Headline News Analysis
1. Judicial
Watch forced documents to be released which
prove that President Obama and his advisers
were trying to prevent Donald Trump from even
taking office on January 20, 2017!
NEWS BRIEF: "Judicial
Watch: Documents Reveal Obama State Department
Urgently Provided Classified ‘Russiagate'
Documents to Multiple Senators Immediately Ahead
of Trump Inauguration",
Judicial Watch, December 14, 2018
"We made
the deadline! Thank you everyone for what was
truly a Department-wide effort!' –
former senior advisor to the assistant secretary
for European and Eurasian Affairs, less than
24 hours before Trump inauguration."
Watch today released two sets of heavily redacted
State Department documents, 38
pages and 48
pages, showing classified information was
researched and disseminated to multiple U.S.
Senators by the Obama administration immediately
prior to President Donald Trump's inauguration.
The documents reveal that among those receiving
the classified documents were Sen. Mark Warner
(D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen. Robert
Corker (R-TN)."
What President
Obama was attempting to accomplish before Donald
J. Trump could take the Oath of Office on January
20, 2017, was to somehow block him from ever
taking the oath and ascend to the White House.
What were the
various classified documents that Obama had
sent to these Never-Trumper Senators?
"... the
Obama State Department's last-minute efforts
to share classified information about Russia
election interference issues with Democratic
Senator Ben Cardin ... The documents reveal
the Obama State Department urgently gathering
classified Russia investigation information
and disseminating it to members of Congress
within hours of Donald Trump taking office."
Watch has confirmed through previously obtained
State Department documents that the Obama State
Department did, in fact, provide classified
documents to Senator Cardin. "
The Tea Party
website provided even more information on this
unlawful attempt by President Obama to prevent
a legally elected Donald Trump from ever taking
is thus proven to be directing an illegal plan
to prevent a duly elected President from taking
Reveal Obama Admin's Push To Create Russia
Scandal Hours Before Trump's Inauguration",
Tea Party, December 17, 2018
"Newly released
emails show the Obama administration scrambling
to create the "Russia" scandal within
24 hours of President Donald Trump taking the
oath of office in January 2017. The desperation
of the Obama administration is evident in the
emails, in which the Obama team tries to involve
Democratic senators Warner and Cardin and Republican
senator Corker in the plot."
"Team Obama's
documented effort to cook up the Russia story
before Trump's inauguration emboldens
a narrative already proved by text messages
(presented below) involving Obama official James
Clapper: the Obama people actually thought they
could stop Trump from getting sworn in."
Exactly how did
the Obama people think they could stop Trump
from even taking the Oath?
"Obama administration
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
held a meeting in his last days in office to
discuss the idea of going to a Supreme Court
justice to block President Donald Trump's
inauguration ... Clapper discussed blocking
the inauguration on the grounds that Trump was
an illegitimate president due to alleged Russian
interference in the election ... Clapper discussed
going to one of three female Supreme Court justices
to make the case that alleged Russian interference
could invalidate Trump's claim to the
The major problem
with this charge of Russian interference on
behalf of Trump's victory is that it is not
only untrue, but the "evidence" is
totally fabricated out of thin air! Mueller's
2-year investigation has proven that no verifiable
evidence exists.
This activity
is not only illegal, but it is highly treasonous!
Listen to the dictionary definition of "treason"
to see how clearly Obama's actions constituted
-- "the offense of acting to overthrow
one's government ... the betrayal of a trust
or confidence; breach of faith; treachery."
Clearly, President
Obama and his supportive officials were trying
to "overthrow" the legally elected
Donald J. Trump. Now, with a new Attorney General
and a new FBI Director, are these men going
to be called to a court to answer for their

2. A Middle
East forum is being held in Qatar and Iran is
the focus.
NEWS BRIEF: "Qatar's
Doha Forum Gives Iran A Platform In Post-ISIS
Middle East",
The Jerusalem Post, December 18, 2018
Doha Forum has been criticized for providing
Iran's regime with a platform to push
its agenda, including excoriating US policy
... With 800 participants from 70 countries
and 100 speakers, the Forum was important and
it was a symbolic gathering that did not include
high level US voices. Iran sought to exploit
the Forum."
Indeed, Iran did
dominate this unofficial forum, just as this
Middle East Map of 2006 shows that Iran will
be the major benefactor of the dramatic changes
made at a forum much like this one (Read full
discussion of this Plan in NEWS2213,
entitled, "President Bush's 2006
"Middle East Map" Is Enraging Friends
and Foes Alike")
Not only was this
forum dominated by Iran, but it supported Palestinian
"The forum
sought to cement a kind of meeting place between
some far-right populist political Islamic voices
and more left leaning voices involved in issues
in the region. It also was supportive of Palestinian
" Israel
was portrayed as isolated, while countries such
as Turkey and Iran that are harshly critical
of Israel, had the spotlight ... "
soon, a similar forum will forcibly redraw the
map of the entire region, at which time Saudi
Arabia is virtually disemboweled and a new nation
"Free Kurdistan" is created.
this forum, Supernation
#7 will be ready to be created.
3. The
"Trump Doctrine" will prove to be
the key cornerstone of Conservative Doctrine,
much like the old "Monroe Doctrine"!
‘Trump Doctrine' Is the Future of
Conservative Foreign Policy",
American Greatness News, December 14, 2018
"For the
past two years we have seen the emergence of
a coherent Trump doctrine in both words and
deeds ... To understand the Trump doctrine,
we must begin with candidate Trump's first
major speech on foreign policy on April 27,
2016 (thus even before the Indiana primary)
to the Center for the National Interest at the
Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.."
"All the
elements of the Trump doctrine are revealed
in this maiden speech ---
* "Reversing
military decline "
* "An emphasis
on economic strength and "technological
superiority" in geo-political competition
* "Confronting
the threats from China, North Korea, Iran and
radical Islam
* "Opposing
nation-building (AKA Regime Change in the Bush
* "Reversing
Obama's ambivalence with strong support
for Israel ... (NOTE: Obama was NOT "ambivalent"
toward Israel, he was openly critical of the
Jewish State and openly friendly toward Islam.
Some people were even wondering if Obama would
have turned American military against Israel
in a Third Term)
* "Ending
illegal immigration
* "Strengthening
and promoting Western Civilization
* "Rejected
the 'false flag of globalism' and declared,
'The nation-state remains the true foundation
for happiness and harmony'."
No wonder the
Globalists, in both Democrat and Republican
parties, hated Trump so very much. After the
'NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" had been our official
government policy since 1791, President Trump
suddenly burst on the world scene and publicly
rebuked the entire policy, thus threatening
to derail it completely!
However, as much
as I support the President's Doctrine, I know
that the Globalist New World Order is a fulfillment
of Biblical Prophecy, so it will happen, probably
after Trump leads America into forming the North
American Union (Supernation
4. The
Globalist Mindset: They hate you.
Globalist Mindset: They Hate You",
American Greatness
News, December 16, 2018
what or whom is the contemporary Western public
pushing back?"
"In a word,
the Ivy League, Oxbridge, and the Sorbonne masters
of the universe assume that the world is on
a predetermined trajectory. We are to follow
an arc of history bending toward state-managed
social justice if you will ... No wonder, it
is their ethical duty of transnationals to goad
the fated, but sometimes stalled, process along."
In other words,
the plan for the ages is the global dictatorship,
global cashless economy and the global neo-pagan
religion which will be lead by the Masonic Christ,
whom the Bible calls Antichrist.
For example, "In
the globalist mindset ... Brexit passed not
because it was felt to be good by a majority
or even advantageous for the United Kingdom,
but because racists, xenophobes, nativists,
protectionists, and chauvinists deluded the
clueless public into thinking a pre-EU ... Britain
was somehow superior."
After her election
defeat, Hillary Clinton tried to explain how
she failed to beat Trump: "If you look
at the map of the United States, there is all
that red in the middle, places where Trump won.
What that map doesn't show you is that
I won the places that own two-thirds of America's
Gross Domestic Product. I won the places that
are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward.
And his whole campaign, Make America Great Again,
was looking backwards. You don't like
black people getting rights, you don't
like women getting jobs, you don't want
to see that Indian American succeeding more
than you are, whatever that problem is, I am
going to solve it."
In a nutshell,
this is the attitude of arrogant Liberals/Leftists/Democrats.
They haughtily lecture us because they believe
we are ignorant citizens who want to "look
back" instead of "forward" to
the most powerful and bloodthirsty Absolute
Dictatorship mankind has ever seen.
The cards from
the Illuminati Card Game, shown below, illustrate
perfectly the planned effects of the coming
New World Order. First, they seize our guns,
then they institute Martial Law under the bloody
tank treads of the foreign military power they
invited into our country.
Then, and only
then, can the "cleansing" of all unworthy
citizens begin, so that, at long last, the "Perfect
Government lead by "Perfected Men"
can begin ruling "Mother Earth"!

5. A Venezuelan
citizen in exile speaks out, saying that he
and millions of others are very sorry that they
allowed Hugo Chavez to take their guns away!
Lesson For Americans: Venezuelan Exile Rues
The Day They Let Hugo Chavez Take Their Guns,
Now At the Mercy of Government",
The Lid News, December 14, 2018
"This story
should be a lesson for all Americans. An exiled
teacher from Venezuela, now living in Ecuador,
was quoted by Fox News Friday as lamenting the
fact that his countrymen allowed themselves
to be disarmed before they were enslaved by
the socialist government first run by Hugo Chavez
and now run by Nicolas Maduro."
"Under the
direction of then-President Hugo Chavez, the
Venezuelan National Assembly in 2012 enacted
the 'Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament
Law', with the explicit aim to 'disarm all citizens'
... If one gets caught illegally
owning or selling a gun in Venezuela today,
the jail sentence is twenty years."
"The government
security forces, at the beginning of this debacle,
knew they had no real opposition to their power.
Once things were this bad, it was an explicit
declaration of war against the unarmed "regular
" 'People
never would have believed they needed to defend
themselves against the government', Vanegas
explained ... Venezuelans evolved to always
hope that our government would be non-tyrannical,
non-violator of human rights, and would always
have a good enough control of criminality."
Starting in early
2019, House Democrats intend to use their new
majority power to create and to aggressively
push, very stringent arms seizure laws. We must
ensure that we are protected from such a threat
to our very freedoms.
We must not be
complacent, as were the Venezuelans!
6. The
Congressional Budget Office recommends a $1
Trillion tax increase to pay for Climate Change!
Suggests $1 Trillion Carbon Tax: Even Though
France Reels From Anti-Carbon Tax Riots",
Conservative Daily News, December
14, 2018
been just nine days since the French government
abandoned plans to increase carbon tax on fuel
and the Congress' budgeting arm is suggesting
a $1 trillion tax on carbon dioxide emissions
to close the budget deficit."
No one
is learning from France's Carbon Tax woes.
" 'This option
would impose a tax of $25 per metric ton on
most emissions of greenhouse gases in the United
States', reads a Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) report released Thursday. 'The tax would
increase at an annual inflation-adjusted rate
of 2 percent'."
Thus, the even
deeper horror than forcing taxpayers to cough
up an additional $1 TRILLION is that this rate
will increase exponentially at 2% annually.
"While some
lawmakers have introduced carbon tax bills,
Democrats have distanced themselves from such
a policy in the wake of French riots. Democrats
seem to be rallying around "Green New
Deal" legislation supported by environmentalists
and incoming New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
Truly, the threats
against our values, our freedoms and our financial
well-being seem to never stop!
7. More
good reasons to shut down Robert Mueller's witch
hunt "investigation"!
More Good Reasons to Shut Down Mueller's
Probe", American Greatness
News, December 14, 2018
"Two events
this week could provide acting Attorney General
Matthew Whitaker enough reason to fire Special
Counsel Robert Mueller: The egregious case against
General Michael Flynn and the mishandling of
cell phones used by FBI lovers Peter Strzok
and Lisa Page."
According to the
federal guidelines for special counsel investigations,
"the Attorney General may remove a Special
Counsel for misconduct, dereliction of duty,
incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other
good cause, including violation of Departmental
"How can
a prosecutor delete information contained on
a government device used by government employees?
Especially employees under suspicion for their
partisan influence in key investigations, including
the Clinton email and Trump-Russia cases? Congress
needs to demand an answer why the destruction
of government property (texts, emails, and other
communications) let alone the destruction of
evidence is acceptable conduct by the special
The time of reckoning
surely is close at hand!
(To Come)