News Headlines
1. Swarthmore
College, a Liberal Arts school in the Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania area, is now offering "Queering
God" classes!
In 2 Thessalonians
2, the Apostle Paul foretold that this kind
of slipping away from Doctrinal Truth would
occur just prior to Antichrist arising!
this Truth: Christian pastors and teachers open
the door to Antichrist when they lead their
flock away from True Doctrine!
2. 2017
-- the Year that Mass Media lost Americans!
Just as
we predicted during the 2016 Presidential Campaign,
constant lying by Liberal Media will boomerang
against them so that, one day, they all may
be swept away, by the force of their lies!
3. The
Palestinians level the accusation that Israel
is a rebirth of Adolf Hitler!
This laughable
allegation is so incredulous because it is the
Palestinians whose goal is the same as was Hitler's
-- the absolute annihilation of all Jews on
4. Israel
is considering switching to a digital currency!
The world
is moving quickly toward a digital global currency
which Antichrist will supervise and use toward
his own goals.
5. Nobel
Peace Prize Laureate clearly defines the world's
objective regarding North Korea's nuclear arsenal.
And, this
declaration will stiffen North Korean opposition
and bring about the planned war.
the full text of these articles below our book
store update

For the first
time in U.S. history, Christians in America are facing
the challenge of a majority approval of marijuana.
By September 2017, there was some form of marijuana
legalization in 29 states and the District of Columbia.
This massive change has occurred in less than fifty
years, and it is a major sign of the seismic shift
occurring in our culture a shift that should concern
Christians deeply.
What should Christians believe
and do about this distressing situation?
Practicing Satanists believe
that Marijuana is controlled by a demon named 'Jah'
and is designed to open the human mind so a demon
can enter and so a person might be more easily mind
controlled (Former Satanist, Doc Marquis)
Marijuana is truly a "Gateway

Without a watchful
and discerning heart, we are too easily deceived by
a crafty adversary. While we rejoice, praise God,
give thanks, and remain hopeful through it all, we
must be alert to the deception that is all around
us. Jesus said 'Take heed that no man deceive you.'
Be watchful. Be discerning. Keep looking up. Keep
pressing on.
Christian seek not yet repose, Cast thy dreams of
ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and
pray. Watch as if that alone were the issue of the
day; Pray that help may be sent down: Watch and pray.
( Charlotte
Elliot & William H. Monk)
Learn to discern, Watch and
pray; Night's almost here, Far spent is the day. Learn
to discern, Watch and pray; Armor on tight, Keeping
the enemy at bay. Learn to discern, Watch and pray;
Don't be deceived, Narrow is the way. If you learn
to discern, To watch and pray; Then close to Jesus
You will always stay. (Warren B. Smith)
18 pages
$1.95 Each - See
them all
Must I Do To Be Saved?
God's dazzling and resplendent new creation called
the 'Heavens and the Earth', created specifically
for the happiness and joy of His really special creation,
Adam and Eve, Satan suddenly launched a vicious war
against man.
And, Satan knew exactly where to strike. Taking the
form of a Serpent, Satan spoke gracious words to an
innocent, gullible Eve. He convinced her that God
REALLY did not mean what He said when he told Adam
that they could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge and Evil, and then Satan painted such a
wonderful word picture of the fruit that Eve simply
had to try it.
Satan must have been
howling with glee as he witnessed God changing the
nature of Adam and Eve to where they would now be
susceptible to physical death and they would have
to earn their sustenance through hard work fighting
weeds and brambles, wild animals, dinosaurs, demons
who have taken the form of men (Nephilim, Genesis
6), paranormal activity, parallel dimensions, and
a new nature of sin and of murder.
All mankind faced a
world as frightening and dangerous as anyone could
have possibly imagined. Little did they know Satans
true plan, i.e., to so corrupt every human being that
Jesus, the Redeemer of Mankind, would be thwarted
in His plan to die on Calvary. Therefore, Genesis
6 reveals that Satan flooded the world with Nephilim
who mated with human wives, producing a new creation
that was no longer purely human, but mixed with demonic
Satan's strategy was
to corrupt the human race and thus make mans redemption
impossible. But, God retaliated with a worldwide flood
that saved only one genetically pure family that will
make the gift of redemption to mankind a reality.
It is an exciting journey
that will give you basic theological truths and the
answers to may of life's most difficult questions.
Please join us as we will take one more step in our
quest to reveal how
God will ultimately
triumph over Satan and empower mankind to share in
the glorious victory.
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If you liked Mac Dominick's
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because Mac also teaches a combination of Traditional
Bible exegesis plus unique Cutting Edge understandings.
'The War Against God'
2 hours run time, Mac plans
3 DVD's in this series Watch
the trailer
News Analysis
1. Swarthmore
College, a Liberal Arts school in the Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania area, is now offering "Queering
God" classes!
NEWS BRIEF: "Philly-area
college offers ‘Queering the Bible’ course
that ‘destabilizes’ Christian faith:
Swarthmore College",
The Washington Times, Dec 22, 2017
at a private college just outside Philadelphia will
soon be able to take a class that “destabilizes
long held assumptions” about the Christian faith
called 'Queering the Bible'.”
that this opening statement also provides us with
the bold, ultimate goal of this "queer"
curricula, i.e., destabilizing the Christian faith
within its students! In other words, this queer curricula
is boldly aimed at the faith of its young students.
judgment will not be long in coming.
College ... plans to usher in ... a religious course
that inculcates students with 'queer and trans readings
of biblical texts'. The one-credit class, first reported
Friday by The College Fix, promises to deliver a 'complexity
of constructions of sex, gender and identity in one
of the most influential literary works produced in
ancient times'.”
' This class destabilizes long held assumptions about
what the bible — and religion — says about
gender and sexuality', a summary on the college’s
website reads."
with a limited Bible knowledge will be the most obvious
target for this insidious program. All Christian parents
need to be alerted of this horrific spiritual condition
and not send their precious child to Swarthmore College.
we are told that Swarthmore is planning a related
College also offers a course titled 'Queering God:
Feminist and Queer Theology', which 'seeks to stretch
the limits of gendering-and sexing-the divine'.”
In 2 Thessalonians
2, the Apostle Paul foretold that this kind of slipping
away from Doctrinal Truth would occur just prior to
Antichrist arising!
Listen to the Bible
text: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for
that day shall not come, except there come a falling
away first (Apostasy), and that man of sin be revealed,
the son of perdition." (2 Thessalonians 2:3,
The Christian Church
began to slip into Apostasy worldwide at the time
World War I began. thane American fundamental church
began to slip into Apostasy in 1948, when the World
Council of Churches was established. Since that date,
American Churches have stayed far from Biblical Truth,
until now we are at the point where Antichrist can
NOTE: What is the Biblical
definition of the word, "apostasy"?
"... the great
rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed
Christians..." (Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified
Bible Commentary)
Going back to verse
3, we can see that, prophetically, Antichrist will
arise very quickly after the Church Apostasy Paul
predicated has come to the world scene.
Remember this
Truth: Christian pastors and teachers open the door
to Antichrist when they lead their flock away from
True Doctrine!
Unity of, and tolerance
for, ALL religions of the earth, from Roman Catholics
to Muslims, to New Age, to Shamans and Witchdoctors,
is clearly the trend we see today as the world rushes
to Antichrist and his False Prophet.
You will hear prominent
Christian leaders state false doctrine from their
own lips that you would never believe had you not
seen them speak.
These leaders' false
teachings are fulfilling Matthew 24:24 - "For
there shall arise .... false prophets... if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect [Matt
"The Great
Rebellion" against true Biblical doctrine is
now so deep and so wide that Antichrist could arise!
2. 2017 -- the
Year that Mass Media lost Americans!
– The Year The Media Lost America",
by Jack Engelhard, Israel National News, 12/26/2017
"This year was
the worst, and all because, being mostly Liberal and
still hankering for Obama and whoring for Hillary,
they are out to Get Trump."
As we have been "shouting
from the rooftops" since Donald Trump defeated
Hillary Clinton for President, Liberal Media has totally
abandoned traditional Media coverage of a new President.
Rather than offering
support for the traditional period of 100 days --
in the interest of the good of the country -- Liberal
Media opposed Trump on everything he did, tried to
do, or accomplish in his first full year of rule.
And, when President
Trump offered the Media no negative material, they
would zero in on the First Lady, noticing what she
was -- or was not -- wearing, calling attention to
the fact that she was not holding Trump's hand and
other meaningless stuff.
"That’s how
we feel about the news media. We don’t trust
them. We don’t believe them. It’s been
so for decades. But this year was the worst, and all
because, being mostly Liberal and still hankering
for Obama and whoring for Hillary, they are out to
Get Trump."
"Russia was the
big story of 2017, and always the wrong story. The
media tried every which way to get Trump on collusion
and they kept coming up empty."
"From one false lead to another,
they wasted our time. They wasted our trust."
"It’s not only what they’re
telling that is so untrue, it is also what they’re
hiding. On Israel, never a word about the thousands
of Syrians the Israelis are saving."
Just as we predicted
during the 2016 Presidential Campaign, constant lying
by Liberal Media will boomerang against them so that,
one day, they all may be swept away, by the force
of their lies!
"Liberals, after
all, succeed only when they can keep the population
illiterate, barefoot and pregnant. Obama aide Ben
Rhodes boasted that Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal depended
on 'the stupidity of the American voter for the thing
to pass'. Thus Liberals want more 'stupid' Democrats
voting. Which means they want more 'stupid' immigrants.
3. The Palestinians
level the accusation that Israel is a rebirth of Adolf
NEWS BRIEF: "Palestinians:
Trump is Hitler, No Difference",
United With Israel News, Dec 27, 2017
"The Palestinians
continue to demonize President Donald Trump following
his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s
capital. Recently, Palestinian Authority (PA) head
Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement compared Trump
to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, posting an image of the
two on Twitter next to a statement explaining that
Fatah does not see any difference between them."
" 'I don’t
see any different [sic], do you? #HandsOffAlQuds',
Fatah tweeted earlier this month, according to Palestinian
Media Watch (PMW), a watchdog that monitors Palestinian
incitement to terrorism and anti-Semitism."
"The text on poster,
in English and Arabic, says 'Peace upon Jerusalem,
the Mother of all Capitals. To Trump and Pence and
their puppets, Beware! …Jerusalem is not one
of your Casinos. Jerusalem is the most sacred city
to Muslims and Christians. Jerusalem is the eternal
capital of Palestine. Jerusalem is a Red Line!!”

This laughable
allegation is so incredulous because it is the Palestinians
whose goal is the same as was Hitler's -- the absolute
annihilation of all Jews on Earth.
Once World War II concluded,
the world discovered the unbelievable widespread genocide
carried out by Hitler's Nazis, a genocide which slaughtered
almost 20,000,000 innocent men, woman, and children
whom the Nazis had concluded were not 'worthy of life'.
Horrified Western historians were unified in their
inability to understand how the 'Christian' Germany
of Martin Luther could have become the Satanic Germany
of Adolf Hitler. Additionally, these Germans were
well educated, well versed in the Arts and Entertainment,
and seemed to typify the type of individual that Humanists
could point to with pride and say, 'See, we told you
man was inherently good, and that, if you educated
him, and exposed him to the better things of life,
he would naturally develop his better nature'."
Adolf Hitler was Master
Medium, trained by the Satanic Secret Society, the
Thule Society, which is part
of a worldwide grouping of secret
societies called "The Brotherhood of Death Societies".
Hitler was supremely
confident that he was the Biblical Antichrist, call
the "Aryan Christ" in German secret societies.
For this reason, the Nazis
rushed crematoriums into position as quickly as they
could, so that they could sprinkle the human dust
all over German soil; they believed that such
action would provide enough power for Adolf Hitler
to win World War II and transform magically into the
Aryan Christ (Antichrist).
This picture of Hitler
is historically true.
Are the Palestinians
saying that President Donald Trump is a man whose
spiritual condition is Satanic, as was Hitler's?
That is insane.
4. Israel is
considering switching to a digital currency!
‘Digital Shekel’: Israel is Working on
a State Cryptocurrency", CCN News,
december 26, 2017
"Israeli authorities
are reportedly considering issuing a cryptocurrency
that would be identical in value to the shekel, Israel’s
fiat currency. Both Israel’s financial ministry
and the central bank are exploring the possibility
of issuing a national digital currency titled the
‘digital shekel’, the Jerusalem Post reports.
Regulators have been considering the legal parameters
of issuing a central bank cryptocurrency for ‘several
months’ while authorities could table a review
of an early legal framework as soon as January 2018,
according to the report."
The world is
moving quickly toward a digital global currency which
Antichrist will supervise and use toward his own goals.
Listen to the
prophetic text:
"And I beheld another
beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns
like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.And he exerciseth
all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth
the earth and them which dwell therein to worship
the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And
he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come
down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the
means of those miracles which he had power to do in
the sight of the beast,saying to them that dwell on
the earth, that they should make an image to the beast,
which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And
he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
that the image of the beast should both speak, and
cause that as many as would not worship the image
of the beast should be killed."
"... And he causeth all, both
small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads
: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number
of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore
and six.[666]." [Revelation 13:11-18]
The new digital crypto-currency,
like Bitcoin and now this Israeli "Digital Shekel"
can form the currency basis for this "Mark of
the Beast" implanted, without which "no
man can buy or sell"!
5. Nobel Peace
Prize Laureate clearly defines the world's objective
regarding North Korea's nuclear arsenal.
NEWS BRIEF: "Nuclear
deterrence is myth says Nobel Laureate ICAN (The
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
(ICAN)", by By
Choi He-suk, The Korea Herald, Dec 20, 2017
"Nuclear weapons
as deterrence against war is a myth created through
propaganda, and the world must unite to bring about
complete nuclear disarmament, says International Campaign
to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Asia Pacific Director Tim
"The treaty prohibits
signatory states from “developing, testing,
producing, manufacturing, transferring, possessing,
stockpiling, using or threatening to use nuclear weapons,
or allowing nuclear weapons to be stationed on their
"The treaty also prohibits nations
from “assisting, encouraging or inducing anyone
to engage in any of these activities.” States
that have nuclear arms, or those with another country’s
nuclear weapons in their territories must dismantle
or remove them if they sign the treaty."
Of course, any nation signing this
Nuclear Weapons ban surrenders their National Sovereignty
And, this declaration
will stiffen North Korean opposition and bring about
the planned war.
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