Newsletter- Wednesday, 12/18/2024

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Distinctive Cutting Edge Teachings DVDs by David Bay and Mac Dominick


Update: Thank you for your prayers for Mary Bay and Cutting Edge. The car repair was not a major one but still over $500.00. Some kind of sensor so a praise that it was not the transmission on a 2015 car. We will pick up the car Friday if the part has come in.

Thanks and God Bless,


Mac Dominick has given us an article this week titled "The Alien Abduction Enigma" and Ron Riffe has written "It’s time to hold Corporations, Congress and Politicians accountable". Doug researches the news for us giving us a wonderful group of news articles to keep us all up on world, USA and Israel events and more in our Daily News Updates page.

New podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

Virgin Mary & Modern Pagan Goddess Worship

Mary is known in the Catholic church as the mother of God and the Queen of Heaven. In this podcast David examines and makes a comparison to the Queen of Heaven descibed in Jeremiah 8:18 which greatly angered God.

Jeremiah 7:18
18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

If you can't wait to hear all 60 of these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order yours today just $39.98

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Mac Dominick

On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were driving home from a vacation in Montreal to their home in Portsmouth, NH. At about 10:30 PM, Betty observed a bright light in the sky. The object seemed to follow their vehicle and get closer before hovering about 100 feet above them. Barney stopped the car and observed the craft through binoculars. He later reported observing 8 to 11 humanoid (but not human) figures peering out the craft's windows. He panicked, ran back to the car, and sped away. Drowsiness suddenly and inexplicably overtook them, and upon regaining wakefulness, they were many miles away with no recollection of the trip. Their memories of the entire episode were fragmented and incomplete. Once arriving at home, they realized they were "missing" about two hours of unaccounted time.

The next day, they were convinced they had experienced an alien encounter. After reporting the event to a local Air Force base, Betty began passionately researching UFO sightings at the local library. She then began experiencing lucid and frightening dreams of abduction aboard a spacecraft where she and her husband were physically examined, prodded, probed, and violated in various ways.

It was 1963 until the Hills spoke publicly of their experiences in low-key venues like their church and small UFO study groups. It was about this time that Barney began to have sleep problems from anxiety. He consulted a psychiatrist who referred him to a colleague, Dr. Benjamin Simon, who specialized in hypnosis. It was under the "regression therapy" of hypnosis that both Barney and Betty "recalled" the entire abduction scenario. (1)

This incident would become the first in the United States to reach notoriety as an Alien Abduction. According to Jacques Vallee, this was nothing new: "The folklore of every culture...had a rich reservoir about humanoid beings that flew in the sky, used devices that seemed in advance of the technology of the time, and said strangely beautiful, though absurd, things to those with whom they came in contact. These beings abducted humans and uniformly reported an alteration of the sense of time when they were in the beings' company." (2) Shockingly, according to David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., there may exist millions of individuals alive today who have been abducted by aliens and have been used as sperm donors or female incubators in a massive breeding program to produce a new civilization made up of the aliens and hybrid offspring conceived with the aid of human abductees. (3)

These accounts may have a familiar ring to the readers of this article who are familiar with the biblical Sons of God (bene ha elohim) and the daughters of men in Genesis 6. It is Genesis 6 that records the birth of the half-breed Nephilim conceived by the sexual interaction of Watcher-class angels and human women. This was Satan's first attempt to not only destroy humanity but also to prevent the birth of the "seed of the woman" that would appear as the Redeemer of lost mankind. Could this alien breeding program be yet another attempt by the Forces of Evil to accomplish an extinction-level event that would eradicate humanity from the face of the earth?

The late Dr. Chuck Missler was convinced that the Bible foretells such an event in Luke 17:26 where it reads, "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." He taught that Alien Abductions are actual events that incorporate the implantation and harvesting of half-human, half-fallen angel fetuses that would initiate a return of the Nephilim. According to Dr. Missler, this return will reach a zenith during the time biblically known as the Day of the Lord or the Tribulation period. (4) As difficult as it may be to accept Dr. Missler's theory, he may well be correct-- but some issues warrant discussion.

The validity of the proposition that Alien Abduction is the means for implementation of a society with the presence of a large population of half-breed inhabitants ruled over by their alien overlords has one major foundational issue. This issue is the acquisition process by which the information describing the abduction is accessed. This is not to imply that the Alien Abduction scenario is anything other than an orchestrated effort by evil or demonic forces. There is no question that the entire abduction scenario involves the interaction of evil spiritual entities with the human population. The messages the aliens preach to their abducted captive audiences are the same as the group-think doctrines of occult organizations. Those messages include:
• The promotion of globalism and ecumenism
• Personal immortality and reincarnation
• Pantheism (ye shall be as gods)
• Radical environmentalism (Humanity, left to its own devices, will destroy the planet.)
• Moral relativism
• The Bible is not the Word of God (5)

If nothing else, evidence of these specific concepts should enlighten anyone who understands the tactics of the dark Forces of Evil as to which side of the spiritual dimension these entities reside. The underlying question revolves around how much of what the abductee experiences is reality and how much is a lie. One must remember that Jesus warned in John 8:44, " When he (Satan) speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." Thus, one must seek the wisdom of God and the discernment of the Holy Spirit when addressing this issue.

The issue boils down to the fact that the vast majority of the information gleaned from the abductees is acquired through regression therapy via hypnosis. Hypnosis is very dangerous, and one should never submit himself or herself to a hypnotist. Why? Hypnosis, along with transcendental meditation and hallucinogenic drugs, is a popular pathway used by Evil Forces to gain access to an individual from the spiritual dimension. These three procedures are commonly implemented to open the mind to the dark side of the spiritual dimension by emptying the mind of all conscious thought. As a result, outside spiritual forces easily access the participant's mind. Any individual who chooses to participate in these procedures is playing with fire.

The fact that the vast majority of the forgotten or missing details of an Alien Abduction are remembered via hypnosis makes the information highly susceptible to complete falsification or deception. Again, there is no question that evil entities are involved in the process, but are the experiences gleaned from the hypnotic trance accurate, or are they complete fabrications? The reality may be that the "abductee" is not on a spaceship participating in an alien breeding program but is a victim of a mass indoctrination program that convinces the "abductee" to conform to a specific occult philosophy.

On the other "side of the coin,” Alien Abductions may be exactly as advertised. The "aliens" are fallen angels masquerading as space aliens, once again impregnating human women and even getting human males into the program. The goal would be to produce a hybrid race of "foot soldiers" to resist the plan of God and embrace the Antichrist. Chuck Missler's theory may have been correct. This scenario will make the Tribulation period "as it was in the days of Noah" with a vast population of supernatural hybrids terrorizing humanity. Other scriptures, such as Daniel 2:43, give strong implications of a hybrid presence in the Tribulation:

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men..."

As detailed in this passage, if someone or something mingles with the "seed of men," there is genetic manipulation in the mix. Therefore, the possibility of Alien Abduction as a precursor to this event should not be offhandedly dismissed.

After due consideration of this discussion, what conclusions can one reasonably reach?
• Something sinister is afoot. There are too many similar occurrences to dismiss Alien Abduction as a complete fantasy.
• The occupants of UFOs are not visitors from another planet in our universe.
• The occupants of UFOs are fallen angels from the spiritual dimension that have been given access to our 4-dimensional space-time.
• These fallen angels have an agenda of deception and disruption of God's plan for humanity.
• There is a possibility that Alien Abduction involves a breeding program with the intent of replacing humanity with an evil, hybrid race. If this is the case, such an extinction-level event will not ultimately succeed. The Scripture clearly teaches that all evil entities will be annihilated at the Second Coming of Christ, and surviving human beings will join and serve Jesus when He reigns as King of Kings in the Millennium. (see Psalms 82)
• There is also a possibility that the Alien Abduction phenomenon is an elaborate deception to indoctrinate a critical mass of humanity for the promotion and acceptance of the coming Kingdom of the Antichrist.

Even though neither option includes interstellar space travel, both are dangerous spiritual deceptions of the highest order, and spiritual deception must be taken very seriously. Christians must seek Truth, proclaim Truth, and pray for Godly discernment to expose the lies of Satan and his minions.

1. The account of Betty and Barney Hill's abduction experience is available from multiple sources.
The scenario as posited here is a summary based on the author's reading of various accounts of
the incident.
2. Valle, Jacques. Passport to Magonia, as quoted by Missler, Chuck. Alien Encounters, Koinonia
House, 1997. p.97.
3. Jacobs, David M. The Threat, Fireside Publishing, New York, 1998.
4. Missler, Chuck. Return of the Nephilim, Audible Audio, Koinonia House, 2003.
5. Missler, Chuck and Eastman, Mark. Alien Encounters, Koinonia House, 1997. p.285.

Title: It’s time to hold Corporations, Congress and Politicians accountable by Pastor Ron Riffe

Subtitle: Laws against slander must be broadened and rigidly enforced

“Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.” (Psalm 85:11, KJV)

Now that we have survived the latest mud-slinging, character assassinating, and downright lying by candidates jockeying for political offices, is it not high time to insist upon a national code of ethics enforceable by razor sharp teeth?

It has been attributed to the author Mark Twain (and others) that “a lie can circle the earth before truth can get its boots on.” And in these days of virtually instant communications around the globe via satellites, monstrous lies are routinely launched that do just that! So are we not absolutely fed up and sickened by such blatant violations of God’s ninth commandment? It says, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” but the intent covers every form of lying. And this particular sin had its origin in the Garden of Eden when the serpent, possessed by Satan, accused God of lying! “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Genesis 3:1, KJV) That word “subtil” in Hebrew carries the connotation of “cunning,” in the worst sense of the term and the devil is definitely cunning and deceit is practically his middle name! He knew full well what God had said previously and lied by calling it into question.

When the Lord Jesus Christ confronted the Pharisees, He told them, “You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.” (John 8:44, Amplified Bible)

So we need to understand that lying is as natural to unregenerate mankind as breathing! And only God Himself knows the extent to which lying has, and continues to be, a curse upon humanity. But I am not so gullible as to think it can be eradicated by human means. However, I do believe the punishment for lying under oath in particular and all other ways in general should be subjected to much more scrutiny than has been the case in the past. Politicians routinely accuse each other of lying and where I come from that is grounds for getting your nose flattened! And in the past political rivals have resorted to much more than words, but one of the better retorts was when Alexander Hamilton supposedly met Aaron Burr on a walkway where they could not pass without one of them stepping aside, Burr famously said, “I never step aside for fools.” To which Hamilton replied, “I always do” and moved aside! It may not be true, but it sure seems to fit their respective characters—and their rivalry ultimately led to a duel in which Hamilton was killed.

I fully realize that what I propose will go over like a lead balloon, but surely some sort of respected panel of fact checkers or even Artificial Intelligence with built-in restraints, could be utilized to hold politicians accountable for what they say in public—or in private, for that matter. Words do matter and truth certainly does above all. And if someone is caught slandering another person, they should be brought to justice. I once was told by an attorney that those in the public eye are somewhat immune to the slander laws because of their being relatively well known. Whether that is entirely accurate or not, I do not know. But I have toyed with the idea of politicians having to submit to periodic polygraph analysis as a possible safeguard against engaging in corrupt practices and/or illegally revealing sensitive or otherwise insider information to unauthorized persons. Do not the intelligence agencies require polygraph tests for employees having access to highly classified information?

But polygraph tests per se have been shown to be liable to compromise by using certain techniques—apparently taught to CIA and some secret military operatives. But in the article to follow, advances are being made in such detection devices.

True story? Lie detection systems go high-tech
30 January 2022

Natalie Lisbona, Business reporter, Tel Aviv and Prof HaneinTomer Neuberg
Prof Yael Hanein prepares reporter Natalie Lisbona for her lie detection test by attaching a number of electrodes to the left side of her face.

"Move your eyes, blink, smile. Now try to relax," she says. "We will see if you are a good or bad liar shortly." Prof Hanein and colleague Prof Dino Levy lead a team at Israel's Tel Aviv University that have developed a new method of lie detection. They say they have identified two types of liars - those who involuntarily move their eyebrows when they tell a fib, and those that cannot control a very slight lip movement where their lips meet their cheeks. Their software and its algorithm can now detect 73% of lies and they intend to improve that as they develop the system. "When you try to conceal a lie, one of the things you try to avoid is any sort of body reaction," she says. Prof Levy adds: "But it's very, very hard for you to conceal a lie with this technology."

One high-tech lie detection system already in use is EyeDetect from Utah-based firm Converus. This focuses on involuntary eye movements to detect lies. A subject is asked to answer a number of true or false, or yes and no, questions. As they do so, eye tracking software watches and studies their responses. The result is then provided within five minutes, and it claims to be 86-88% accurate. Converus (the word is Latin for "with truth") says EyeDetect is now used by more than 600 customers in 50 countries, including over 65 US law enforcement agencies and nearly 100 worldwide. Chief executive Todd Mickelsen says the test is being utilized by authorities and firms to screen for numerous things: "These could include prior crimes, drug use past or present, unreported disciplinary action, lying on a job application, terrorist ties." Meanwhile police detectives can use EyeDetect to ask specific questions regarding a crime. It is important to stress, however, that the legality of lie detectors varies greatly from country to country,

Meanwhile, The Federal Employee Polygraph Protection Act prevents firms from putting job applications through a test. But if advances in detection capability should ever reach the 95-100% range, it would seem to be reasonable to subject many types of applicants to routine tests. The incidence of classified leaks continue to occur and spies and moles are still being exposed—so the need is obviously great.

Then back at Tel Aviv University, the researchers hope that the electrodes will eventually be replaced by video cameras and software able to spot a liar from a distance or even via an internet link, based on facial muscle movements. Researchers hope to eventually replace these with video cameras and software. "In the bank, in police interrogations, at the airport or online job interviews, high-resolution cameras trained to identify movements of facial muscles will be able to tell truthful statements from lies," Prof Levy predicts.

The reporter Natalie Lisbona then says, “After my interrogation I ask if I have passed. "You're not a very good liar," the two professors jest.”

Next, we have an article about dealing with the blatant lying of the so-called “Legacy” news networks

Article link: Stopping the Woke Mind Virus: Time to Hold News Networks Accountable - American Free News Network

Stopping the Woke Mind Virus: Time to Hold News Networks Accountable

November 15, 2024 by David T. Cloft

The so-called “woke mind virus” is no longer lurking at the fringes; it’s front and center on major news networks, shaping narratives, pushing social experiments, and fueling cultural hysteria. If the new administration wants to put an end to this mass psychosis, it’s time to make use of the tools already at hand. We’re not talking about censorship—far from it. This is about stopping the manipulative misuse of news platforms to spread toxic ideologies that are slowly eating away at American values. There are mechanisms in place to stop these networks when they step out of line, and it’s time to use them.

For starters, the FCC has long had the authority to maintain basic decency and accuracy standards. Yet lately, we’re seeing major networks take advantage of these freedoms, toeing the line with increasingly slanted reporting that masquerades as news. While cable networks operate with more freedom, the FCC still has leverage to set clear guidelines. It’s not about banning speech but ensuring that these outlets aren’t free to air content that verges on propaganda. When news stops being news and starts being a one-sided social indoctrination project, the FCC needs to step in.

Let’s not forget the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which already regulates against deceptive practices. If a network is peddling narratives that don’t even pass basic truth checks, why shouldn’t the FTC take a look? If corporations can’t advertise phony products, why should media corporations be allowed to push phony narratives? The FTC has the authority to prevent deceptive practices, and when news networks consistently feed the public skewed information that borders on misinformation, it’s time to put these safeguards to work. This isn’t censorship; it’s making sure the public isn’t getting hoodwinked by biased, agenda-driven reporting.

And while we’re at it, let’s borrow a page from social media’s playbook: fact-checking partnerships. If these networks are so certain of their “facts,” then they shouldn’t mind having a little oversight on blatantly false or twisted information. The government could incentivize networks to adopt third-party fact-checking or, at the very least, require disclaimers on sensational stories that have no real basis in fact. It’s about responsibility, not restricting content. Let’s face it: the free press can only truly be free if it’s also responsible.

The tools are there to stop these networks from pushing the woke mind virus as “news.” We’re not out to silence anyone—just to put an end to blatant ideological manipulation disguised as journalism. By setting standards for decency, accuracy, and truthfulness, the new administration can end the cycle of mass psychosis and bring integrity back to American media.
[End of article]

Is it not crystal clear that the FCC needs to be taken to the woodshed along with the other bloated and corrupt “alphabet agencies” that the Trump administration is going to target?

Another aspect of running for political office is the so-called “oppo-research” done by one or both sides in a hotly contested election. Professional muckrakers are hired to sniff out any possible dirt on the other candidate so it can be used as ammunition against them. And almost without fail, allegations are made, denial responses follow and truth itself often winds up being the victim. Where is the unmitigated outrage of offended parties? Seemingly, such lying insults are just ignored and considered to be the “cost of doing business” while the target’s organization plots as to how they can reciprocate in kind. Such slander is commonplace today and should be addressed by cooler heads in Congress (if any are left) with an eye to passing legislation which would require proof of both allegations as well as the specifics of denials. Those deemed guilty of slander should be dealt with harshly. Reputations can, and are, being ruined—as well as marriages—by skilled liars because they know the “penalty” is not likely to fit the crime. And since our Federal judicial system has clearly become politicized, some ordinary citizens—both judge and jury—should be impaneled to hear the evidence and render verdicts. After all, everyone in the US Government, from the President on down, are supposed to be subject to the will of the people—not our masters and above having to answer for any misdeeds.

We the people, are definitely remiss due to a lack of understanding the basic principles of our government. And this did not occur by accident. Our educational system was deliberately hijacked by left-wing liberals, taken away from state and local authorities and placed under the Federal Department of Education—a misnomer if there ever was one! When I was in high school (back in the Dark Ages), Civics was a required subject in order to graduate—the definition of which is: “In the field of political science, civics is the study of the civil and political rights and obligations of citizens in a society. The term civics derives from the Latin word civicus, meaning "relating to a citizen." This course of study was intentionally dropped from high school curricula during the 1960’s (I graduated in 1957) and over the years the citizenry of the US have become functionally illiterate concerning many subjects, not the least of which is how our government is supposed to work. (Does anyone really think the pointy-headed liberals in the Department of “Education” did not know what would result?) And what I find to be absolutely ironic is that Naturalized Citizens have to learn civics as a necessary part of their gaining citizenship. As a result, they know a great deal more about the US government than the vast majority of those who were born here! A dumbed down citizenry, basically ignorant concerning what our government is doing illegally are much easier to deceive into accepting the unacceptable. Ungodly and power hungry individuals around the world have long sought a “New World Order” in which all national boundaries and governmental agencies, such as exist today, will cease to function. In their place a powerful and charismatic leader will emerge to lead everyone to the utopia envisioned over millennia by those mentally “equipped” to foresee such a glorious future. But the “fly in the ointment” holding back the attainment of this world empire is, you guessed it, the good ‘ole US of A! Humanly speaking, we are the only real threat to those who, just in the past few months, have spent obscene amounts of money—literally billions—trying to get another “empty suit” elected to serve as a place holder, so that unelected groups could continue to thwart the will of the people and drag us into their version of utopia. But once again, our Almighty God has seen fit to spare us—if only for a brief time—from the rise to power of a superhuman entity the Bible denotes as “the man of sin” (otherwise known as the Antichrist). This man will be Satan incarnate and I am convinced he is alive today. The political situation of the world at this hour is similar to hanging over a bottomless abyss while desperately clinging to a rotten grape vine. Our fearless and feckless leader Joe Biden and those despots who are using him and his Vice President as sock puppets are doing everything they can to provoke Russia into attacking NATO—of which the US is an ally and bound by treaty to come to their aid, if attacked—thus essentially signing our death warrant by engaging in a war which experts say we cannot win. Our military has been desperately weakened by numerous insane actions by the Biden administration, such as sending our stockpiles of arms and ammunition to the Ukraine, thereby depriving our forces of items vitally necessary to prosecute a war if called upon to do so.

As the newspaper columnist Ann Landers used to say, “Wake up and smell the coffee.”

The situation is not hopeless, because our Lord and Savior is still on the throne and all the demons of hell cannot keep Him from a date that at any given time is yet 7 years into the future: His Second Coming in which He will destroy the massed armies of this world at Armageddon and receive the remnants of Israel to join Him as He sets up His thousand year Millennial Kingdom on Earth. During this entire time Satan will be bound in “The bottomless pit” and will be released “for a little season” at the end where he will be allowed to gather an army to fight against Jesus Christ. Fire will fall from heaven to consume that army “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the *beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Revelation 20:10 (KJV) [*The beast refers to the Antichrist and the false prophet will be a religious leader totally dedicated to his cause].

Are you prepared to face this certain future? If you have any doubts about the condition of your soul where Jesus Christ is concerned and the fact that He will judge all of humanity at the end of His Millennial Kingdom, I lovingly suggest that you click on the following link and “take the self-test” : and if you have questions, please feel free to contact me and I will try my best to answer them for you.

Pastor Ron Riffe


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Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved