News Alert
Friday, 7/10/2020
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As In 1864!
Will this Presidential election of 2020 mirror the nearly
miraculous election of 1864?
State Blues: Trump, Lincoln,
and the Election of 1864", Breitbart
News, 10 July 2020
"Nervous supporters
of President Donald Trump have been reminding themselves
that the presidential election looked as tough at this
point of the 2016 as it does today."
I do not believe that
Trump's re-election looks bleak right now. The only
reason people believe that he might be in trouble is
that the daily media rhetoric is being dominated by
the blatant liars of Mass Media" Every day, on
every subject and on every good news story, the Titans
of Media are turning the story inside out and upside
down to fit their agenda of driving Trump from office.
Now, back this most interesting
"An even better parallel
might be the election of 1864, when President Abraham
Lincoln looked almost certain to lose his reelection
bid to presumptive Democratic challenger George McClellan,
whom he had recently fired as
general-in-chief of Union forces. The fate of the country
hung in the balance."
"Much of elite opinion
— especially in New York — was opposed to
Lincoln, and the 1862 midterm elections were a “disaster.”
Many in Lincoln’s own Republican Party opposed
him openly, and doubted he could win a second term."
What were some of the
other negatives which seemed to doom President Lincoln
in 1864?
* "Democrats “pictured
Lincoln as a tyrant, and his administration as a dictatorship.”
* "Lincoln’s
administration was divided and often disorganized."
* "The writer Richard
Henry Dana noted “the absence of personal loyalty
to the President.”
* "Many Republicans
believed that Lincoln was simply not up to the job ...
regarded the president with something between “active
hostility and benevolent contempt.”
* "... rising national
debt ..."
* "outbreaks of disease
..." (Some things never change, eh?)
* "The abolitionists
felt Lincoln was moving too slowly; others felt he had
gone too far"
* " The president
had to manage mounting war losses (nearly 90,000 dead
in the months leading up to the election)..."
* "... some Democrats
tried to help the Confederacy through stirring insurrection
in the west through an organization calling itself the
Sons of Liberty — though, like today’s ANTIFA,
they were the opposite of what their name advertised.
They offered an end to conflict — if only Lincoln
lost." (Some more things never change, eh?)
* "Throughout the
late spring and summer of 1864, McClellan seemed to
be winning. And, ironically, he was winning without
campaigning. He stayed at home for months, rarely venturing
into public or appearing at rallies."
Joe Biden seems to be
channeling McClellan!
"The election was
to be a referendum on Lincoln, who was blamed for everything,
the target of every imaginable form of vitriolic public
criticism ... Henry Raymond of the New York Times observed:
“No living man was ever charged with political
crimes of such multiplicity and such enormity as Abraham
Lincoln. He has been denounced without end as a perjurer,
a usurper, a tyrant, a subverter of the Constitution,
a destroyer of the liberties of his country, a reckless
desperado, a heartless trifler over the last agonies
of an expiring nation.”
This sounds like the pickle
which President Trump is in, does it not?
How, then, did Abe Lincoln
overcome in 1864, and how will President Trump overcome
in 2020?
"Honest Abe"
refused to listen to the public drivel and chose to
listen to the voices of the electorate! He was their
man all along!
Mac Dominick DVD!
Or a One-World Religion Under a New World Order. Volume
we arrive at the conclusion of our study on the Kingdom
of God, we can reflect on all of the things we have
learned to this point. The most important of our lessons
can be summed up as follows: The major underlying theme
of the Word of God is that due to the failure of the
theocratic administrator in the Garden of Eden (Adam)
to faithfully administer God’s plan for setting
up God's rule over the entire earth, there must be a
plan to establish a second theocratic administrator
(Jesus) who will establish God’s Kingdom on the
face of the earth.
It is this plan that guides us from Genesis
to Revelation, and it is this theme that has be seriously
misinterpreted well-meaning members of the Church. In
our study we have traversed a path of misinterpretation
that has led to various unscriptural movements and multiple
false doctrines within professing Christianity. Thus,
as we come to this final segment of the study, we must
ask the question, 'Why should I care?' Disc 4 will answer
not only that question, but reach a final conclusion
to the main question, 'Are we building the Kingdom of
Along the way to reaching a final conclusion,
we will look into some dark corners of our recent history
and present society that have taken the wrong path.
These observations will include:
1. The plan for building the Kingdom of
God via a human world government and a one-world religion
that began in the 19th Century.
2. We will investigate the people that initiated and
promoted such a plan.
3. We will follow this path all the way through the
20th Century and discover the current status of such
plans imbedded in the most recent events of our present
4. We will also follow the individuals promoting such
philosophies into the ranks of modern evangelicals.
5. We will then reveal the connection of the plan for
a world government and a world religion in the occult
6. We will then discover the source of all such human
efforts and philosophies.
Finally, we will take a look at what the
Bible teaches about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
and His reign on earth as King of Kings and Lord of
All of this will not only show us why
we should care, but these facts will give us a conclusive
answer to the big question:
Have You Seen
Volumes 1,2 and 3 In This Series?
Select the image below for more information
or to watch the trailer

Most Pertinent
Message For Today
Agenda" DVD Pack
Reveals Progressive, Socialist,
Communist Effort To Overthrow America
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Today's headline
news are following this Communist agenda almost perfectly!
After viewing this video, you will never look at the
news the same way again!
'Agenda' is a
most powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist, Progressive
Plan to overthrow our beloved country, its Constitution,
and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title Set: Title 1)
at the people and groups that have successfully targeted
America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down. I know that I feel that the Daily News
is systematically 'grinding me down'! Do you feel the
same way? 90 Minutes.
Join Curtis Bowers
as he heads out again to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks
on our freedom. Suddenly, and for no good reason, our
very freedoms are threatening to come crashing down.
Prophetic DVD
Jordan To Reach Jericho"
DVD by Michael
Only $19.99
'Crossing Jordan
To Reach Jericho' will take you down a road of prophecy
that will open and whole new understanding of the Exodus.
Learn why Oshea, the son of Nun, changed his name to
Joshua by Moses during the exodus.
Understand why
God punished Moses after he struck the rock rather than
speak to it as God had commanded.
Learn why God
instructed Joshua to command the people to 'social-distance'
themselves about 2,000 cubits behind the Ark while crossing
the River Jordan. Could this be a clue as to when we
might expect Messiah Jesus to return?
Why did Joshua
place 12 stones in the middle of the Jordan riverbed.
See the battle
of Jericho and listen closely as a prophetic implication
regarding the Seven-Year Tribulation Period.
Finally, you will
see Rahab's scarlet cord and its connection to Messiah
referring to Himself in Psalm 22:6.
Prepare yourself
for a prophetic treat!
Shipping Now!
News, Continued:
2. As Israel goes
into a renewed COVID-19 lockdown, and the IDF isolates
10,000 troops, does Israel's enemies pounce?
Israel launches
preemptive cyber attacks against sensitive Iranian targets,
seemingly intended to warn Iran to not overtly lead
Palestinian attacks.
3. The Supreme
Court just Oklahoma's judicial system in half!
We must be historically
honest: the White Man conquered Native Americans from
every nook and cranny of North America and then forced
the survivors on to the worst land in this continent.
4. Black Activists
are now turning their abusive barrage against Black
Trump supporters.
Such an attack
must mean the Democrats realize that pro-Trump blacks
are making inroads into the Black community.
5. Rep. Ilhan
Omar (D-MN) finally revealed the bottom-line agenda
for all Leftist / Liberal Democrats:
The complete overthrow
of our current system of politics and economics.
6. President Trump
just signed the "Hispanic Prosperity Initiative".
This movement
is another brilliant political javelin thrust, aimed
at a very important part of the American electorate.
7. "Trapped
In Our Own Prosperity"
-- Psalm 17:10
Jobless Claims Fall to 1.314 Million, Slightly Better
Than Expected
Price Index Falls Unexpectedly In June
Borrowing Sank While Spending Grew in May
Adviser Kudlow: Economic Data Shows ‘V-Shaped
Recovery’ — Another Shutdown ‘Would
Do More Harm Than Good’
Economy ‘Collapsing’ Because Trump’s
Coronavirus Failure — Biden Will Win With a Mandate
America will now
climb up to the unprecedented level of prosperity foretold
in Revelation 18:7.
End Time DVD's
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Coming Convergence"
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Jesus boldly proclaimed
that one of the major prophetic signs that His return
was close was CONVERGENCE, "when you see these
signs, lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth
nigh" (Luke 21:22) Jesus' second coming was also
compared to a woman's labor pains, which converge at
the end to give birth to the baby.
Likewise, we are
to expect a 'convergence' of prophetic labor pains just
before Jesus returns. That 'convergence' is upon us
- Rated Four Stars
Final Prophecies" DVD
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In addition to
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to result in the death of billions around the world!
You will see that unprecedented events unfolding today
that are laying the ground-work to fulfill these near
future prophecies
For generations,
prophecy experts have claimed that the ancient scriptures
foretell of an age in which the world will unite in
a global financial system with a single currency. Despite
the unbelief of millions, such a worldwide system of
commerce is surging forward and the currency will be
This DVD will
surprise you and may even shock you, but you will discover
that you have an excellent tool to witness to an unsaved
loved one, coworker, and friends!
Rapture DVD!
The Wrath:
Sound of the Trumpet! Rapture Drawing Near!"
Reg. $24.99, Introductory
Special $21.99, Saving You $3.00!
Believers in the
pre-tribulation Rapture are very familiar with the prophetic
symbolism contained in the Jewish wedding ceremony.
But how many prophecy students know about additional
pre-trib symbolism in the Galilean wedding?
Brent Miller Jr.
reveals the details of his new, highly-anticipated film,
'Before the Wrath', an evangelistic experience described
by some as the best film ever made on the rapture of
the church. Almost two years in the making, Brent’s
film will lead many people straight into eternity …
at the shout and the sound of the trumpet!
You will see with
your own eyes, the certainty of a Pre-Trib Rapture and
your heart will explode with the JOY that only Jesus
can provide, as you see this foretold Rapture through
the lens of the Galilean dialect used by Jesus to His
Plan to start
shipping on April 21.
yours today
News Analysis
As Israel goes into a renewed COVID-19 lockdown, and
the IDF isolates 10,000 troops, do Israel's enemies
NEWS BRIEF: "Lockdowns
begin in neighborhoods across Israel:
Only sick people need to be
isolated", Israel
National News, 7/10/2020
"The Israeli government
imposed lockdowns on nearly a dozen neighborhoods in
five different cities across the country Friday afternoon.
Beginning at 1:00 p.m. Friday ... The closures, which
severely limit movement into and out of the affected
neighborhoods, is set to last one week, ending next
Friday at 8:00 a.m. Business operation will also be
severely limited in the affected areas."
While the Prime Minister
was convinced that this lockdown needed to be set in
place, not everyone was as convinced.
"Jerusalem Mayor
Moshe Leon criticized the decision to impose lockdowns
on parts of the capital, saying the “solution
to the coronavirus pandemic is to isolate the sick people.
But the minute you impose a lockdown, it causes mass
infection. These people will go out and infect whoever
is in the neighborhood.”
He is absolutely correct.
By definition, a quarantine is the isolation of the
sick, not the well. Why have our medical professionals
turned the very concept of quarantine on its head? The
real purpose of this type of quarantine is to condition
people to meekly go into their homes and stay until
they are told to come back out. This type of meek compliance
is exactly what the government needs to occur when officials
are overthrowing our government and imposing an Absolute
Dictatorship -- and that is the Plan.
The Jerusalem mayor continues:
" You can close whatever
you want, but how long can you keep that going? Business
owners are saying that it’s better to get infected
by the coronavirus than to suffer the economic blow.
Before you start closing neighborhoods, I want to hear
some logic'.”
Amen to that!
Finally, Israel is surrounded
by powerfully armed aggressors who truly want ALL Jews
eradicated. They are looking for any sign of a weakness
which could doom Israel in an all-out warfare. Israel
expects Hamas and Hezbollah to attack her, led by Iranian
forces and military leadership.
Therefore, Israel
launched preemptive cyber attacks against sensitive
Iranian targets, seemingly intended to warn Iran to
not overtly lead Palestinian attacks.
NEWS BRIEF: "Explosion
Rocks Military Site in Tehran Early Friday",
Breaking Israel News, 7/10/2020
"An explosion, the
latest in a wave of explosions targeting several military
and nuclear sites, rocked southwest Teuran in the early
hours of Friday morning, cutting off electricity to
parts of the city. Official Iranian sources claimed
the explosions were at a power plant."
"Journalist Hasan
Sari ... added that there were “a series of explosions”
in Tehran, Garmdareh and Quds.. Sari cited unofficial
sources claiming the blast allegedly hit a missile facility/warehouse
of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)."
Israel has long been credited
by experts as possessing the most adept and professional
cyber warfare capability in the world. In this scenario,
Israel can destroy military targets from within instead
of attacking the facilities by missile or by airplane.
Israel can even claim
Let us examine some other
possible Israeli cyber attacks against sensitive Iranian
* "Last Thursday,
a fire broke out at a ground-level building at Iran’s
underground Natanz facility which authorities said had
caused significant damage. Natanz nuclear facility is
generally recognized as Iran’s central facility
for uranium enrichment with over 19,000 gas centrifuges
currently operational and nearly half of them being
fed with uranium hexafluoride."
* "On Tuesday, two
people were killed in an explosion at a (auto) factory
in the south of Tehran. "
* "an explosion from
a gas leak in the Sina Athar Medical Center in northern
Tehran killed 19 people."
* "a large explosion
at the local power station left half of the city of
Tehran without electricity. "
an Israeli Strike Incinerate 3/4 of Iran’s Top
Secret Nuclear Facility?", United
With Israel, July 9, 2020
"An expert on Iran’s
military nuclear program says the mysterious explosion
last week that hit the top-secret Natanz nuclear facility
destroyed nearly three-quarters of Iran’s main
centrifuge assembly hall ... International Security
said the analysis was based on new satellite photographs
that show heavier damage than the initial picture released
by the Iranians last week. Albright concluded that the
vast majority of the centrifuge assembly hall was wiped
out, which likely means delays in Iran’s nuclear
program and its quest for military grade uranium."
Israel is famous for launching
a pre-emptive strike before an enemy can launch their
strike. I believe Israel intended to forcefully demonstrate
to Iran that she cannnot match Israel's expertise and
will suffer greatly in her homeland if Iranian troops
coordinate a war effort with the Palestinians.
In this war, Iran will
provide leadership only to the Palestinians.
3. The Supreme
Court just divided Oklahoma's judicial system in half!
Supreme Court Just Divided Oklahoma’s Justice
System in Half ", The Federalist,
July 10, 2020
"... the Supreme
Courts’ majority opinion argued that as it was
never formally abolished by Congress, the immense Creek
Reservation still exists, and all those living in its
borders today are on Indian land. This does not mean
the 1.8 million Oklahomans have lost their land. But
everyone within the territory will now have to contend
with new rules and a greatly altered system of justice."
"This case appears
to establish that the state of Oklahoma does not have
the right to convict American Indians within the 19-million-acre
zone ... Non-American Indians within Eastern Oklahoma,
which make up 85-90 percent of the population, will
remain subject to state criminal laws, according to
the majority opinion."
"“The Court
has profoundly destabilized the governance of eastern
Oklahoma,” Roberts stated. “The decision
today creates significant uncertainty for the State’s
continuing authority over any area that touches Indian
affairs, ranging from zoning and taxation to family
and environmental law.”
We must be historically
honest before God: the White Man conquered Native Americans
from every nook and cranny of North America and then
forced the survivors on to the worst land in this continent.
4. Black Activists
are now turning their abusive barrage against Black
Trump supporters.
"The rapper Snoop
Dogg has smeared several prominent black conservatives
as “The Coon Bunch,” including Herman Cain,
Candace Owens, Paris Dennard, and Angela Stanton. Snoop
Dogg posted a meme on Instagram on Sunday in which the
faces of 11 prominent black conservatives were arranged
in the style of The Brady Bunch, with the title of the
70s sitcom replaced with “The Coon Bunch.”
is a common slur used by black Americans against black
conservatives, along with 'Uncle Tom'. The term, which
dates back to the 19th century, is used today by black
people to smear other black people who they believe
have sold out to white people or who reject liberal
thinking and the Democrat Party."
Such an attack
must mean the Democrats realize that pro-Trump blacks
are making inroads into the Black community.
5. Rep. Ilhan
Omar (D-MN) finally revealed the bottom-line agenda
for all Leftist / Liberal Democrats:
The complete overthrow
of our current system of politics and economics.
Ilhan Omar Calls for ‘Dismantling’ of America’s
‘Economy and Political Systems’,"
Fox News, July 8, 2020
"Rep. Ilhan Omar
called for dismantling economic and political systems
that serve as a 'system of oppression'.The Minnesota
Democrat said Tuesday that most conversations around
police brutality and racial injustice do not go far
enough in their call for change."
" 'We are not merely
fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the
criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down
systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education,
in health care, in employment, [and] in the air we breathe'.”
Then, Omar uttered the
most inane / absurd / asinine / harebrained statement
I have ever heard.