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Friday, May 13, 2011

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May 21, 2011 - Another Day When Prophecy Is Discredited!

"Preacher Harold Camping Sets His Rapture Date of May 21, 2011"

Another false religious teacher, another false date of the Rapture, and another black mark against genuine Christians and their beloved Bible! You can mark this date on your calendar as THE one date the Rapture will NOT occur.

Rapture! Are Your Lamps Full of Oil?

"The Departure"

"God's Next Catastrophic Intervention Into Earth's History"

As the world races toward its momentous end-times encounter with God, cascading fulfillment of Bible Prophecy clearly points to the catching away of the saints -- an event popularly known as the Rapture of the Church. Specific circumstances, which were prophesied to occur in the days just before this Departure, would appear as signs of the nearing moment.

NOTE: We do not agree with every author on every point in this book, as some of the authors do not possess the unique Cutting Edge Worldview. However, this book does contain some really good information and we expect that you will read like the 'Noble Bereans' of Paul's day! Compare what you read with Scripture 'to see if these things are true'.

Pastor Hoggard DVD

"Biblical Teachings About The Rapture"

At long last! Rapture teaching that is squarely based upon the Bible.

Did you know that the Rapture is not just New Testament doctrine, but is visible in the Old Testament?

Some say the Rapture is the first event on God's prophetic calendar, but do the Scriptures foretell that an extremely significant event will occur BEFORE the Rapture?

Finally, discover why God used the symbolism of a whirlwind when He translated the Prophet Elijah!

This study of the Rapture is the most interesting and decidedly unique you have ever seen Now you can Biblically answer critics of the glorious Rapture of the Christian Church -

All Rapture Bookstore Items Now 25% Off!

Click Here To See A Full Listing of Rapture Bookstore Merchandise

Prices Good Through Midnight, May 21, 2011

Key Events



I. Mainstream acceptance of Mormonism in America is boldly demonstrated through the reality that two (2) devoted Mormons are now running for President!

NEWS BRIEF: "The 2012 Race: A Tale of Two Mormons", by Michael Medved, The Daily Beast, May 11, 2011

"When Jon Huntsman gets into the 2012 presidential race, he won't draw the anti-Mormon flak Mitt Romney did during the 2008 primary season ... In fact, the new contender and his most ardent admirers seem to believe that when it comes to overcoming one of the nation’s most stubborn forms of religious bigotry, two Mormon candidates may be better than one."

How can this possibly be true? The reality is that, since Mitt Romney failed to win the GOP nomination in 2008, two public figures have steadily worked to bring Mormonism into Mainstream (Main Street) America:

1) Mitt Romney himself -- he has continually remained in the public eye, looking very Presidential and ceaselessly criticizing the policies of President Obama, holding forth the message that his business professionalism would produce a better President.

2) Glenn Beck has been the "John the Baptist" figure for the Mormon candidate of 2012! Just like the Biblical John the Baptist, Beck has prepared the minds and the hearts of the people to accept a Mormon as President.

Now that the average American citizen is said to be much more inclined to accept a Mormon for high office, having two highly respected Mormons jump into the race will add to the growing perception that Mormonism is just another type of Christianity! This new DVD from Bill Schnoebelen was created specifically to warn genuine Christians of the truth of Mormonism and to specifically warn them about supporting a Mormon for election in 2012!

II. The Obama Administration is boldly ramming this planned dictatorship down our throats!

NEWS BIREF: "Federal Spychips To Hijack Your Phone", BY Paul Joseph Watson,, May 12, 2011

"The announcement that Americans are set to be bombarded with mandatory government propaganda via their cellphones represents a shocking lurch forward in the Obama administration’s bid to launch a total takeover of all communications as part of a wider move towards controlling the Internet, developing an omnipresent wiretap system, and creating a constant environment of suspicion and distrust by enlisting citizens to spy on each other."

Wow! Seeking authority over all communications represents one of the most invasive and threatening agenda this country has ever seen. However, if the world is as close to the End of the Age as genuine Christians believe it is, then we should not be shocked that we can see the approach of the most Absolute Dictatorships in all human history forming like a threatening cloud on the horizon.

How is the Government going to utilize our phones against us?

"Short of implanting a microchip in people’s heads, the US government has opted for the next best thing, a chip in your cellphone ... 'Cellphone users would not be able to opt out of “presidential messages', with Verizon and AT&T, the nation’s largest cell phone carriers, already on board. 'For now, the alerts are capable on certain high-end cell phones but starting next year, all cell phones will be required to have the chip that receives alerts', adds the report."

What is the consumer really, really does not want to listen to the Government message? Why, your phone call can be cut off!

"The messages will supersede all other phone traffic and have a unique signal and vibration, meaning that your private conversation could be cut off to make way for government propaganda in a program that resembles Minority Report-style invasiveness on steroids."

When the shocking movie, "Minority Report" came to the theaters, I watched several times, taking notes so I could thoroughly post an accurate article so my supporters could understand that this Hollywood movie was "telegraphing" what the Illuminati ultimately planned to set in place. Please take a moment to read this archived Headline News Article:



This country is getting very close to implementing a "Minority Report" type of dictatorship.

As it turns out, cellphone manufacturers have already paved the way technologically.

"Cell phone providers already have the capability to send out text messages to all their subscribers instantly, so why the government needs a 'special chip' to be installed will only heighten suspicions that this is a trojan horse for an omnipresent wiretap that will feed every scintilla of information from your phone directly to big brother."

The fact that no cellphone user can choose to not participate in this government messaging system raises alarms all over this country.

"This seems very suspicious. Why can people not opt out of the president’s messages?” asked another. 'They pay for their phones – they should dictate what it does, not Obama'. Would the 'special chips' also empower Obama to shut down all cell phone traffic on a whim in a time of declared 'national emergency'?"

"Obama already has the power to override all radio and television networks under the recently expanded Emergency Alert System, which allows FEMA to break in on live broadcasts to send out alerts. His administration is also pushing cybersecurity legislation that would hand Obama a figurative kill switch for the Internet. The term “kill switch” is an oversimplification, what the agenda actually revolves around is the ability to impose Chinese-style censorship over the world wide web and develop an ID system that would force users to have their access controlled by a state-run licensing procedure.] The government-mandated chips would also help achieve the Department of Transportation’s aim of blocking all cellphone use in cars. The chip would allow authorities to prevent use of the phone by measuring the speed you are traveling via GPS technology and shutting down the handset."

"This trifecta of broadcast media, Internet, and cellphone traffic represents a total takeover of the entire spectrum of communications in the United States by the Obama administration."

Top Illuminati kingpin, Henry Kissinger, was absolutely correct when he announced just weeks prior to Obama taking the oath of office, "Obama is primed to bring in the New World Order"!


III. Government-regulated meat in our supermarkets are now infected with MRSA, a very stubborn antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria.

Untreated, you could die.

NEWS BRIEF: "Antibiotic-Resistant Staph Bacteria Is Found In U.S. Meat For The First Time", Business Insider, May 12, 2011

"For the first time in the United States, scientists have found antibiotic-resistant MRSA in supermarket meat ... scientists at Wayne State University tested 289 raw meat samples from 30 Detroit grocery stores. Six of the samples were infected with the potentially deadly bacteria, including three chicken, two beef and one turkey."

"WSU's Yifan Zhang told Detroit News: 'Basically all meat categories have MRSA', said Yifan Zhang, a WSU assistant professor in the department of nutrition and food science.."

How bad is MRSA? If it is untreated, it can kill you. Please take a moment to see a slide show on WebMD; prepare to be shocked!

MRSA Slide show: A Closer Look at MRSA

How can this possibly be? For decades now, all meat products have been subject to "strict" Federal Government guidelines supposedly designed to protect the American consumer from grave diseases like MRSA! Either Federal Government inspectors have uniformly failed all across this nation or this situation was the goal to begin with.

In fact, in my opinion, onset of MRSA in all three major meat groups is at least part of the goal which the Government had in mind when they mandated that antibiotics be poured into the grains fed these animals in the feedlots.

New Age adherents will be very happy with this situation because they have been urging the elimination of all meat consumption as many average consumers become vegetarian! Please read one of our very earliest articles, "PLANNED DESTRUCTION OF OUR HIGH ENTROPY CIVILIZATION AND UNSUSTAINABLE ECONOMY", NEWS1510.

Quoting pertinent excerpts:

"In 1981, New Age leader Jeremy Rifkin proposed a new level of wealth redistribution in a book entitled, "Entropy: A New World View". In this book, Rifkin argues that the world is using too many resources to create too many material things .... If the world is not to soon find itself in a position of running out of usable energy, Rifkin proposes that we must change our lifestyle dramatically. We must move into a State run economy that would regulate the production of all material things so the world will not run out of usable energy. This lifestyle is called 'Low Entropy'."

"This change, says Rifkin, will require a radical "new world view", and he urges draconian measures to achieve this new thinking. He says, 'The radical change in world view required to make this transition will have to be accomplished overnight. There will be no time for polite debate, subtle compromise, or monetary equivocation. To succeed will require a zealous determination, a militancy, if you will, of Herculean proportions'." (Ibid, p.186, Emphasis added).

"Radical Change" is what the New World Order is all about, is it not? Furthermore, the New World Order Plan foresees the absolute necessity to make changes overnight which leave no room for "for polite debate, subtle compromise, or monetary equivocation. To succeed will require a zealous determination, a militancy, if you will, of Herculean proportions'."

Jeremy Rifkin zeroes in one one meat industry in particular which is in dire need to drastic reform, driving mankind to a "Lower Entropy" level.

" 'Without a fundamental redistribution of wealth, all talk of lowering energy flow and heeding our planet's biological limits will result in nothing but the rich locking the poor forever into their subservient status...If they do not voluntarily begin to make this economic adjustment, then others will make it for them' ... All of the great teachers of traditional wisdom have embraced the values inherent to a low-entropy life. Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad...all led exemplary lives of simplicity, voluntary poverty, and communal sharing." (Ibid., p. 210).

"Now, Rifkin has revealed the truth about the ultimate plans for the New World Order. You and your family have just been "volunteered" to change your lifestyle to simplicity, voluntary poverty, and communal sharing. Indeed, the New World Order envisions moving the world economy back to where it was 300 years ago. Whenever you see a government document using the words 'sustainability', 'unsustainable', or 'sustainable', you can rest assured this government is fully in sync with Rifkin’s Low Entropy vision."

Now, Jeremy Rifkin sets his sights on the meat slaughter industry, especially beef: (Newsletter for 12/27/2003, Paragraph VII)

"Entropy is a measure of the amount of energy no longer capable of conversion into work ... Energy can only be transferred to a dissipated state." ["Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture", Ibid., p. 35]. Therefore, Rifkin and his ilk believe that we must take steps to achieve some Low-Entropy, steady state type of economy. Conversion to this type of economy requires not only a 'new world view', but also a draconian crisis in order to transfer from one state to the other. "

"We consumed beef to gain power over nature and our fellow human beings ... by choosing not to eat the flesh of cattle, we serve notice of our willingness to enter into a new covenant with this creature ... Freeing the bovine from the pain and indignities suffered on the modern mega-feedlots and in the slaughterhouses is a humane act of great symbolic and practical import. Liberating these creatures from the process of dehorning, castration, and estrus-blocking, from forced hormone injections, massive doses of antibiotics, insecticide showers, and an ignoble death on an automated assembly-line kill floor, is an act of contrition. It is an acknowledgment of the damage we moderns have inflicted on the whole of creation in pursuit of unrestrained power over the forces of nature." [Beyond Beef, p. 288]

" 'Our changing relationship to the bovine ... will be a sign of the new world in the making. The benefits of moving beyond beef will be immediate and visible, providing tangible evidence of the life-affirming future that awaits our children's generation'." [Ibid., p. 289]

Now that you can sense that New Age leaders truly hate our consumption of beef -- and all meat for that matter -- can you understand why the Federal Government first took control of the slaughterhouse industry in order to "protect the consumer", but ultimately to ruin meat for consumption. Jeremy Rifkin's radical views are secretly shared by government officials and have been for decades.

Even the Christian community has supported Rifkin's radical ideas!

"Before you mistakenly believe that Rifkin is out on a limb with this view, without strong supporters, think again. Rifkin is considered one of the premier New Age leaders. Furthermore, Rifkin is considered by many Christians to be one of their own. Pat Robertson has interviewed Rifkin on his "700 Club" TV show, and in 1980, Robertson praised Rifkin's Entropy book. Finally, Rifkin's proposals have been rewritten in popular language from a most popular man, Tennessee Senator and Vice President for eight years under President Clinton: Albert Gore, in his book, "Earth In The Balance". Gore simply presents Rifkin's radical ideas in a plausible format. Make no mistake about it, Rifkin's radical concepts are the heart and soul of the New World Order Plan, and supported by political leaders throughout the Industrial world."

Millions of Americans have thus been predisposed to react to this news that our meat supply now has MRSA in the meat at our local supermarkets with a decision to switch to vegetarianism. And, when the New Age Christ comes to the world scene, announcing that he is forcing a complete switchover to vegetarianism even as he outlaws the slaughtering of all meat animals, he will meet no significant resistance.

This tainting of our meat supply is a very significant sign of the impending New World Order, a "Low Entropy" vegetarian lifestyle!

Second DVD In The "2012 & Beyond" Series

"Paradigm Shift: The Illuminati's Plan For 2012 And Beyond"

Watch the New Trailer

New DVD by Doc Marquis, 2-Disc Set - Volume 2

Pre-Sale, Save $10.00 - Regularly $39.99, Only $29.99 until we ship June 21

Pre-Order Here Now and Save

On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. The astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod – the finger of God – pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing.

For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity.

New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new “Garden of Eden” will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order.

In Volume 2, we shall examine some other cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite seem to have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift".

Antichrist cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specifically stops the Illuminati, their demonic Guiding Spirits may just have this long-awaited Paradigm Shift planned for December 21, 2012. New Age adherents are looking forward to this day as enthusiastically as we Christians are looking forward to the Rapture of the Church! 3 1/2 hours long

First DVD In The "2012 & Beyond" Series

Is The New Age Christ Imminent?

"2012 And Beyond"

'The Illuminati's Plan' - Watch Trailer

Doc's best DVD yet! Now that you have read and heard the noise and chatter about the year 2012, you will be pleased to know the truth of the Illuminati Plan for 2012, from a man who knows the Plan thoroughly, former Illuminati Luciferian, Doc Marquis!

After watching this 'One of a Kind' DVD set, you will no longer wonder what will happen after December 21, 2012!

Is the New Age Christ ready to appear? Is the end of the world near? Are we doomed to destruction? Do we have any hope for tomorrow beyond the year 2012? In this new, exciting and riveting 2 part DVD set renowned author and former Illuminati witch Doc Marquis takes up the daunting task of revealing the truth behind December 21, 2012.

At the end, through a unique series of question and answers along with comparisons of the Holy Scriptures Doc Marquis shall begin to reveal the final truth behind the mystery of 2012.

2-DVD Set, Nearly 4 hours --

Buy The First Six of Doc's DVD's for only $25 a piece!

Regularly $229.94 if bought at regular retail

Now only $149.94

You save $80.00

New Hoggard DVD!

"The Mystery of Mecca"

Islam Revealed

Pastor Hoggard nails the spiritual truth about the religion of Islam like no other! After listening to this video, you will never look at Islam the same way again!

Why are the followers of Islam so constantly filled with rage? Why has Islam historically murdered so many Christians that northern Africa and the Middle East today are predominately Muslim? Why is it that the only "peace" Islam affords its enemies is the "peace of the grave"?

Pastor Mike reveals that Islam is simply pagan worship of the Goddess, and that all of Islam is simply and only paganism to its very core.



Second DVD In The "2012 & Beyond" Series

"Paradigm Shift: The Illuminati's Plan For 2012 And Beyond"

Watch the New Trailer

New DVD by Doc Marquis, 2-Disc Set - Volume 2

Pre-Sale, Save $10.00 - Regularly $39.99, Only $29.99 until we ship June 21

Pre-Order Here Now and Save

On December 21, 2012, the world is supposed to enter into a New Age of spiritual enlightenment and awareness. The astrological chart cast for December 21, 2012, depicts the Yod – the finger of God – pointing to this new spiritual energy and spiritual healing.

For the past several thousand years, mankind has been collectively yearning for a spiritual healing of the nations, a time when wars, hatreds and divisions will miraculously give way to peace, love and unity.

New Age literature abounds with this message of hope and change. Authors teach that this idyllic new “Garden of Eden” will occur only after the New Age Christ is on the world scene, leading mankind into a most peaceful New World Order.

In Volume 2, we shall examine some other cultural and spiritual expectations for 2012 and then we shall present the real point-in-history change which the Elite seem to have planned for December 21, 2012, a change known as the "Paradigm Shift".

Antichrist cannot arise until and unless this paradigm shift in spiritual values has occurred. Unless God specifically stops the Illuminati, their demonic Guiding Spirits may just have this long-awaited Paradigm Shift planned for December 21, 2012. New Age adherents are looking forward to this day as enthusiastically as we Christians are looking forward to the Rapture of the Church! 3 1/2 hours long

First DVD In The "2012 & Beyond" Series

Is The New Age Christ Imminent?

"2012 And Beyond"

'The Illuminati's Plan' - We are shipping NOW!

Doc's best DVD yet! Now that you have read and heard the noise and chatter about the year 2012, you will be pleased to know the truth of the Illuminati Plan for 2012, from a man who knows the Plan thoroughly, former Illuminati Luciferian, Doc Marquis!

After watching this 'One of a Kind' DVD set, you will no longer wonder what will happen after December 21, 2012!

Is the New Age Christ ready to appear? Is the end of the world near? Are we doomed to destruction? Do we have any hope for tomorrow beyond the year 2012? In this new, exciting and riveting 2 part DVD set renowned author and former Illuminati witch Doc Marquis takes up the daunting task of revealing the truth behind December 21, 2012.

At the end, through a unique series of question and answers along with comparisons of the Holy Scriptures Doc Marquis shall begin to reveal the final truth behind the mystery of 2012, a task he completes in Volume 2.

2-DVD Set, Nearly 4 hours --

New Trailers


"Decoding Doomsday"

"2012 Prophecies, The Apocalypse, and Perilous Days Ahead"

Regularly $16.99, Introductory Sale $14.99

"Decoding Doomsday" is a masterpiece of well-founded research. If all the 2012 talk has you shaking your head and turning away, this book will giver you conclusive answers from a Biblical perspective, answers that you can trust.

Dozens of books have been published during the past two decades on the topic of 2012, mostly reflecting a 'New Age' perspective. This occult outlook is shaped by Mayan scholars, pseudo-archeologists, channelers, mediums, shamans and alternative historians.

Pundits penning these opinions draw upon ancient sources, including the Mayan Calendar, I Ching, the Kolbrin Bible, Platos Atlantis, Freemasonry and even Pyramidology.

So has Earth's time really come? Is this the End of the World? Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, the author asserts that we the 'apocalypse expectation' can be a healthy focus, essential to authentic Christianity. Finally, Woodward maintains that 'doomsday' is indeed decoded - history's last days are disclosed within Mosaic Law and the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets!

375 pages -

See What $5.00 Will Buy!

Regular Retails Up To $20.00

Weekend Sales Event: Prices Good Today Until Sold Out

"Rebuilding The Tower of Babel"

"The Dark Side of the Purpose Driven, New Paradigm Church"

Regularly $19.99

Did you know that Rick Warren used the infamous Tower of Babel as his major symbol of his 2004 "40 Days of Community" program? For 2000 years, Christian preachers and teachers have properly understood that the "Tower of Babel" was man's supreme early effort to build a global government, economy and religion in direct opposition to the God of the Bible. The Tower of Babel was dedicated to the many gods of the Babylonian Religion, but the upper-most statute was to be the god, "Bel-Merodach"!
Yet, Rick Warren used this symbol to represent his goal for his agenda to build a global community of churches!

In the late 20th Century the Tower of Babel became the symbol of the new European Union, thus becoming the major icon of the Luciferian New World Order.

Rick Warren has since bragged that he is a member of the Illuminati's Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) -

Other Great Books For Only $5.00


"Biblical Lovemaking"

A Loving Look At The Song of Solomon


"One Heartbeat Away"

YOUR Journey Into Eternity

"Already Gone"

Why Your Kids Will Quit Church and What You Can Do To Stop It


"The Love of Money"




"Help For The Laid Off"

"In Times Like These"

"Homeland Security"

NOTE: Quantities are limited to stock on hand



Eternities' Biggest Battle Isn't Between Good and Evil ...

It's Between Truth and Lies!

From the very nature of truth to how our world began, from morality to religion, from population control to political correctness, from Israel to Islam, from atheism to God. . .our entire world runs on what we believe.

Follow Kevin Sorbo as he introduces some of the world's leading scientists, historians, theologians, philosophers, and authors, as they tackle the world's 12 Biggest Lies.

These lies are: 1) There is no such thing as truth.
2) People are inherently good.
3. No one should be offended.
4. Men and women are equal. 5. A fetus isn’t human.
6. The world is overpopulated.
7. Americans are greedy and self-centered.
8. Islam is a religion of peace.
9. The Jews stole Jerusalem.
10. The earth is billions of years old.
11. There is no God.
12. Jesus was just a good man.

This is one of those videos which every Christian needs to help them contend for the faith in this lost and dying world.


New Headline News Articles



"Madness Over Mormonism!"

The National Association of Evangelicals is getting ready to align with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!


"Mormon Glenn Beck Meets With Southern Baptist Billy Graham, Urging Him 'To Come Together' - Yoking Believers With Unbelievers!"

Beck is making major inroads to convince Evangelical leaders to support his cause. Beck has even formed his own version of the "Black Robed Regiment" to finally cement a bridge from Mormonism to Christianity. Genuine Christians are in dire danger of being mightily deceived.


Beware!! Republican and Tea Party Leaders Are Beginning To Sound The Fraudulent Warning That 'Liberal Judges' Are Threatening 'Conservative' Values!

Their phony solution? Political activism which will elect Conservative officials and judges! (Remember: Terri Shiavo was killed by Republican Judges - Republican judges provided the majority to legalize Sodomy and Abortion with Roe vs Wade)

"Truth is not what is; truth is what people think it is." (Adolf Hitler)

"What luck for rulers that people do not think." (Adolf Hitler)

The Triumphant Return of Jesus Christ
New 2-DVD Set by Mac Dominick

Watch New Trailer

Jesus Christ IS returning to Earth, this time as an Omnipotent Warrior King, anxious to totally defeat Antichrist and his armies awaiting Him on the Plain of Armageddon!

We are living in a world with an apocalyptic mindset. How many times have you heard references to drastic earth changes, the end of the world, or Armageddon bantered around by network news anchors or in motion pictures? The world’s population is teetering on the precipice of global panic with anticipated calamities associated with December 21st, 2012 and other alarming events. Men and women are being sucked into the one-world, globalist straightjacket created by the mainstream media and are being prepared to fall into the waiting arms of Antichrist at his appearance. So many, even in Christian circles, are totally confused by false teachers.

The viewer will learn of such topics as The History and Future of Israel, The Rapture of the Church, The Building of the One-World Church, The Coming War with Russia, The Building of the One-World Church, The Identity of the Antichrist, World War III, Armageddon, the truth about December 21st, 2012, and the much-anticipated Kingdom of God on Earth.

If you want to learn what the Word of God tells of the future and make changes in your life as a result----you must get this series.

2-DVD Set, nearly 3 hours - Order NOW

Mac uses the King James Version



Declaring Truth About Mormonism

"Mormonism's Temple of Doom - 2012 Election Alert"

New 2-DVD Set by Bill Schnoebelen

Dynamic Trailer - What's Under That Dome?

Schnoebelen was told by his Coven Master that, if he ever got into trouble, he was to join the Mormon Church because it was 'created by Witches for Witches'! But, in the past 50 years, the Mormon (LDS) Church has managed to grow from a small fringe cult to a major world religion of considerable respectability. Mormons like Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck have achieved amazing followings and many Americans have come to believe that Mormons are just another Christian denomination with fine, conservative, family-based values.

However, beneath the sweet surface of LDS Public Relations, there lurks one of the most dark and twisted religions to emerge in American history. You will discover that, just as Mormonism is not Christian, the Mormon Family is not the same as the Christian Family.

We include a section warning genuine Christians not to support a Mormon for President, providing critical Scriptural references. Evangelical leaders are already urging Christians to support a Mormon for President.

"Combo Offer DVD: Secrets of the Illuminati"

All Six Titles by Doc Marquis, 7 DVDs, , Save $80

Regularly $229.94, Now Only $149.94, You Save $80

Each of these unique DVD's provides information on a part of the Illuminati Plan which only a former Satanist / Illuminati would know. Furthermore, much of the information Doc Marquis provides is the 'Oral Plan', which is the parts of the plan to produce Antichrist which is so evil that it is never written down.

6 DVD titles, over 18 hours of teaching, Save $80

Doc Marquis uses the King James Bible

Trailer Available At Each Item's Location in the Shopping Cart -

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Cutting Edge cannot continue unless we keep a certain level of Yearly Subscriptions and so once or twice a year we run a special giveaway subscription offer.  Please reach out at this most difficult time to help support Cutting Edge Ministries.  We are reaching 120,000 people a year with the Gospel in five languages so your subscription will enable that wonderful spiritual eternal fruit to continue.

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As always we ask you to pray daily for this ministry.

Be sure to visit the Sale items and Special offers sections where you will find 28 Special offers and 121 items on Sale.

David Bay, Director, Cutting Edge Ministries

1792 South Lake Drive, Ste. 90 PMB 300, Lexington, SC 29073
