News Alert
Thursday, 9/17/2020
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Read the full, most current, News Alert online
click on this button
to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years.

HOT SALE! $9.99
Forty-Two (42)
DVD Titles From Which To Choose!
Regular Retails
Vary, But Some Were Originally $29.99
Discounts Up To
Sea DVD Now Instock!

Red Sea Miracle, Part 2 of 2" DVD: Patterns of
Tim Mahoney investigates
one of the greatest miracles of the Bible. Did a mighty
sea split? After leaving Egypt, the Bible describes
the Israelites crossing a deep sea that was miraculously
split with walls of water on their right and left. When
the Egyptians and their chariot force pursued, the water
came crashing back down to destroy the entire army.
Skeptics contend
that no evidence has ever been found for huge numbers
of people crossing the wilderness or a mighty sea. Does
the lack of evidence at the traditional sites mean the
events didn’t happen, or might we have been looking
in wrong places all along?
Hear ideas from
all sides of the debate as you journey back to the lands
of the Bible in search of answers to one of the Bible’s
biggest mysteries; where is the lost sea of the Exodus,
and what really happened there? Can a patterns approach
help to solve the problem?
Your faith will
be mightily blessed!
or watch
the trailer
Only $19.99

News" DVD
UN's Agenda21 For World Domination"
Globalists in
the Power Elite — working through the United Nations
— are waging war against property rights, gun
rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist
World Order. This war is known as Agenda 21.
Considered a 'conspiracy theory' by the Mainstream Media
and other apologists of globalization, the flagship
term for Agenda 21 –- 'sustainable development'
— crops up in thousands of federal, state and
local government laws, regulations, policies and documents.
So is Agenda 21 really just a 'theory'?
The UN says 'sustainable
development' is simply the 'Environmental Movement'
reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others
maintain it’s the forced inventory and control
of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building
projects and human beings on the planet.
In other words,
Agenda 21 is a blueprint for what many fear could morph
into a totalitarian World Government. If true, this
should concern all Americans . . . and citizens of the
There is no other
movie attuned to Current News, like UNSUSTAINABLE!
Only $21.99 Order
your copy today 
Critical News
1. Does President
Trump Need A "October Surprise"?
Since Trump is
the supreme fighter and strategist, I believe he has
more than one possibility for an October Surprise.
2. A Chinese scientist
whistleblower alleges that COVID-19 was intentionally
created and purposely released to the world.
The entire Western
World needs to demand hefty reparations from China!
3. Democrats are
in panic mode as President Trump continues to promise
a COVID-19 vaccine before the election.
Daughter Ivanka
even volunteers to take the first vaccine, on nationwide
TV, of course!
4. The BLM (Black
Lives Matter) riots are now officially the most expensive
man-made disaster ever in the United States.
Barr advocates charging rioters under Sedition Laws.
5. Minneapolis
City Council unanimously voted to defund the police.
Now, a new Councilman
demands to know "Where are the Police"?
Southern Baptist
Is Teaching Communism By A Different Name!
Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist
$1.95 Booklet
- Best Value on the Internet!
Critical Race Theory is
a political/philosophical-driven ideology that claims
to be a solution to ending racism but according to critics
actually presents a “solution” that will
install Marxism into our society while creating a sentiment
leading to escalated conflict and diminished freedom
for all.
Critical Race Theory—A
Bait-and- Switch Tactic Infiltrating the Church, teaches
that American culture is rife with white
supremacy and baked-in racism, and is
used to hold women and people of color back.
This is the philosophy
behind identity politics and comes straight out of the
Marxist playbook. The words 'racism' and 'white supremacy'
have been bantered about for the last four years, reaching
a high in the past six months by Black Lives Matter
and Leftist groups all across this nation.
And, now we see that
the SBC is teaching this Communist doctrine to our youths,
right under our noses. This terrible teaching is yet
one more way in which Evangelical Christians are prophesied
by Jesus to fall away in droves. But should we be surprised,
since the foundation of the Southern Baptist Convention
is laid by Freemasonry?
All 77 Titles of These Wonderful Booklets - still only
New Booklets from Lighthouse Trails
Printed In 1958 -- Coming True in 2020!
Naked Communist: Exposing Communism & Restoring
Book Update of
1958 - Paperback by W. Cleon Skousen
NEWS BRIEF: "Compare
Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade:
From "Naked Communist",
Canada Free Press,
"Have you ever wondered
what the precursors to the current goals of protesters
and radicals demanding defunding police departments
across America? Also, their crazed goals to pull down
all historic statutes – even Mt Rushmore? And
as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand destruction of
capitalism, haven’t you wondered where such unhinged
and universally disastrous ideas came from?
"Well, there’s
an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World
Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963,
a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the record
that were argued to help take over USA. These were read
into the Congressional Record, taken from a book called
'The Naked Communist',” by
Cleon Skousen (On Sale, to the above left)
While Skousen lists 45
goals which Communists plan to achieve in any non-Communist
country, we shall just list the most important 10:
1) Normalize Revolt
-- “Create the impression that violence
and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American
2) "Cancel
the Police"
3) "Dismember
the Family"
4) "Infiltrate
Schools With Leftism "
5) "Pervert
the Press" - Take over the Mass Media
6) "Media
Blockade ... “Gain control of key positions
in radio, TV, and motion pictures.”
7) "Demolish
the Founders"
8) "Condemn
the American Experiment" -- "“Belittle
all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching
of American history."
9) Big Business
Now Intimidated - "“Infiltrate and
gain control of big business.”
10) " Cancel
the Constitution"
These are only 10 of the
45 Communist goals reported in this book, "The
Naked Communist"! I find it highly
offensive that such a Satanic failure system could erupt
so strongly in America!
Read this book, pass on
the warning: "The warriors are at our gates, threatening
to break them down! Now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of our country. Now is also the time
for mature Christians who know their Bible prophecies
to warn people to repent of their sins through Jesus'
shed blood on Calvary.
God has placed us here
to warn others. Listen:
"But if the watchman
see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the
people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any
person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity;
but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto
the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word
at my mouth, and warn them from me." (Ezekiel 33:6-7,
We are all "Watchmen
on the Wall", being able to uniquely see through
the din of turmoil to the approach of God's judgment
upon a prosperous America as foretold in Revelation
Christian, stand strong,
as the fields are white with fruit!
432 Pages --
-- Only $26.95
432 Pages
is Collective Demon Possession"
Same Individuals Who Plotted The 2016 Coup Are
Now Behind Communist Insurrection
= Communism
'Agenda' is a most
powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist,
Progressive Plan to overthrow our beloved country,
its Constitution, and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title
AMERICA DOWN -- A fascinating look at the people
and groups that have successfully targeted America's
morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down.
OF DECEIT' -- to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous
attacks on our freedom.
You will readily
see the outworking of the riots recently nationwide
over the needless George Floyd death as the planned
outworking of this "Agenda" script.
Back In-Stock
$33.95, Now Only $24.95
Headline News
1. Does President
Trump Need A "October Surprise"?
An "October
Surprise" is an event occurring in October of an
election year, which deeply hurts one of the candidates,
and does not allow time for the opponent to recover
before Election Day.
October Surprise in the Waiting", American
Greatness, Sept 16, 2020
"On November 5, 2009,
at Fort Hood, Texas, U.S. troops prepared for deployment
to Afghanistan. U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, a self-described
“soldier of Allah,” shouted “Allahu
Akbar” and opened fire on the unarmed Americans.
Hasan killed 13 .. and wounded 42..."
"The killer was never
described as a racist, and the Obama Administration
passed off the mass murder as 'workplace violence',
not even gun violence ... Hasan was sentenced to death
in 2013 but nearly 11 years after his crime, this soldier
of Allah remains alive."
Perhaps the President
should order this "soldier of Allah" executed
during the month of October. Many Conservative voters
would truly appreciate this act of Justice, even though
it is very late coming. But, most importantly, an execution
of this Islamic Terrorist would highlight the dramatic
difference between the Administration of Obama/Biden
and that of Donald Trump!
This author concludes:
"If this terrorist finally got what was coming
to him, that would be a terrific story. With an election
just around the corner, American voters might like an
October Surprise like that. "
Since Trump is
the supreme fighter and strategist, I believe he has
more than one possibility for an October Surprise.
* Trump has already announced
that a vaccine will be available and will be administered
FREE of Charge on November 1, two days before the election.
This announcement undercuts the Democrat cry that voters
should not vote in person because the risk of infection
from COVID-19 is too great.
* Ivanka Trump -- the
President's daughter -- volunteered to be the first
American citizen to take the vaccine and she would do
so on FREE TV!
* The President could
announce that all 22 Islamic nations of the Arab League
have agreed to establish peace with Israel on the Bahrain/UAE
model. When this occurs, virtually the entire Middle
East will be at peace with tiny Israel and the world
will have stepped back from the perpetual line of all-out
regional war!
President Trump will then
have EARNED the American Jewish vote
and the award, "Nobel Peace Prize"!
A Chinese scientist whistleblower alleges that COVID-19
was intentionally created and purposely released to
the world.
NEWS BRIEF: "Chinese
Whistleblower Tells Tucker Carlson:
Coronavirus Was Man-Made And Released
Intentionally", Townhall
News, Sept 16, 2020
"The Chinese scientist
who alleges that the coronavirus that has spread throughout
the world was man-made emerged for an interview with
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. Dr. Li-Meng Yan came
forward recently to allege that the coronavirus was
a lab-manufactured disease that did not come from nature
and that the wet market story was a 'smoke screen' aimed
to pivot attention away from this virus’ apparent
I personally believe that
China launched this virus to the entire world for two
very different reasons:
#1 - China had "lost
much face" during their prolonged negotiations
with Trump Once he had proven that he was a much better
negotiator than President Li, the Chinese leader decided
to punish us economically.
#2 - By releasing the
virus in December, 2019, the timing was perfect for
the pandemic to impact the United States' election of
November 3. Democrats have stoked the fears of widespread
death if a person votes publicly; therefore, the timing
of this pandemic greatly increases the possibility of
the Democrats inserting millions of fraudulent paper
mail-in ballots.
The entire Western
World needs to demand hefty reparations from China!
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
& Communists Should Pay Reparations for Their Multiple
Crimes", Canada
Free Press, Sept 15, 2020
"Democrat Party leaders
who are proud of their heritage, need to seriously take
responsibility for the crimes of their ancestors, which
amazingly seems to be what they are calling for as their
Party is demanding reparations be paid for the price
of slavery - especially that which is 'systemic racism'
... What a way to pander to the Blacks for their votes."
"... the major resistance
to ending slavery was from the 'Democratic' Party that
had an entire region of the nation under the domain
of slavery ... the real reparations should also include
payment for the lives of those soldiers of the Army
of the Republic who died fighting to defend the Constitution
and to expand freedom to the Blacks held in slavery
by the Democrats of the Deep South."
"In the same vein,
the violence being carried out by the anarchists, Antifa
terrorists, and BLM Blackshirts in the major cities
run by Democrat mayors or Democrat-run city councils
should incur a great deal more accountability than the
taxpayers having to pay for the damages."
"Governors like Andrew
Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California need
to be investigated and held accountable for negligence
in committing senior citizens to senior centers ...
“Mother China” should be held accountable
for all of the COVID-19 related deaths in the United
States and throughout the world."
At the very least, leaders
all over the world need to permanently change their
opinion China, recognizing that she is possessed by
the Spirit out of the abyss!
3. Democrats are
in panic mode as President Trump continues to promise
a COVID-19 vaccine before the election.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Panic After President Trump Drops COVID Vaccine Bombshell",
Sons of 1776, Sept 16, 2020
"President Donald
Trump insisted in a Tuesday interview that a coronavirus
vaccine could be approved “in a matter of weeks.
The vaccine is going to be here very soon. And we’ve
already got therapeutics with remdesivir and other things',
Trump told “Fox & Friends.”
"Moderna, Johnson
& Johnson and Pfizer are among the many pharmaceutical
and biotech companies racing to find a vaccine. 'We
have a lot of great companies, it’s not just one'
... The president added that the vaccine could be available
before the election on Nov. 3."
"Trump’s comments
come on the heels of several Democrats indicating they
would not take the vaccine if it is approved too early
because of political pressure."
This reasoning is undoubtedly
why Ivanka Trump has volunteered to take the vaccine
and take it on TV in front of the whole world. She is
going to be the King's 'taste tester'!
Daughter Ivanka
even volunteers to take the first vaccine, on nationwide
TV, of course!
Trump offers to take coronavirus vaccine on live TV",
Israel National News, 9/11/2020
"President Donald
Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump hit back at the
cohost of ‘The View’, Joy Behar, and offered
to receive a coronavirus vaccine on live television
once a vaccine has been developed ... Trump had told
supporters at a rally in North Carolina on Tuesday that
a vaccine would be available 'very, very soon', and
'much sooner' than the end of the year."
"Behar responded
by saying that developing a vaccine “is not a
simple thing to do,” and accused Trump of pushing
“anything to get reelected. Don’t fall for
it.” Then, Behar added, ““And by the
way, I will take the vaccine after Ivanka takes it.”
That is the "Double-Dog
Dare You" challenge that 5th graders play at recess.
Ivanka responded:
"On Thursday, Ivanka
accepted Behar’s challenge, tweeting 'Deal'.
" 'I would
come on your show to do so. I trust the FDA and so should
all Americans. Vanquishing the virus should be our collective
top priority'.”
Does this response to
Behar count as an 'October Surprise'?
4. The BLM (Black
Lives Matter) riots are now officially the most expensive
man-made disaster ever in the United States.
Riots Are Officially the Most Costly Manmade Damage
to American Property in History", Breitbart
News, 16 Sept 2020
"The domestic terrorists
in Antifa and Black Lives Matter have accomplished one
thing: the most costly riots in the history of our country
... Property Claim Services, a company that tracks insurance
claims filed due to riots and the like, found that the
left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June
8 of this year could reach $2 billion in insurance claims."
"Here’s a piece
of perspective that shocked even me…
"If you add up the
insurance cost in 2020 dollars for all six major American
riots during the turbulent 1960s, the total is a little
shy of $1.2 billion — which means the terrorists
in Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused more mayhem
and property damage in a little over a week than this
country saw throughout all of the 1960s."
"So even in the face
of all this murder, property damage, assaults, looting,
and burning, the clown show at Axios proudly marches
"If Trump
wins, the marauders will maraud like nothing we have
ever before seen, and they will do so with the full
support of the establishment media and the Democrats.
How do we know that? Because they are doing so now with
the full support of the establishment media and Democrats."
So now that you
are forewarned, be forearmed!"
Barr advocates charging rioters under Sedition Laws.
Barr Pushes for Sedition Charges Against Violent Rioters",
American Greatness, Sept 16, 2020
"Attorney General
William Barr advised federal prosecutors in a conference
call last week to consider charging the rioters and
insurrectionists who committed violent crimes at demonstrations
this year with sedition ... Barr told the feds on the
call that they needed “to crack down on rioting,
looting, assaults on law enforcement officers and other
violence committed” during the riots ."
"The destruction
of businesses we’re witnessing across the US is
not mere opportunism by looters. It plays a critical
role in antifa and BLM ideology. Their stated goal is
to abolish capitalism. To do that, they have to make
economic recovery impossible. Antifa sees a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to exploit an economically weakened America
during the coronavirus pandemic."
Party USA, Liberation Road, Freedom Road Socialist Organization,
Democratic Socialists of America, Revolutionary Communist
Party, Workers World Party, and the Party for Socialism
and Liberation” have been involved ... Every part
of the rioting has a purpose. Fires destroy economy.
Riots can overwhelm police & even military. All
of it leads to a destabilized state if maintained.”
Sounds like Illuminized
Freemasonry to me. One of their most important mottos
is "Order Out of Chaos".
5. Minneapolis
City Council unanimously voted to defund the police.
Now, a new Councilman
demands to know "Where are the Police"?
NEWS BRIEF: "Minneapolis
City Council That Approved Abolishing Police Now Whining:
‘Where Are the Police?", Breitbart
News, 16 Sept 2020
"The Minneapolis
city council, which unanimously supported a pledge to
abolish the police, is now asking,' Where are the police?'
"Fourth Ward council
member Phillipe Cunningham expressed surprise that council
members who had so recently supported doing away with
the police department were now calling on the police
to be doing more. "
This situation would be
childhood laughable were lives and property not at stake!
Final Phase of Mankind Is Here - DVD by Defender
Films This film is not
fiction or a mockudrama but a new investigative documentary
from the internationally acclaimed team at SkyWatch
TV. INHUMAN travels the globe to unveil for the first
time how breakthrough advances in science, technology,
and philosophy - including cybernetics, bioengineering,
nanotechnology,machine intelligence, and synthetic biology
- are poised to create mind- boggling game-changes to
everything we have known until now about Homosapiens.
As astonishing technological developments push the frontiers
of humanity towards far-reaching morphological transformation
(which promises in the very near future to redefine
what it means to be human), an intellectual and fast-growing
cultural movement known as transhumanism intends the
use of these powerful new fields of science and technology
as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our
memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps-as
Professor Joel Garreau, Lincoln Professor of Law, claims-
our immortal souls.
The technological, cultural,
and metaphysical shift now underway unapologetically
forecasts a new future dominated by a new species of
unrecognizably superior humans, and applications under
study now to make this dream a reality are being funded
by thousands of government and private research facilities
around the world.
As viewers will learn,
this includes rewriting human genetics, combining human
and animal DNA, and interfacing our brains with strong
artificial intelligence systems. As a result, new modes
of perception between things visible and invisible are
expected to challenge bioethics in ways that are historically,
sociologically and theologically unprecedented.
Without comprehending
what is quickly approaching in related disciplines of
research and development, vast numbers of indiviuals
could soon be paralyzed by the most fantastic - and
widespread - implications. The destiny of each individual
- as well as the future of their families - depends
on their knowledge of this new paradigm, an extraordinary
time in the earth's history already being called the
"Hybrid Age".
3 Hours long, 2-Disc Set
As the Apostle John wrote
'Amen! Come quickly, Lord Jesus'
As Jesus promised, 'When ye see these
things come to pass, look up, for your Redemption draweth
I and 2 - New DVDs by L.A. Marzulli
100 years ago an event happened that
changed the world. Upwards of 70,000 Roman Catholic
faithful were gathered in the little village of Fatima,
They were told, by an apparition that had appeared to
three children whom many believed to be Mary of the
Biblethat a miracle would occur.
Something miraculous occurred
on October 13, 1917, witnessed by many thousands of
people. It was called, The Miracle of the Sun.
The Watchman Chronicles
presents FATIMA Miracle of the Sun or a Harbinger of
Deception? What did the witnesses in 1917 REALLY see?
Also watch this new groundbreaking
film in The Watchman Chronicles series, Fatima 2 - Strange
Phenomena. This film is explosive as it contains never
before seen photographs from the 1917 events in Fatima,
Does this photograph prove that a disc-like object went
over the crowd on the moors of Fatima almost 101 years
Does it validate many
of the eye-witnesses who claimed to have seen a dull,
silver disc?
- Is Antichrist A Jewish/Roman or An Islamic Caliphate
Great Debate Between Two
Christian Scholars This item is on sale.
An age-old debate rages onward today, as Dr. Timothy
Ice author Joel Richardson meet for a masterful debate
under the auspices of Southwest Radio Bible Church,
for 2 hours, 40 minutes of lively discourse.
Tradiitional prophetic teaching is that Antichrist will
come from a Resurrection Roman Empire (European Union);
however, since the rise of the Islamic Caliphate (Islamic
State), modern scholars have arrived at the belief that
the Biblical Antichrist will be Islamic, and will rule
the Islamic Caliphate.
After seeing and listening to these
two Bible scholars, you will know how to 'properly divide
the Word Of Truth' and come to the correct understanding
2 Hours, 40 Minutes of teaching