, Western society was Capitalist or Democracy - Thesis
But, there was no antithesis
to the Western Thesis.
Therefore, Starting in
1847, the Illuminati created Communism, the exact opposite
system to Thesis -- Antithesis
Catholic editor and author,
Piers Compton, writes about the creation of Antithesis,
the exact opposite of the Western Thesis. In 1846, "there
was a feeling of change in the air. a change that would
extend beyond the boundaries of the Church and transform
many facets of existence.... Two years later a highly
select body of secret initiates who called themselves
the League of Twelve Just Men of the Illuminati, financed
Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto..."
("The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand In the
Vatican", p.16)
Antithesis was theoretically
created when the Communist Manifesto was issued by Karl
Marx in 1848. Christian author, Gary Kah stumbled across
this secret when he was given a cache of old, secret
Freemason books. He wrote about it in his book,
"Enroute To A Global Occupation".
On Page 94, Kah reproduces a chart which he discovered,
which depicts the historic linkage between the New Age
Movement through Freemasonry through The Illuminati,
the Rosicrucians, the Knights Templars, Gnosticism,
Kabbalism, to the headwaters of them all, the Ancient
Mystery Religions of Egypt and Babylon. Off to the side
of this main body of linkage, were several spinoff groups
created by Freemasonry/Illuminati.
"Marxism" is shown in a box, with an arrow
back to Freemasonry/Illuminati! There is no doubt. Freemasonry/Illuminati
created Communism as the direct opposite to the Thesis,
so Hegel's theory could proceed.
Communism was economically
State-owned and State-planned, and religiously Atheistic,
and politically a dictatorship. A more complete opposite
to Thesis could not have been possible, even if it were
planned that way, which, of course, it was.
One of the greatest secrets
of all time is that much of the standard "Establishment"
companies and leaders are really working to overthrow
this Thesis Capitalist country and move into the Synthesis
system, a.k.a., New World Order.
Communism is merely the
afterthought system designed to struggle with Capitalism
to create their crown jewel, the New World Order, where
they will all get far richer than even Capitalism could
World Order = the Kingdom of Antichrist!