1. The Biden/Harris
presidential ticket may have suffered blows to death
as new emails surfaced which revealed just how financially
unscrupulous and how treasonous the Biden family had
become. For Example:
* FBI is reviewing
the emails as part of a possible foreign spy operation!
Oh: Here's Why the FBI Is Now Investigating Hunter Biden's
Emails - "FBI is reviewing the emails as part
of a possible foreign spy operation",
Townhall, October 16, 2020
"Well, I’m
sure you all know the October surprise by now. Hunter
Biden is back. We have emails. And it looks like former
Vice President Joe Biden has been exposed as a total
liar regarding his son’s shady business dealings.
The New York Post had the scoop ... "
Joe repeatedly stated,
over the past few months, that he never paid attention
to what son Hunter was doing overseas. That simply is
not true; in fact, Joe was bald face lying. Please consider:
** "Hunter was on
the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma ...
earning $50k/month...."
" He was there to
sell access, allegedly, to top Obama officials."
** "Hunter Biden
introduced his father to a top executive at a Ukrainian
energy firm who was at the time under investigation
before the elder Biden pressured government officials
in Ukraine to fire that prosecutor a year later."
Joe was being cavalier
about this whole situation, as he bragged to a meeting
of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that he had carried
out this bullying tactic and "SOB", it worked.
2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding
Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor",
Real Clear Politics, Sept 27, 2019
Joe Biden committed a
crime as he admitted to the CFR that he had forced Ukrainian
authorities to fire a prosecutor who was investigating
official corruption and creating problems for President
Obama and Vice President Biden.
But, he was not worried
because he was totally convinced that Hillary Clinton
was going to win the Presidency in November, 2016.
But, after these revelations,
we learn that the FBI is investigating the possibility
that Joe Biden, and others, were actually engaged in
a foreign spy operation aimed against United States
"Federal authorities
are investigating if emails allegedly discovered on
a laptop at a Delaware repair shop discussing Democratic
nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s activities
in Ukraine were connected to a foreign intelligence
operation, NBC News reported Thursday night. "
Notice that this story
was carried by the very Liberal NBC News!
campaign would not rule out the possibility that the
former VP had some kind of informal interaction with
"Yet, we might have
a spy operation now. We’ll keep you posted."
If a genuine FBI brings
foreign spying charges against Obama and Biden next
year, and if these two men are convicted of spying for
foreign powers, they would go to prison for a very long
time, and the Democrat Party would be finished, at least
for a generation!
* Emails prove
that Joe Biden was lying when he stated that he had
never talked to his son, Hunter, about overseas business
NEWS BRIEF: "October
Surprise! ‘Smoking
Gun Email’ Shows Joe Biden Did Meet with Son Hunter’s
Ukraine Partners", Breitbart News,
14 Oct 2020
"A “smoking
gun email” obtained by the New York Post shows
Joe Biden lied when he said he’s “never
spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”According
to an email dated April 17, 2015, Biden, who was then
the sitting vice president, met in person with Vadym
Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of (corrupt) Burisma."
"The date of the
email is important. The meeting between Pozharskyi and
the then-vice president would have taken place eight
months before Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid
from Ukraine unless the country agreed to fire a prosecutor
who was looking into Burisma. The prosecutor was fired.
In 2018, Biden bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations
about how he got the prosecutor fired."
Now, the emphasis shifts
to China, from whom Joe and Hunter Biden received so
much more than they did from The Ukraine.
* Hunter and Joe
were a deeply involved in Chinese illegal agreements,
in addition to their nefarious deals with The Ukraine.
Biden Offered $10 Million Annually by Chinese Energy
Firm for ‘Introductions Alone’,"
National Review, Oct 15, 2020
"Hunter Biden entered
into a consulting contract with China’s largest
private energy company that initially earned him $10
million a year “for introductions alone,”
according to leaked emails."
Both Bidens were interested
in making this deal a long-lasting stream of cash.
NEWS BRIEF: "Emails:
Hunter Biden Strives for ‘Lasting and Lucrative
Arrangement’ with Chinese Nationals",
Breitbart News, 15 Oct 2020
"Hunter Biden canvassed
possible business involvement with a major Chinese firm
as he sought deals that would be “interesting
for me and my family,” according to a new batch
of emails released by the New York Post on Thursday
... In one missive sent to Hunter in May 2017 titled
“Expectations,” details of “remuneration
packages” for six people in a business venture
were discussed. He was identified as the “chair/vice
chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” an apparent
reference to the now bankrupt Shanghai conglomerate
China Energy Co."
Who were these six people
who would receive the illegal Chinese cash? Only Joe
Biden was specifically mentioned and 'Hunter’s
pay was '850' ". This amount has to be $850,000.
* Biden campaign
was reduced to the old discredited tactic of circular
reasoning to deny the story.
Biden Campaign Claims New York Post Hunter Biden Article
Is ‘False’ Because Twitter Censored It,
Breitbart News, Oct
15, 2020
"The Joe Biden campaign
claimed on Thursday that a New York Post article containing
allegedly damaging information about Joe and Hunter
Biden is 'false' because Twitter censored it ... Sen.
Josh Hawley (R-MO), in response to Biden’s claim,
asked rhetorically if Twitter has now made an editorial
claim about the truthfulness of the New York Post story.
He said, “Wait – now @JoeBiden is using
@Twitter as the factual authority on whether the @nypost
story is accurate? Is this serious?”
You know that the Biden
campaign has no real defense, so they turn to this type
of false "circular reasoning" to try to deflect
the blame now pouring over their heads!
2. Perhaps the
most destructive blow against Biden came from Twitter
and Facebook, which refused to allow this story to be
published on their platform and locked the accounts
of Conservatives, from the average voter, all the way
to the White House!
Email Drop Implicates Joe Biden DIRECTLY: Big Tech
Is PROTECTING Democrats From Being EXPOSED",
Whatfinger Video, Oct 16, 2020
"Democrats In Full
PANIC MODE Over NEW Email Drop, Joe Biden May Use Son
As Go-Between In Shady Deals. A New email released by
the post shows an email saying that “H”
will hold equity for “the big guy” Its far
from definitive proof of anything but the implication
is that Joe Biden personally benefits from the shady
dealings his son Hunter is engaged in."
"While we are far
from proving anything it is likely that the Post will
be trickling out more emails daily throughout the month.
Meanwhile the censorship problem is skyrocketing. Recent
stories show the Biden camp has been hiring top officials
from Big tech firms and now these companies are actively
working to protect him and help him win."
says Twitter, Facebook acting as 'third arm of the DNC'
by censoring Hunter Biden story", Fox
Business News, Oct 15, 2020
"President Trump
on Thursday slammed Twitter and Facebook, calling the
social media platforms the “third arm” of
the Democratic National Committee, after the tech giants
blocked accounts from sharing a New York Post report
on Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings."
"Trump, during an
interview on FOX Business' "Varney & Co.,"
said his administration is “looking at a lot of
things” with regard to the social media companies
after White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s
Twitter account was locked due to sharing the story."
"“It is out
of control,” the president said. “And it’s
like a third arm, maybe a first arm, of the DNC —
Twitter, and Facebook, they’re all, they’re
— like really, it’s a massive campaign contribution.”
Once the newly
elected Congress is in place, watch them tear Social
Media from limb to limb, as well they should.
Trump Forcefully Calls For End Of Section 230 Protections
For Big Tech After Censorship Wave",
National File, October 15, 2020
"The Communications
Decency Act is being abused by social media giants to
shield them against legal ramifications when they censor
free speech or political information ... So terrible
that Facebook and Twitter took down the story of ‘Smoking
Gun’ emails related to Sleepy Joe Biden and his
son, Hunter, in the @nypost,” Trump wrote in a
The President knows what
to do to stop this unprecedented censorship.
Eliminate "Section
"Section 230 of the
Communications Decency Act currently allows social media
companies to block or screen content “in good
faith” if they consider it “obscene, lewd,
lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing,
or otherwise objectionable.” In reality, the legal
protections extended to social media outlets like Twitter
and Facebook have been used to shield online platforms
that engage in “censoring” or “political
Reckoning Is Afoot for Social Media as Section 230 Lights
up the Hill ", October 15,
"While President
Trump has declared his desire to repeal Section 230
protections — a part of the 1996 Communications
Decency Act that essentially removes liability from
social media sites like Twitter and Facebook for user
comments and has been interpreted as allowing the companies
to moderate content without consequence — the
process of clarifying what Section 230 legally means
has come out of the Federal Communications Commission
"On Thursday, FCC
Chairman Ajit Pai released a public statement indicating
his office will be taking a first step toward potential
reform of the law."
3. The time has
come to realize that the frightening scenario painted
by George Orwell's book, "1984" is upon us.
to heed George Orwell's warning",
Israel National News, 10/16/2020
"The British essayist,
novelist, and critic Eric Arthur Blair, best known to
the world as George Orwell, died in 1950. A year before
his death from tuberculosis, he used his unique insight
to write his classic dystopian novel “1984”.
That book, published in 1949, eerily predicted the totalitarian
threats that the United States is facing today."
"It dealt with the
consequences of a totalitarian government, mass surveillance,
unending propaganda to distort the truth, and the suppression
of freedom, including even the freedom of thought. The
totalitarian state, which is at the heart of the story,
perpetuates its rule by continuously spying on its citizens,
systematically manipulating the truth, and
rewriting history." (Emphasis Added)
We have consistently stated
over the years that the one essential ingredient of
the "Mark of the Beast" prophecy is that the
government must have the second-by-second surveillance
of every individual so that "no one may buy or
sell" unless they have the ""Mark"!
Such surveillance was
prophesied 2,000 years ago and reiterated in Orwell's
1949 novel "1984"!
"These brilliant
insights were expressed in the late 1940’s, as
Orwell witnessed the rise of the communist Soviet Union
after WW2 in 1945. The irony is that when the corrupt
and bankrupt Soviet Union fell in 1989, the West thought
that it had won and that communist dictatorships were
finished forever."
"But now, in 2020,
we discover that communist authoritarian ideology is
alive and well in our elementary schools, our universities,
our entertainment industry, our mainstream media, our
social media, some of our religious institutions, and
very forcefully throughout the Democrat party."
Remember, the same global
Illuminati who created Communism is still in charge
today, especially in America!
4. Joe Biden announced
that, if elected, he will carry out a plan designed
to bring an angry God down upon us:
* He will make
'Roe vs Wade' the law of the land, thereby ensuring
that America will continue to murder innocent preborn
Biden Vows to ‘Pass Legislation Making Roe the
Law of the Land’," Breitbart
News, 7 Oct 2020
"Democrat presidential
nominee Joe Biden said, if elected, he will make “the
only responsible response” to confirmation of
Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, which,
he said, is to ensure legislation passes that makes
Roe v. Wade “the law of the land.”
Listen to how God views
"But the fearful,
and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and
all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth
with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
(Revelation 21:8, KJV)
* He will change
the laws so that an 8-year-old child can decide that
they want to be a Transgender!
Biden: 8-Year-Olds Should
Be Allowed to Decide They’re Transgender",
Breitbart News, 15 October 2020
"Former Vice President
Joe Biden said during a town hall hosted by ABC News
on Thursday night that eight-year-olds should be allowed
to decide that they are transgender."
Jesus solemnly warned:
"Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they
did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted,
they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of
Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and
destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day
when the Son of man is revealed." (Luke 17:28-30,
5. If you are
a Liberal who gets their news from CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC
or the New York Times, we have this piece of advice:
Let Social Media Cast You Adrift, Go Directly To Your
Source", Canada
Free Press, 15 Oct 2020
"Truth seekers should
bypass Google, Facebook and Twitter by going directly
to the New York Post, which is in effect, returning
to the once iconic newsies’ call, 'Extra, Extra,
read all about it!' Mighty and totalitarian as they
are Google, Facebook and Twitter can’t stop masses
surfing the ‘Net from typing three little words
“New York Post” on their devices, calling
up the Biden Burisma story—word for word."
"The action comes
as both Twitter and Facebook took steps to stop the
widespread dissemination of an explosive New York Post
report this week that purports to show emails from Hunter
Biden linking his father to his Ukraine business dealings.”
(Fox News)
stopping folk from going directly to their sources,
flipping the bird to the diabolic narcissists who run
social media. You are not lost. You are here."
Always check the
source of the article you are reading, and never accept
an article based upon "Anonymous Sources".
6. The Supreme
Court hearings to confirm Amy Barrett as the new Justice
concluded yesterday, and from all indications, they
were a smashing success.
Barrett Nomination Vote Scheduled Despite Democrats’
Obstructionist Political Tricks",
National File, Oct 15, 2020
"Outlasting the Democrats
employment of every procedural move to obstruct Judge
Barrett’s nomination, a final committee vote on
her nomination is set for October 22, 2020."
"Captaining a process
that was often wrought with partisan politics and failed
tactics meant to obstruct the process, Sen. Lindsey
Graham (R-SC), delivered on his promise to bring forth
a committee vote on Barrett’s nomination."
"Democrats have ignored
that sitting presidents and duly elected members of
the Senate have held confirmation hearings on Supreme
Court nominees in election years 29 times. As it stands
now, given a party-line vote by the full US Senate,
Amy Cony Barrett will be elevated to Justice on the
US Supreme Court before the November 3, 2020, General
Democrat Dianne
Feinstein outraged her fellow Leftists when she paused
to congratulate GOP Senator Lindsey for conducting a
professional hearing and then hugged him!
Feinstein, Graham Share Bipartisan Moment At End Of
Confirmation Hearings: "one of the best Supreme
Court nomination hearings of her career" , One
America News, Oct 15, 2020
"On Thursday, Sen.
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) thanked Judiciary Chairman
Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) for one of the best Supreme
Court nomination hearings of her career. In a rare moment
of bipartisanship, the two leaders hugged."
And, Leftist Liberals
were outraged!
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