Tuesday, 12/24/2019
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Critical Headlines
1. Conservative
Christians were aghast!
Today' turned on President Trump, demanding that the
Senate convicts him of the impeachment which the House
delivered against him.
2. Discerning
Christians warned fellow believers nine years ago that
'Christianity Today' was 'Left-of-Center' doctrinally
and socially.
* Franklin Graham
proclaimed that Billy Graham supported Trump in 2016
and voted for him!
* The editor of
'Christianity Today' championed the theologian who defended
Josef Stalin's mass murder of over 30 million people.
* Then, we learned
that George Soros funds 'Christianity Today'!
3. An Abortion
Activist laments that "Pro-Life" forces are
winning that battle to destroy the industry which murders
innocent life within a mother's womb!
4. The petition
against Netflix for creating a film which depicts Jesus
as a gay man has already surpassed 2.3 million.
5. The Democrat
Party lost its mind, its way, and the 2020 election,
as the year, 2019, unfolded.
6. The Supreme
Court is hearing arguments which are truly momentous
if we hope to maintain our spiritual freedom.
The Liberal Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a Catholic school
cannot have the final say in which teachers they hire!
7. CNN "news"
turns the truth about the economy around 180 degrees!
They boldly present bold, blatant lies masquerading
as the truth.
Joe Biden unveils
his economic plan, which would destroy our economy rapidly,
just as past New Age leaders have advocated.
Unseen Hand: Introduction To The Conspiratorial
View of History"
by A. Ralph
Epperson, Only $15.95
One of THE fundamental
books anyone needs to understand before they can really
make sense of what is happening in your Daily News.
Epperson masterfully lays the philosophical groundwork
of the global conspiracy; a person can have only one
of two views of history. Either they believe events
happen by mere chance -- kind of like believing in Evolution;
or, they believe key events in history occurred by design,
as part of a plan. This latter view is called the "Conspiratorial
View of History" and is fully supported
by the
"And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree
(to act in harmony), and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the (prophetic) words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 16- 17, KJV)
Global Elite signaled early on in World War II that
this was a global war being waged by the United
Nations! Few people noticed the change in world
"On January 1, 1942,
the twenty-five nations at war against Germany and Japan
signed a 'Declaration by the United Nations', which
pledged that any one nation involved would not sign
a separate armistice or peace." ("The
Unseen Hand", p. 285)
"When General Douglas
Mac Arthur was appointed as the commander of chief of
armed forces in the Pacific Theater, he was appointed
as the United Nations commander
of the South Pacific." (Ibid.)
"So it was becoming
apparent just what the purpose of the war was: to give
the world a one-world government: a United
Nations. (Ibid.)
"In November 1945,
Eisenhower returned to Washington to replace Marshall
as Chief of Staff of the Army ... Eisenhower was convinced
in 1946 that the Soviet Union did not want war and that
friendly relations could be maintained; he strongly
supported the new United Nations
and favored its involvement in the control of atomic
bombs." (Wikipedia)
The Satanic leader, Alice
Bailey, stated, "The Atomic bomb does not belong
to the three nations who perfected it ... It belongs
to the United Nations, for
use or threatened use ..." ["The
Externalisation of the Hierarchy",
Alice Bailey, p. 548, written May 1946; Emphasis added;
read NEWS1892]
Wars Were Planned At Yalta, 1945!
Power .jpg)
"McCarthy also told
the American public that it was at the Yalta Conference
in 1945 that Roosevelt and Stalin planned, not only
the Korean War ... but also the Vietnamese War ... This
must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy
on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous ... venture
in the history of man ..." ("The
Unseen Hand", p. 311)
Power From Spiritual
"... this Korean
War was planned in order to advance the New World Order.
Listen to the demon master spirit, Master D.K., speaking
through Alice A. Bailey, explain how this system of
planning has worked in history. Speaking of the Yalta
Conference attended by President Franklin Roosevelt,
British Prime Minister Churchill, and Russian Premier
Stalin, Master D.K. stated: 'There, three men, constituting
a basic [occult] triangle , met with goodwill and endeavored
to lay the groundwork for coming world happenings."
[Bailey, "The Externalisation of the
Hierarchy", p. 4447-8; Emphasis added]
Do not be deceived: this
conspiracy to create the one world order that Antichrist
can command originates on the spiritual plane first,
and only then is communicated to "Perfected Men"
by the familiar spirits. For this reason, this final
conspiracy can be passed down from generation to generation
for the past 4,000 years!
This concept, that good
and evil angels seek to control the affairs of human
rulers is clearly taught in Daniel 10, a most important
concept you must have if you are to understand the New
World Order conspiracy now unfolding in your Daily News!
When former Black Magick
Satanist, Doc Marquis, understood this Daniel 10 teaching,
he exclaimed, "why, this is exactly the angelic/demonic
struggle occurring daily in the supernatural realm.
Masonic Plots and Doctrines
and Occult Symbols Illustrated" Book
by Dr. Cathy Burns
Featuring 728
Symbols, 543 pages, including 130 pages of FOOTNOTES
Only $21.95!
Lucifer = Satan
= Holy Spirit
"The intellectual
the paraclete (advocate), it is the Holy Spirit..."
(Eliphas Levi, Freemason, quoted in Burns, p. 189; Emphasis
in the original)
Another globally
prominent Mason, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky -- founder
of the House of Theosophy -- agreed with Levi. Listen:
or Luciferious is the name. Lucifer is divine and
... the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time..."
(Burns, p. 189
Did you know Masons believe
that a person must go through Hell before they can
get to Heaven?
and intended that way by the Creation".
(Lynn Perkins, Mason, quoted by Burns, p. 191)
Former Presidents George
H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and
grandfather (Senator) Prescott Bush were all
life-long Adepts in a Satanic secret society, "Skull
and Bones". The "Initiation Ritual
was bizarre and grotesque. New members must pass through
... lying naked in a coffin in a darkened room and
must reveal the most intimate details about his sexual
history and experiences." (Burns, p. 218)
"In the 13th Degree, 'ALL
P. 224)
With this in mind,
consider this major news story: "Masonic-led Congress
Acquitted President Bill Clinton", NEWS1264)
dated February 13, 1999)
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. Conservative
Christians were aghast!
Today' turned on President Trump, demanding that the
Senate convicts him of the impeachment which the House
delivered against him.
Graham-Founded ‘Christianity Today' Calls
for Removal of Trump from Office",
Breitbart News, 19 December 2019
"The editor-in-chief
at Christianity Today, a publication founded by evangelist
Billy Graham, asserts President Donald Trump 'should
be removed from office'."
Since polls have consistently
shown that a very high majority of Christian voters
cast their ballots for Donald Trump in 2016, and remain
staunch supporters, this column by editor Mark Galli
delivered an initial blow. If a Christian leader believed
that Trump should be removed from office, then perhaps
rank-and-file Christians should follow his lead.
" 'The president
of the United States attempted to use his political
power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit
one of the president's political opponents. That
is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly,
it is profoundly immoral'."
This statement is clearly
the same lie we have heard from Nancy Pelosi, Maxine
Waters, and Adam Schiff these past several years. This
statement is a repetition of a propaganda lie created
out of thin air, and not supported by any facts.
"Nothing positive
Trump has done or accomplished, however, he says, is
of any consequence given what he claims is the president's
'grossly immoral character'."
Galli then claims that
God Himself opposes a man like President Trump.
" ' That he should
be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan
loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments
... Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider
how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your
witness to your Lord and Savior. "
Throughout his missive,
Galli produces no actual fact, only propaganda conclusions
created out of thin air.
But, wait a minute, haven't
we heard of Mark Galli before? Hasn't a major Christian
organization called attention to this man before?
2. Discerning
Christians warned fellow believers nine years ago that
'Christianity Today' was 'Left-of-Center' doctrinally
and socially.
Warning Was Issued NINE Years Ago",
by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, August 1, 2010
"Christianity Today
[CT] is an Evangelical Christian periodical based in
Carol Stream, IL. It is the flagship publication of
its parent company Christianity Today International,
claiming readership of 290,000. The founder, Billy Graham,
stated that he wanted to 'plant the evangelical flag
in the middle-of-the-road, taking the conservative theological
position but a definite liberal approach to social problems'."
While this concept may
seem valid, the Bible states that no man can serve two
masters, Jesus and Satan.
"No man can serve
two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise
the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew
6:23, KJV)
The fact is that all material
things and actions flow from your spiritual nature.
Social problems are addressed from the spiritual realm.
Now, in order to get to
know Mark Galli more thoroughly, let us examine his
* "I like a tranquil,
even-keeled, self-controlled God. A God who doesn't
fly off the handle at the least provocation. A God who
lives one step above the fray. A God who has that British
stiff upper lip even when disaster is looming."
* "When I read my
Bible, though, I keep running into a different God,
and I'm not pleased. This God says he "hates"
sin. Well, he usually yells it. Read the prophets. It's
just one harangue after another, all in loud decibels.
And when the shouting is over, then comes the pouting."
God "pouts"
like some petulent little kid who does not get His way!?
* "This God is like
the volatile Italian woman who, upon discovering her
husband's unfaithfulness, yells and throws dishes, refuses
to sleep in the same bed, and doesn't speak to him for
40 days and 40 nights."
These statements are total
and complete blasphemy! One could not get a more dishonoring
statement from any New Age / Satanic author!
* "I'd rather have
a God who takes sin in stride. Why can't he relax and
recognize that to err is human ... You don't see us
wrathful, indignant, and pouting. Why can't God almighty
just chill out and realize we're just human?"
Once again, Gillis sees
God as "pouting"! He denigrates Almighty God
most terribly.
* "he [God] thinks
"just humans" can become nothing less than
gods. Not in the sense of beings who should be worshipped,
but beings who have become, in the fullest sense, bearers
of the image and likeness of their Creator...."
This is the lie which
Satan told Eve in the Garden: "For God doth know
that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall
be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and
evil." (Genesis 3:5, KJV)
And again: "God wants
nothing less than perfection, because he knows that
perfection is the only way for us to become what he
created us to become: godlike."
Once again, the New Age
/ Luciferian influence is evident in Mark Galli. New
Age adherents believe they are on the road to godhood,
to being gods.
We encourage you to read
this full Berean Call article, so that you can see that
the man who created such a stir when he used Christianity
Today as the bull horn to shout his anti-Trump rhetoric
is a poor, deluded master orator who -- by his own admission
-- is very comfortable riding down that road to Hell.
Genuine Christians shouls
absolutely ignore him, pay him no attention.
Mark Gillis is a fulfillment
of this prophecy: "But there were false prophets
also among the people, even as there shall be false
teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable
heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and
bring upon themselves swift destruction." (2 Peter
2:1, KJV)
Soon, Mark Gillis willk
face Jesus Christ at the White Throne Judgment and will
hear Him say,
"Not every one that
saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom
of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which
is in heaven. Many will say
to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied
in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and
in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will
I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me,
ye that (continued to )work iniquity." (Matthew
7:21-23, KJV)
In fact, the Apostle Paul
revealed that Antichrist cannot arise on the world scene
until the unfaithful church opens the door! Listen:
" Let no man deceive
you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first (apostasy), and that
man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
(2 Thessalonians 2:3, KJV)
We need to pray for Mark
Gillis that the Holy Spirit convict him of his sinful
pronouncements and deliver him to eternal salvation!
* Franklin Graham
proclaimed that Billy Graham supported Trump in 2016
and voted for him!
NEWS BRIEF: "Franklin
Graham Slams Christianity Today: My Father Billy
Graham ‘Voted for Donald Trump',"
Breitbart News, 20 Dec 2019
"Celebrated evangelical
pastor Franklin Graham revealed Friday his father, Billy
Graham, voted for Donald J. Trump in 2016 because he
believed he was the best man for the job ... Rev. Franklin
Graham was responding to an article that appeared Thursday
in Christianity Today — a magazine founded by
"America's pastor" Billy Graham —
declaring that President Trump should be removed from
"Since 'they invoked
my father's name (I suppose to try to bring legitimacy
to their statements)', Rev. Graham wrote, 'I feel it
is important for me to respond'."
""Yes, my father
Billy Graham founded Christianity Today; but no, he
would not agree with their opinion piece. In fact, he
would be very disappointed," Graham said, noting
that the misappropriation of his father's name
is what moved him to reveal whom his father voted for
in 2016 ... 'For Christianity Today to side with the
Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President
of the United States is unfathomable', Graham wrote.
'Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one
single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach
the President'."
At this point, Franklin
Graham lists some of Trump's achievements, all of which
were ignored by Mark Galli, Christianity Today:
* "The economy of
our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years"
* "ISIS & the
caliphate have been defeated"
* " ... he is the
most pro-life president in modern history"
* "The President
has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at
home and around the world "
"The evangelical
leader then moved into discuss the real motivation behind
Christianity Today's hit piece on the president.
'Christianity Today said it's time to call a spade
a spade', he wrote. 'The spade is this — Christianity
Today has been used by the left for their political
agenda. It's obvious that Christianity Today has
moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal
wing of evangelicalism'."
And, this, my friends,
is the inevitable fruit of trying to be doctrinally
Conservative but socially Liberal!
You cannot serve two masters,
but Christianity Today has certainly tried!
Now, let us focus on the
man who wrote this column, Mark Galli, for his character
has much to do with this hit piece on Donald J. Trump.
* The editor of
'Christianity Today' championed the theologian who defended
Josef Stalin's mass murder of over 30 million people.
NEWS BRIEF: "Christianity
Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin's
Mass Murder', Breitbart
News, 20 Dec 2019
"Millions of American
Christians learned that they are, in fact, disloyal
to God and to the Ten Commandments because of President
Donald Trump, thanks to Thursday's blockbuster
op-ed from Christianity Today and its editor-in-chief
Mark Galli."
Yes, as we noted, above,
this column had a great initial impact because if came
from a source who is trusted to represent genuine Christianity.
But, Mark Galli is not the man you think he is.
"Just a few years
before this missive, Galli authored a lionizing biography
of Karl Barth ... a neo-orthodox theologian (e.g., believed
that Christ did rise from the dead but the eyewitnesses
did not record it accurately) and an avowed socialist
who excused Josef Stalin's 'totalitarian atrocities'
due to the 'positive intention' of the Marxist world
view. "
This statement is shocking
because it perfectly mirrors the writings of a number
of New Age authors who correctly view Communism as the
perfect Antithesis force of the Hegelian Doctrine (Read
NEWS2429, entitled "Controlled
Conflict Bringing About Controlled Change" - The
Hegelian Doctrine In Constant Use In Today's News")
In the Combination Offer
shown above, we demonstrate several critical factors:
* In 1845 (Circa), a group
of French Freemasons wrote the books and the articles
establishing Communism, materials later published under
the names of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.
* Communism was established
as a perfect opposite of the existing system in the
world at that time, Capitalism/Monarchy. In order for
this cherished formula to work, a mirror image of Capitalism
must be founded and set up in a major country.
* What is this cherished
formula of the Illuminati?
1. The existence of one
type of government or society, named Thesis, would provoke
the appearance of the opposite of that type of government
or society, which Hegel named Antithesis.
2. Thesis and Antithesis
would naturally begin to battle one another, since they
were exactly opposite systems and, therefore, would
see matters differently.
3. If Thesis and Antithesis
battled each other for a long period of time, with neither
side annihilating the other, that battling would result
in both sides changing to a hybrid system of government
and society, which Hegel called Synthesis.
A constant battling,
or threat of battling, was the key.
This theory swept through
Europe, on college campuses in the early 1820's, sparking
many a debate! After awhile, student's fascination with
this theory died down, but the Illuminati, with Freemasonry
now thoroughly involved in the leadership in the New
World Order Plan, now had their formula to achieve their
The major problem is that
no truly opposite system to Thesis existed in 1776.
So, what can you do when
no truly opposite system has "spontaneously"
sprung up? If I were in charge of executing the New
World Order Plan, and I believed in Hegel's theory,
I suppose I would sit down to create an exactly opposite
system to Thesis.
And, that is exactly what
occurred. Listen to author Piers Compton: "In 1846,
'there was a feeling of change in the air. a change
that would extend beyond the boundaries of the Church
and transform many facets of existence.... Two years
later a highly select body of secret initiates who called
themselves the League of Twelve Just Men of the Illuminati,
financed Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto..."
("The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand In the Vatican",
Thesis was
the Western Capitalist/Monarchy based on a belief in
God, private ownership of private property and a government
based upon elections.
Antithesis was
the Communist system created by the Illuminati, but
published under Marx/Engels. This system was Atheist,
a common ownership of private property and an Absolute
Therefore, New Age leaders
views Communism as the Antithesis to the Capitalist
system which they called "Thesis". After the
horrific murders of Communism became so widely known,
New Age leaders could not defend the indefensible, so
they switched gears and began to proclaim that, while
Communism was "carried to excess", it was
a necessary development in humanity's march toward the
global New World Order.
Before we leave this subject,
how many people did Josef Stalin murder?
"Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,
the literary giant who wrote harrowingly about the Soviet
gulag system, claimed the true number of Stalin's
victims might have been as high as 60 million. Most
other estimates from reputed scholars and historians
tend to range from between 20 and 60 million" ("How
Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?",
International Business Times)
Therefore, it is quite
inexcusable for Mark Gallis to defend a man who held
Josef Stalin in such high regard.
But, then the horror of
Mark Gallis and 'Christianity Today' deepens still further!
* Then, we learned
that George Soros funds 'Christianity Today'!
Pulpit & Pen, December 20, 2019
"Christianity Today
called for the U.S. Senate to affirm the impeachment
of the U.S. House against President Donald J. Trump.
As you soak that in, we'll remind you that it's
already been reported by this publication (and others)
that Christianity Today is a Soros front organization
... George Soros, the wealthy billionaire Democrat financier,
'rents evangelicals', a fact that has been widely reported
and indisputably and broadly claimed..."
"Christianity Today
is in 'cahoots' with Soros in a verifiably documented
way. It should come as no surprise they're calling
for Donald Trump's impeachment."
3. An Abortion
Activist laments that "Pro-Life" forces are
winning that battle to destroy the industry which murders
innocent life within a mother's womb!
NEWS BRIEF: "Abortion
Activist Admits Pro-Lifers are Winning: "It's
Been a Rough Decade for Supporters of Abortion",
Life News, Dec 20, 2019
"Pro-life policies
within the United States are growing "like a steady
drumbeat," according to an abortion analyst. State
trend analyst for the Guttmacher Institute Elizabeth
Nash spoke out about the increase in pro-life legislation
across the United States in an interview with BuzzFeed
News. The analyst, who works in Guttmacher's Washington,
D.C., office and has studied abortion legislation at
the state level since 1999, noted that pro-abortion
policies took a hit in 2019.
"It's been
a rough decade for those that support abortion rights',
Nash told Buzzfeed, adding that pro-life policies are
growing 'like a steady drumbeat getting louder each
While this trend is a
genuine "Praise the Lord" development, God
still sees the entire Democrat Party as now a major
force supporting the continued human sacrifice within
the womb. Already, estimates of the number of murdered
babies within the United States since Roe vs Wade to
number 60 million.
And, today's politicians
couch the continuation of Abortion Upon Demand as being
a fundamental human right that no government can stop!
God is in the process of stopping this most heinous
murder by changing people's hearts.
But, one day soon, God
will physically judge America for this most deplorable
sin. That die is already cast.
4. The petition
against Netflix for creating a film which depicts Jesus
as a gay man has already surpassed 2.3 million.
NEWS BRIEF: "Petition
Against Netflix ‘Gay Jesus' Surges Past
2.3 Million Signatures", Breitbart
News, 22 Dec 2019
"A petition against
the Netflix Christmas special featuring a gay Jesus
and pot-smoking Virgin Mary has now passed 2.3 million
signatures, as Christians vent their outrage against
the film. Launched just three weeks ago, the
online petition to "ban the Christmas movie"
titled The First Temptation of Christ has steadily accumulated
support, largely in Brazil, where the film was created.
Similar petitions have been launched in other languages."
"The 46-minute Christmas
special portrays a thirty-something Jesus bringing home
his boyfriend home to meet Mary and Joseph ... The petition
also calls for a public retraction by Netflix, since
the company has 'seriously offended Christians'."
Consider what would happen
if this film depicted Mohammed as a gay man; the creators
of this film and Netflix owners, would be summarily
executed by Islamic hordes!
5. The Democrat
Party lost its mind, its way, and the 2020 election,
as the year, 2019, unfolded.
NEWS BRIEF: "2019:
The Year The Democratic Party Went Full-On Creepy",
Townhall, Dec 23, 2019
"The vote to impeach
President Trump last week was the culmination of a trend
in the Democratic Party that is just plain weird. (For
* "The vote to "formalize"
Adam Schiff's one-sided, secret Star Chamber impeachment
hearings in the basement of the House and send the process
to the House Judiciary Committee took place on Halloween.
One Democratic member, Katie
Porter of California, wore a Batman costume to cast
her vote that day. "
* "Then the vote
by the House Judiciary Committee to recommend impeachment
and send the matter to the full House for a vote took
place on December 13. That was a Friday. As in Friday
the 13th."
* "Take the recent
story about the Texas pro-abortion group called Texas
Equal Access Fund, which held a holiday party this month
in which the party favors consisted of votive candles
with the image of a unicorn and the words 'Abortions
are Magical!' on them."
"That question isn't
just rhetorical when you consider that Democrats in
2019 passed a shockingly liberal abortion law in New
York, to the point where a full-term baby can be murdered
(sorry, "aborted") for virtually any reason
right up to its entry into the birth canal. "
"And in what has
to be among the creepiest political interviews ever
conducted, Virginia's governor Ralph Northam,
a pediatrician no less, actually endorsed infanticide."
"Gov. Northam survived
all of these scandals, while his Democratic lieutenant
governor, Justin Fairfax, stood credibly accused of
having sexually assaulted two women, also without having
to resign."
* "Finally, as 2019
neared its end, we saw the Democrats and progressives
worldwide loft to stardom a young Swedish girl named
Greta Thunberg who, at the ripe old age of 16, stood
before presumed adults around the world and scolded
them for not doing enough to address global warming,
or climate change, or whatever the term du jour is for
man's alleged sins against the planet. "
Hopefully, American voters
will end this charade once and for all by giving Trump
a reelection of massive proportions while delivering
both houses of Congress to genuine, Conservative, Christian
6. The Supreme
Court is hearing arguments which are truly momentous
if we hope to maintain our spiritual freedom.
The Liberal Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a Catholic school
cannot have the final say in which teachers they hire!
NEWS BRIEF: "Supreme
Court to decide who picks Catholic school teachers:
9th Circuit Likely To Be Overturned",
World Net Daily, Dec 21, 2019
"Seven years ago
the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the famous Hosanna-Tabor
case that a Lutheran school has the right to choose
who will teach its faith precepts to students. Now the
justices have agreed to review the same issue regarding
two Catholic schools ... the Supreme Court justices
agreed 'to weigh in on whether the government can control
who a church school chooses to teach its religion classes'."
I am scratching my head
over this issue; why would it even be an issue, that
a religious school had an inherent right to only hire
teachers who would faithfully teach their doctrine!
Have we gone so far into the Abyss of Hell that government
rules and regulations could actually prohibit a school
from only hiring teachers who are faithful to that church
If a government can force
a religious school to hire teachers who are not going
to teach the standard doctrine of that school, then
America has just established a government religion,
or at least a government - controlled religion.
7. CNN "news"
turns the truth about the economy around 180 degrees!
They boldly present bold, blatant lies masquerading
as the truth.
It to CNN to Flat Out Lie About the Booming Economy",
Townhall, Dec 22, 2019
"Despite those successes,
CNN flat out lies about what things are like for the
average American, you know, those "Deplorables"
in flyover country that voted for this president. That
became extremely evident during Sunday's episode of
"Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter" when
the panel discussed the economy.
"Before we had this
$2 trillion dollar tax cut that's below the long-term
post war average of about three percent. It's actually
way below what it was when Bill Clinton was impeached.
When Bill Clinton was impeached we were growing at about
four-and-a-half percent," Washington Post Opinion
Columnist Catherine Rampell said. "
"Rampell ran with
the argument that things were better when Clinton was
impeached in December 1998. According to the U.S. Bureau
Labor of Statistics, unemployment was at 4.4 percent
at the time. The current unemployment rate is 3.7 percent."
No wonder that CNN's ratings
are tanking and their economic losses are mounting.
They will realize when it is too late that the American
voter was smarter and more discerning than they ever
thought possible.
Joe Biden unveils
his economic plan, which would destroy our economy rapidly,
just as past New Age leaders have advocated.
Biden Unveils His Disastrous Plan For The Economy
— Likely To Cause Massive Blue Collar Job Loss",
Sons of 1776, Dec 20, 2019
"Leading 2020 Democrat
contenders participated in the last debate of 2019 Thursday
evening in Los Angeles. 2020 Dem front runner Joe Biden
admitted on Thursday night that if he were president,
he would be willing to sacrifice economic growth and
hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs to transition
to a ‘Green' economy."
The somber truth is that
national and international leaders would gladly accept
the complete death of the United States of America if
it meant that America rejoins the rest of the world
in the march to the global New World Order, the prophesied
Kingdom of Antichrist!
But, why should we be
surprised at this Democrat obsession with the death
of this great country? Their direction comes from the
Rothschild/Rockefeller/George Soros/Alice Bailey leadership
line. Notice carefully the words of Alice Bailey, head
channeler of the House of Theosophy, recording the words
of her Master D.K.. She is writing of the need for people,
institutions, and nations to die so the New World Order
can be established.
Death of Our Civilization
"The human family
is in a position to note for itself the processes of
the rebirth of a civilisation ... for the progress of
the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity,
death is inevitable, good and necessary." [Alice
Bailey, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy",
p. 112, 115; Originally penned in September, 1939]
Never forget this occult
principle: "Death is inevitable, good,
and necessary".
Meet the current leaders
of the Democrat Party, as they have finally taken off
their mask and their gloves!