World-Class DVD From Chris Pinto
DVD Title from Chris Pinto
The 'True Christian
History of America' is a powerful documentary, showing
the Bible-based Christian origins of the early American
view of freedom, tracing the principles of liberty back
to England and the great Reformation.
For many years,
Americans have been taught in our schools and universities
that the founding of our Republic was the result of
the Enlightenment from France, or from the deists of
that time. But is that truly the case? Did the Enlightenment
first declare no taxation without representation? Or
trial by jury? Were they the champions of freedom of
speech, or of the press? And why did Samuel Adams declare
that the “reign of political Protestantism”
would commence, just before signing the Declaration
of Independence?
Filmed on location
in the United States, as well as in England, Switzerland,
and the Czech Republic, this insightful documentary
contains unique interviews with experts from around
the world, who relate how the champions of the Gospel
pursued the cause of freedom across the centuries, and
how it is their beliefs which are enshrined in the Declaration,
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
At a time when
America and the principles of freedom stand in peril,
it has never been more important for the Christian world
to reclaim its historic heritage. This documentary is
perfect for churches, Bible study groups, homeschool
parents, or anyone who desires to learn a detailed history
on the influence of Christianity in the United States.
Video clips online
Presented by Christian
J. Pinto Running Time: 150+ minutes --
Chris Pinto Titles

-- Headline News
1. President Trump
is now pursuing a more important re-election strategy!
Trump Will Be President One Way Or Another",
Canada Free Press, Dec 24, 2020
"It is now just a
matter of time, as we prepare for the Holidays, but
the sands-have-shifted, where the crimes of stealing
an election with illegal ballots or massive machine-driven-voter-fraud,
will soon become irrelevant. No, the crimes have now
escalated to being complicit
in cyber warfare with the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) interfering with an American election process
with the intent of removing a sitting President of the
United States from office, where many may soon be charged
with treason for aiding and abetting the enemy during
a time of war." (Emphasis Added)
This new approach to overturning
the election lies along a pathway toward Cyber-warfare
by the Chinese Communist Party, cooperating with Leftist
Democrat Party.
This type of Election
Challenge will disembowel the Democrat Party and send
its officials to prison -- it is just atomic!
1. "At present, President
Trump has ... diverse paths laid out in front of him
both of which will keep him as POTUS for four more years.
Let us refer to the first as a more delicate path of
diplomacy with the potential change in electoral states,
which is now known ... the declassification of documents,
appoint Sidney Powell as special counsel, and other
policies where words and negations still matter."
2. "The second, the
more perilous path, will target the cyber warfare criminals,
wherein President Trump may invoke the 2018 EO, the
Insurrection Act, and the 14th Amendment, using swift
Special Ops forces, military tribunals, where talk and
documents, negotiations, at least during the first phase,
will no longer matter."
Two matters to consider:
" One: do honestly
think that President Donald John Trump would let Biden
and the Communist Chinese steal this election from the
American people. Two: Trump may even go to war with
China to prevent the steal from happening. Think of
it this way, a war with China or a civil war for that
matter, will only last a given period of time. If communism
comes to America, it will last a lifetime - for our
grandchildren. That’s motivation enough for me."
2. But, abruptly,
two of those paths to reversing the election challenge
suddenly disappeared.
* Supreme Court
delayed the start of Trump's hearing until two days
after the Inauguration.
NEWS BRIEF: "Supreme
Court in no hurry to hear Trump campaign case, sets
response deadline two days after inauguration",
Canada Free Press, Dec 25, 2020
"The latest Trump
campaign appeal to the Supreme Court won’t see
any action from the justices until after the inauguration.
The justices this week set a reply deadline for Pennsylvania
Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and the other respondents
named in the case of Jan. 22. The campaign had asked
for the Supreme Court to order those on the other side
of the litigation to respond by Wednesday and have reply
briefs from the Trump campaign submitted by Thursday.
It also asked the court to rule by Jan. 6. But the court
did not oblige."
* VP Pence revealed
his true colors to be 'R.I.N.O. RED" when he refused
to exercise his authority as Chairman of the Senate
to force states to - the election.
fails, options collapsing, DECLASS priority",
Natural News, Dec 24, 2020
"VP Mike Pence surprised
no one yesterday by proving to be a total coward, refusing
to issue a letter to the states in which overwhelming
fraud has occurred, wherein Pence could have ordered
them to submit legitimate electoral votes to Congress.
(The Pence-Raiklin Maneuver.)"
"Instead, he remained
silent, effectively stabbing Trump in the back. Once
Trump achieves his second term, he should demand
Pence’s resignation and replace him with
someone who is willing to actually fight for America."
(Emphasis added in the original)
2. Perhaps President
Trump had January 6 in mind anyway.
meets with Republicans planning to challenge election
results on January 6", Life
Site News, Dec 23, 2020
"With President Donald
Trump’s hopes of contesting the presidential election
results via the courts largely dashed, some are looking
with new interest at January 6, the day when Congress
meets to formally count the votes cast by the Electoral
College, for salvation."
The shrinking timeline
for Trump to seek redress via the court system is, indeed,
dashing his hopes. For this reason, the military crimes
pathway is the shorter, and most effective, avenue to
pursue. In other words, this criminal military path
would offer instant results in overturning the election,
and the normal domestic court system would pursue 2-4
years to work its way through the system.
A major Republican
effort is planned for that date!
3. COVID-19 pandemic
has markedly increased persecution of Christians.
Group: Coronavirus
Pandemic ‘Certainly Increased Persecution for
Christians Abroad’," Breitbart
News, 23 Dec 2020
"... the Chinese
coronavirus pandemic has allowed repressive forces to
more ably target vulnerable Christians, from denying
them health care to offering to trade their faith for
food ... While, in the West, Christians have faced legal
restrictions banning them from attending church services
or celebrating Christian holidays in person, persecution
in other parts of the world has come in a variety of
more brutal forms, from jihadists in Africa taking advantage
of weak governments to expand their influence to local
officials denying Christians food during lockdowns if
they do not convert."
When a weak and
vulnerable Church meets an all-powerful secular government.
"Open Doors USA Director
of Communications Amy Lamb listed Malaysia, Nigeria,
parts of the Middle East, Vietnam, and India as areas
where the organization has witnessed particularly alarming
actions towards Christian minorities directly tied to
pandemic policies."
"Lamb told Breitbart
News her organization is urging American Christians
to 'pray for Christians abroad who are being pressured
to recant their faith in order to feed or protect their
families. Christians can also consider donating a portion
of their holiday travel savings this year to providing
emergency relief and spiritual support to Christians
internationally who are suffering for their faith'.”
4. Biden's Cabinet
will be a reflection of the Chinese Communist Inner
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden’s
Cabinet is going to be the U.S. branch office of the
Chinese Communist Party", Natural
News, Dec 23, 2020
"A Joe Biden presidency
is going to be a dream come true for the Chinese Communists,
a huge break they probably never in a thousand years
imagined would come true."
* "... the incoming
president and his son compromised by the ChiComs ..."
* "... the people
Biden is selecting to fill roles in his Cabinet are
either pro-Beijing sycophants (like Biden himself) or
China apologists."
" 'These are not
patriotic Americans wise to the ways of the CCP and
determined to protect us from them', Faddis writes.
'To the contrary, these are men
and women who are fully supportive of China’s
ambition to supplant the United States as the dominant
power on the globe'.”
and Russia wasted no time carrying out a joint military
aircraft provocation.
A total of 19
bomber and fighter escort a massive penetration South
Korean Air Defense Zone!
Korea scrambles jets as 19 Chinese, Russian aircraft
enter Air Defence Zone", Reuters
News, Dec 22, 2020
"SEOUL (Reuters)
- South Korea said it scrambled fighter jets in response
to an intrusion into its air defence identification
zone by 19 Russian and Chinese military aircraft on
Tuesday. Four Chinese warplanes entered the Korea Air
Defence Identification Zone (KADIZ) followed by 15 Russian
aircraft, according to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs
of Staff (JCS). The South Korean military dispatched
air force fighters to take tactical measures."
This massive fly-over
by 19 military aircraft, including 15 heavy bombers,
is a warning "shot across the bow", a warning
against the new United States' government, of Joe Biden.
Biden is already seen as weak overall, with a special
weakness for China.
How quickly might these
major planned episodes explode once weak Biden replaces
strong Trump?
* China invading Taiwan
* North Korea invading
South Korea
* Russia invading West
Ukraine and the Crimea
Vulnerability to Chinese
threats is huge and will likely come quickly after Biden's
War III could be just days from erupting!
5. "Ye shall
know them by their Fruits..." (Matthew 7:16)
Cuban Communist
Party is recommending Eating Rats this Christmas!
Communists: Add Rodent Meat ‘to the Family Dinner
Table’," Breitbart News,
24 Dec 2020
"A government television
broadcast in Cuba this week urged citizens to eat guinea
pig and other rodents, suggesting rodent meat is more
nutritious and 'sustainable' than pork or beef ... The
Communist Party has presided over major food shortages
in Cuba for decades, beginning almost immediately following
the Cuban Revolution in 1959."
"... According to
the experts, the average protein content [of guinea
pig] is 19 percent, superior to porcine and bovine meat.
Its consumption is a clear ally against anemia and malnutrition',
the reporter claimed ... To 'elevate the culinary culture'
around eating rodents, the report detailed, the government
asked a group of Cuban chefs to design new meals around
guinea pig as a core protein. One chef noted that they
designed 11 dishes, but ran out of time. Ideas left
on the cutting room floor included rodent meatballs
and hamburgers."
"Under the management
of Miguel Díaz-Canel, technically the nation’s
president but subordinate to dictator and Communist
Party secretary Raúl Castro, the Communist Party
has become more vocal in encouraging the consumption
of bizarre meats to hide its inability to procure safe-to-eat
pork, chicken, or beef ... encouraging the consumption
of jutía, alligator, and ostrich."
Capitalists routinely
produce an abundance of everything in a society -- from
machine parts to autos to food -- while Communism produces
only a desperate scarcity of everything. For this reason,
Americans who are flush with money while promoting Socialism/Communism,
are downright stupid!
When Communist officials
like NY Mayor de Blasio start their "Redistribution
of Wealth", he will turn first to those Leftists'
bank accounts who are the most rich, especially sports
figures, entertainers and businessmen on Wall Street.
6. Why did our
Founding Fathers hate Democracy so much they rejected
it in favor of a Republic?
Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin,
'Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?'
With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, 'A
republic, if you can keep it'.” (Benjamin
never lasts long ... It soon wastes, exhausts and murders
itself'. He insisted, 'There was never a democracy that
‘did not commit suicide'.” (John
Learn our history
lessons well:
"... whenever
government gets too close to the individual, the individual
always loses his freedom, precisely the reason our Founding
Fathers carefully created a government comprised of
checks and balances, and which was controlled by law,
not by governmental edict. They knew the individual
rights had to be upheld at the expense of governmental
rights. This campaign to convince Americans that the
collective takes precedence over the individual is simply
a prelude to totalitarian government, a government based
upon the Nazi ideal." (CE1064)