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- Tuesday, 12/26/2023
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Cutting Edge Teachings on DVD
Book by Dennis Cuddy
Price: $24.95
Price: $14.95
After hearing an interview with
Dennis Cuddy about the book, we knew we had to carry
Based on his years as a political and
economic risk analyst, historian and senior associate
with the U.S. Department of Education, Dennis Cuddy’s
Conspiracy 2 delves deeply into the plans, plots and
schemes changing the culture, the country and the world.
Cuddy traces the evolution of evil from its roots in
a falling away in the 1950s to the media attacks and
undeserved praise of presidents and government to the
debacle of COVID-19 and its aftermath. View contemporary
conspiracies through the eyes of a former university
instructor – and feel better prepared for the
mayhem to come.
228 pages.

Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret"
BELIEF: Eternal
Life To Anyone Having Sex With a Minor Child
Pedophilia is
literally the 'grease that moves the levers of power',
from people as diverse as Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden. both George Bushes
and Henry Kissinger!
In this Teaching
learn what demonic overlords command: geopolitical
perversity, nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism
working frantically to crush and pervert our morality,
children, Scriptural family values, freedom and religious
yours now
News Brief: "Prince
Andrew ‘tormented’ as Jeffrey Epstein documents
set to be made public", The
Independent, December 24, 2023
"Prince Andrew is
said to be “totally tormented” at the prospect
of his relationship with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein
coming under further scrutiny after a judge ordered
the release of secret case files."
Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret", thoroughly
examines the Sodomite Sin of Pedophilia from the aspect
of Satanic Worship. But, much more, Pedophilia is examined
as THE most important part of the 'grease
that moves the levers of power' in this most
sinful 'pre-Antichrist world'!
"US Judge Loretta
Preska ruled on Monday 18 December that documents relating
to more than 170 people who were either associates,
friends or victims of disgraced financier Epstein should
be made public ... The documents are part of a 2015
US defamation case by Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine
Maxwell, the British socialite who supplied Epstein
with underage girls. Ms Giuffre appeared in an infamous
photograph when she was younger, alongside Andrew and
"The individuals
who are set to be named in the documents will have 14
days to appeal against the judge's decision –
meaning they are likely to be released in early January."
What is the bottom line
reason that powerful political people aspire to commit
acts of Pedophilia?
"'Pedophilia: Satanic
Ritual of the Royal Secret' reveals that occult people
believe they can attain unto ETERNAL LIFE if they have
sex with a minor child!
This video shines Scriptural
Light on the Devil’s Triangle — a dangerous
conjunction of Freemasonry, Aleister Crowley’s
Thelema Cult of the 'Fascinating Child' and the dark
social engineering mind-control efforts of the Tavistock
Institute/MI6/ CIA.
Today, Satan has the world
in his vise grip because of the widespread usage of
Pedophilia! If the world is as close as we think to
the appearance of that dread angel called "Antichrist",
we should expect this kind of gross sin spreading widely
across our entire globe!
Edge needs your support
help us to continue our world wide outreach with
a gift of any amount. Thank you.
Your contribution
will help us reach the world with the gospel message.
Important News Articles - Analysis
2. A member of
Israel's Knesset noted that Messianic passion had seized
much of the soldiers of the IDF, and was spreading amongst
the general population.
" 'I believe
with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah' "
NEWS BRIEF: "Knesset
Member declares from podium: 'I believe in the Messiah',
" Israel365 News, December 25, 2023
"Likud Member of
Knesset Galit Distel-Atbaryan addressed the plenum on
Wednesday, and despite self-identifying as non-religious,
her address praised the “messianic” manifestations
appearing among the IDF in Gaza.":
IDF "messianic manifestations" is this Knesset
member referring to?
* " hundreds of soldiers
singing 'Ani Maamin' ('I believe') before going into
combat in Gaza." A declaration of a belief that
the Messiah will surely come
* "every newspaper
you open, every television show you watch, every article
in Haaretz, define this belief in the Messiah, this
burning and eternal belief of the nation of Israel,
this Messianic belief"
* "those who put
on tefillin in Gaza
* " 'And they shall
beat their swords into plowshares And their spears into
pruning hooks. Nation shall not take up Sword against
nation; They shall never again know war.' Isaiah 2:4
“My Messiah
commands me to dream of peace,” she continued.
“My Messiah commands me to wish for brotherhood
between nations. My Messiah is eternal.”
"I, Member of the
Knesset, Galit Distel-Atbaryan, believe with complete
faith in the coming of the Messiah, and even if he delays,
I will wait for him every day to arrive. And he will
come, quickly. Amen.”
Is is mere coincidence
that this Knesset member ended her dissertation at the
same place the Book of Revelation ended?
" Surely I come quickly.
Amen." (Rev 22:20. KJV)
Israel has expected their
Messiah for over 4,000 years.
They missed Jesus as Messiah
because He came as a 'Suffering Servant", not a
Now, they await wit fervent
passion the False Messiah, the Anti-christ.

President Biden is effectively redrawing the map of
North America by his immigration policy.
has ‘Effectively Vaporized’ the Arizona
Border", American Greatness,
December 24, 2023
"... the Arizona
border has been 'effectively vaporized' by the Biden
Administration, citing reports of 19,400 illegal migrant
apprehensions in the Tucson Sector during the past week
border disaster sets all the wrong kinds of records,
as Arizona’s border gets effectively vaporized.
Americans in Arizona and across our homeland suffer
the consequences of a lawless border, including unjust
and unlawful competition in the job market against citizens."
"Biden’s open
border between Mexico and Arizona threatens America’s
prosperity, street safety, and national security."
We feel the need to reiterate
that the REAL plan is not to "secure our border",
but to eliminate the United States/Mexico border, shoving
the border southward to Belize / Guatemala!
One prophetic Scripture
gives us a sequence of events which shall enable us
to ascertain with a great deal of certainty when Antichrist
will arise. If you properly understand this one prophecy,
you will not be blown about by every wind of pretended
prophetic word from someone. You can stand firmly rooted
in your understanding, settling your mind greatly.
Let us review this Scripture:
"After this I saw
in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast [the
Roman empire]--terrible, powerful and dreadful, and
exceedingly strong. And it had great iron teeth; it
devoured and crushed and trampled what was left with
its feet. And it was different from all the beasts that
came before it, and it had ten horns [symbolizing ten
kings]. I considered the horns, and behold, there came
up among them another horn, a little one, before which
three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots;
and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of
a man and a mouth speaking great things." (Daniel
7:7-8; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)
There is no doubt whatsoever
that the "another horn, a little one" is Antichrist,
because he is described in typical Antichrist language,
"eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking
great things."
The REAL plan is to eliminate
the United States/Mexico border, shoving the border
southward to Belize / Guatemala! As a matter of fact,
the Canada/United States border is also slated for elimination.
the Global Plan foresees, Canada, the United States,
and Mexico are being woven into one country, "USMCA"!
7:7-8 and Rev 17: 12-17 are being fulfilled!
At that point, a key prophecy
will have been fulfilled, allowing Antichrist to arise!
President Biden had his worst year yet.
Was Biden’s Worst Year Yet",
"In 2023, Joe Biden
managed to do the unthinkable. After doing more damage
to this country in his first two years in office—than
any president in recent memory—Biden found a way
to top himself, capping off what was easily the worst
year of his presidency. That’s no small feat—even
for someone as historically incompetent as Biden."
every single thing Biden has done as President, he did
so at the bidding of the New World Order Plan, a plan
whose goal is to bring Antichrist to the world scene
and world governance.
Joe Biden is not his own
man. He is controlled.
So, what terrible events
have befallen us during the reign of Joe Biden?
* "overseen
the worst border crisis in our nation’s history"\
* "a 40-year high
of inflation,
* "a disastrous Afghanistan
* "a war in Ukraine—both
a direct consequence of his weakness and ineptitude
on the world stage"
* "weaponized the
Department of Justice to go after his political opponents"
* " deemed all supporters
of the prior administration to be a “threat to
American democracy”
* "when classified
documents from his days as vice president were discovered
in his garage in Wilmington, Delaware—something
the Leftist corporate media had a panic attack over
when it involved a different president—Biden defended
his actions."
* "he was allowing
a Chinese spy balloon to fly over our shores—uninhibited
for an entire week before it was eventually shot down.
Lord knows what secrets were stolen as it flew over
our military bases
* "in November, Biden
hashed things out with President Xi Jinping in San Francisco,
where the progressives in charge cleaned up the feces
from the street, removed the homeless encampments, rolled
out the red carpet and waved CCP flags for a Chinese
dictator who has no respect for our leader.
Indeed, Joe Biden has
been bribed into complete submersion by the Chinese,
Russian and Ukrainian Communists.
* "China is by far
the world’s largest polluter, emitting 11.5 billion
tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, more than double
the amount emitted by the U.S. But, Biden's America
will strictly adhere to its fallacious Climate Control
goals, while allowing the Communist overlords to not
follow their goals, while suffering no consequence.
* "destroying the
energy sector and putting thousands of people out of
" Biden seems to
think that Israel should just leave Hamas—a barbaric
terrorist group with the stated goal of wiping Israel
off the map and murdering every Jew on every corner
of the globe, alone."
Biden has moved America
from an overwhelming supporter of Israel to a nation
whose leaders have moved America to an opposition force
against Israel. "Just so everyone understands for
the millionth time, there is no way to defeat Hamas
without also killing civilians, who by the way put that
devilish terrorist group in charge of their 'government'.”
But, he has moved us closer
to the global government of the New World Order.
"So, what can we
expect from Biden in 2024?"
"More of the same."
Can Israel continue to 'wait on God' for direction?
“Waiting on God” Factor",
Israel365 News, Dec 22, 2023
"One of the greatest
advantages that God’s army in biblical times had
was hearing from God who gave strategy and exposed the
enemy. It is still possible to have God (Hashem) leading
the army and also in our personal lives. The difficult
thing for most of us is, “The waiting factor”
so we can take time to hear from God. "
"One of the great
principles God (Hashem) teaches us through Israel is
His desire to intervene in the lives of His people when
they pray and call out to Him. This is especially true
in times of war. "
Help in the Battlefield".
"The “waiting
on God factor” is often the deciding edge in victory
over the enemy ... our eyes
are opened to see the warfare of the unseen world and
how God fights for His people. The archangel Michael
was sent to help fight the prince of Persia so Gabriel
could come to Daniel. After reassuring Daniel, the angel
Gabriel returned to fight the Prince of Persia (Iran)."
the Enemy’s Plans"
"Hearing God and
His strategies was saving the day for Israel ... Elisha’s
servant was alarmed to see themselves surrounded by
the Syrian army. Elisha asked God to open the servant’s
eyes. He saw how the hills around them were filled with
angel armies from heaven. (Vs-17). The prophet next
prayed that the eyes of the Syrian army would be blinded,
and blindness came upon them. "
"The Waiting on God
Factor brought deliverance from the Syrian army without
Israel having to fire a shot or raise a sword."
and International Prayer for Israel"
"Waiting on God (Hashem)
may include times of national or international prayer
for specific interventions from God in the war. We are
now at such a time in the war between Israel and Gaza
where we need divine intervention. "
"The Power
of Intercessory Prayer"
"Psalms 91
protection" - the entire Chapter!"
Testament leaders could rely on God through genuine
prophets. God's prophecies boldly proclaim that, at
this End of the Age, He invites His children to once
again hold up Israel against overwhelming numbers of
New DVD Titles
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