Tuesday, 12/31/2019
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UPDATE: Story #6 Is New
- Posted 3pm Eastern Time
Critical Headlines
1. A 'Good Guy
With A Gun' shoots/stops church shooter in the 'Twinkling
of an Eye'!
Pastor thanks
Texas governor for signing into law the bill allowing
law-abiding parishioners to carry their weapons into
2. A black anti-Semite
invaded the home of a New York Rabbi during Hanukkah,
wielding a machete.
He physically
cut five people before fleeing.
He was arrested
shortly thereafter, still covered in the Rabbi's blood.
Who is blamed
for this attack? President Trump, of course!
3. The Vatican
just published a book based on a major Gay premise going
back about 40 years:
The real sin of
Sodom is a "lack of hospitality", not homosexuality!
4. American forces
retaliated against Iranian forces in Syria and Iraq.
President Trump
issued a major 'Red Line" against Iran.
5. New York State
is torpedoing her criminal justice system
Soon, New York
will fall into the homeless and the criminal, just as
Los Angeles and San Francisco!
6. Pope Francis
I has set a meeting of selected global religious leaders.
Agenda: Create
a new Global Education!
Is The False Prophet
is about to step on the world stage?
A Pale Horse"
by Former Naval
Intelligence, William Cooper
Book 510 Pages,
Only $25.95
One of THE Books Exposing
Illuminati Plan, the most quoted bookstore resource!
Cooper writes about the coming New World Order, and
the Plan, which the "Power Elite" of this
country and this world are implementing, that will bring
about the Global Government, Economy, and Religion.
New Age author Cooper is dead set against this coming
global government, and urgently shows how the Plan is
proceeding NOW.
Some Pertinent Revelations
"When FEMA is activated,
patriots will be rounded up in the dead of night, most
likely on a national holiday such as Thanksgiving. Government
agents and law-enforcement officers in every city across
the nation have received 'antiterrorist' training under
this NSDD directive, and I can assure you the target
is patriots." [P. 113-114]
"When the appointed
hour arrives, all patriots can be rounded up with little,
if any, effort. The plan calls for this to be accomplished
in the dead of night on a national holiday. The most
likely holiday is Thanksgiving, when [nearly] everyone,
no matter the religion, race, or creed, will be at home...
" (Ibid.)
"The real power are
men who are always recruited without exception, from
the secret societies of ... Yale known as the Skull
& Bones .... Both societies are secret branches
(also called the Brotherhood of Death) of what is otherwise
historically known as the Illuminati. They are connected
to parent organizations in England (The Group of Oxford
University and especially All Souls College) and Germany
(The Thule Society), also ... Brotherhood of Death)."
(p. 81)
""Of course,
a very short but very deadly global war using nuclear
weapons upon select population concentrations was contemplated
and to tell you the truth, was not ruled out ... can
you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with
a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted
atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle
East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials
land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the
markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents
himself to the world, and all in a very short period
of time?" ["Behold A Pale Horse", by
William Cooper, p. 167, 177]
"Most members of
the Freemasons are not aware that the Illuminati practices
what is known as 'secrets within secrets' or organizations
within organizations." [Behold A Pale Horse, p.
Since the meaning of the
word, "occult", is "hidden", or
"invisible", we know that this author is here
speaking of the Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry.
And, not only is does this Invisible Fraternity exist,
it is intended to be the training ground for the coming
advanced occultists!!
Unseen Hand: Introduction To The Conspiratorial
View of History"
by A. Ralph
Epperson, Only $15.95
One of THE fundamental
books anyone needs to understand before they can really
make sense of what is happening in your Daily News.
Epperson masterfully lays the philosophical groundwork
of the global conspiracy; a person can have only one
of two views of history. Either they believe events
happen by mere chance -- kind of like believing in Evolution;
or, they believe key events in history occurred by design,
as part of a plan. This latter view is called the "Conspiratorial
View of History" and is fully supported
by the
"And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree
(to act in harmony), and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the (prophetic) words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 16- 17, KJV)
the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy
undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently
determine, in the depths, the changes that take place
upon the surface." (Arthur
Edward Waite, quoted in The
Unseen Hand, p. 760)
The true government
of the world: "What the Trilaterals truly intend
is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior
to the political government of the nation-states involved.
As managers and creators of the system, they will rule
the world." (Senator Barry Goldwater, 'With No
Apologies', quoted by The
Unseen Hand, p. 232)
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
A 'Good Guy With A Gun' shoots/stops church shooter
in the 'Twinkling of an Eye'!
Guy with a Gun' Shoots Texas Church Shooter",
Breitbart News, 29 December 2019
"A good guy with
a gun shot an alleged church shooter in White Settlement,
Texas, Sunday morning ... the person critically wounded
in the White Settlement church shooting has died. This
brings the death toll to two innocents. The gunman was
also killed."
"... the alleged
gunman entered the church, walked up toward the front,
and opened fire just before 10 a.m."
Texas Governor Abbott
issued a statement afterwards that is guaranteed to
send Gun Seizure people into spasms of fit.
"Our hearts go out
to the victims and families of those killed in the evil
act of violence that occurred at the West Freeway Church
of Christ. Places of worship are meant to be sacred,
and I am grateful for the church members who acted quickly
to take down the shooter and help prevent further loss
of life."
Indeed, as you witness
the speed with which the armed parishioners reacted
to take this shooter down, and eliminate his further
threat to any more of the worshippers, you can appreciate
the reality that police units simply cannot react swiftly
enough to prevent larger numbers of dead and wounded.
Even though the police arrived swiftly, within about
4 minutes. the armed guards at the church had taken
the shooter down in about 4 seconds!
Pastor thanks
Texas governor for signing into law the bill allowing
law-abiding parishioners to carry their weapons into
Pastor Thanks Government for Allowing Armed Parishioners",
Breitbart News, 30 December 2019
"Texas pastor Britt
Farmer praised law enforcement for their rapid response
to his church Sunday and thanked government for allowing
parishioners to be armed for self-defense ... armed
parishioners took out a gunman almost immediately after
he fired a round."
"... I am thankful
that our government has allowed us the opportunity to
protect ourselves' ... Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed legislation
allowing parishioners to be armed following the November
5. 2017, Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting."
However, Liberal gun activists
are not happy that armed, law-abiding church members
were able to stop this murderer from shooting at every
single one of the 242 people that night!
NEWS BRIEF: "Columnist:
It is ‘Terrifying’ That Parishioners Were
Armed in TX Church", Breitbart
News, 31 Dec 2019
"A columnist writing
at suggests it was 'terrifying' that parishioners
were armed at the church in White Settlement, Texas
... On December 31, Elivia Diaz, editorial columnist
for the Republic and reacted to the quick
takedown of the gunman by claiming that Wilson’s
defensive gun use 'has turned into a PR tool by gun
"Diaz then turned
her attention to 'the at least six other parishioners'
who were armed and 'who also appeared to draw their
handguns at West Freeway Church of Christ'. She added,
'That’s terrifying'.”
I find this conclusion
to be moronic at best and as an "accessory to murder"
at worst.
What this Liberal Gun
Seizure advocate truly wants is a population completely
disarmed, so that a church full of disarmed parishoners
or an entire city of innocents, are completely unable
to murder them totally.
At the very least, this
columnist hit upon something we can agree!
" 'Have we really
reached a point when each of us need to carry a firearm
anywhere we go? Gun advocates certainly think so'."
If we could legally carry
our firearms in the open, we would put every bad guy
on notice that he might find 4 or 6 guns drawn against
him instantly once he makes his murderous intentions
We need to carry firearms
where we need to be armed, no matter what we are doing,
because crazed, mind controlled mental patients who
have been programmed into committing mass murder in
This kind of crazed act
is then followed up by prominent government and private
orators who blame the mass murder attack on the gun,
and not the shooter. Bowing to this pressure, lawmakers
from state to Federal then propose many limited gun
control measure which will do nothing to stop a single
one of the attacks, but which we give police and/or
soldiers the exact address of every single gun owner
and what he owns -- useful information you would need
if your goal all along was to seize guns instead of
trying to prevent public murder.
Our Founding Fathers knew
from first-hand experience what it was like to live
under a despotic ruler, an absolute dictator . one who
forced his will upon the populace. and they also knew
that freedom from tyranny necessitated the ability of
the general public to fight back. Those who put their
necks on the line to establish this nation were wise
men and they knew something. a hard learned lesson of
history. which is that GOVERNMENT IS THE MOST
right to keep and bear arms is a precious safeguard
against our own government becoming too big and powerful
and oppressive! If you think that this will never happen,
I advise you to do your history homework. It has happened
time and again, and is well on the way to becoming a
reality here in the good . ole US of A! This coming
system is called the New World Order.
2. A black anti-Semite
invaded the home of a New York Rabbi during Hanukkah,
wielding a machete.
He physically
slashed five people before fleeing.
Hasidic Jews Stabbed by Machete Wielding Assailant in
NY: Two in Critical Condition",
Breaking Israel News, December 29, 2019
"During a Chanukah
gathering in the home of Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg,
in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, N.Y., an individual
with a scarf covering his face entered just before 10
p.m., brandishing a knife and began stabbing some of
the Chassidic Jews gathered for the celebration."
Note: other news reports
that this assailant was wielding a machete, which would
account for the large bloodletting at the scene.
"... the rabbi had
finished lighting the candles, entered his room, and
then at that moment the front door of the house was
opened. A dark-skinned man came into the house, didn't
say a word – just pulled out a machete that was
in a leather sheath and just started hacking."
"... The assailant
fled in a gray car and was reported to have been placed
under arrest in New York City two hours later. The attack
comes on the heels of the antisemitic massacre at a
kosher grocery in Jersey City on December 10th, and
a string of antisemitic attacks in New York City just
days before."
He was arrested
shortly thereafter, still covered in the Rabbi's blood.
Who is blamed
for this attack? President Trump, of course!
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Go to Great Lengths to Blame Trump For Monsey Machete
Attack", Breaking
Israel News, December 31, 2019
the wake of a machete-attack carried out by a black
man in Monsey on Saturday night, many Democrats are
blaming President Trump for the rising tide of anti-Semitism
but at least one Jewish Democratic politician is pointing
at the stark reality that is the real culprit in New
York: unrepentant left-wing anti-Semitism. "
The President
did immediately issue a strongly-worded condemnation
of this attack on Jews during their most joyous celebration,
Hanukkah But, that made no difference to Left-Wing agitators.
"Despite the unequivocal
message, many Democrats criticized the president, going
so far as to place the blame for the rise in anti-Semitism
on the first president to play with his Jewish grandchildren
in the White House."
Therefore, these Never-Trumper
radicals are attempting to spin the blame for this attack
on the "hatred" spewing forth from President
Trump. The truth is that the hatred against Jews, against
blacks, against anyone who disagrees with the Democrat
agenda, has been coming stridently and daily from the
very people who are now criticizing Trump!
They know that "truth
is not what is, but is what people believe it to be"!
(Adolf Hitler)
The lying spin coming
after the attack is what many people will believe occurred.
Terrible way to govern
a people, but a brilliant way to smear your opponents.

3. The Vatican
just published a book based on a major Gay premise going
back about 40 years:
The real sin of
Sodom is a "lack of hospitality", not homosexuality!
NEWS BRIEF: "Vatican
publishes new book reducing ‘sin of Sodom'
to ‘lack of hospitality',"
Lifesite News, Dec 19, 2019
"ROME -- ... In what
many see as an effort to normalize homosexuality in
the Catholic Church, the Vatican has released a new
book that reduces the 'sin of Sodom' (Genesis 19:1–29)
to 'a lack of hospitality'."
In 1985, as I was beginning
my research into the New World Order, I ran into this
absolutely false concept in LGBT literature. Gay advocates
were trying to spin the lie that Sodom was annihilated
for her sin of a "lack of hospitality" and
not for her sin of homosexuality!
This concept was created
by homosexual defenders then and it is being resurrected
by LGBT-Q advocates within the Vatican hierarchy.
Listen, now, to the main
" 'The story about
the city of Sodom … illustrates a sin that consists
in the lack of hospitality, with hostility and violence
towards the stranger, a behavior judged to be very serious
and therefore deserving to be sanctioned with the utmost
severity', the new book asserts."
In other words, Sodom
was destroyed because Lot did not allow the homosexuals
surrounding his house, to come inside so they could
rape them (Genesis 19:4-5)! Oh, no, this Catholic author
insists that refusing to admit these gay men into Lot's
house was a sin grievous enough to cause God to annihilate
an entire city.
Listen to the obvious
violations of Scripture which this author has to espouse
to even get to this monstrous lie of Sodom:
* "... We know that
various biblical affirmations, in the cosmological,
biological and sociological spheres, have been gradually
considered outdated with the progressive affirmation
of the natural and human sciences."
The Bible is never outdated,
because its Divine Author never changes, nor is He ever
* "a new and more
adequate understanding of the human person imposes a
radical reservation on the exclusive value of heterosexual
unions, in favor of a similar acceptance of homosexuality
and homosexual unions as a legitimate and worthy expression
of the human being."
Now that Catholicism believes
the Bible can change, its authors turn to the acceptance
of homosexuality within the Church, claiming that it
should not be condemned.
"... the Bible says
little or nothing about this type of erotic relationship
(Homosexuality), which should therefore not be condemned
The Bible says a lot against
1) Leviticus 20:13
-- "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth
with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:
they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall
be upon them."
2) 1 Corinthians
6:9 -- "Know ye not that the unrighteous
shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind
(those who participate in homosexuality)."
3) 1 Timothy 1:9-11
--"Knowing this, that the law is not made for a
righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient,
for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane,
for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for
manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves
with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured
persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary
to sound doctrine."
One of the sins so mentioned
is "those who abuse themselves with men".
This is short-hand way of referring to homosexuality.
" 'Religious' leaders
of the homosexual movement erroneously teach that Jesus
never condemned homosexuality; therefore, based upon
the always spurious 'Conclusion By Silence' they teach
that Jesus must have looked favorably upon homosexuality.
Have we got news for you!! Jesus is the author of the
Book of Revelation. Look what he states at the very
End of the Age, just after the final judgment. In Chapter
21, Jesus tells us that certain people will be cast
eternally into "the lake that blazes with fire
and brimstone." (verse 8) However, earlier in this
verse, Jesus listed those types of people who would
be cast into this Lake of Fire. He includes those who
are "depraved and defiled with abominations..."
Jesus used the same words, "defiled" and "abominations"
here that He used in Leviticus 18 and 20 to refer to
homosexual acts!!! Remember also that God said in Leviticus
18 and 20 that these sexual sins defiled the land, and
the land would vomit out her inhabitants. Here, in these
Revelation passages, Jesus reiterates that this sexual
sin defiles.
Before we close this subject,
we need to speak to the issue of the apparent acceptance
of Homosexuality by the American public. It does not
matter one bit if the vast majority of Americans totally
supported this lifestyle, because God's commands are
not subject to a majority vote!! Jesus upheld all the
Old Testament Law and Prophets when He boldly stated,
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or
the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass,
one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the
law, till all be fulfilled." [Matthew 5:17-18]
Jesus here is upholding
all of God's commandments against Homosexuality!! And
He said that not one period or punctuation mark shall
disappear from the Law until He came back to rule the
It does not matter one
bit if the vast majority of Americans totally supported
this lifestyle, because God's commands are not subject
to a majority vote!! Jesus upheld all the Old Testament
Law and Prophets when He boldly stated, "Think
not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets:
I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily
I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot
or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till
all be fulfilled." [Matthew 5:17-18]
We should not be too surprised
that homosexuality has become such a huge public topic
of discussion. Jesus foretold that a coming out of homosexuality
would become a sign that the End of the Age is upon
God loves the sinner,
but hates the sin. God loves the person who is committing
the sin of Homosexuality, but He hates that sin!! His
Justice part of His nature insists that He punish that
sin and the person who is committing it. As God said,
in Exodus 34:7, "Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving
iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by
no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of
the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's
children, unto the third and to the fourth generation"
Did you catch the key
meaning here? Even though God wants to forgive, and
even though His Mercy and Grace is great, He will by
"no means clear the guilty". Sin must be punished.
God is Love, but He is not ONLY Love. His Justice Nature
is equally strong as His Love Nature. [See "The
Attributes of God", by A.W. Tozer, p. 59-74]