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Printed In 1958 -- Coming True in 2020!
Naked Communist: Exposing Communism & Restoring
Book Update of
1958 - Paperback by W. Cleon Skousen
NEWS BRIEF: "Compare
Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade:
From "Naked Communist",
Canada Free Press,
"Have you ever wondered
what the precursors to the current goals of protesters
and radicals demanding defunding police departments
across America? Also, their crazed goals to pull down
all historic statutes – even Mt Rushmore? And
as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand destruction of
capitalism, haven’t you wondered where such unhinged
and universally disastrous ideas came from?
"Well, there’s
an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World
Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963,
a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the record
that were argued to help take over USA. These were read
into the Congressional Record, taken from a book called
'The Naked Communist',” by
Cleon Skousen (On Sale, to the above left)
While Skousen lists 45
goals which Communists plan to achieve in any non-Communist
country, we shall just list the most important 10:
1) Normalize Revolt
-- “Create the impression that violence
and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American
2) "Cancel
the Police"
3) "Dismember
the Family"
4) "Infiltrate
Schools With Leftism "
5) "Pervert
the Press" - Take over the Mass Media
6) "Media
Blockade ... “Gain control of key positions
in radio, TV, and motion pictures.”
7) "Demolish
the Founders"
8) "Condemn
the American Experiment" -- "“Belittle
all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching
of American history."
9) Big Business
Now Intimidated - "“Infiltrate and
gain control of big business.”
10) " Cancel
the Constitution"
These are only 10 of the
45 Communist goals reported in this book, "The
Naked Communist"! I find it highly
offensive that such a Satanic failure system could erupt
so strongly in America!
Read this book, pass on
the warning: "The warriors are at our gates, threatening
to break them down! Now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of our country. Now is also the time
for mature Christians who know their Bible prophecies
to warn people to repent of their sins through Jesus'
shed blood on Calvary.
God has placed us here
to warn others. Listen:
"But if the watchman
see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the
people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any
person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity;
but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto
the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word
at my mouth, and warn them from me." (Ezekiel 33:6-7,
We are all "Watchmen
on the Wall", being able to uniquely see through
the din of turmoil to the approach of God's judgment
upon a prosperous America as foretold in Revelation
Christian, stand strong,
as the fields are white with fruit!
432 Pages --
-- Only $26.95
432 Pages
is Collective Demon Possession"
Same Individuals Who Plotted The 2016 Coup Are
Now Behind Communist Insurrection
= Communism
'Agenda' is a most
powerful expose' of the Communist, Socialist,
Progressive Plan to overthrow our beloved country,
its Constitution, and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is a 2-Title
AMERICA DOWN -- A fascinating look at the people
and groups that have successfully targeted America's
morality and freedom in their effort to grind
America down.
OF DECEIT' -- to expose the Masters of Deceit
and their purposeful, premeditated, treasonous
attacks on our freedom.
You will readily
see the outworking of the riots recently nationwide
over the needless George Floyd death as the planned
outworking of this "Agenda" script.
Back In-Stock
$33.95, Now Only $24.95
1. President Trump
appears to have been vindicated in his statement that
the massive Beirut explosion was an attack.
Israel appears
to have carried out another "preemptive strike"
against a bitter Islamic foe -- Lebanon -- striking
first in order to prevent war.
2. Why is your
child a Communist?
Popular teen magazine,
"Teen Vogue" extolled the virtue of Karl Marx
and his Communism over our Founding Fathers and Capitalism.
3. President Trump
launched his own preemptive strike when he slapped a
"terrorist" label on a Right-Wing White Supremacist
Now, since he
has already declared Left-Wing Antifa to be terrorist,
he can deal with both sides forcefully.
4. When will this
lawlessness in Democrat-controlled cities end?
Armed civilian
groups are forming and are patrolling their neighborhoods
5. COVID-19 case
numbers are considerably less than originally broadcast
6. White and Black
agree on one matter: Guns are needed today in the hands
of citizens like they have never been needed before.
Concerned citizens
are buying guns at a rate never before seen!
"End of the Age" DVD!
One-World Religion
Under a New World Order. Volume 4
we arrive at the conclusion of our study on the Kingdom
of God, we can reflect on all of the things we have
learned to this point. The most important of our lessons
can be summed up as follows: The major underlying theme
of the Word of God is that due to the failure of the
theocratic administrator in the Garden of Eden (Adam)
to faithfully administer God’s plan for setting
up God's rule over the entire earth, there must be a
plan to establish a second theocratic administrator
(Jesus) who will establish God’s Kingdom on the
face of the earth.
It is this plan that guides us from Genesis
to Revelation, and it is this theme that has be seriously
misinterpreted well-meaning members of the Church. In
our study we have traversed a path of misinterpretation
that has led to various unscriptural movements and multiple
false doctrines within professing Christianity. Thus,
as we come to this final segment of the study, we must
ask the question, 'Why should I care?' Disc 4 will answer
not only that question, but reach a final conclusion
to the main question, 'Are we building the Kingdom of
Along the way to reaching a final conclusion,
we will look into some dark corners of our recent history
and present society that have taken the wrong path.
These observations will include:
1. The plan for building the Kingdom of
God via a human world government and a one-world religion
that began in the 19th Century.
2. We will investigate the people that initiated and
promoted such a plan.
3. We will follow this path all the way through the
20th Century and discover the current status of such
plans imbedded in the most recent events of our present
4. We will also follow the individuals promoting such
philosophies into the ranks of modern evangelicals.
5. We will then reveal the connection of the plan for
a world government and a world religion in the occult
6. We will then discover the source of all such human
efforts and philosophies.
Finally, we will take a look at what the
Bible teaches about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
and His reign on earth as King of Kings and Lord of
All of this will not only show us why
we should care, but these facts will give us a conclusive
answer to the big question:
Have You Seen
Volumes 1,2 and 3 In This Series?
Select the image below for more information
or to watch the trailer

Headline News
is Collective Demon Possession"

1. President Trump
appears to have been vindicated in his statement that
the massive Beirut explosion was an attack.
Breaking Israel News,
"After US President
Donald Trump called the massive blast in Lebanon an
“attack”, CNN responded quoting three “defense
officials” who said that there was “no indication
that the massive explosion that rocked Beirut on Tuesday
were an attack.”. But now, slow motion footage
leading up to the blast may have just vindicated the
president’s assessment."
Imagine that! CNN immediately
called in three so-called "defense officials"
to contradict President Trump as to whether this massive
explosion was a deliberately targeted attack or whether
it was an accident. CNN certainly wastes no opportunity
to discredit the President, and they keep at it despite
being proven so wrong so many times you would think
they would hesitate the next time.
They were wrong -- again!
"Newly revealed video
footage reveals that an object that appears to have
been shot from a distance detonated the massive blast
in Beirut on Tuesday."
As we watch an initial
smoke plume rise within the silo, suddenly, a small
black object appears to the left and angles downward
into the base of the structure, igniting a gigantic
explosion. I am no expert, but this looks like a bomb
/ missile.
President Trump spoke
to this subject again yesterday, reiterating that this
explosion was planned.
again says Lebanon blast might not have been accident",
The Times of Israel, 8/6/2020
"US President Donald
Trump on Wednesday continued to suggest that the massive
explosion that killed at least 135 people in Lebanon
might not have been an accident, as Lebanese officials
have initially assessed ... Investigators probing the
deadly blast that ripped across Beirut are focused on
possible negligence in the storage of tons of ammonium
nitrate, a highly explosive fertilizer, in a waterfront
As investigations continued,
the government ordered the house arrest of several port
officials who were deemed negligent.
"The compound typically
does not detonate on its own and requires another ignition
source. That likely came from a fire that engulfed what
initially appeared to be fireworks stored at the port."
Likely, the bomb set off
a massive amount of ammonium nitrate once it exploded
at the base of the initial fire seen rising in the silo.
In other words, the Israeli military decided to use
the nitrate as the fuel source for this terribly destructive
In the past several months,
Israel has been using cyber-warfare to destroy critically
important assets which Iran's military would use against
Israel during an attack. Israel is convinced that Iran's
fiery rhetoric must be taken seriously, i.e., they really
intended to annihilate the entire Jewish state.
Israel's campaign has
proven to be spectacularly successful, as numerous military
sites have been destroyed without planes, missiles,
or tanks.
Hezbollah has taken over
Lebanon and has tens of thousands of troops deployed
as close to the border as Israel will tolerate. Hezbollah
has also staged an estimated 250,000 missiles within
range of Israeli targets. And, Iran controls them all.
Personally, I believe
that Israel launched this attack so as to destroy Hezbollah's
most efficient shipping port, a facility which would
prove immeasurably helpful in any war with Israel.
Finally, Israel has used
the preemptive strike professionally in past conflicts.
This tactic is most effective in dealing with numerically
superior opponents.
The human toll was heartbreaking.
Governor Breaks Down At The Scene of Beirut Explosion:
'This Reminds Me Of Hiroshima and Nagasaki",
Breaking Israel News, 8/6/2020
"Marwan Abboud, the
governor of Beirut, was interviewed by Sky News Arabia
TV (UAE) amid the wreckage at the scene of the August
4, 2020 explosion in the Port of Beirut. Governor Abboud,
who began to cry, said that the scene was reminiscent
of the aftermath of the nuclear attacks in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. "
To reiterate:
Israel appears
to have carried out another "preemptive strike"
against a bitter Islamic foe -- Lebanon -- striking
first in order to prevent war.
2. Why is your
child a Communist?
Your Kid Is A Communist", Canada
Free Press, August 3, 2020
"According to a 2019
Gallup poll, 51% of adults, 18 to 29 view socialism
positively, while 49% view capitalism positively.
Parents, especially of strong Christian
faith, can hardly believe what comes out of the mouths
of their children. College-age young adults go into
university as bright eyed, eager-to-learn fledglings
and come out bitter, angry, under achievers."
How can any American teacher
instruct our precious children to positively view such
a failed system as Socialism and such a brutal, bloody
failed system as Communism?
"Why so much of our
youth has turned to Communism/Socialism is a story of
the last 100 years ... These subversives decided, brilliantly,
that breaking down the culture was needed for the populous
to accept communism. It included breaking down the Christian
foundation, destroying the family structure, feminism,
sex education, promoting atheism, hedonism, free sex,
abortion, homosexuality, mass migration, globalism,
multiculturalism, environmentalism, you name it. They
advanced anything that would destroy the traditional
family, culture and our moral foundation. Their goal
was to set people free to drift, leaving generations
of people with no anchor with which to tie on to accept
the promise of a collectivist utopia."
Today, Communism is being
touted openly like never before, and our young people
seem to be embracing it like never before, That is really
troubling, since Russian Communism murdered 100,000,000
(million) citizens and Chinese Communism murdered an
estimated 200,000,000 (million).
In Cambodia, Communists
there even murdered the college professors who are now
subverting our children here; in fact, Communists murdered
everyone who wore glasses, since only the rich wore
"The education system
in America today has the stench of almost 100 years
of indoctrination akin to re-education camps in communist
filth ... And all the while the church in America says
and does what it has done for generations…nothing."
This sad state of affairs
was made possible because the Illuminati bought out
every textbook writing company by the time World War
I was finished. If President Trump has any hope of cleaning
out this mess, he needs to seize all current textbooks
and republish some old ones until our Conservatives
can re-write new ones.
He also needs to declare
as "subversive" popular teen periodicals as
Teen Vogue.
Popular teen magazine,
"Teen Vogue" extolled the virtue of Karl Marx
and his Communism over our Founding Fathers and Capitalism.
Vogue Tells Teen Girls: Marx good, Reagan bad",
World Net Daily, August 4, 2020
" 'Where to even
begin?' asks the author, Lucy Diavolo, in hazarding
to lay out the litany of the Reagan nightmare. 'Historical
revisionism is, in short, not cute!' "
"Not cute indeed,
Ms. Diavolo. Among Reagan's ugliness, we're told, was
that he not only helped foster AIDS but 'helped exacerbate
the racist injustices at the very root of our so-called
justice system, helping set the stage for the Black
Lives Matter protests'."
Ronald Reagan even had
the temerity to boldly preach that Americans were an
exceptional people, because our Judeo-Christian faith
had sparked an explosion of productivity and prosperity.
Donald trump has taken up Reagan's refrain in his motto,
"Make America Great Again"!
But, the real disaster
of this Teen Vogue is the remarkable transformation
from the truth of who he was:
* "Black Magick Satanist"
* "Extremely racist"
* "Refused to make
a consistent living for his family
* Adulterer, unfaithful
to his wife
"There's this myth
of the free market, but Marx shows very clearly that
capitalism emerged through a state of violence."
Not true. Capitalism emerged
as the result of the Protestant Work Ethic! Most people
do not realize that the American Industrial Revolution
occurred in a very large degree because the individual
worker possessed the "Protestant Work Ethic",
an understanding that man does not work at his job just
for his employer, but "as to the Lord". This
work ethic was so widespread that even men who were
not saved adopted the values of this work ethic. Thus,
employers could count on workers who were honest and
would give him a good, solid days' work for a day's
"This work ethic
is rooted in Christianity -- not Roman Catholicism --
nor in any other religion. This reality is one of the
very large reasons the "American experiment"
has proven to be virtually impossible to replicate in
other nations of the world; however, America is losing
this work ethic.
Yes, some Capitalists
grew filthy rich as this work ethic took hold and produced
this country to prosperity but laws were passed to protect
the rights of the worker.
What most people do not
stop to think is that Communism produced just as many
filthy rich people, but these riches came from robbing
the rich initially and then suppressing the workers
Returning to our featured
"You see, it's capitalism,
not communism, that begets violence. Quite a claim for
an ideology responsible for the deaths of at least 100
million people in the 20th century alone." (True
figures are above).
"... my article here
merely talks about Marx and girls. What about Marx and
blacks? What about Marx and Jews? What about Marx and
religion? (See my coming book, "The
Devil and Karl Marx") What about
Marx and private property? What about Marx and his ideology's
unprecedented legacy of death."
The manner in which Teen
Vogue can twist history and the truth reminds me of
a warning from God.