News Headlines
1. A substitute
Third-Grade teacher broke the hearts of parents
and students by telling the class that Santa
and his elves and the whole Christmas legend
are "not real"!
Did you
know that this legend of Santa Claus has conferred
upon him equal status with Jesus Christ?
When the
school told this teacher she was no longer welcome,
school authorities are telling us all that truth
is no longer a virtue.
telling children that Santa is real, only to
have to admit to them later that they were lied
to, damages their faith in Jesus Christ.
2. President
Trump slays the Palestinian State dragon, finally!
He boldly
states that Israel is NOT the true cause of
Middle East turmoil; rather, the true culprit
is the Palestinian hatred of Israel.
when President Obama could not tell the truth
about this subject, or any other?
3. A British
Liberal "news" editor posted the statement
via Twitter that all she wanted for Christmas
is "for Britain to go 'full communist'.”
is as Liberal as CNN and the Washington Post!
4. The
Senate voted yesterday evening to approve the
President's "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act":
The House
must now approve this bill like they did yesterday.
Trump announced that this Tax Reform will spark
an American economic miracle!
the full text of these articles below our book
store update

For the first
time in U.S. history, Christians in America are facing
the challenge of a majority approval of marijuana.
By September 2017, there was some form of marijuana
legalization in 29 states and the District of Columbia.
This massive change has occurred in less than fifty
years, and it is a major sign of the seismic shift
occurring in our culture a shift that should concern
Christians deeply.
What should Christians believe
and do about this distressing situation?
Practicing Satanists believe
that Marijuana is controlled by a demon named 'Jah'
and is designed to open the human mind so a demon
can enter and so a person might be more easily mind
controlled (Former Satanist, Doc Marquis)
Marijuana is truly a "Gateway

Without a watchful
and discerning heart, we are too easily deceived by
a crafty adversary. While we rejoice, praise God,
give thanks, and remain hopeful through it all, we
must be alert to the deception that is all around
us. Jesus said 'Take heed that no man deceive you.'
Be watchful. Be discerning. Keep looking up. Keep
pressing on.
Christian seek not yet repose, Cast thy dreams of
ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and
pray. Watch as if that alone were the issue of the
day; Pray that help may be sent down: Watch and pray.
( Charlotte
Elliot & William H. Monk)
Learn to discern, Watch and
pray; Night's almost here, Far spent is the day. Learn
to discern, Watch and pray; Armor on tight, Keeping
the enemy at bay. Learn to discern, Watch and pray;
Don't be deceived, Narrow is the way. If you learn
to discern, To watch and pray; Then close to Jesus
You will always stay. (Warren B. Smith)
18 pages
$1.95 Each - See
them all
Must I Do To Be Saved?
God's dazzling and resplendent new creation called
the 'Heavens and the Earth', created specifically
for the happiness and joy of His really special creation,
Adam and Eve, Satan suddenly launched a vicious war
against man.
And, Satan knew exactly where to strike. Taking the
form of a Serpent, Satan spoke gracious words to an
innocent, gullible Eve. He convinced her that God
REALLY did not mean what He said when he told Adam
that they could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge and Evil, and then Satan painted such a
wonderful word picture of the fruit that Eve simply
had to try it.
Satan must have been
howling with glee as he witnessed God changing the
nature of Adam and Eve to where they would now be
susceptible to physical death and they would have
to earn their sustenance through hard work fighting
weeds and brambles, wild animals, dinosaurs, demons
who have taken the form of men (Nephilim, Genesis
6), paranormal activity, parallel dimensions, and
a new nature of sin and of murder.
All mankind faced a
world as frightening and dangerous as anyone could
have possibly imagined. Little did they know Satans
true plan, i.e., to so corrupt every human being that
Jesus, the Redeemer of Mankind, would be thwarted
in His plan to die on Calvary. Therefore, Genesis
6 reveals that Satan flooded the world with Nephilim
who mated with human wives, producing a new creation
that was no longer purely human, but mixed with demonic
Satan's strategy was
to corrupt the human race and thus make mans redemption
impossible. But, God retaliated with a worldwide flood
that saved only one genetically pure family that will
make the gift of redemption to mankind a reality.
It is an exciting journey
that will give you basic theological truths and the
answers to may of life's most difficult questions.
Please join us as we will take one more step in our
quest to reveal how
God will ultimately
triumph over Satan and empower mankind to share in
the glorious victory.
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2 hours run time, Mac plans
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News Analysis
1. A substitute
Third-Grade teacher broke the hearts of parents and
students by telling the class that Santa and his elves
and the whole Christmas legend are "not real"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Parents,
Students Heartbroken as Substitute Teacher Tells Third-Graders
Santa and His Elves Are Not Real",
Fox8 News, 19 December 2017
"MENTOR, Ohio -
A substitute teacher in the Mentor school district
is accused of telling a group of third-graders that
Santa Claus and his elves just aren't real. It happened
at Sterling Morton Elementary School."
The discipline that
was brought down upon this poor substitute teacher
simply illustrates the degree to which lying has been
elevated in this country. Listen:
"When the school's
principal found out about it, she called the parents
of each child in the class and apologized."
Why is this school's
principal apologizing to the parents that her teacher
told the truth in class?
This apology is sheer
nonsense, even though the issue was that the parents
should each have the right to tell their child that
they have been lying to them all these years. But,
the correct spiritual problem is that parents should
never have lied to their children in the first place!
When the school
told this teacher she was no longer welcome, school
authorities are telling us all that truth is no longer
a virtue.
Did you know
that this legend of Santa Claus has conferred upon
him equal status with Jesus Christ?
1. Has white hair like wool (Rev
| 1. Has white hair like wool
2. Has a beard (Isaiah 50:6)
| 2. Has a beard
3. Comes in red apparel Isaiah (63:1-2)
| 3. Comes in red apparel
4. Hour of His coming is a mystery
(Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33)
| 4. Hour of his coming is a mystery
5. Comes from the North where He
lives (Ezekiel 1:4; Psalm 48:2)
| 5. Comes from the North where he
lives: North Pole
6. Is a carpenter (Mark 6:3)
| 6. Is a toy carpenter
7. Comes as a thief in the night
(Matthew 24:43-44)
| 7. Comes as a thief in the night.
Even gains entrance to homes as a thief.
8. Omnipotent -- all powerful (Rev
| 8. Omnipotent -- can deliver all
the toys of the world in one night
9. Omniscient -- knows all (Hebrews
4:13; 1 John 3:20)
| 9. Omniscient -- knows if every
single child has been good or bad, for the entire
10. Omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-10;
Ephesians 4:6; John 3:13)
| 10. Omnipresent -- sees when you
wake or sleep. Has to be everywhere at once to
be able to deliver all the toys in one short night.
11. Ageless, eternal (Rev 1:8; 21:6)
| 11. Lives forever
12. Lives in men (1 Cor 3:16; 2
Cor 6:16-17)
| 12. Lives in the hearts of children
13. Giver of Gifts (Ephesians 4:8)
| 13. Giver of Gifts
14. Absolute Truth (John 14:6)
| 14. Absolute Fable - (1 Tim 1:4;
2 Tim 4:4)
15. Sits on a throne (Rev 5:1; Heb
| 15. Sits on a throne
16. We are told to boldly go to
the throne of Grace for our needs (Heb 4:16)
| 16. Children are bidden to approach
his throne to ask for anything they want
17. Commands children to obey parents
| 17. Tells children to obey parents
18. Wants little children to come
to Him (Mark 10:14)
| 18. Bids children to come unto him
19. Judges (Rom 14:10; Rev 20:2)
| 19. Judges whether you were good
or bad
20. Everlasting Father (Isa 9:6;
Heb 12:2)
| 20. Father Christmas
21. Christ Child (Matt 1:23; Luke
| 21. Kris Kringle (means christ child)
22. Worthy of Prayers and Worship
(Rev 5:14 Hebrews 1:6)
| 22. Prayers and worship to "St.
Nick" by children
23. Lord of Hosts (Mal 3:5; Isa
8:13; Psalms 24:10)
| 23. Lord over a host of elves -
(In Druidic religion, elves are demons or tree
24. God says, "Ho, ho ... (Zechariah
| 24. Santa says, "Ho, ho, ho
25. Prince of Peace, the Image of
God (Isa 9:6;
Hebrews 1:3)
| 25. Symbol of World Peace, the image
of the Christmas Season
telling children that Santa is real, only to have
to admit to them later that they were lied to, damages
their faith in Jesus Christ.
You see, when parents
tell their children that Santa is real, they are forced
to overcome their children's natural skepticism by
telling them that "Santa is real, you just can't
see him".
When a parent tells
their children about Jesus Christ, they tell them
"Jesus is real, you just can't see him".
Then, several years
later, when the parent is forced to acknowledge to
their precious children that they have been lying
to them all these years, the child will also naturally
disbelieve that "Jesus is real, you just cannot
see Him".
When parents deliberately
lie to their children about Santa Claus, they damage
the ability of the child to believe in Jesus Christ!
In fact, I believe that Satan created this lie about
Santa simply to make it less likely that a child can
ever believe in Jesus.
No parent should ever,
no never, tell their children that Santa Claus is
The effects of such
a lie can be eternal!
2. President
Trump slays the Palestinian State dragon, finally!
He boldly states
that Israel is NOT the true cause of Middle East turmoil;
rather, the true culprit is the Palestinian hatred
of Israel.
Slays Palestinian Propaganda Claim: Israel Is
Not the Cause of Mideast Turmoil",
Breitbart News, 18 Dec 2017
"President Donald
Trump’s first National Security Strategy contradicts
a major Palestinian propaganda talking point that
claims the so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict
is the root problem fueling violence across the Middle
East. The 56-page document outlines the Trump administration’s
approach to international policy ... For generations
the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has
been understood as the prime irritant preventing peace
and prosperity in the region. Today, the threats from
jihadist terrorist organizations and the threat from
Iran are creating the realization that Israel is not
the cause of the region’s problems. States have
increasingly found common interests with Israel in
confronting common threats."
President Trump is exactly
correct! Since terrorists of the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) captured and brutally murdered
11 Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games -- known
as the "Munich
Massacre" -- Yassir Arafat initiated two
long "Intifada's" (domestic guerilla attacks)
and walked away from several negotiations, even though
Israeli and American leaders were willing to grant
the PLO leader 95% of his demands.
Every staunch Arab Muslim
will not agree to any agreement which allows Israel
to remain alive. Every fundamental Muslim wants to
inflict 100% annihilation upon Israel.
Finally, an American
President has the guts to "call a spade a spade"
on an international forum!
Remember when
President Obama could not tell the truth about this
subject, or any other?
A British Liberal "news" editor posted the
statement via Twitter that all she wanted for Christmas
is "for Britain to go 'full communist'.”
NEWS BRIEF: "Christmas
Wish: BuzzFeed Editor Asks for ‘Full Blown
Communism Now’," Brietbart
News, 19 December 2017
"An editor for
BuzzFeed’s UK science section sparked outrage
by Tweeting out that her most wanted Christmas gift
would be for Britain to go 'full communist'.”
"Kelly Oakes, a
20-something London-based employee for BuzzFeed UK,
took to Twitter on December 14 to inform followers,
'All I want for Christmas is full communism now'.”
is as Liberal as CNN and the Washington Post!
Are they secretly
Communist as well? We cannot be sure, but if they
were closet "Reds", that would explain a
lot as to how and why they have resorted to such a
campaign of deliberate lying and twisting and trying
to bring newly-elected Donald Trump down.
"Estimates vary,
but well over 100 million human beings combined were
killed under communist regimes in countries such as
Russia, East Germany, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and others."
4. The Senate
voted yesterday evening to approve the President's
"Tax Cuts and Jobs Act": 51-48
Passes Historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:
51-48", Breitbart News,
19 December 2017
"Republicans advanced
to the one-yard line to pass historic tax reform as
the Senate passed the final Tax Cut and Jobs Act on
Tuesday, sending the bill to the House for final passage.
President Donald Trump hopes to sign the bill before
Every single Democrat
senator voted against this bill to lower taxes on
average Americans!
"The Senate passed
the final the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 51-48, along
partisan lines. Fifty-one Republicans voted in favor
the bill, while zero Democrats voted for the tax reform
The House must
now approve this bill like they did yesterday.
needs to vote again on sweeping tax bill over procedural
snag", CNBC News, 12/9/2017
"House Republicans
approved sweeping changes to the U.S. tax code Tuesday,
but they will have to vote again on a final bill Wednesday
morning after the legislation hit a procedural snag
in the Senate late Tuesday afternoon."
Republican lawmakers had been barreling
toward their goal of passing the first major tax overhaul
in decades before the end of the year. But in their
haste, they appeared to have violated a Senate procedural
measure known as the Byrd rule."
"The GOP contends that the more
than $1.4 trillion in tax cuts contained in the bill
will spark business investment, hiring and wage growth.
Democrats call the Republican proposal a giveaway
to corporations at the expense of the middle class,
expressing concerns about the $1 trillion or more
it is projected to add to federal budget deficits
over a decade."
I truly get tired of the constant
Democrat lie that any tax cut proposed by Republicans
are a boon to the rich, when the truth is that most
Democrat tax bills rape the Middle Class, while protecting
the very rich, many of whom are Democrat!
Further, polls
show that a majority of Americans continue to believe
this lie and OPPOSE getting a tax cut.
President Trump
announced that this Tax Reform will spark an American
economic miracle!
Tax Speech: 'We Stand on Verge of New Economic
Miracle'," NewsMax, 13 Dec 2017
"President Donald
Trump cheered an agreement Wednesday between the House
and Senate on tax reform legislation as one giving
American families and companies the "dream that
you want," and urged Congress to pass the measure
before Christmas."
"We are going to
make our economy work for you again," Trump said
of the cuts. "And we are going to make the American
dream . . . be the dream that you want for your children
and your grandchildren once again."
" 'Fifty-five years ago this
week, President John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, launched
a historic effort to pass sweeping top-to-bottom tax
cuts', Trump said. 'A half century later we are reminded
that lowering taxes is neither a Republican or Democrat
idea, but an American principal and an American idea'."
Trump wrapped up his
comments by addressing the false Democrat message
that this tax cut will produce deficits that cannot
be covered by increased business.
"Trump said if
Congress sends him legislation, "the IRS has
confirmed that Americans will see lower taxes in February,"
he promised.
"We stand on the verge of a
new economic miracle," Trump said. "If Congress
sends me a tax tax reform bill, this is only a beginning,"
he added.
"This is for the people of middle
income, this is for companies that will create jobs,"
he said. "We're going to make our taxes work
for you again."
Amen to cutting taxes so that Middle
Class families can finally get some relief!
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