In other words, this last
prophecy tells us that Antichrist would like to arise
now, in Paul's day, but he could not do so until the
"apostasy" has come first. Every time a pastor
deviates from Biblical Truth, and teaches his congregation
likewise, he is opening the door prohibiting Antichrist
just a little bit more.
Since America is moving
toward goddess worship in our pulpits, our movies and
our TV shows, we should not be surprised to learn that
Freemasonry has been pushing us to this point since
the times of our Founding fathers!
the most important symbol of all in worshipping according
to the pagan tradition -- Obelisk -- Washington Monument
All pagans love to worship
the creature rather than the Creator [Romans 1:25];
therefore, every single pagan group in the world worships
the Sex Act. Satanism, Freemasonry, and the Vatican
absolutely love the Obelisk.
"In Our Phallic Heritage,
we are told that 'all pillars or columns originally
had a phallic significance, and were therefore considered
sacred'. Pan, the goat god and god of sensuality, was
often represented as an obelisk ... The word 'obelisk'
literally means 'Baal's Shaft' or Baal's organ of reproduction.
This should be especially shocking when we realize that
we have a gigantic obelisk in our nation's capital known
as the Washington Monument." (Dr. Cathy Burns,
and Occult Symbols Illustrated", P.
341; Emphasis was in the original)
In the Bible, we see the
obelisk used in Baal worship. God commanded righteous
kings to be killed Baal priests, and their obelisks
destroyed. Listen to the account in which God destroyed
these obelisks: "… King Jehu said to the
guards and to the officers, 'Go in and slay them; let
none escape'. And they smote them with the sword; and
the guards before the king threw their bodies out, and
went into the inner dwelling of the house of Baal. They
brought out the obelisks [pillars] of the house of Baal
and burned them." [2 Kings 10:26; Parallel Bible,
KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary; Emphasis Added]
America is rushing
toward the goddesses of the pagan tradition.
Have you noticed the strong
trend in current movies and TV dramas where a strong
female is featured in the plot. The vast majority of
movies and shows depict the top leadership as a powerful
Once again, our Masonic
Founding Fathers were planning this since 1776 'circa'.
Consider our "Lady
Liberty", the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor,
pictured left in Pastor Hoggard's DVD, "American
Goddess: Lucifer's Torch"!
The flaming torch atop
the Statue of Liberty is a Luciferian symbol of Antichrist's
victory over Jesus at Armageddon, and of Satan's victory
over God the Father as he takes God's throne in Heaven!
Listen to this Satanic
'Lucifer, having regained
his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for
new works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch,
celestial spirits will descend ... to earth. Then, the
torch of Lucifer will signal 'From Heaven to Earth!'
-- and the (New Age) Christ will answer, 'From Earth
to Heaven'." ("American
Goddess: Lucifer's Torch")
course, a very short but very deadly global war using
nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations
was contemplated and to tell you the truth, was not
ruled out ..." ["Behold
A Pale Horse", by William Cooper, p. 167, 177]
2. Israeli military
propaganda states, again, that Iran will have enough
fissile material to build a bomb this year and a missile
in two years.
Intel Propaganda", DEBKAfile,
Jan 14, 2020
"The Israeli intelligence
2020 assessment published on Tuesday, Jan 14, estimates
that if Iran continues its nuclear program at the present
pace, it will have 25 kgs of highly enriched uranium
by winter 2020 and a missile capable of carrying a nuclear
bomb in two years."
Over the past three decades,
Israeli Intelligence has repeatedly issued the same
exact forecast: Iran will have enough atomic
material to make a bomb in two years and a missile system
soon thereafter!
In other words, "intelligence"
estimates are completely bogus as far as Iran having
a nuclear bomb is concerned. These estimates are designed
to keep the frightening issue of a nuclear armed Iran
first and foremost in the public eye, so as to keep
people upset and deeply terrified.
Reminder: Iran
bought nuclear bombs from Pakistan in 2002.
Iran has possessed
nuclear weapons since at least mid-2002, according to
a Russian general. Listen:
Intelligence, Week of June 4, 2002.
A Russian general's statement
about Iran's nukes fails to register with media. Sometime
a slip of the tongue is so incredible that no amount
of doctoring can explain it. And sometimes a slip of
the tongue is as intentional as could be. Take an appearance
by Russian Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky.
He gave a briefing on Friday in Moscow during the Bush-Putin
summit and was asked about whether Iran actually fired
the Shihab-3 intermediate-range missile in a successful
test earlier this month. The second question was whether
Iran can threaten Israel, Russia or the United States
with its nuclear and missile programs.
"Then the Russian
general took a surprise turn: 'Now, as to whether or
not Iran has tested something like that. Iran does have
nuclear weapons,' Baluyevsky said. 'Of course, these
are non-strategic nuclear weapons. I mean these are
not ICBMs with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers
and more."
Now this is shocking news,
indeed! This Russian general has just confirmed -- in
June, 2002 -- that Iran has nuclear warheads and theater
missiles with which to deliver them!
Iran logically bought
these nuclear warheads "off the shelf from Pakistan"
approximately a decade ago. Recently, the Pakistani
scientist known as the "Father of the Bomb"
for Pakistan, was stripped of his position and sent
into disgrace for his admitted part in transferring
weapons technology to other nations in the region.
Reminder: Just
because a nation possesses a nuclear arsenal does not
AUTOMATICALLY mean that she will use it.
The Iranian Nuclear Deal Just Concluded Allows Iran
To Possess Her Own Nuclear Warheads, Does That Mean
She Will Use Them Against Her Neighbors?",
Sept. 2015
What has stopped these
nations who control nuclear warheads from launching
them against an enemy? One acronym says it all: M.A.D.
-- Mutually Assured Destruction.
In other words, a nation
contemplating using such nuclear weapons against a neighbor
is deterred because he knows his own nation will be
bombed back into the Stone Age -- a radioactive Stone
M.A.D. has worked quite
well since 1945 and will continue to work.
Despite the shrill rhetoric
coming from the Bush White House, raising the specter
of nuclear mushroom clouds over the Middle East should
Iran get possession of nuclear weapons, the facts are
1) Iran has already had
nukes since at least early 2002 and probably before;
2) Iranian leaders know
that their nation and their extremely old civilization,
will be wiped from the map by Israeli and American nuclear
weaponry should she ever launch a nuclear war.
Iran has so far handled
her possession of nuclear arms responsibly and will
do so in the future because of M.A.D. Despite her fiery
rhetoric about wiping Israel off the map, the reality
is that she will be deterred from actually attacking.
So far, Iran has acted the way other responsible countries
have acted once they obtained the nuclear bomb.
Did former Pope Benedict XVI really co-author a book
defending priestly celibacy?
Benedict XVI Really Deny Co-Authoring a New Book in
Defense of Priestly Celibacy?",
Canada Free Press, January 15, 2020
"The news broke Monday
concerning a new book co-authored by Cardinal Robert
Sarah and Benedict XVI, titled From the Depths of Our
Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy, and the Crisis of the
Catholic Church, in which the former pontiff staunchly
defends priestly celibacy. "
" Benedict says in
the book that the renunciation of all things is a criterion
for entering the priesthood, pointing out that from
the first century "men could only receive the
sacrament of Holy Orders if they had committed themselves
to sexual abstinence.""
Priestly Celibacy
is not the problem; mandatory priestly celibacy is the
major disaster, and has been for over a thousand years.
Catholic apologists boldly
state: Current pedophilia scandal is not caused by Celibacy,
since the Bible teaches Celibacy as a Gift from God;
"Forced Celibacy" From Human Ecclesiastic
Authority is the problem! Difference may seem slight,
but is night/day difference. Difference is Real versus
We have reiterated the
Biblical truth that teaching Celibacy is a "doctrine
that demons teach" [1 Timothy 4:1-3], that is taught
by people who have turned away from the truth [verse
1], that it is taught by "liars" [verse 2],
that is it taught by liars whose consciences have been
rendered useless -- un-working -- because they have
been "seared as with a hot iron" [verse 2].
Then, the Apostle Paul states that one of these teachings
is "forbidding people to marry" and teaching
them to "abstain from certain kinds of food which
God created to be received with thanksgiving" [verse
Secondly, we have consulted
old books to demonstrate that Celibacy has consistently
produced a moral disaster in the Catholic Church for
many hundreds of years. In this regard, we have posted
the following articles, which, if you have not yet read,
we encourage you to do so now.
* NEWS1670
-- "Proofs That The Sexual Sins of Roman Catholicism
Existed Long Before The 40 Years Admitted to By Priests
Today -- Part 1 -- We quoted from a former priest, in
a book published in 1904, that shows celibacy producing
sexual sins through the confessional in the 1870-1900
time frame. This book was entitled, "30 Years In
Hell", by Father Bernard Fresenborg.
* NEWS1671
-- Part 2 of the above series. Here, we quote a former
priest who wrote a book published in 1949, where he
was reporting sexual sins by the great majority of priests,
again working through the Confessional, and again consisting
of both heterosexual and homosexual predatory priests.
This former priest was actually so bold as to say,
vow of celibacy is the greatest hoax invented by Romanism",
forced law of celibacy has destroyed him."
["I Was A Priest", Father Lucien Vinet]
Then, to ensure that we
understand the deep-rooted problem, former priest Lucien
Vinet states: "Forced celibacy, auricular confession
and some aspects of the priest's training,
render a Roman priest a sexually-abnormal person or
a sex pervert."
Quite by accident, God
caused a very rare book to fall into our hands that
intellectually examined this issue of Celibacy in such
a way as to properly distinguish God's rare gift of
Celibacy to His elected few, versus Satan's counterfeit
of a Forced Celibacy upon an entire class of individuals
called priests. We have often called the Roman Catholic
Church "counterfeit Christianity" in the exact
prophetic mold of Revelation 13:11; but, we never took
the last step in applying it to the Forced Celibacy
issue. We thank this author for elucidating this issue
for us. Let us examine this book now.l
of the Necessity of Abolishing A Constrained CLERICAL
CELIBACY, Exhibiting The Evils of That Institution and
The Remedy", by the Right Rev. Diogo Antonio
Feijo', Senator and Ex-Regent of the Empire of Brazil,
Bishop Elect of Marianna, Translated from the Portuguese,
with an Introduction and Appendix, by Rev. D.P. Kidder.,
A.M., published 1844, Philadelphia, Sorin and Ball.
Rev. Fejo' originally
published this book in 1828 in the Portuguese language
as we see from the Dedication of this book, signed by
him and noted, "Rio de Janeiro, July 9, 1828".
The fact that this book
was written by such a high-ranking Catholic Bishop Elect
and a Senator of the Brazilian Parliament, a former
Regent of the Empire of Brazil, is highly significant.
The Right Rev. Diogo Antonio
Feijo' continues his devastating expose':
"Fifteen hundred
years of EXPERIENCE prove the impracticability of a
pure celibacy in the greater part of the clergy. Is
there any one who will pretend that continence is practised
by the greater portion of the clergy?
Bishop Feijo' has just
told us strongly that the vast, vast majority of the
priests in every era have been sexually deviant. "...
among 50 priests, there would scarcely be found one
who did not live in a state of notorious concubinage."
[Page 63] In other words, virtually every priest maintained
a mistress; further, the only reason living with a mistress
would be considered "notorious" is because
the parishioners of the priest knew he had a mistress,
and were scandalized because of the disparity between
the public facade of celibacy versus the private reality
of a priest living carnally with a mistress! The faithful
Then, Feijo' carried this
hypocrisy on the part of the priest to its logical societal
"Being certain that
a forced celibacy is the origin and principal cause
of the immorality of the clergy, it becomes us now to
observe that this conduces in an especial manner toward
immorality in society at large ... It is because their
conduct is in contradiction with their opinions; their
examples are not conformable to their precepts, and
their words are destitute of unction and of life ...
" [Page 59]
In other words, the priests
were forced by their human nature to become "professional
hypocrites", and their parishioners could see that
they did not "walk the talk"; thus, the young
men and women of the parish felt free to indulge their
fleshly desires just as they saw the priests indulge
theirs. Thus, society at large became looser in morals
as time rolled on.
This fact is the reason
why nations whose predominate religion is Roman Catholic
are both more poor and more immoral than nations who
have been dominated by Protestantism!
4. Virginia's
Democrat governor is determined to forcibly take away
Second Amendment Constitutional rights during the Rights
Rally in January 20.
Governor Bans Guns on State Capitol Grounds, Declares
‘State of Emergency',"
Breitbart News, 15 January 2020
"Virginia Gov. Ralph
Northam (D) declared a 'state of emergency Wednesday,
putting in place a temporary prohibition of exercising
Second Amendment rights on Capitol grounds. This means
citizens coming to the January 20, 2020, pro-Second
Amendment rally in Richmond will have to disarm before
taking part in the event."
This strong stand by the
Virginia Democrat governor reveals the genuine bottom-line
agenda of the Gun Control / Gun Seizure groups, leading
all the way back to the original public shooting in
1988. Since the New World Order is an Absolute Dictatorship,
the governing Elite must disarm the average citizen
To back up his
strong stand, the governor has declared a "State
of Emergency".
On January 14, 2020, the
Associated Press received a tip that Northam was going
to declare a ban on firearms prior to the pro-Second
Amendment rally. The AP noted that "Democrat leaders
… [had already] used a special rules committee
to ban guns inside the Capitol and a legislative office
building," and Northam was going to expand the
ban by adding the grounds as well.
However, Governor Northam
may be backing down in this fight.
Dems Drop AR-15 Confiscation After 1000s of NRA Members
Show", Breitbart News, 14 January
"Virginia Democrats
withdrew an AR-15 confiscation bill Monday after thousands
of NRA members showed up to oppose new gun controls
... the presence of thousands of NRA members "appeared
to have an impact." Democrats withdrew a bill
aimed at AR-15 confiscation and moderated other gun
control proposals.
But NRA-ILA Virginia state
director Daniel Spiker made clear the changes, though
good, were not enough. He said, "While there were
some improvements to some of these bills, overall, it's
still bad legislation. Putting in more regulations and
making it more onerous on the law-abiding citizens of
Virginia is not something we stand for."
A preacher demanded strict
adherence to the Constitution:
"... attempts to
legislate gun control serve as a way to usurp the Constitution:
'The Constitution is specific; it ‘shall not be
infringed.' If somebody wants to restrict those
rights then they need to follow it by altering the Constitution,
not by putting in place legislation that is in conflict
with the Constitution'."
5. Donald J. Trump
is clearly a Pro-Life President.
the Pro-life President", Canada
Free Press, Jan 15, 2020
"Back in 1973 when
the Burger Court turned the Constitution on its head
by discovering a constitutional right to kill the unborn
then President Nixon didn't even make a public
statement ... Since then we've elected several
presidents who said publicly that they were pro-life:
Ronnie Reagan, George I, and George II. All three took
some steps to restrict federal funding for abortion
and made public statements condemning abortion and boosting
the pro-life cause. All three gave taped addresses to
the massive annual Right-to-life march in Washington
filled with pro-life values and voters."
"Of course, since
the slaughter of the innocents gained the federal stamp
of approval we've had every Democrat candidate
champion the freedom to choose death. And we've
had two who made it to the White House: Clinton and
Obama. Once there they both proudly opened the spigot
from the Treasury to the abortion mills forcing all
taxpayers to pour billions into the industrial scale
elimination of generations of Americans. "
came Trump."
"President Trump
works daily to fulfill his campaign pledges ... Here
are just some of the pro-life accomplishments of President
Trump and his Administration."
* "... appoint pro-life
Justices to the Supreme Court"
* "Trump nominated
another 180 pro-life federal judges on the Circuit and
District courts. "
* "depriving the
abortion industry of billions of dollars:
* "the Donald signed
legislation permitting states to defund Planned Parenthood
of Title X family planning."
* " issued an Executive
Order giving states the option to withhold Medicaid
and other federal money from organizations that perform
abortions, including Planned Parenthood"
* " issued the Protect
Life Rule which cuts Title X funding on the federal
level of Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion
* "Trump changed
federal funding rules regarding research. According
to the new guidelines, federal funds can no longer support
research using the body parts of children killed by
* "Trump reinstated
and expanded the "Mexico City Policy." The
Bush-era Mexico City Policy protected approximately
$500 million in spending ... protects over $8.8 billion
in federal overseas aide from funding
abortion" (Emphasis added)
* "he stopped funding
for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)"
* "Under
Dr. Ben Carson the Trump Administration's Department
of Health & Human Services (HHS) issued a rule requiring
that insurers inform their customers whether the plan
they're buying covers abortion."
* "Trump created
a new office in the HHS for Conscience and Religious
Freedom. Now people who under Obamacare insurance regulations
are forced to participate in abortion, can have their
rights explained and protected more effectively."
* "Trump has appointed
strong pro-life advocates across his administration."
"Long have we sought
someone who would lead the pro-life movement toward
our goal of ending the massacre of the unborn. I believe
God does not judge societies by the sin that exist in
them for the same sin lurks within all humans. I believe
instead that God judges societies by the sins which
they condone."
" our Father has
told us ?"If My people who are?called by My name
will?humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and
turn from their wicked ways,?then I will hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
"Don't despair.
Instead rejoice for we finally have a president leading
the way out of the darkness of infanticide and back
to the light of life. So, keep the faith, keep the peace
for we shall overcome, and why worry when you can pray?"

6. USMCA moved
through committees, preparing for final Senate vote,
which could easily occur before the end of January.
Meanwhile, Speaker
Pelosi signed the Articles of Impeachment and is sending
them to the Senate.
The old "Wag
The Dog" scenario continues to play out.
The premise of this movie
is simple: The President rapes a young girl, referred
to as a 'firefly', who was wearing a red beret eerily
reminiscent of Monica Lewinsky. To make matters worse,
the rape is being made public only about two weeks before
the President's reelection. To spin the story, and distract
Americans from the sex scandal, the White House Chief
of Staff contacts a media expert played by Robert DeNiro.
After hearing the sordid
details of the rape, this media expert then sets in
motion a cover story about a strategic nuclear bomber
that does not exist, and a totally fake war. This combined
story is designed to move the story of the rape from
the front page to the deep inside section of the daily
newspapers. Further, the media expert knows a war will
cause the American people to rally behind the President
because he is leading Americans in a war, a cause which
history has always shown produces high Presidential
ratings, whomever he might be.
The media expert then
immediately flies to Hollywood, where he enlists the
aid of a major producer to create news footage of this
fake war on a studio set. The picture they create is
of a young girl running for her life in a bombed-out
village. She is carrying a fake white cat as she is
running, and she is looking very scared, by the way.
Once the fake news footage
is polished, reviewed by both the producer and the media
expert, it is uplinked to satellites used by the major
news agencies, and is beamed to American households
as news. One of the most fascinating parts of this movie
was the repeated handling of the President's Press Secretary
as he was holding his daily press briefings. This media
expert could call someone in the White House during
the press briefing to tell the Press Secretary to make
some announcement. The Press Secretary would then hear
the announcement he was to make through earphones set
inside his ear, and would then make that announcement.
The media expert even transmitted a message to the Press
Secretary using a pay phone in the middle of rural Iowa,
next to a cornfield!
As the handling of this
fake war continued, the popularity of the President
soared, until he was reelected by over 80% of the popular
The fake war was used
as a shield to hide the real rape story by moving it
to the back pages of the newspapers, sections which
almost no one ever read.
Our firm belief is that
the story of the USMCA -- NAFTA 2.0 -- is being shielded
from the front page to the back pages by the sordid
details of the Democrat's Impeachment Trial. watch the
news carefully, to discover that USMCA has been shoved
to the back of the newspapers, the TV news, and the
Without much scrutiny,
Conservative / Christian Americans will not react with
horror and disgust over the passage of the USMCA, which
immediately creates Supernation #1 of the Daniel 7:7-8
Antichrist prophecy and which will surrender our rights
and our sovereign rights under our laws!
In this day, Jesus' warning
about the lack of discernment amongst believers is so
sadly true:
"... for the children
of this world are in their generation wiser than the
children of light." (Luke 16:8)
Discernment is nearly
dead today in our entire Western world!
Now, Antichrist can arise.