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"End of the Age" DVD!
One-World Religion
Under a New World Order. Volume 4
we arrive at the conclusion of our study on the Kingdom
of God, we can reflect on all of the things we have
learned to this point. The most important of our lessons
can be summed up as follows: The major underlying theme
of the Word of God is that due to the failure of the
theocratic administrator in the Garden of Eden (Adam)
to faithfully administer God’s plan for setting
up God's rule over the entire earth, there must be a
plan to establish a second theocratic administrator
(Jesus) who will establish God’s Kingdom on the
face of the earth.
It is this plan that guides us from Genesis
to Revelation, and it is this theme that has be seriously
misinterpreted well-meaning members of the Church. In
our study we have traversed a path of misinterpretation
that has led to various unscriptural movements and multiple
false doctrines within professing Christianity. Thus,
as we come to this final segment of the study, we must
ask the question, 'Why should I care?' Disc 4 will answer
not only that question, but reach a final conclusion
to the main question, 'Are we building the Kingdom of
Along the way to reaching a final conclusion,
we will look into some dark corners of our recent history
and present society that have taken the wrong path.
These observations will include:
1. The plan for building the Kingdom of
God via a human world government and a one-world religion
that began in the 19th Century.
2. We will investigate the people that initiated and
promoted such a plan.
3. We will follow this path all the way through the
20th Century and discover the current status of such
plans imbedded in the most recent events of our present
4. We will also follow the individuals promoting such
philosophies into the ranks of modern evangelicals.
5. We will then reveal the connection of the plan for
a world government and a world religion in the occult
6. We will then discover the source of all such human
efforts and philosophies.
Finally, we will take a look at what the
Bible teaches about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
and His reign on earth as King of Kings and Lord of
All of this will not only show us why
we should care, but these facts will give us a conclusive
answer to the big question:
Have You Seen
Volumes 1,2 and 3 In This Series?
Select the image below for more information
or to watch the trailer

Most Pertinent
Message For Today
Agenda" DVD Pack
Reveals Progressive, Socialist,
Communist, and Democrat Effort To Overthrow America
Regularly $33.95,
Only $24.95 - You Save $9.00
Today's headline
news are following this Communist agenda almost perfectly!
After viewing this video, you will never look at the
news the same way again!
'Agenda' is a
most powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist, Progressive
Plan to overthrow our beloved country, its Constitution,
and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title Set: Title 1)
at the people and groups that have successfully targeted
America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down. I know that I feel that the Daily News
is systematically 'grinding me down'! Do you feel the
same way? 90 Minutes.
Join Curtis Bowers
as he heads out again to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks
on our freedom. Suddenly, and for no good reason, our
very freedoms are threatening to come crashing down.
Prophetic DVD
Jordan To Reach Jericho"
DVD by Michael
Smith Only $19.99
'Crossing Jordan
To Reach Jericho' will take you down a road of prophecy
that will open and whole new understanding of the Exodus.
Learn why Oshea, the son of Nun, changed his name to
Joshua by Moses during the exodus.
Understand why
God punished Moses after he struck the rock rather than
speak to it as God had commanded.
Learn why God
instructed Joshua to command the people to 'social-distance'
themselves about 2,000 cubits behind the Ark while crossing
the River Jordan. Could this be a clue as to when we
might expect Messiah Jesus to return?
Why did Joshua
place 12 stones in the middle of the Jordan riverbed.
See the battle
of Jericho and listen closely as a prophetic implication
regarding the Seven-Year Tribulation Period.
Finally, you will
see Rahab's scarlet cord and its connection to Messiah
referring to Himself in Psalm 22:6.
Prepare yourself
for a prophetic treat!
Shipping Now!
1. The 'New Abnormal'
preached by the Democrat Party is nothing more than
the 'Old Normal' of Socialism/Communism.
Finally, the original
genuine enslaving Democrats since 1829 have been revealed:
In 1829, they sought to physically enslave blacks, in
2020, they seek to mentally and emotionally enslave
2. Dr. James Dobson,
original founder of 'Focus on the Family', sounds the
warning against America's 'Culture of Death" focus!
When you see a
people hating God and His values, you see a nation about
to be destroyed.
3. Why should
our children go back to school until we can remove the
Marxist curricula which is turning our kids into Communists?
4. A poll revealed
that, in Pennsylvania, as many as 57% of all voters
are "secret Trump supporters"!
Most Trump supporters
cannot wait to vote for him!
5. Top Democrat
leaders are caught wearing an occult 'Phoenix Bird Pin"!
Originally popularized
by First Lady Hillary Clinton, the wearer of this pin
is signally that he/she is an Illuminati.
6. "Trapped
In Our Own Prosperity"
-- Psalm 17:10
Record Low: Mortgage rates fall; Housing Refinances
See Uptick
See Surprisingly Strong Housing Rebound, But There Are
Massive Jump in Builder Confidence
to Suburbs: Homebuilder Sentiment Soars to Pre-Pandemic
America will now
climb up to the unprecedented level of prosperity foretold
in Revelation 18:7.
End Time DVD's
Back In-stock!
Coming Convergence"
Prophetic Message Whose Time Has Come
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
Jesus boldly proclaimed
that one of the major prophetic signs that His return
was close was CONVERGENCE, "when you see these
signs, lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth
nigh" (Luke 21:22) Jesus' second coming was also
compared to a woman's labor pains, which converge at
the end to give birth to the baby.
Likewise, we are
to expect a 'convergence' of prophetic labor pains just
before Jesus returns. That 'convergence' is upon us
- Rated Four Stars
Final Prophecies" DVD
$24.99, Now Only $19.99
In addition to
overwhelming archaeological evidence presented in the
film, proving the ancient events off the scriptures
have come to pass with shocking accuracy, The Final
Prophecies explores the future events that are foretold
to result in the death of billions around the world!
You will see that unprecedented events unfolding today
that are laying the ground-work to fulfill these near
future prophecies
For generations,
prophecy experts have claimed that the ancient scriptures
foretell of an age in which the world will unite in
a global financial system with a single currency. Despite
the unbelief of millions, such a worldwide system of
commerce is surging forward and the currency will be
This DVD will
surprise you and may even shock you, but you will discover
that you have an excellent tool to witness to an unsaved
loved one, coworker, and friends!
Rapture DVD!
The Wrath:
Sound of the Trumpet! Rapture Drawing Near!"
Reg. $24.99, Introductory
Special $21.99, Saving You $3.00!
Believers in the
pre-tribulation Rapture are very familiar with the prophetic
symbolism contained in the Jewish wedding ceremony.
But how many prophecy students know about additional
pre-trib symbolism in the Galilean wedding?
Brent Miller Jr.
reveals the details of his new, highly anticipated film,
'Before the Wrath', an evangelistic experience described
by some as the best film ever made on the rapture of
the church. Almost two years in the making, Brent’s
film will lead many people straight into eternity …
at the shout and the sound of the trumpet!
You will see with
your own eyes, the certainty of a Pre-Trib Rapture and
your heart will explode with the JOY that only Jesus
can provide, as you see this foretold Rapture through
the lens of the Galilean dialect used by Jesus to His
In-Stock NOW!
yours today
Analysis of
Headline News
1. The 'New Abnormal'
preached by the Democrat Party is nothing more than
the 'Old Normal' of Socialism/Communism.
Democrat Party's 'New Abnormal/ is Global Socialism/Communism/Absolute
Dictatorship", Canada Free
Press, July 15, 2020
"The new abnormal,
heavily advertised and promoted by the Democrat Party
and woke sycophants is a huge disaster unfolding. I
have seen socialism creep into American education since
1979 when Jimmy Carter established the now massive bureaucracy
called the Department of Education which became the
blue print of socialist indoctrination in America."
"As a former citizen
of a socialist republic for twenty years and after years
of examining American society, I have seen in action
most of the 46 goals of socialism as described by Paul
B. Skousen in his book, The Naked Socialist."
"The new abnormal,
heavily advertised and promoted by the Democrat Party
and woke sycophants is a huge disaster unfolding. Socialism
has been a tragedy, failing miserably in all the tyrannical
Communist Party-ruled socialist republics, but, if you
ask the average indoctrinated and well-fed American
students, they think that socialism/communism are better
alternatives to the 'evil' capitalism. "
"I know firsthand,
it is a gross distortion of reality."
Finally, the original
genuine enslaving Democrats since 1829 have been revealed:
In 1829, they sought to physically enslave blacks, in
2020, they seek to mentally and emotionally enslave
-- 'The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party'
by African-American Professor of Political Science and
Law, Carol Swain, Prager University
"Did you know that
the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil
War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major
civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain,
professor of political science at Vanderbilt University,
shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party."
And, yet, Democratic politicians
are "Master Manipulators", skillful in the
art of rhetorical persuasion (Propaganda). Their
oratory sound so normal by too many people, and all
their initiatives are couched in flowery language which
turns out to be bitter poison!
In fact, every bitter
politician in the 20th Century -- Hitler, Stalin, Mao
Tsung -- all hoodwinked their people into accepting
their bloody plans by flowery language and by speeches
that spoke of such great support of the average citizen.
Do not allow yourself
to be so gullible.
2. Dr. James Dobson,
original founder of 'Focus on the Family', sounds the
warning against America's 'Culture of Death" focus!
NEWS BRIEF: "'Culture
of Death': James Dobson warns
about killer push by radical left",
World Net Daily, July 12, 2020
"The U.S. Supreme
Court this week affirmed the constitutional right of
the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic organization
that runs care homes for the poorest of the poor around
the world, to not subsidize or facilitate abortions.
It was the third time the group has been forced to go
to the nation's highest court to protect their religious
I think most Christians
and people of conscience heard of this decision, we
let out a sigh of relief. Finally, perhaps we can end
this national 'blood sacrifice to Satan' that is Abortion!
Not too fast warns Dobson:
" 'This is not the
end. The radical left will continue their efforts to
impose a culture of death upon every organization and
individual in this country', said Dobson ... Within
hours of Dobson's warning, presumptive Democratic presidential
candidate Joe Biden said he would, if elected, insist
that groups like the Little Sisters be forced to pay
for abortion."
But, shockingly, the Democrats
are even forcing their LGBT-Q agenda upon this nation,
and they do not have to face the well-organized effort
which Christians have mounted against Abortion.
"Biden claimed the
ruling this week would pose a danger to women. 'Health
care is a right that should not be dependent on race,
gender, income or zip code. Yet as a result of today's
decision, countless women are at risk of losing access
to affordable, preventive care', he said."
"Health Care"
had never been identified in American society to include
violating a mother's womb so her baby could be murdered,
until the propaganda machine of the Democrat Party had
insisted that this definition was to be included.
Their flowery language
about "protecting a woman's rights" to the
point that over 60,000,000 babies have died in American
Certainly, when you examine
the totality of hateful and spiteful torrent of the
political sewer pipe that has become the Democrat Party
since Trump began office in January, 2017, you will
have to conclude that these politicians are tied deeply
ino "Dark Roots"
producing "Withered
Souls", just as former Satanist,
William Schnoebelen described in the DVD shown above.
God will have the last
word in this national discussion: "... But he that
sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that
hate me love death." (Proverbs 8:36, KJV)
When you see a
people hating God and His values, you see a nation about
to be destroyed.
Have you ever considered
that Demonic Possession can occur in an entire nation?
Consider this Archived Article posted in 2008. (NEWS2330)
We will demonstrate that demonic
possession of a large part of a national population
is possible; we shall also detail the various doorways
a person can open that allows demons to enter them.
Once we describe these doorways to you, you will realize
that our entire American society is allowing itself
to be infested demonically right NOW!
Before we begin, let us examine some
pertinent Biblical facts .
1) God views a nation as the collective
of the majority of the people inhabiting that nation.
Therefore, individual morality is critically important
to the nation, especially as that type of morality
moves into the majority position. God
ascribes a collective national morality to a nation
based upon the majority morality of the people currently
living there .
2) Since this is true, God is very
concerned about the morality of nations.
3) Therefore, it does matter what people do in the
"privacy of their own bedrooms", and living
rooms, and in their lives.
4) Americans today have been ill
informed about the reality of Spiritual Warfare swirling
all around us. The situation has gotten so bad that
Satan could have us by our nose and we would not recognize
him for who he is!
Even though the average Christian
does not understand the reality of spiritual warfare
any longer, practicing Satanists understand it very
well. In fact, they are specifically trained to carry
out this type of spiritual warfare daily.
Please read this article very
carefully, as both time and space do not allow me to
print it fully here.
America's spiritual
condition before God is so quickly detriorating simply
because the collective actions of our fellow citizens
is setting us up of National Demon Possession!
Why should our children go back to school until we can
remove the Marxist curricula which is turning our kids
into Communists?
Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into
Little Marxists", The Federalist,
July 8, 2020
"New York City is
one of many school systems in the United States set
to roll out Black Lives Matter (BLM)-themed lesson plans
this fall. According to the NYC Department of Education,
teachers will delve into 'systemic racism', police brutality,
and white privilege in their classrooms."
Parents, when you bundled
your children and sent them off to Public School, did
you realize you were facilitating the plan to turn them
against you, against your church, against your country
and against the most powerfully prosperous economic
system ever developed on Planet Earth?
"By bringing BLM
into the classroom, activist educators are allowing
the most radically divisive movement in modern American
history to warp children’s worldviews. Wake County’s
BLM teaching resource is dressed up as a legitimate
civics education resource, complete with tips for fostering
civil discourse and a section on teaching historical
facts about America’s civil rights movement. But
closer inspection reveals it to be a deliberate Trojan
Horse conceived to incubate, amplify,
and channel the movement’s attitudes for political
ends." (Emphasis Added)
Jews also have reason
to believe that their very physical existence might
be at stake.
"Many forget the
BLM platform is antisemitic. The movement’s architects
falsely claim there is a link between American police
brutality and the Arab-Israeli conflict. The manifesto’s
reference to the Jewish occupation of Israel as “genocide”
has outraged many Jewish BLM supporters ... Rolling
out the BLM platform in classrooms will surely have
Jewish parents questioning school administrators’
commitment to combating antisemitism."
But, there is more danger
to Israel by teaching the vast majority of American
children since 1979 (JImmy Carter) that Israel does
not belong in her Biblical land and that she is guilting
of "genocide" against the Palestinian Arabs
who have been trying to exterminate the Jew since 1948.
With so many Americans
now believing the worst lie possible about the Jew,
can you see the belief by current Israeli thinkers that
American support for Israel is in permanent decline,
thus forcing Israel to extend her sovereignty while
their friend, Donald Trump, occupies the Oval Office?
Between our children being
physically in danger (as we covered last week) and being
endangered by propaganda straight from the Abyss, the
time has never been more right to homeschool your children!
You may save their precious souls!
We show you how to start
Homeschooling in the DVD shown above, "Escaping
Common Core"!
4. A poll revealed
that, in Pennsylvania, as many as 57% of all voters
are "secret Trump supporters"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Monmouth
Poll: 57% Of Pa. Voters Believe
There Are ‘Secret Trump Voters’ In Community",
One America News, July 15, 2020
"A new Pennsylvania
poll found support for Joe Biden may actually be much
lower than recent surveys have suggested. Results from
a Wednesday Monmouth University poll showed Biden with
a 13 point lead on President Trump when it comes to
favorability ... but, 57% of respondents said they believe
there are so-called “secret Trump voters”
in their community. These “secret voters”
were defined as those who intend to vote for the president
in November, but have not voiced that intention."
In past elections, these
type of voters were called
"The Silent Majority"!
And, they turned out in
big numbers to vote for President Nixon in the next
I believe that "silent
majority" voters existed in large enough in 2016
to turn the election toward Donald J. Trump. And, this
phenomenon will continue this year!
Most Trump supporters
cannot wait to vote for him!
Trump Supporters Can't Wait to Vote for Him",
Townhall Columnist, David
Limbaugh, July 17, 2020
"Newsflash: The overwhelming
majority of Trump supporters doesn't give a rip about
his so-called presidentiality ... Trump supporters don't
want Trump to moderate his positions in the hopes that
the committed radicals will morph into moderates and
the crisis will pass. It won't, because leftist agitators
won't let it. Trump supporters realize we're in a war
for the survival of the country -- a war we didn't start
and one we'll lose if we don't fight back with every
fiber of our being. We want him to counter the violent,
revolutionary left at every turn."
"We Trump supporters
understand that we may lose the election and the country,
but we won't do it without fighting or because we fear
being falsely depicted as bigots more than we fear losing
the nation."
5. Top Democrat
leaders are caught wearing an occult 'Phoenix Bird Pin"!
Leading Democrats Including Hillary Clinton Caught Wearing
‘Nazi Pins’ on Their Jackets",
The Gateway Pundit, July 12, 2020
"USA Today wrote
... an article on how President Trump is selling Nazi
T-Shirts at his campaign store. The far left 'fact checkers'
at USA Today ruled the America First Eagle on the Trump
T-Shirt is in fact a Nazi Symbol."
"Matt Whitlock pointed
out that Speaker Nancy Pelosi uses the same image on
her website."
"And now several
photos have surfaced of top Democrats, including Hillary
Clinton, wearing the ‘Nazi pin.’
This pendant can be easily
seen in the article we quoted, above, and it turns out
to be the Luciferian / Illuminati Phoenix Bird.

popularized by First Lady Hillary Clinton, the wearer
of this pin is signally that he/she is an Illuminati.
Writing in 1997, we noted
that Hillary was wearing this Illuminati Phoenix Bird
lapel pin. Quoting from our archived article, NEWS1259,
"Hillary Clinton
and some Administration associates have been wearing
a lapel pin that is clearly an ancient symbol used by
the Masters of the Illuminati. This proves our contention
that Hillary and Bill Clinton are practicing Illuminists."
"This symbol, shown
in the picture of Hillary above, is NOT of an eagle
in flight who is carrying a round ball of pearl, as
has been reported. This "eagle" is of a far
more insidious type, but before we can see exactly what
type of bird it is, we need to see this lapel pin a
lot more clearly."
will notice that this bird is not an American Eagle,
because its neck is far too thin and is stretched well
out. In fact, you might even say it is "scrawny".
This bird is the occultic Phoenix Bird , of Ancient
Egyptian legend.
So, what does this Phoenix
Bird symbolize to the Illuminati?
* The Phoenix Bird, shares
several things with the true story of the birth, life,
and ministry of Jesus Christ.
** The Phoenix Bird lives
in a nest of frankincense. In Luke 2:11-12
** The Phoenix Bird also
has myrrh in his nest. "Myrrh [indicates] Christ's
coming death" for all mankind
** After his death, the
Phoenix Bird arises to live anew. Thus, the Phoenix
portrays a third Messianic type ministry, in that it
arose again.
Therefore, this legend
parallels Jesus' true life and ministry in three critically
important areas, in His spiritual Intercession, His
Substitutionary Death for all mankind, and in His Resurrection
- just as Antichrist will do in his rising to the world
However, there
is much more important meaning to this Illuminati Phoenix
"All symbols have
their origin in something tangible, and the Phoenix
is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world,
and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common
to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples
as a man twice-born, or re-born. Wisdom confers a new
life, and those who become wise are born again ."
[Hall, Ibid.; Emphasis added]
"The Phoenix ...
is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt
... This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then
rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the
Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in
flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant.
This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram
Abiff, the Masonic 'christ'." [Dr. C. Burns, "Masonic
and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p.
Lest you think this tie-in
of the Phoenix Bird to Lucifer is one occultist's imagination,
listen to Barbara Walker, a radical feminist. She says
that the Egyptians and Phoenicians believed that the
Phoenix Bird was the representation of a god who "rose
to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer,
after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth ..."
[Walker, Now Is The Dawning ", p. 281]
Another Masonic author,
revealed that the Sun God, who created all other gods,
was symbolized by the Phoenix. [Joseph Fort Newton,
The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry, The Torch
Press, 1914, p. 13-14; also J.S.M. Ward, The Hung Society
or the Society of Heaven and Earth , The Baskerville,
Press, Ltd., 1925, p. 44 and 102]
And, now, let
us return to the final fascinating fact about the Phoenix
Illuminist Witch, Doc Marquis, reveals a most interesting,
and little known, fact about our American Eagle depicted
on our Great Seal. He states that, originally, the American
Eagle was not an Eagle, but the Phoenix Bird! Our Forefathers,
who were either Masons or Rosicrucians, envisioned that
the Phoenix Bird was to be our national symbol, not
the America Eagle! [Secrets of the Illuminati, p. 11;
see also the Satanic book of symbols, Magic Symbols
, p. 140-3]
When Hillary began sporting
this Phoenix Bird Pin, we understood that one of the
key meanings was that the coming Kingdom of Antichrist
-- New World Order -- was very close.
Now, almost 30 years later,
Hillary and her Democrat pals, are wearing this Pin
of Antichrist again, which means that the Democrat Party
will bring in the New Age Christ if they win the elections
this November.
Finally, would you be
surprised to learn of some Republican (R.I.N.O.) women
have been seen wearing this Antichrist pin?
the night of the New Hampshire primary victory, Senator
McCain was joined at the podium by his wife, Cindy.
Incredibly, Cindy is prominently wearing the Illuminist
Phoenix Bird Pin!
"Now the sorority
pin of Democratic power brokers has alighted on a Republican.
Poised prominently on the shoulder of an ebullient Cindy
McCain as she celebrated the recent victory of her husband,
Arizona Sen. John McCain, in the New Hampshire Republican
presidential primary was the Hillary pin." (NEWS1354)
Most people, unaware of
the Illuminist Plan for the global New World Order,
would consider it rather outrageous that Republican
Cindy McCain, wife of Senator John McCain, would wear
the very pin that has become synonymous with Democrat
Hillary Rodham Clinton. The superficial understanding
of this situation would probably lead one to believe
that Senator and Mrs. McCain were secret Clinton supporters,
or were closet Democrats.
I assure you this is not
the case -- the issue is much deeper and more serious
than that.
Senator John McCain has
just signaled to the entire world that he is a secret
Illuminist! Despite all the phony campaign rhetoric
that McCain is not part of the Insider's group in Washington,
D.C., this Phoenix Bird Pin screams for all to hear
that he is deep within the trusted Insider's circle.
Now, can you understand
the depth of hatred which Senator John McCain treated
President Trump during the last year of the senator's
tortured life. McCain's attitude toward a President
with whom he shared no global vision stemmed directly
from his personal commitment to the coming New Age Christ,
the ruler of the New World Order.