* Black Magick
Satanists feel free to carry out Black Magick Witchcraft
in public, including the eating of an 'animal' heart
NEWS BRIEF: "Boston:
anti-Trump Protestors Hold Pagan Ritual -
Eat The President's Heart", Israel
365 News, October 20, 2020
"On Sunday, Boston
was full of at least 1,000 protesters ... SHFA was established
in 2019 to hold counter rallies protesting gay-parades
.. As part of mobilizing people to drive Trump/Pence
from power, we are (SIC) joining with others to counter
this fascist rally."
At this point, everything
turns ugly:
"Anti-Trump protesters
were seen burning a poster of Trump’s likeness
in effigy and others burned flags ... But the anti-Trump
political protest transformed into a pagan ritual as
one participant announced that they will perform a ritual
to 'purge' the United States. "
As you read this ritual,
remember that this act is part of an exceedingly powerful
Black Magick attack.
"The first participant
then pulled a bloody heart (presumably that of an animal)
from the front of the faux Trump’s shirt, raised
it into the air and proclaimed 'Kali maa'. Kali is a
female god in the Hindu pantheon worshipped throughout
India and Nepal. Though seen as the divine protector
and the one who bestows moksha, or liberation, she is,
like many of the main Hindu deities, associated with
blood and death. Kali is seen as the bloodthirsty embodiment
of destruction, and the ultimate protector against evil."
But, in reality, Black
Magick worshippers claim Kali as one of the most bloodthirsty
and evil of all the pagan gods throughout the entire
world. Keep this in mind as you read further.
"The Trump impersonator
fell to the ground after which posters of the president
were burned. Another protester picked up the discarded
heart, holding it over his face and squeezing out blood
onto his face. He then took bites out of the raw heart,
screaming. 'I’m on fire! Kali Ma!'."
When a Black Magick witch
eats the heart of a human victim, he believes that Satan
is transferring the power of the victim to him. Thus,
this witch is symbolically crushing his foe, the symbolic
President Trump, to himself as he eats the animal heart!
This belief by Satanists
that they can publicly perform this kinds of hideous
rituals means that they believe the raw power of Satan
has now been unleashed on America!
America is thus continually
saturated with a spirit of gall.
America is a nation whose
soul has rejected God and is now bound up in Satan's
roots of bondage and unhappiness unto death. Did you
know an entire nation can fall into massive demonic
possession? Read our archived article, "Is
National Demonic Possession Possible?",
This spirit of gall is
the spirit of the Democrat Party today!
Doubt it not!!!
* The Palestinians
have now been thrust out of the Arab fellowship, just
as End Times' prophecy declared over 2,500 years ago
"Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen:
thou art greatly despised." (Obadiah 2,
NEWS BRIEF: "Egyptian
Journalist: Palestinians Must Resolve Conflict with
Israel on its Own", United With Israel,
Oct 21, 2020
"Egyptian journalist
says there’s no reason the Palestinians should
obligate all Arab countries to remain in conflict with
Israel. Egyptian Journalist Abdel Moneim Saeed said
in a recent interview that “the time has come
for our Palestinian brothers and their political elite
to rethink things.”
"The Palestinians
cannot expect all Arab countries to remain in conflict
with the Jewish state, he said. Rather, they must resolve
their conflict on their own."
Another journalist makes
the same point, but much more harshly.
of Al-Aqsa’: Saudi Lawyer Calls to Free Jerusalem
Mosque from ‘Palestinian Brats’," United
With Israel, Oct 20,2020
"Prominent lawyer
Abdul Rahman al-Lahim, who has a quarter of a million
Twitter followers, posted his plea on the social media
platform ... 'to free the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Palestinian
brats' ...."
" 'Al-Lahim called
the Palestinian presence at the Temple Mount 'the rape
of Al Aqsa'.”
* God is now actively
calling his people home to Israel, in fulfillment of
End Times' prophecy
see or not to see, that is the question: Prophesied
Aliyah now underway", Israel National
News, Oct 22, 2020
"On October 15, 2020,
Bari Weiss, the journalist who resigned from the New
York Times, no longer willing to tolerate the anti Jewish
biases which she noted and to which she was subjected,
published a piece called “Stop Being Shocked,”
in Tablet. In this article, Ms. Weiss expresses surprise
at the Jewish community’s failure to acknowledge
the growing intolerance of Jews and Zionism in present
day America. In support, I offer some of my own thoughts
on this disturbing subject."
"So it was with the
Rhineland, Spain, Portugal, Poland and so forth, all
through Jewish history, down through the ages. The sun
is setting for American Jews. It was inevitable."
This return to the land
of Israel by Jews dispersed all over the globe is also
prophesied at the End of the Age. Listen:
"Zephaniah 3:20,
'At that time will I bring you again, even in the time
that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a
praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back
your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD."
Notice here that God uses
the words, "I gather you".
3) Zechariah 10:1-12,
especially 6-8, "And I will strengthen the house
of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I
will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy
upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast
them off: for I am the LORD their God, and will hear
them ... I will hiss for them [as the keeper does for
his bees], and gather them; for I have redeemed them:
and they shall increase [again] as they have increased
Isn't this choice of words
interesting? God says he will hiss for his people like
a beekeeper hisses for his bees, to draw them into the
hive. God is hissing for His people now, through Rabbi
Kahane. But, this "hissing" for His people
has just begun!
We have given
you four (4) End Times' prophecies occurring now in
the world today, each of which points to the End of
the Age!
Remember Jesus'
Words: "And when these things
begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your
heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
(Luke 21:28, KJV)
2. Rudy Giuliani
boldly states that Hunter's laptop proves beyond doubt
that Joe Biden was a paid agent working for the Chinese
Communist Party
NEWS BRIEF: "Giuliani
claims proof Biden was business partner with Chinese
Communists", Israel National
News, Oct 22, 2020
"Rudy Giuliani discusses
evidence that 'establishes, with texts, documents, contracts'
that 'Joe Biden was 10% partner with Chinese communist'.
"But this is not
just a story about Hunter Biden ... How politicians
use their family members to enrich the entire clan and
sell out their country ... 'and there are witnesses
that will come forward and testify to it'."
It is no wonder
that the Chinese Communists viewed their relationship
with Hunter to be so lucrative that they could consider
the he was "Money in the Bank"!
Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates
Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Obama Administration
as ‘Currency’,"
Breitbart News, 20 Oct 2020
"Hunter Biden’s
business associates spoke candidly in emails about Hunter
Biden’s role in the business, particularly as
it related to foreign ventures, apparently viewing the
Biden name as a form of “currency,” and
bragging that they had a “direct…pipeline”
to the Obama-Biden Administration."
Hunter Biden served the
interests of the Chinese Communist military in a way
in which Americans could be killed by the untold thousands.
Name ‘Project Hanson’,
" Bretibart News, 23 Oct 2020
"In September 2015,
the Obama-Biden administration approved the sale of
a strategically sensitive Michigan manufacturer, Henniges
Automotive, to a firm connected to Joe Biden’s
son, Hunter, and a Chinese military contractor that
was on an American watch list because of its close ties
to the People’s Liberation Army."
"Hunter Biden’s
equity fund, backed by the Communist Chinese government,
and the Chinese contractor, Aviation Industry Corporation
(AVIC), needed special approval for the deal from the
Committee of Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CIFIUS)
because Henniges produced technology with potential
military use .. they co-purchased Henniges with Hunter
Biden’s BHR. The fact that CFIUS approved the
deal is alarming given that Henniges owns numerous facilities
in the United States that are now controlled by a Chinese
military front company."
The key is that Hunter
Biden disguised the fact that the companies purchasing
this American manufacturer of sensitive military equipment
was Chinese Communist!
Doesn't this qualify as
Treasonous Activity?
President Trump has called for a Special Prosecutor
to be named to thoroughly investigate Joe and Hunter
calls for special prosecutor to probe Hunter Biden’s
‘major corruption’," NY
Post, Oct 20, 2020
"President Trump
on Tuesday called for a special prosecutor to be appointed
to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop that reveals
his overseas business dealings. 'We gotta get the attorney
general to act and he’s gotta act and he’s
gotta act fast', the president said in a call to 'Fox
and Friends' Tuesday."
“He’s gotta
appoint somebody. This is major corruption and this
has to be known about before the election.”
Not only do they
stand legally liable for China, but also for their Ukraine
Biden’s Laptop Seized by Feds as Part of Money
Laundering Probe", Breitbart,
21 Oct 2020
"Hunter Biden’s
laptop was purportedly seized by law enforcement officials
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) last
year as part of an investigation into money laundering
... One of the emails published by the Post, in particular,
stirred national attention. The email, purportedly exchanged
between Hunter and an executive with the Ukrainian-based
natural gas conglomerate Burisma Holdings, alleges that
a meeting took place between the former vice president
and a representative of the company in 2015."
4. One other point
is fully established by Hunter's laptop is that both
Russia and Iran are actively trying to interfere with
this election.
Intel: Iran – not just Russia – BOTH
interfere in presidential election", DEBKAfile,
22 Oct 2020
"Director of National
Intelligence John Ratcliffe disclosed at a hastily called
news conference on Wednesday, Oct. 21, that both Iran
and Russia had procured voter register information for
their campaigns to disrupt the November 3 election.
FBI Director Chris Wray appeared alongside him. Iran
was specifically accused of posing as the far-right
Proud Boys to damage President Donald Trump by sending
fake intimidating emails to voters. "
I bet these foreign countries
were also active in 2016 on behalf of Hillary Clinton!
5. The "Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion" (circa 1810) mandated
that tight control over the Mass Media was essential
prior to the attempted overthrow of our Constitutional
"We must compel the
governments of the goyim to take action in the direction
favoured by our widely conceived plan ... by what we
shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted
by us through the means of that so-called 'Great Power'
-- the Press, which, with a few exceptions, is already
entirely in our hands." [Protocol
"In order to put
public opinion into our hands we must bring it into
a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all
sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such
length of time as will suffice to make the [average
person] lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to
see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any
kind, in matters political." [Protocol
"In the hands of
the States to-day there is a great force that creates
the movement of thought in the people, and that is the
Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing
out requirements supposed to be indispensable ... and
to create discontent ." [Protocol
No. 2]
And, one more quote, please:
principal object of our directorate consists in this:
to debilitate the public mind by criticism;
to lead it away from serious reflections
calculated to arouse resistance; to distract the forces
of the mind towards a sham fight of empty eloquence.
In all ages the peoples of the world, equally with individuals,
have accepted words for deeds, for they are
content with a show and rarely pause to note, in the
public arena, whether promises are followed by performance.
Therefore, we shall establish show institutions ..."
[Protocols #5; reiterated in Protocol
#10; Emphasis added]
Cutting Edge Facebook post demonstrates just how completely
Social Media has censored everyone they consider an
Cutting Edge has 5,277
followers on Facebook. The Tuesday newsletter was filled
with bad news about Biden. I posted a link to that newsletter
on the Cutting Edge Facebook page Tuesday and of that
5,277 followers they only showed it to 196 of them.
I would call that suppression. This makes it very hard
to get our message out there. You have also heard recently
that Google suppresses information and if you use it
you probably have noticed the advertisements you see
on Facebook and other web sites are related to what
you recently searhed for and Google keeps and sells
that search data. Here is a better search engine that
respects your privacy. https://duckduckgo.com/
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