News Alert
Thursday, 9/24/2020
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to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years.
Important DVD - Maybe Ever! 
2024 DVD: What Would The World Be Like by 2024 If Trump
$14.99, Introductory Offer $12.99 - Order
yours now
Watch the trailer
Love him or hate him this
film answers the question; What will the world look
like in 2024 after Trump? If President Trump loses his
bid for re-election, what will America be like by the
time 2024 rolls around?
Donald J. Trump is still by far the most polarizing
figure to ever hold the office. Some have called him
the worst thing to happen to America. A racist, sexist,
crazy, unhinged lunatic.
Others have called him
a man of integrity, a true patriot, appointed by God
to lead the United States.
He has fought for ‘We
The People’.
As President Trump has
said, 'we are part of one of the greatest stories ever
told: the story of America. It is the epic tale of a
great nation whose people have risked everything for
what they know is right, and what they know is true.
It is the chronicle of brave citizens who never give
up on the dream of a better and brighter future.'
This movement trying to
defeat him is dismantling America’s liberties,
teachings, values, and silencing our voice in religious,
economic, and public places around the globe. Removing
American borders and submitting to a controlling one-world
centralized government is their ultimate goal.
The battle to maintain
the foundational values and independence of the United
States against a global community has never been more
fierce. And the threat of losing our ability to pursue
life, liberty, and happiness has never been more powerful.
'Trump 2024: The World
After Trump' addresses the aggressive movement seeking
to bring America under control of a One-World Government,
so the ultimate One World Dictator can arise, fulfilling
Bible Prophecy.
This documentary listens
to the voices of over 20 Christian teachers and leaders
and preachers.
This DVD needs to be bought
in multiple copies and given to friends to watch! This
election may be the most important in our entire national
history! Order
Today - Shipping Begins Tuesday September
Sea Miracle II DVD Now Instock!

News" DVD
UN's Agenda21 For World Domination"
Globalists in
the Power Elite — working through the United Nations
— are waging war against property rights, gun
rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist
World Order. This war is known as Agenda 21.
Considered a 'conspiracy theory' by the Mainstream Media
and other apologists of globalization, the flagship
term for Agenda 21 –- 'sustainable development'
— crops up in thousands of federal, state and
local government laws, regulations, policies and documents.
So is Agenda 21 really just a 'theory'?
The UN says 'sustainable
development' is simply the 'Environmental Movement'
reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others
maintain it’s the forced inventory and control
of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building
projects and human beings on the planet.
In other words,
Agenda 21 is a blueprint for what many fear could morph
into a totalitarian World Government. If true, this
should concern all Americans . . . and citizens of the
There is no other
movie attuned to Current News, like UNSUSTAINABLE!
Only $21.99 Order
your copy today 
Critical News
1. President Trump
is set to announce his candidate to replace Ruth Bader
Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.
The President
said that, since he expects this election will be decided
by the Supreme Court, he wants a full nine-justice panel.
Did God just intervene
on America's behalf by snatching RBG to receive her
eternal wages for her work on Earth?
2. "Burn
the System Down" is the treasonous mantra from
Leftist Democrat officials to Marxist agitators on the
When will the
President finally crack down on these traitors, starting
with George Soros?
3. President Trump
signs an Executive Order which authorizes the Federal
Government to withhold monies from any college or university
that teaches our children the "Critical Race Theory".
Why should we
taxpayers fund this Communist diatribe which is contributing
to the riots and destruction on our streets?
4. As Coronavirus
death toll officially reaches 200,000, it is time to
remember the WHO and the CDC warning that their estimated
number was 2.2 million Americans.
Meanwhile, Senator
Rand Paul boldly stated to Dr. Fauci that lockdowns
are not as effective as the CDC announces, and that
countries like Sweden have had far fewer virus cases,
even though they have far more relaxed lockdown rules.
7 New Booklets
from Lighthouse Trails
All 78 Titles of These Wonderful Booklets - still only
Printed In 1958 -- Coming True in 2020!
Naked Communist: Exposing Communism & Restoring
Book Update of
1958 - Paperback by W. Cleon Skousen
NEWS BRIEF: "Compare
Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade:
From "Naked Communist",
Canada Free Press,
"Have you ever wondered
what the precursors to the current goals of protesters
and radicals demanding defunding police departments
across America? Also, their crazed goals to pull down
all historic statutes – even Mt Rushmore? And
as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand destruction of
capitalism, haven’t you wondered where such unhinged
and universally disastrous ideas came from?
"Well, there’s
an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World
Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963,
a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the record
that were argued to help take over USA. These were read
into the Congressional Record, taken from a book called
'The Naked Communist',” by
Cleon Skousen (On Sale, to the above left)
While Skousen lists 45
goals which Communists plan to achieve in any non-Communist
country, we shall just list the most important 10:
out More
Same Individuals Who Plotted The 2016 Coup Are
Now Behind Communist Insurrection
= Communism
'Agenda' is a most
powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist,
Progressive Plan to overthrow our beloved country,
its Constitution, and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title
AMERICA DOWN -- A fascinating look at the people
and groups that have successfully targeted America's
morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down.
OF DECEIT' -- to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous
attacks on our freedom.
You will readily
see the outworking of the riots recently nationwide
over the needless George Floyd death as the planned
outworking of this "Agenda" script.
Back In-Stock
$33.95, Now Only $24.95
Headline News
1. President Trump
is set to announce his candidate to replace Ruth Bader
Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.
to Announce Supreme Court Pick 5:00 P.M. Saturday",
The Hill, 9/22/2020
"President Trump
argued Tuesday that his forthcoming nominee to the Supreme
Court should receive a vote before the November election
so that the high court will have nine justices to resolve
election-related disputes."
" 'We need nine justices.
You need that with the unsolicited millions of ballots
that they’re sending. It’s a scam,”
Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White
House. “It’s a hoax. Everybody knows that,
and the Democrats know it better than anybody else.
So you’re going to need nine justices up there.
I think it’s going to be very important because
what they’re doing is a hoax with the ballots'.”
Therefore, the President
is well aware of the Democrat fraud in this election,
and he needs all nine Justices, including his latest
Conservative Justice, on the bench. Having a new Justice
on the bench before the election will mean that the
Court will be 5-3 with Justice John Roberts always unknown
as to how he is going to vote.
The President
spoke very earnestly and said that, since he expects
this election will be decided by the Supreme Court,
he wants a full nine-justice panel.
Did God just intervene
on America's behalf by snatching RBG to receive her
eternal wages for her work on Earth?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, America’s soul
will be defined over abortion", Life
Site News, Sept 21, 2020
" Supreme Court Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an icon of the American Left, died
of complications from pancreatic cancer on September
18, 2020 at the age of 87. Her passing was met with
a wave of mourning from those who saw her as a titan
of the Sexual Revolution."
As RBG meets Jesus at
the White Throne Seat, she will be exceedingly sorry
that she is known as a " titan of the Sexual Revolution"!
God is not pleased with titles such as this one and
with lives as Ruth Bader Ginsburg lived hers.
"But she has entered
eternity, and that is a solemn and awful thought."
Let us review some of
the other prominent successes she carried out during
her many years:
* "She was a staunch
defender of Roe v. Wade. (Abortion, including Partial
Birth Abortion)
* "She was an advocate
of redefining reality according to the recently-invented
ideology of trans activists."
* "She began marrying
same-sex couples prior to Obergefell v. Hodges, and
made it clear that she was one of the LGBT movement’s
staunchest allies in their quest to redefine America."
What is the bottom line
"There is some poetic
justice that it is abortion that threatens the very
stability of the world’s greatest superpower.
If one believes in Divine justice, one must also tremble
at the thought of God’s judgment due to 60 million
dead babies. America is coming apart at the seams, and
the right to kill children is at the very root of it
Ginsburg's Death, Pres. Trump's Next Supreme Court Pick
Must Be Unshakably Pro-Life ",
Life News, Operation Rescue, 9/19/2020
"The death of Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has given President Donald J. Trump
the unique opportunity to shape the direction of the
U.S. Supreme Court with a nominee that will respect
the Constitution and the founding tenets found in the
Declaration of Independence.
'We hold these Truths
to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty,
and the Pursuit of Happiness."
""Without the
right to Life, no other rights matter. The right to
be born and live life in freedom is the most precious
and foundational of all rights. I urge President Trump
to make this nomination with that thought in mind and
appoint a nominee who will boldly uphold the precious
right to Life," said Troy Newman President of Operation
Amen and Amen!
2. "Burn
the System Down" is the treasonous mantra from
Leftist Democrat officials to Marxist agitators on the
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Threaten to Burn Down the Republic to Stack the Supreme
Court", Townhall News, 9/23/2020
"... Democrats have
declared that so long as they are unable to replace
Ginsburg with an activist left-wing judge willing to
use the Constitution to cram down liberal policy prescriptions,
they will tear down every barrier to majoritarian tyranny."
"With that view of
the court threatened by a Republican-appointed majority,
Democrats are now panicking ... And they are responding
with radical threats to break every check and balance.
This week, Democrats openly threatened to destroy the
Senate filibuster, a traditional mechanism for restraining
bare majorities, most recently used by Democrats themselves
to stymie COVID-19 relief funding. They also threatened
to add new states to the union, specifically citing
federal territories they believe will elect Democrats;
and to pack the Supreme Court, reestablishing a Democratic-appointed
majority by adding new seats."
Finally, this author states
a surprising truth:
"All of which means
that the 2020 presidential race has now become a referendum
on the Democrats, not President Donald Trump."
Don Lemon Says ‘We’re Gonna Have to Blow
Up the Entire System’,"
Breitbart News, 23 Sept 2020
"Frustrated by President
Trump moving forward on his Supreme Court pick, CNN
anchor Don Lemon announced Monday that 'We’re
gonna have to blow up the entire system..”
By the way, Don Lemon
is worth $12,000,000
so he can afford to call for the destruction
of this Republic!
When will the
President finally crack down on these traitors, starting
with George Soros?
President Trump signs an Executive Order which authorizes
the Federal Government to withhold monies from any college
or university that teaches our children the "Critical
Race Theory".
Trump Slaps Down Harmful Leftist Indoctrination with
Far Reaching Executive Order",
Red State News, Sept 22, 2020
"Far leftists have
been pushing radical critical race theory for some time.
But unfortunately a lot of it has been pushed by leftists
not just in academia but in the government departments
as well, in an attempt to change the nature of the country,
to help radical leftist theory take hold."
What is this "Critical
Race Theory"?
"This ideology is
rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America
is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some
people, simply on account of their race or sex, are
oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are
more important than our common status as human beings
and Americans."
Thank God that President
Trump issue that Executive Order, which BANNED efforts
to indoctrinate government employees with divisive and
harmful sex and race-based ideologies,” Trump
tweeted. 'Today, I’ve expanded that ban to people
and companies that do business with our Country, the
United States Military, Government Contractors, and
Grantees. Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in
our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s
nothing in it for you!”
This theory has jumped
a firewall protecting American churches. As the pamphlet
shown above, demonstrates, the Southern Baptist Convention
has just embraced this diabolical teaching!
Why should we
taxpayers fund this Communist diatribe which is contributing
to the riots and destruction on our streets?
4. As Coronavirus
death toll officially reaches 200,000, it is time to
remember the WHO and the CDC warning that their estimated
number was 2.2 million Americans.
NEWS BRIEF: "Coronavirus
Death Toll Hits 200,000, Which Was on the Low End of
Models with ‘Full Mitigation’,
" Breitbart News, 22 Sept 2020
"The media and the
Democrats are making much of reports that the U.S. reached
an estimated 200,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic
on Tuesday. However, in March, experts’ models
said 200,000 deaths was considered the low-end estimate
with 'full mitigation'.”
"Full Mitigation"
simply means a proper response to the virus, from the
"At the outset of
the pandemic, the experts on the president’s coronavirus
task force suggested that the U.S. could reach 2.2 million
deaths without any mitigation."
Therefore, President Trump's
response was so excellent that he kept COVID19 deaths
to an absolute minimum!
"The number of cases
continues to rise, though the number of new cases has
fallen in many areas, and death rates are currently
Meanwhile, Senator
Rand Paul boldly stated to Dr. Fauci that lockdowns
are not as effective as the CDC announces, and that
countries like Sweden have had far fewer virus cases,
even though they have far more relaxed lockdown rules.
NEWS BRIEF: "Senator
Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Fauci on His Lockdowns and Praise
of New York with the Highest Death Rates in the World"
By Joe Hoft., Gateway Pundit, 23 Sept 2020
"Senator Rand Paul,
who is also a doctor, confronted Dr. Fauci today in
a Senate hearing and asked if he now has any regrets
for his insane directives during the China coronavirus
pandemic. Dr. Fauci recommended that President Trump
shut down the US economy in March and April this year.
These disastrous actions led to more severe actions
by insane politicians around the US. Many liberal states
are still shut down."
"Today Senator Rand
Paul confronted Dr. Fauci who clearly is not used to
being called out his own incompetence. Senator Paul
asked Dr. Fauci if he had any regrets for his recommendations
and actions during the China coronavirus pandemic. Dr.
Fauci responded basically that he did not ... "
"Dr. Fauci is not
an honest person and has made mistake after mistake
during this coronavirus epidemic. His actions have devastated
the middle class in America and several countries around
the world.
This man should resign immediately."
SALE! $9.99 DVD's 20
New titles added Today

We now have over
60 DVD Titles From Which To Choose!
Regular Retails
Vary, But Some Were Originally $29.99
Discounts Up To
Here To View All $9.99 Titles
Final Phase of Mankind Is Here - DVD by Defender
Films This film is not
fiction or a mockudrama but a new investigative documentary
from the internationally acclaimed team at SkyWatch
TV. INHUMAN travels the globe to unveil for the first
time how breakthrough advances in science, technology,
and philosophy - including cybernetics, bioengineering,
nanotechnology,machine intelligence, and synthetic biology
- are poised to create mind- boggling game-changes to
everything we have known until now about Homosapiens.
As astonishing technological developments push the frontiers
of humanity towards far-reaching morphological transformation
(which promises in the very near future to redefine
what it means to be human), an intellectual and fast-growing
cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the
use of these powerful new fields of science and technology
as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our
memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps-as
Professor Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, claims-
our immortal souls.
The technological, cultural,
and metaphysical shift now underway unapologetically
forecasts a new future dominated by a new species of
unrecognizably superior humans, and applications under
study now to make this dream a reality are being funded
by thousands of government and private research facilities
around the world.
As viewers will learn,
this includes rewriting human genetics, combining human
and animal DNA, and interfacing our brains with strong
artificial intelligence systems. As a result, new modes
of perception between things visible and invisible are
expected to challenge bioethics in ways that are historically,
sociologically and theologically unprecedented.
Without comprehending
what is quickly approaching in related disciplines of
research and development, vast numbers of indiviuals
could soon be paralyzed by the most fantastic - and
widespread - implications. The destiny of each individual
- as well as the future of their families - depends
on their knowledge of this new paradigm, an extraordinary
time in the earth's history already being called the
"Hybrid Age".
3 Hours long, 2-Disc Set
As the Apostle John wrote
'Amen! Come quickly, Lord Jesus'
As Jesus promised, 'When ye see these
things come to pass, look up, for your Redemption draweth
I and 2 - New DVDs by L.A. Marzulli
100 years ago an event happened that
changed the world. Upwards of 70,000 Roman Catholic
faithful were gathered in the little village of Fatima,
They were told, by an apparition that had appeared to
three children whom many believed to be Mary of the
Biblethat a miracle would occur.
Something miraculous occurred
on October 13, 1917, witnessed by many thousands of
people. It was called, The Miracle of the Sun.
The Watchman Chronicles
presents FATIMA Miracle of the Sun or a Harbinger of
Deception? What did the witnesses in 1917 REALLY see?
Also watch this new groundbreaking
film in The Watchman Chronicles series, Fatima 2 - Strange
Phenomena. This film is explosive as it contains never
before seen photographs from the 1917 events in Fatima,
Does this photograph prove that a disc-like object went
over the crowd on the moors of Fatima almost 101 years
Does it validate many
of the eye-witnesses who claimed to have seen a dull,
silver disc?
- Is Antichrist A Jewish/Roman or An Islamic Caliphate
Great Debate Between Two
Christian Scholars This item is on sale.
An age-old debate rages onward today, as Dr. Timothy
Ice author Joel Richardson meet for a masterful debate
under the auspices of Southwest Radio Bible Church,
for 2 hours, 40 minutes of lively discourse.
Tradiitional prophetic teaching is that Antichrist will
come from a Resurrection Roman Empire (European Union);
however, since the rise of the Islamic Caliphate (Islamic
State), modern scholars have arrived at the belief that
the Biblical Antichrist will be Islamic, and will rule
the Islamic Caliphate.
After seeing and listening to these
two Bible scholars, you will know how to 'properly divide
the Word Of Truth' and come to the correct understanding
2 Hours, 40 Minutes of teaching