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Read the full, most current, News Alert online
"Behold A Pale Horse"
by New Age Author, Bill Cooper
$25.95, for 501 Pages
Cooper writes
against the coming New World Order, and the Plan, which
the "Power Elite" of this country and this
world are implementing, that will bring about the Global
Government, Economy, and Religion.
Cooper provides
much first hand information based upon his career in
U.S. Naval Intelligence, on the energetic leadership
our Government is providing to implement this global
system of Government, Economy, and Religion.
Former Satanists
-- as well as New Age adherents -- consider this book
to be THE most important insider revelation concerning
the plan to produce the New World Order in all its violence,
death and destruction
This is the most
quoted book on the Illuminati in Cutting Edge
Pertinent Quotes
"When we
come into our kingdom (New World Order)
our orators will expound great problems which have turned
humanity upside down in order to bring the world,
at the end under our beneficent rule." (p. 303).
"... secret
societies were planning as far back as 1917 to create
an artificial threat ... to bring the world together
in a global government called the New World Order."
[Bill Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 27]
"There is
another reason also why they will close their eyes:
for we shall keep promising them
to give back all the liberties we have taken away as
soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed
all parties ..... It is not worthwhile to say
anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting
for this return of their liberties ....." [The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion]
Unseen Hand: Introduction To The Conspiratorial
View of History"
by A. Ralph
Epperson, Only $15.95
PERTINENT QUOTES -- 1/\24/2020
One of THE fundamental
books anyone needs to understand before they can really
make sense of what is happening in your Daily News.
Epperson masterfully lays the philosophical groundwork
of the global conspiracy; a person can have only one
of two views of history. Either they believe events
happen by mere chance -- kind of like believing in Evolution;
or, they believe key events in history occurred by design,
as part of a plan. This latter view is called the "Conspiratorial
View of History" and is fully supported
by the
"And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree
(to act in harmony), and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the (prophetic) words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 16- 17, KJV)
"It was in
1945 that the war started to unwind. But the war was
not to end as quickly as it could have.
The Japanese attempted to end the war on February 14,
1945, when the American government learned of
their efforts to surrender through a decoded message
between their government and the Russian government.
But, the American government was not ready to accept
Japan's efforts to end the war ... These peace overtures
were repeated again in June, 1945, when Russia received
word that Japan was ready to end the war ... nothing
was done." (Epperson,
Page 299)
new atomic bombs were not ready until August, 1945!
Listen to the
startling statement by President Harry Truman immediately
following the Hiroshima attack:
is the greatest thing in history".
(Ibid., p 300)
Can you imagine
this audacity? After killing almost 100,000 civilians
-- men, women, children, babies, infirm, handicapped
-- in a war which could have been ended 8 months earlier,
this 33rd Degree Freemason, President Harry S. Truman,
had the gall to call this needless attack "the
greatest thing in history"! (Read full
details of the end of World War II in NEWS2093)
Critical Headlines
1. USMCA is an
Agreement which shall function as a Treaty!
President Trump
will sign this nefarious treaty at the White House this
coming Wednesday, January 29.
2. President Trump
will unveil his "Deal of the Century" next
Tuesday, January 28 at the White House.
Remarkably, General
Gantz, the leader of Israel's opposition party, may
insult Trump by refusing to attend the White House,
at the President's special invitation!
3. The Senate
continues to hold Impeachment hearings, revealing how
shallow and trivial these charges truly are.
The Democrats
are trying to perform the greatest political miracle
ever attempted:
They are trying
to "Disappear Trump"!
4. China continues
to quarantine cities in order to contain the Corono-Virus,
as SARS-like disease.
5. British Prime
Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that Great Britain
will officially withdraw from the European Union (Supernation
#2), on January 31, 2020.
Queen Elizabeth
II officially supports this Brexit.
6. Virginia passed
a bill outlawing Free Speech immediately after the peaceful
Gun Rights rally in Richmond, Monday last.
West Virginia
officially invites those Virginia counties which have
passed "Sanctuary For Second Amendment" bill,
to leave Virginia and come to West Virginia!
Masonic Plots and Doctrines
and Occult Symbols Illustrated" Book
by Dr. Cathy Burns
Featuring 728
Symbols, 543 pages, including 130 pages of FOOTNOTES
Only $21.95!
= Torch = Armageddon
Quotes Posted Jan 24, 2020
Yin and Yang symbol is also used to represent bisexuality
and homosexuality within today's New Age Movement. It
is also used to depict Divination. [Dr. C. Burns, "Masonic
and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 19-22]
Do not be deceived:
Freemasonry depicts Yin and Yang a little differently
than a traditional New Age, or occultist, or Satanist.
They use the hexagram and the black and white tile floors;
but, their belief in Yin and Yang is identical to the
Satanist Mysteries. But, why should we be surprised,
for Albert Pike told us that Freemasonry
is "identical to the Mysteries."
Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated)
"In both
European and Oriental traditions, the Unicorn is identified
with a Messiah who comes when the world is in danger
and who heralds the coming of a new and better age."
[The Living Unicorn, Carver, Minnesota, The Living Unicorn,
Inc., 1980, p. 3, as quoted by Burns, p. 145]
"Thus we
see that the unicorn is, in reality, the symbol of a
future conqueror who will bring peace to the earth.
Who is this but the Antichrist ... for whom the world
waits, unaware of his true nature? [Dr. Cathy Burns,
and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 144]
"In Celtic
mythology and European folklore, a fabulous beast [comes]
in the form of a horse, with a single spiraling horn
growing from the center of its brow. In alchemy, [it
is] a symbol of the complete mastery of phallic sexuality
by ritual intercourse and its conversion into the forces
of pure visualization." [Maurice Bessey, A Pictorial
History of Magic
and the Supernatural,-- occult author -- p. 128, quoted
by Burns, p. 145]
Wonderful! Do
you want your child to subliminally be conditioned to
the horn of the unicorn as a phallic symbol of intercourse?
Of course not, but then you are probably not a pagan,
who worships sex.
"... the
Rothschilds have a unicorn on their coat-of-arms."
[Burns, p. 145] Now, we know the Unicorn is a major
Illuminist symbol, and a symbol of their future Superman,
the New Age Christ [Antichrist].

Next Rapture! Shadows and Types In Old Testament
Will Be Realized "
by Michael Smith, Only $19.99
like any other Rapture Video you have seen!!
The Rapture of the
Church may be the most divisive of all subjects
facing Jesus' Church today. Author Michael Smith
fervently believes that the timing of the Church
Rapture is most definitely Pre-Tribulation, occurring
before Antichrist confirms the Covenant with Israel!
To prove his thesis
Michael delves into the Old Testament to study
the 'types' and 'shadows' of events God created
to foreshadow His real snatching of His faithful
Church out of the world so He can concentrate
upon delivering His final judgment against Israel
and so He can prepare her to received Jesus Christ
as He returns to the Mount of Olives, and be received
as Israel's long-awaited Messiah. ORDER
The time has arrived
for Christians the world over to heed Jesus' prophetic
when these things begin to come to pass, then look
up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth
nigh." (Luke 21:28, KJV)
NOTE: As with many
items in our Bookstore, we do not necessarily
agree with everything Michael Smith says, but
we do agree with his previous titles: 1) Joseph
in Egypt; 2) Mystery of the Red Heifer; and 3)
The Cyrus Effect

News Analysis -- End of the Age

1. USMCA is an
Agreement which shall function as a Treaty!
A long-time Cutting Edge
subscriber called the office of his Ohio congressman,
Joyce Beatty, to ask if the USMCA was actually a treaty.
A male staffer came to the phone and said that, while
the USMCA was called an "Agreement", it is
designed to "function" as a Treaty!
Since we now are party
to a Treaty which will enable this new North American
Union to spring into reality, then all three nations
-- Canada, United States of America, and Mexico -- will
politically disappear. The truth is now that, all laws
and constitutions of the individual states will also
disappear, and will be subservient to the new laws and
Our beloved Constitution
of the United States would also disappear
because it will be subservient to the constitution of
the new Regional Government, the USMCA!
Our Republican and Democrat
political leaders have led America to the point which
the Illuminati has desired for 200 years, i.e., to join
in Regional Government creating Supernation #1.
Our guarantees of the
right to keep and to bear arms will be gone.
Our many state and local
laws against Abortion will disappear.
Our Freedom of Speech
and Assembly will be gone.
Every other Constitutional
protection will likewise disappear.
Daniel 7:7-8 clearly foretells
that Antichrist cannot arise until all nations of the
world have reorganized into exactly TEN Supernations
(see map above). North America was considered by the
Global Elite to be the most difficult to bring into
being, so our current bi-partisan political leadership
has set in place the most important supernation of them
In other words, a major
push can now go forth to create the other supernations,
so Antichrist can arise, as much work has already been
done in these other supernations to create the mechanism
by which a new nation can be declared.
we let this terrible event to occur because our attention
was focused on this sham impeachment of President Trump.
President Trump
will sign this nefarious treaty at the White House this
coming Wednesday, January 29.
to sign USMCA trade deal Wednesday at the White House",
Fox Business News, January 23, 2020
"DORAL, Fla. -- President
Donald Trump will sign a trade pact between the United
States, Mexico and Canada on Wednesday during a ceremony
at the White House, an administration official told
Reuters on Thursday."
Notice the "Wag the
Dog" effect which is mentioned very quickly in
this article.
"The ceremony is
likely to take place while an impeachment trial against
Trump proceeds on Capitol Hill. The official said Trump
would be touting the pact after the signing during travel
around the United States."
Prophetically, America's
"Goose is cooked"!
2. President Trump
will unveil his "Deal of the Century" next
Tuesday, January 28 at the White House.
'Deal of the Century' will be unveiled in the coming
days", Israel National News, 1/24/2020
"US President Donald
Trump announced on Thursday that he will unveil the
"Deal of the Century" in the coming days and
before Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Blue and
White chairman Benny Gantz arrive in Washington. "
"Trump added that
officials in his administration had briefly spoken to
senior Palestinian Authority (PA) officials and will
be speaking to them again soon."
Remarkably, General
Gantz, the leader of Israel's opposition party, may
insult Trump by refusing to attend the White House,
at the President's special invitation!
Gantz expected to refuse Trump's invitation to White
House", The Jerusalem Post,
January 24, 2020
"Vice President Mike
Pence said on Thursday that Trump had invited Netanyahu
to present the Deal of the Century Middle East peace
plan and that Netanyahu had suggested that Gantz be
invited as well."
"Blue and White leader
Benny Gantz is expected to refuse US President Donald
Trump's invitation to the White House, because he sees
it as a political trap by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu..."
This refusal will undoubtedly
give a major political boost to the re-election of PM
Netanyahu, and is a major political blunder.
3. The Senate
continues to hold Impeachment hearings, revealing how
shallow and trivial these charges truly are.
Schiff Closes Day Two with Attack on Trump's Character",
Breitbart News, 23 Jan 2020
"Lead House impeachment
manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) closed the second day
of opening arguments in President Donald Trump's
Senate impeachment trial on Thursday by attacking the
president's personal character."
The Democrats
are trying to perform the greatest political miracle
ever attempted:
They are trying
to "Disappear Trump"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
attempting Greatest Magic Trick Of All Time:
Disappearing President Trump", Canada
Free Press, January 23, 2020
"Straight from Supreme
Court Chief Justice John Roberts' "pettifogging”
reference at the Senate Impeachment Trial to the horse's
mouth, the horse's mouth being Democrat Rep. Al
Green: President Donald Trump is not being impeached
for high crimes and misdemeanors—but for daring
to run as a 2016 presidential candidate."
"In other words what
the masses are seeing at the Senate Impeachment Trial
is the election campaign of the Democrats' 2020
election bid. Their virtue signaling of saving the Constitution
is a con job, and the Impeachment Trial an act worthy
of a Hollywood Academy Award."
"This is Progressive
projection at its most galling. It wasn't the
Russians who stole the election—but the Democrats
who are trying to steal the election from the 63 million
who voted for Donald Trump as president."
""They want
to remove President Trump from the ballot”
"Trump's lead
counsel also dropped a truth bomb — the Democrats,
with their partisan impeachment are trying to steal
the election."
4. China continues
to quarantine cities in order to contain the Corono-Virus,
as SARS-like disease.
NEWS BRIEF: "China's
‘Belt and Road' Connects Africa to Deadly
Virus: New repetition of coronavirus", Breitbart
News, 23 Jan 2020
"China's years-long
expansion into Africa – and the corresponding
flood of Chinese workers establishing themselves there
– has left the continent particularly vulnerable
to the spread of a new iteration of coronavirus that
originated in Wuhan, China."
"Chinese medical
experts confirmed on Monday that they had identified
the mystery virus as a type of coronavirus, the same
type of virus responsible for the 2003 Sudden Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak that killed nearly
800 people."
During the time of the
SARS contagion, we wrote extensively about it, revealing
that it was a genetically created virus. Wild speculations
occurred, with many so-called "experts" predicting
a global death toll in the many millions!
Please take a few moments
to read our Archived Articles on SARS:
5. British Prime
Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that Great Britain
will officially withdraw from the European Union (Supernation
#2), on January 31, 2020.
Says UK Has Crossed the ‘Brexit Finish Line',
Parliamentarians Pass Bill: Leaving
the EU on January 31st, 2020",
Breitbart News, 23 Jan 2020
"The withdrawal agreement
bill has been given Royal Assent, meaning it has become
law and the UK will officially leave the EU on January
31st, 2020."
"In a brief comment
after the bill passed, Prime Minister Boris Johnson
said: "Parliament has passed the Withdrawal Agreement
Bill, meaning we will leave the EU on 31 January and
move forwards as one United Kingdom. 'At times it felt
like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but
we've done it."
"Now we can put
the rancour and division of the past three years behind
us and focus on delivering a bright, exciting future
— with better hospitals and schools, safer streets
and opportunity spread to every corner of our country.”
Queen Elizabeth
II officially supports this Brexit.
Elizabeth grants Royal Assent to Brexit Bill",
Mexico Star News, 24 Jan 2020
"LONDON, UK - Britain
Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Brexit bill finally became
law after receiving royal assent from Queen Elizabeth
II on Thursday, just days ahead of the country's withdrawal
from the European Union at the end of this month."
"Her Majesty the
Queen has now granted Royal Assent to the Brexit Bill
which therefore becomes the BrexitAct. Enshrined in
law, this enables the UK to leave the EU on 31st Jan,"
Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay tweeted."
However, one more legislative
body has to vote to agree to let Great Britain leave
the E.U.
"It should be noted
that the European Parliament still has to back the deal
in a vote next week."
6. Virginia passed
a bill outlawing Free Speech immediately after the peaceful
Gun Rights rally in Richmond, Monday last.
NEWS BRIEF: "Virginia
Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government
Officials a Criminal Offense: Free Speech is criminalized",
Big League Politics, Jan 22, 2020
"In the wake of the
Virginia gun rights rally on Monday, Democrats in the
Capitol are not slowing down their push for tyranny.
They are moving a bill through the legislature that
would effectively criminalize dissent against Governor
Blackface Northam and other state government officials."
"Language in the
bill explicitly criminalizes free speech, in what would
constitute a blatant attack on the 1st Amendment of
the Constitution."
Does President Trump have
a Supreme Court Justice on his "Speed Dial",
who would immediately crush this most unconstitutional
Of course, if USMCA is
genuinely the threat to our beloved American Constitution
that we say it is, above, then Virginia is maybe passing
unconstitutional bills because they know that, by the
time these subjects rise to the Supreme Court, our original
Constitution will no longer be in effect and they realize
that the Supreme Court has moved to some city within
the new North American Union -- perhaps Toronto!
West Virginia
officially invites those Virginia counties which have
passed "Sanctuary For Second Amendment" bill,
to leave Virginia and come to West Virginia!
Virginia INVITES Virginia 2A Sanctuary Counties To JOIN
WEST VIRGINIA!", 13 Wowk TV, Jan 14, 2020
(WOWK) – The West Virginia Senate will consider
a resolution drafted and introduced by Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Charles S. Trump, IV, R-Morgan, which
reminds the citizens of Frederick County, Virginia,
that Frederick County, Va. has a standing invitation
to become part of the State of West Virginia."
"In addition to the
historical connections between Frederick County and
the seven counties of our Eastern Panhandle, there are
strong bonds and ties of every kind among the citizens
– family, business, education, culture, and commerce.
We share common values,” Senator Trump said. "Frederick
County's residents have so much in common with
West Virginia that our separation has never made sense.
The citizens of Frederick County are champions of freedom
and personal liberty, and they would be welcomed with
open arms by the citizens of the Mountain State.”
This switch, if it were
to occur, would carry significant political consequences!
"If Frederick County
were to join the State of West Virginia, it would become
West Virginia's newest and its oldest county.
According to Senator Trump, it would be the second largest
county within the State of West Virginia, and it would
be immediately entitled to at least six members in the
West Virginia House of Delegates and at least two Senators
in the West Virginia Senate."