News Alert
Thursday, 7/2/2020
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to guarantee that Cutting
Edge will not disappear for lack of funds. We have a
unique message and worldview which has proven correct
for the past 23 years.
1. President Trump Buys The
Total Global Supply of The COVID-19 Medicine of Which
His Own Dr. Fauci Approves!
buys nearly all global stock of coronavirus drug remdesivir",
New York Post, July 1, 2020
"The US has bought
almost the entire global supply of remdesivir, the anti-viral
drug that can speed the recovery of patients infected
with the coronavirus."
Who was responsible for
this mighty feat that will protect all Americans from
" 'President Trump
has struck an amazing deal to ensure Americans have
access to the first authorized therapeutic for COVID-19',
Azar said in a statement.
“To the extent possible,
we want to ensure that any American patient who needs
remdesivir can get it. The Trump Administration is doing
everything in our power to learn more about life-saving
therapeutics for COVID-19 and secure access to these
options for the American people.”
"HHS said it secured
more than 500,000 treatment courses of the drug."
Casting aside all other
logical questions about this deal, you first have to
recognize the severe checkmate which the President has
sprung on his political enemies! Trump has surprised
everyone by this political move. Even as his enemies
are warning about a Second Wave and urging the economy
to be shut down again, President Trump can point to
the reality that he has secured ample COVID-19 medicine
which is officially authorized to bring infected patients
back to health!
Political Checkmate!
Then, just to ensure that
his checkmate is complete and secure, the President
chose the one treatment which has been repeatedly authorized
by the White House representative on the White House
Council on the Coronavirus Panel. Dr. Fauci is also
Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), and has held that position since 1984.
What does the Leftist
Wikipedia say about Dr. Fauci?
"Fauci is recognized
as one of the world's leading experts on infectious
diseases ... was one of the world's most-cited scientists
in scientific journals. During the COVID-19 pandemic,
Fauci received praise as a national hero for offering
trustworthy information on the facts of the disease
and the precautions that should be taken, though he
received some criticism from right-wing pundits and
political commentators." (Wikipedia,
Dr. Fauci)
Since the Left has built
up the image of Dr. Fauci for months, who can argue
now when Trump has purchased the entire manufacturing
supply of a Fauci-approved remedy for COVID-19.
Yes, I acknowledge that
Dr. Fauci appears to be a shareholder in the company
manufacturing this remdesivir.
C-Vine News, May 13, 2020
"Dr. Fauci Has Connections
To Expensive Covid-19 Treatment."
Remember, we stated, when
this COVID-19 pandemic began to unfold, that the key
was the vaccine that will be presented to us as the
savior. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be rapidly
shoveled into the bank accounts of numerous pharmaceutical
companies who will be working on this vaccine and/or
"January 15, 2020,
the first US Covid patient was treated with Remdesivir,
a drug developed in the fight against Ebola ... Remdesivir
is manufactured by a company called, Gilead Sciences.
There is a doctor promoting this pharmaceutical company.
It is Dr. Fauci. "
"Remdesivir is manufactured
by one company and according to, is
said to cost $4,460 per course of treatment. Does Fauci
only want Remdesivir to be used because of his financial
ties to its manufacturer? Is this why he does not support
the use of Hydroxychloroquine."
"If we know there
is a cure, why all the deaths?"
The politicians of the
world needed enough deaths to scare everyone and to
enrich the pharmaceutical companies.
However, we need to temporarily
ignore this conflict of interest issue, because the
overriding fact is that President Trump was politically
savvy enough to manipulate Dr. Fauci into throwing a
checkmate barrier against the Leftists who are trying
to intimidate people and politicians into shutting this
economy down again, an act which would most certainly
throw 40% of American workers out of jobs, and which
would give old "Sleepy Joe Biden" a chance
to beat Trump at the polls.
Now, when naysayers push
for the economy to be shutdown again, the President
can state, "we recognize that COVID-19 is a renewed
threat, but we are going to stand firm and fight back;
to aid us in this effort, we have secured the world's
supply of Remdesivir. All who contract this disease
can be cured with this drug".
Then, Dr. Fauci will then
step forward to announce that, yes, is is true, Remdesivir
will save your life.
Not even CNN can complain!
President Trump
continues to amaze by his instinctive political prowess.
Most Pertinent
Message For Today
Agenda" DVD Pack
Reveals Progressive, Socialist,
Communist Effort To Overthrow America
Regularly $33.95,
Only $24.95 - You Save $9.00
Today's headline
news are following this Communist agenda almost perfectly!
After viewing this video, you will never look at the
news the same way again!
'Agenda' is a
most powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist, Progressive
Plan to overthrow our beloved country, its Constitution,
and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title Set: Title 1)
at the people and groups that have successfully targeted
America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down. I know that I feel that the Daily News
is systematically 'grinding me down'! Do you feel the
same way? 90 Minutes.
Join Curtis Bowers
as he heads out again to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks
on our freedom. Suddenly, and for no good reason, our
very freedoms are threatening to come crashing down.
New Prophetic
Jordan To Reach Jericho"
DVD by Michael
Only $19.99
'Crossing Jordan
To Reach Jericho' will take you down a road of prophecy
that will open and whole new understanding of the Exodus.
Learn why Oshea, the son of Nun, changed his name to
Joshua by Moses during the exodus.
Understand why
God punished Moses after he struck the rock rather than
speak to it as God had commanded.
Learn why God
instructed Joshua to command the people to 'social-distance'
themselves about 2,000 cubits behind the Ark while crossing
the River Jordan. Could this be a clue as to when we
might expect Messiah Jesus to return?
Why did Joshua
place 12 stones in the middle of the Jordan riverbed.
See the battle
of Jericho and listen closely as a prophetic implication
regarding the Seven-Year Tribulation Period.
Finally, you will
see Rahab's scarlet cord and its connection to Messiah
referring to Himself in Psalm 22:6.
Prepare yourself
for a prophetic treat!
Shipping Now!
News, Continued below
2. The economic
North American Union -- a.k.a., USMCA -- officially
leaped into reality on July 1, 2020!
Now, President
Trump will have to use his post-reelection popularity
to create a political government for the USMCA!
3. Recent primary
elections reveal the stark difference between our two
major parties:
* Republicans
- we will protect your Constitutional rights, and deliver
economic prosperity
* Democrats --
we will destroy the Constitution and raise your taxes!
4. President Trump
is said to be prepared to grant more land over which
Israel can extend Sovereignty than her leaders can politically
As Arab anger
builds toward war against Israel's Sovereignty Plan,
Israel is deliberately creating an image in the minds
of the Palestinians that COVID-19 shutdown temporarily
makes Israel weaker than ever before.
5. The New York
Times may have crossed a line of lack of credibility
by stating that Mount Rushmore needs to be destroyed
because it represents "White Privilege".
Before the election,
American voters by the tens of millions are going to
be sick and tired of "White Privilege"!
6. Ghislane Maxwell,
close associate of Jeffrey Epstein, is arrested on sexual
criminal charges.
Given the close
association between Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein,
does Ghislane need to worry about joining the Clinton
death list?
End Time DVD's
Back In-stock!
Coming Convergence"
Prophetic Message Whose Time Has Come
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
Jesus boldly proclaimed
that one of the major prophetic signs that His return
was close was CONVERGENCE, "when you see these
signs, lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth
nigh" (Luke 21:22) Jesus' second coming was also
compared to a woman's labor pains, which converge at
the end to give birth to the baby.
Likewise, we are
to expect a 'convergence' of prophetic labor pains just
before Jesus returns. That 'convergence' is upon us
- Rated Four Stars
Final Prophecies" DVD
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
In addition to
overwhelming archaeological evidence presented in the
film, proving the ancient events off the scriptures
have come to pass with shocking accuracy, The Final
Prophecies explores the future events that are foretold
to result in the death of billions around the world!
You will see that unprecedented events unfolding today
that are laying the ground-work to fulfill these near
future prophecies
For generations,
prophecy experts have claimed that the ancient scriptures
foretell of an age in which the world will unite in
a global financial system with a single currency. Despite
the unbelief of millions, such a worldwide system of
commerce is surging forward and the currency will be
This DVD will
surprise you and may even shock you, but you will discover
that you have an excellent tool to witness to an unsaved
loved one, coworker, and friends!
Rapture DVD!
The Wrath:
Sound of the Trumpet! Rapture Drawing Near!"
Reg. $24.99, Introductory
Special $21.99, Saving You $3.00!
Believers in the
pre-tribulation Rapture are very familiar with the prophetic
symbolism contained in the Jewish wedding ceremony.
But how many prophecy students know about additional
pre-trib symbolism in the Galilean wedding?
Brent Miller Jr.
reveals the details of his new, highly-anticipated film,
'Before the Wrath', an evangelistic experience described
by some as the best film ever made on the rapture of
the church. Almost two years in the making, Brent’s
film will lead many people straight into eternity …
at the shout and the sound of the trumpet!
You will see with
your own eyes, the certainty of a Pre-Trib Rapture and
your heart will explode with the JOY that only Jesus
can provide, as you see this foretold Rapture through
the lens of the Galilean dialect used by Jesus to His
Plan to start
shipping on April 21.
yours today
News Analysis
2. The economic
North American Union -- a.k.a., USMCA -- officially
leaped into reality on July 1, 2020!
replacing NAFTA today, is the model for all future trade
agreements", TRIB Live
News, July 1, 2020
"President Donald
Trump was elected in part on his promise to change the
direction of U.S. trade policy so it would put America
first. He has kept that promise with new trade agreements
and tough enforcement actions that break down foreign
trade barriers, protect America’s competitive
edge and stop the outsourcing of U.S. jobs. A key Trump
success — and an important promise kept —
has been to end the job-killing North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and replace it with a complete
and long-overdue transformation."
"To replace NAFTA,
Trump negotiated a modern, state-of-the-art trade agreement
with Mexico and Canada that will be the model by which
all future trade agreements are judged."
"In short, with the
USMCA we will have stronger economic growth and more
jobs. As our nation fights to recover from covid-19,
nothing could be more important. Finally, an American
president has delivered on his promises."

The prophetic reality
is that the USMCA is Supernation #1 of the Illuminati
Plan to reorganize all nations of the world into precisely
TEN, fulfilling Daniel 7:7-8, 2:40-45, and Revelation
17:12-17. These prophecies in Daniel are quite clear
in predicting that the world in the last days of time,
during the 7-year Tribulation Period, will be reorganized
into 10 Super Nation States, or 10 Regions. This is
a shocking revelation, since the world has been controlled
by individual sovereign nations since the Tower of Babel
5,000 years ago. Today, there are over 170 sovereign
nations in the world. A new governmental structure is
being silently erected over these 170+ sovereign nations
Before our very eyes, a new government is being erected;
this plan, originally published in 1974 in "Mankind
At The Turning Point", is being
implemented. And when it is finally implemented, it
will fulfill this Biblical prophecy of 10 Nations at
the End of the Age.
Therefore, you see, NAFTA
is not simply an economic super nation; rather, it is
the political Nation #1 of this 10 Nation New World
Order. Very few people understand this, because they
have been falsely conditioned by our national leadership,
aided by our national mass media. No one has ever explained
this before. Now, you can understand why Presidents
as seemingly dissimilar in world view, style and philosophy
as Presidents George H.W. Bush and William Clinton could
support the creation of NAFTA. President George H.W.
Bush began the push to create NAFTA, but was unable
to see it created before he left office. President Clinton
supported NAFTA, even though he opposed nearly every
other thing for which Bush stood. The Clinton/Bush team
pressured Congress to pass NAFTA in 1993. At that point,
NAFTA more resembled a Free Trade Zone than a new sovereign
nation. That was the plan, as the Elite figured it would
be easier to pass a Free Trade Zone than a new supernation,
where each individual nation would be force to surrender
their sovereignty.
The North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was moribund and heading for
extinction when President Trump ascended to the Oval
Office. However, instead of disbanding NAFTA, like he
did with TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), Trump announced
he was going to renegotiate the treaty so that it was
more favorable to America.
Had he disbanded the entire
NAFTA / USMCA, President Trump would have thrown a giant
'monkey wrench' into the Illuminati's Ten Nation reorganization
scheme, and would have possibly doomed the entire endeavor.
President Trump might have permanently stopped the advance
into the New World Order (a.k.a., The Kingdom of the
Christ -- Antichrist)!
But, President Trump did
not take this action; rather, he kept the formation
of Supernation #1 -- Canada, the United States and Mexico
-- intact, allowing for the Elite to one day create
a political government which would rule this Supernation
Now, President
Trump will have to use his post-reelection popularity
to create a political government for the USMCA!
3. Recent primary
elections reveal the stark difference between our two
major parties:
* Republicans
- we will protect your Constitutional rights, and deliver
economic prosperity
NEWS BRIEF:A Rebirth of
Constitutional Government", GOP Platform
"We are the party
of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The Declaration sets forth the fundamental precepts
of American government: That God bestows certain inalienable
rights on every individual, thus producing human equality;
that government exists first and foremost to protect
those inalienable rights; that man-made law must be
consistent with God-given, natural rights; and that
if God-given, natural, inalienable rights come in conflict
with government, court, or human-granted rights, God-given,
natural, inalienable rights always prevail; that there
is a moral law recognized as “the Laws of Nature
and of Nature’s God”; and that American
government is to operate with the consent of the governed.
We are also the party of the Constitution, the greatest
political document ever written. It is the solemn compact
built upon principles of the Declaration that enshrines
our God-given individual rights and ensures that all
Americans stand equal before the law, defines the purposes
and limits of government, and is the blueprint for ordered
liberty that makes the United States the world’s
freest and most prosperous nation."
"We reaffirm the
Constitution’s fundamental principles: limited
government, separation of powers, individual liberty,
and the rule of law. We denounce bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism,
ethnic prejudice, and religious intolerance. Therefore,
we oppose discrimination based on race, sex, religion,
creed, disability, or national origin and support statutes
to end such discrimination. As the Party of Abraham
Lincoln, we must continue to foster solutions to America’s
difficult challenges when it comes to race relations
today. We continue to encourage equality for all citizens
and access to the American Dream. Merit and hard work
should determine advancement in our society, so we reject
unfair preferences, quotas, and set-asides as forms
of discrimination. Our ranks include Americans from
every faith and tradition, and we respect the right
of each American to follow his or her deeply held beliefs."
* Democrats --
we will destroy the Constitution and raise your taxes!
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden's
Walter Mondale moment? 'I will raise your taxes':
1984", World Net Daily, June 30,
"In what became a
seminal moment in the 1984 presidential election, a
Democratic former vice president running against a tax-cutting
Republican incumbent vowed to the American people that,
if elected, he would raise their taxes. "
Joe Biden seemed to be
channeling Walter Mondale:
" 'I'm going to get
rid of the bulk of Trump's $2 trillion tax cut', Biden
said, 'and a lot of you may not like that, but I'm going
to close loopholes like capital gains and stepped-up
"Biden also vowed
to raise the corporate tax rate to 28%. The Trump plan
reduced corporate taxes to 21% from 35%."
Only at the beginning
of the American Civil War is America in such danger
of splitting apart. And, the Democrat Party started
that one also!
4. President Trump
is said to be prepared to grant more land over which
Israel can extend Sovereignty than her leaders can politically
NEWS BRIEF: "Washington
wants to Give ‘Palestinians’ more Land than
Israel is Comfortable with ",
Breaking Israel News. July 1, 2020
"The Trump administration
is reportedly pressing Israel to give the Palestinians
a sort of compensation in exchange for the unilateral
sovereignty Israel plans to declare on some land in
Judea and Samaria ... Netanyahu met on Tuesday with
US Ambassador David Friedman as well as Middle East
envoy Avi Berkowitz, a day before his declared date
(July 1) for beginning the annexation process by up
to 30 percent of Judea and Samaria — all of the
settlements including the Jordan Valley."
"While the deal involves
these communities being turned into enclaves engulfed
by a future Palestinian state, the report said that
the revised map that was drawn up by the Israeli team
would enable the annexation of additional territory
surrounding those towns. That way, they won’t
remain enclaves."
Israel must act before
the American presidential election in November, 2020,
while President Trump is still President. Should the
unthinkable occur, and Joe Biden is elected, Israel
will discover that she is facing a very hostile Democrat
The entire Democrat Party
seems to have turned against Israel.
Therefore, the time for
enacting the extension of Sovereignty inherent in the
Trump "Deal of the Century" is now, not later!
When Gantz and Ashkenazi propose to wait, they do so
knowing they are working on behalf of the Palestinian
As Arab anger
builds toward war against Israel's Sovereignty Plan,
Israel is deliberately creating an image in the minds
of the Palestinians that COVID-19 shutdown temporarily
makes Israel weaker than ever before.
Fires Warning Missiles: Indicating
Two-Front War Against Israel this Summer", Breaking
News, July 1, 2020
"On Tuesday night,
just before the Knesset was set to vote on annexation,
Hamas fired 20 rockets into the Mediterranean Sea as
a show of strength."
"This comes after
a warning last week that Israeli annexation of Judea
and Samaria would constitute a 'declaration of war'
... At a speech in Gaza City on Tuesday, Hamas spokesman
Hazim Qasim, called for a Day of Rage on Wednesday when
the Knesset is slated to vote on annexing parts of Judea
and Samaria. "
"If this call is
taken up and escalates into armed conflict, this could
mean that Israel will be facing threats this summer
on both its northern and southern borders as reports
from Bierut indicate that Hezbollah is planning on starting
a war with Israel as well."
In my opinion, Israeli
PM Netanyahu is looking to annihilate the Palestinian
people while he still has the assurance of support from
President Trump. Obadiah 15-18 foretells the annihilation
by fire of an entire nation, the House of Esau, which
today are the Palestinians. Israel possesses the "Weapon
of Fire" (Fuel Air Bomb) that could fulfill this
prophecy precisely!
Consider the somber prophecy
of Obadiah 18: 'The house of Jacob shall be a fire and
the house of Joseph a flame, but the house of Esau shall
be stubble; they shall kindle them and burn them and
consume them, and there shall be no more survivor of
the house of Esau, for the Lord has spoken it.' [Verse
When the world wakes up
one morning to discover that Israel has annihilated
as many as 5 or 6 million Palestinians, they will be
screaming for an explanation. The only reason people
cannot comprehend this unparalleled disaster is that
they do not understand God's Nature, in all of its Perfections.
This bonus teaching will bring to light God's attributes,
which explain why He carried out His prophesied annihilation
of the Palestinians, after giving them 2,500 years of
warning! ("'Israel's
Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians' ")
5. The New York
Times may have crossed a line of lack of credibility
by stating that Mount Rushmore needs to be destroyed
because it represents "White Privilege".
Times Joins DNC in Criticism of Mount Rushmore",
Washington Free Beacon, July 1, 2020
"Ahead of President
Donald Trump's Friday visit to Mount Rushmore the New
York Times published an article criticizing the racist
history of the memorial, its sculptor, and the 'complicated
legacy' of the presidents represented on it."
"Reporters Bryan
Pietsch and Jacey Fortin note critiques of each of the
four presidents featured on Mount Rushmore—criticizing
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as slaveowners,
Theodore Roosevelt as 'a racist' who 'actively sought
to Christianize and uproot Native Americans', and even
Abraham Lincoln, noting that 'some have characterized
[the Emancipation Proclamation] as reluctant and late'."
"The article follows
a Monday attack on Mount Rushmore by the Democratic
National Committee, which wrote in a now-deleted social
media post that Trump was 'glorifying white supremacy'
by hosting a fireworks display at the monument."
Before the election,
American voters by the tens of millions are going to
be sick and tired of "White Privilege"!
6. Ghislane Maxwell,
close associate of Jeffrey Epstein, is arrested on sexual
criminal charges.
NEWS BRIEF: "Ghislaine
Maxwell, Associate of Jeffrey Epstein, Arrested",
The Constitutional Conservatives, July
2, 2020
"Ghislaine Maxwell,
the former girlfriend and longtime associate of the
disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested Thursday
in New Hampshire on criminal charges linked to his alleged
sex-trafficking operation ... Ms. Maxwell was accused
in an indictment of recruiting and grooming “multiple”
girls, including one as young as 14, for Mr. Epstein,
who sexually abused them. She also faces perjury charges."
"The indictment said
he paid the girls to give him massages while they were
nude or topless, in encounters that typically included
sex acts ... “ 'They were like partners in a business',
Mr. Epstein’s house manager, Janusz Banasiak,
said in a deposition."
Given the close
association between Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein,
does Ghislane need to worry about joining the Clinton
death list?
For full details, read
the Archived Article, below:
Fatal Leadership -- Part 5 -- Unique Trail of Dead
Bodies Is Something You Would Expect From Powerful Witch
Holding Office of President", by David Bay, Cutting
Edge Ministry
Bill and Hillary
Clinton both are high-level witches within the Realm
of Black Magick Occultism
In this DVD shown above,
we explore Hillary's white outfit phenomenon from the
occult world, and by looking back at other facts in
her life and career, we prove that Hillary is a high
level Illuminati Witch and that she is poised to complete
the 'Co-Presidency' that Bill Clinton promised in 1993.