Tuesday, 12/17/2019
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Critical Headlines
1. Christian -
American - Patriot -- Where are you focusing your attention
Are you allowing
the Mass Media to so report the Impeachment of President
Trump that you are not paying close attention to the
issues of real importance, i.e., ratification of USMCA
and the inevitable war in Israel?
Trust me, this
whole Impeachment nonsense is designed as a classic
The Dog" scenario,
using Impeachment fervor to take people's minds off
these two really important events.
2. A Democrat
senator reveals that as many as 10 Republican Senators
could defect as the Senate actually tries the case.
Remember, the
genuine goal is to so fire up President Trump's political
base so they do not notice that we are voting to surrender
our national sovereignty to the USMCA Regional Government!
What better way
to anger that base of support than to see R.I.N.O. senators
suddenly betray him?
3. News of Impeachment
and the USMCA were publicly announced within minutes
of each other.
Impeachment was
the shield hiding USMCA!
4. Might Trump
officials be planning a counter-coup against the Democrats
on the issue of corruption in the Ukraine?
Rudy Giuliani
has just returned from an investigation into the sinkhole
that is Ukraine and announces he has come back loaded
with far more evidence against Joe and Hunter Biden
than he thought was possible.
5. The two Jersey
City terrorist murderers were targeting a Jewish school
located next door to the bodega.
Had the police
not stormed on the scene so quickly, the death toll
could have been 50 children higher.
Why were no civilians
carrying a gun?
6. Russia is now
officially the protector of Iranian arms and men in
Syria as Iran prepares her final proxy push against
Both Russia and
Iran (Ancient Persia) are now as firmly united against
Israel as Ezekiel 38-39 predicts.
7. Kabbalistic
prayers designed to hasten the construction of the Third
Temple are now being repeated incessantly on the Temple
8. Boris Johnson,
the new Prime Minister of Great Britain, seems to be
a Trump clone.
Is his smashing
victory over Liberals a warning sign for American Leftist
Liberals in America?
Unseen Hand: Introduction To The Conspiratorial
View of History"
by A. Ralph
Epperson, Only $15.95
One of THE fundamental
books anyone needs to understand before they can really
make sense of what is happening in your Daily News.
Epperson masterfully lays the philosophical groundwork
of the global conspiracy; a person can have only one
of two views of history. Either they believe events
happen by mere chance -- kind of like believing in Evolution;
or, they believe key events in history occurred by design,
as part of a plan. This latter view is called the "Conspiratorial
View of History" and is fully supported
by the
"And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree
(to act in harmony), and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the (prophetic) words of God shall
be fulfilled." (Revelation 17:12, 16- 17, KJV)
Global Elite signaled early on in World War II that
this was a global war being waged by the United
Nations! Few people noticed the change in world
"On January 1, 1942,
the twenty-five nations at war against Germany and Japan
signed a 'Declaration by the United Nations', which
pledged that any one nation involved would not sign
a separate armistice or peace." ("The
Unseen Hand", p. 285)
"When General Douglas
Mac Arthur was appointed as the commander of chief of
armed forces in the Pacific Theater, he was appointed
as the United Nations commander
of the South Pacific." (Ibid.)
"So it was becoming
apparent just what the purpose of the war was: to give
the world a one-world government: a United
Nations. (Ibid.)
"In November 1945,
Eisenhower returned to Washington to replace Marshall
as Chief of Staff of the Army ... Eisenhower was convinced
in 1946 that the Soviet Union did not want war and that
friendly relations could be maintained; he strongly
supported the new United Nations
and favored its involvement in the control of atomic
bombs." (Wikipedia)
The Satanic leader, Alice
Bailey, stated, "The Atomic bomb does not belong
to the three nations who perfected it ... It belongs
to the United Nations, for
use or threatened use ..." ["The
Externalisation of the Hierarchy",
Alice Bailey, p. 548, written May 1946; Emphasis added;
read NEWS1892]
Wars Were Planned At Yalta, 1945!.jpg)
"McCarthy also told
the American public that it was at the Yalta Conference
in 1945 that Roosevelt and Stalin planned, not only
the Korean War ... but also the Vietnamese War ... This
must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy
on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous ... venture
in the history of man ..." ("The
Unseen Hand", p. 311)
"... this Korean
War was planned in order to advance the New World Order.
Listen to the demon master spirit, Master D.K., speaking
through Alice A. Bailey, explain how this system of
planning has worked in history. Speaking of the Yalta
Conference attended by President Franklin Roosevelt,
British Prime Minister Churchill, and Russian Premier
Stalin, Master D.K. stated: 'There, three men, constituting
a basic [occult] triangle , met with goodwill and endeavored
to lay the groundwork for coming world happenings."
[Bailey, "The Externalisation of the
Hierarchy", p. 4447-8; Emphasis added]
Do not be deceived: this
conspiracy to create the one world order that Antichrist
can command originates on the spiritual plane first,
and only then is communicated to "Perfected Men"
by the familiar spirits. For this reason, this final
conspiracy can be passed down from generation to generation
for the past 4,000 years!
This concept, that good
and evil angels seek to control the affairs of human
rulers is clearly taught in Daniel 10, a most important
concept you must have if you are to understand the New
World Order conspiracy now unfolding in your Daily News!
When former Black Magick
Satanist, Doc Marquis, understood this Daniel 10 teaching,
he exclaimed, "why, this is exactly the angelic/demonic
struggle occurring daily in the supernatural realm.
Once you understand that Satanic Adolf Hitler, "Freemason
Franklin Roosevelt, Baphomet's Josef Stalin, Rosicrucian
Winston Churchill, Skull & Bones Bush, all were
guided by Satanic Familiar Spirits, then history will
make a lot more sense.
Masonic Plots and Doctrines
and Occult Symbols Illustrated" Book
by Dr. Cathy Burns
Featuring 728
Symbols, 543 pages, including 130 pages of FOOTNOTES
Only $21.95!
Lucifer = Satan
= Holy Spirit
"The intellectual
the paraclete (advocate), it is the Holy Spirit..."
(Eliphas Levi, Freemason, quoted in Burns, p. 189; Emphasis
in the original)
Another globally
prominent Mason, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky -- founder
of the House of Theosophy -- agreed with Levi. Listen:
or Luciferious is the name. Lucifer is divine and
... the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time..."
(Burns, p. 189
Did you know Masons believe
that a person must go through Hell before they can
get to Heaven?
and intended that way by the Creation".
(Lynn Perkins, Mason, quoted by Burns, p. 191)
Former Presidents George
H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and
grandfather (Senator) Prescott Bush were all
life-long Adepts in a Satanic secret society, "Skull
and Bones". The "Initiation Ritual
was bizarre and grotesque. New members must pass through
... lying naked in a coffin in a darkened room and
must reveal the most intimate details about his sexual
history and experiences." (Burns, p. 218)
"In the 13th Degree, 'ALL
P. 224)
With this in mind,
consider this major news story: "Masonic-led Congress
Acquitted President Bill Clinton", NEWS1264)
dated February 13, 1999)
Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age

1. Christian -
American - Patriot -- Where are you focusing your attention
Democratic articles of impeachment are utterly unconvincing
and set an awful precedent: Opinion Column",
by Brad Polumbo, The Washington Examiner, Dec 13, 2019
"As the Democrat-controlled
House Judiciary Committee has approved its two articles
of impeachment against President Trump ... I read the
actual text of the articles of impeachment. Twice."
"I'm walking
away utterly unconvinced. I'm not exactly a big fan
of Trump, but I just don't see anything in the
Democrats' case for impeachment that comes even
close to meeting the high threshold warranting the removal
of a sitting president. To preempt the will of the electorate
from being heard in 2020 over the charges described
in these articles would be ludicrous."
Do not be deceived, this
impeachment effort is underway even though it probably
will rebound savagely against the Democrats for two
very distinct reasons:
1) To keep Donald Trump
off the 2020 election ballot. If he is removed, he cannot
beat the Democrats again in 2020.
2) To so mesmerize Trump's
faithful supporters to fight against them, they will
totally ignore the much more dangerous threat to our
national sovereignty and to our fabric of society --
the USMCA treaty.
"This is a sad joke.
It rises nowhere near the level where we could justify
upending our democracy and tearing the country apart
along partisan seams."
To Reiterate:
Are you allowing the Mass Media to so report the Impeachment
of President Trump that you are not paying close attention
to the issues of real importance, i.e., ratification
of USMCA and the inevitable war in Israel?
Trust me, this
whole Impeachment nonsense is designed as a classic
The Dog" scenario,
using Impeachment fervor to take people's minds off
these two really important events:
1) The surrender
of our National Sovereignty to the new regional government,
2) Israel's
prophesied war of annihilation against the Palestinians
(House of Esau), foretold in the book of Obadiah. PM
Netanyahu is convinced that Israel may never have a
President so committed to the Jewish State than Donald
J. Trump.
Therefore, I believe
that Israel may launch a pre-emptive attack on the Palestinians
so that American military might may be deployed during
the war to prevent Russia and/or Iran from intervening.
Then, after the
war is over and over 4 million Palestinians are dead,
Leftist Democrats in the House of Representatives can
vote to impeach him for pursuing a war of which they
The Trump Administration
holds this treaty in high regard.
NEWS BRIEF: "Lighthizer
hails USMCA, China deals as "most momentous day
in trade history", Face the
Nation, Dec 15, 2019
"U.S. Trade Representative
Robert Lighthizer hailed recent breakthroughs on two
different trade fronts, calling Friday 'the most momentous
day in trade history ever. It was extremely momentous
and indicative of where we're going, what this president
has accomplished', Lighthizer told 'Face the Nation'."
2. A Democrat
senator reveals that as many as 10 Republican Senators
could defect as the Senate actually tries the case.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrat
senator predicts as many as 10 Republicans could vote
to convict Trump," Conservative Institute,
Dec 13, 2019
"Democrats are grasping
at straws to convince the public they have enough votes
to remove President Donald Trump from office. Senator
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) told MNSBC Wednesday that
as many as 10 Republican senators could defect and vote
for Trump's conviction, still well short of the
20 that would need to cross the aisle to remove Trump
from power ... As kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy,
Democrats and their media allies are clinging to hope
that talking up a rumored mutiny will, with enough pressure
on Republicans, make Trump's conviction a reality."
Remember, the
genuine goal is to so fire up President Trump's political
base so they do not notice that we are voting to surrender
our national sovereignty to the USMCA Regional Government!
What better way
to anger that base of support than to see R.I.N.O. senators
suddenly betray him?
NEWS BRIEF: " (Donald
Trump, email appeal of 12/14/2019)
"I'm calling
on my most FIERCE and LOYAL defenders to step up to
the front lines of this Impeachment war and show the
Left that we will NEVER stop fighting. " (Donald
Trump, email appeal of 12/14/2019)
Clinton - AGAIN!
Try as we might, we cannot
keep Hillary Clinton out of the 2020 conversation. Kind
a MRSA virus, she keeps on fighting for redemption through
a victory over Trump in 2020.
NEWS BRIEF: "Articles
of Impeachment Against Trump Paving The Way for Hillary
Clinton Comeback?", Canada
Free Press, Dec 12, 2019
"The Articles of
Impeachment against the man who humiliated her with
a massive win back in the 2016 election are paving the
way for the Comeback of Hillary Clinton. Clinton, who
never really went away, has been secretly counting on
the coup she pulled on America with help from the FBI,
DOJ and Barack Obama holdovers, to get her back into
the 2020 presidential race, where she always planned
to be since her big loss on election night."
"Once she's
back in the running, the mainstream, social media, and
the desperado Democrats who want back into the control
tower, will back her all the way."
When Hillary Clinton wore
that full length white pantsuit on the night she accepted
the Democrat Party nomination for President, she was
reaching back into time nearly 4,000 years to symbolically
declare that she was the Sun Goddess in the Zoroastrian
Tradition, exactly the symbolism the Roman Catholic
Pope uses nearly every day to declare that he is the
Sun God! She was declaring that she was transcending
politics in this present time, because she was spiritually
transformed into a goddess!
Hillary is a Fourth Level
level Illuminati Witch, poised to complete the 'Co-Presidency'
that Bill Clinton promised in 1993.
3. News of Impeachment
and the USMCA were publicly announced within minutes
of each other.
Democrats back Trump trade deal – minutes after
unveiling impeachment charges",
Independent News (UK), 11 Dec 2019
"House speaker Nancy
Pelosi has announced that Democrats have reached a deal
on Donald Trump's revised version of Nafta, just after
her caucus introduced two articles of impeachment against
the president."
Let us stop right here
to ensure we fully understand. Pelosi sat on the USMCA
treaty for over a year after President Trump sent an
agreement authorized by the top leaders of Canada, Mexico,
and the United States, and only got around to authorizing
it on the same day as the Democrats issued the two articles
of impeachment of President Trump!
What are the odds that
this is just an accident?
Nil to None!
Impeachment was
the shield hiding USMCA!
4. Might Trump
officials be planning a counter-coup against the Democrats
on the issue of corruption in the Ukraine?
Than You Can Imagine: The
Biden-Ukraine Plot Thickens ",
by James Fite, LIberty Nation, December 14, 2019
""More than
you can imagine." That was, allegedly, Rudy Giuliani's
response when President Trump asked, "What did
you get," upon the lawyer's return from
Ukraine. With the boss embroiled in an impeachment process
and investigators looking even at them, most people
would probably try to lay low. Not Rudy Giuliani; that
isn't his style. Instead, the president's
attorney took a trip to Ukraine to talk to officials
and see what information he could drum up. So how much
more than Trump could imagine did he manage to dig up?
Enough to fill a 20-page report."
* "Biden falls comfortably
into an uninterrupted timeline of establishment corruption
from Hillary Clinton and her foundation overflowing
with money from foreign governments doing business with
her State Department..."
* " Let us not forget
that Joe Biden blatantly threatened to withhold $1 billion
in loans unless the prosecutor investigating the company
for corruption was fired – then bragged about
* "Some Ukrainian
Members of Parliament have gone public with the tale
behind the investigation of Burisma – and Hunter
Biden, specifically – and they want President
Trump to look into it as well."
* "According to one
MP, the $16.5 million Biden's company received
wasn't for services rendered but rather through
a money-laundering scheme or as he put it from ‘money
stolen from citizens' of Ukraine. Thus, Biden-the-younger
appears to be a link in the chain of Zlochevsky's
financial pyramid scheme..."
"With money laundering,
government corruption, drugs, and scandalous affairs
already aired out in the Biden story, one can only imagine
what fills the pages of Giuliani's report. But
one thing is certain: The TV series shall suffer no
lack of drama."
Rudy Giuliani
has just returned from an investigation into the sinkhole
that is Ukraine and announces he has come back loaded
with far more evidence against Joe and Hunter Biden
than he thought was possible.
5. The two Jersey
City terrorist murderers were targeting a Jewish school
located next door to the bodega.
killers' Real Target: Jewish school 3 feet
from market where 50 children studied",
World Israel News, Dec 14, 2019
"The real target
of the couple who committed last week's anti-Semitic
shooting in Jersey City "was the 50 children at
the yeshiva" attached to the kosher market, tweeted
Jersey City mayor Steven Fulop on Friday ... "The
outcome would have been far, far worse" if not
for the Jersey City Police, Grewal said Thursday."
Had the police
not stormed on the scene so quickly, the death toll
could have been 50 children higher.
Why were no civilians
carrying a gun, thus producing instant defense?
Virginia Gun Seizure
Virginia officials
are feeling like they can accomplish anything, since
they control statewide offices. One Representative revealed
that Gun Control and Confiscation was his most immediate
Democrat Urges: Let National Guard FORCE Counties to
Honor Gun Control", Breitbart
News, 12 Dec 2019
"Rep. Donald McEachin
(D-VA) suggests Gov. Ralph Northam (D) can activate
the National Guard and use it to force Second Amendment
sanctuary counties to honor gun control ... On December
12, 2019, Breitbart News reported that Northam said
Second Amendment sanctuary counties will face "consequences"
for refusing to enforce gun control."
"Rep. McEachin suggested
using the National Guard to force compliance. He said,
'I'm not the governor, but the governor may have
to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law'."
America has reached a
new, greater danger of Civil War, when an elected lawmaker
publicly advocates for armed troops to seize the guns
that are privately owned. A Civil War could easily ensue.
This ground is dangerous to our Republic.
And, it is very sad, because
the basis upon which this fervent desire to destroy
our Constitution is a false as a $3 bill. Guns are not
to blame when some crazy fires upon people, the people
shooting the gun are the problem.
America would not be in
this predicament if Public Schools taught elementary
critical thinking skills!
6. Russia is now
officially the protector of Iranian arms and men in
Syria as Iran prepares her final proxy push against
NEWS BRIEF: "Russian
bombers now transit Iran's airspace to Syria",
DEBKAfile, Dec 16, 2019
"Long-range, heavy
Russian bombers are flying from their home bases via
Iranian airspace for combat operations in Syria ...
Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran‘s Supreme National
Security Council, said on Sunday, Dec. 15, that Iranian
and Russian coordination 'is comprehensive,
embracing different aspects'." (Emphasis added)
Both Russia and
Iran (Ancient Persia) are now as firmly united against
Israel as Ezekiel 38-39 predicts.
Kabbalistic prayers designed to hasten the construction
of the Third Temple are now being repeated incessantly
on the Temple Mount!
NEWS BRIEF: "Recently
Revealed Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount: First Stage
in Third Temple Construction", Breaking
Israel News, Dec 15, 2019
"On Thursday morning,
for the first time since the Temple stood in Jerusalem,
a minyan (quorum) of ten Jews stood and prayed on the
Temple Mount ... The beginning of Jewish prayer at the
site is clearly a result of increased Jewish visitation."
""There is
now Shacharit (morning prayer) and Mincha (afternoon
prayer) every day on the Temple Mount," Sanderman
reported ... "
" 'The next
step is the Third Temple', Hayman said 'But
there are a few steps before that.Jews need to have
free access to the Temple Mount like the Muslims do,
all day every day. Just like at the Kotel (Western Wall)'."
We are praying that [the]
new government will declare sovereignty on Judea and
Samaria' said Ben-Dahan, who served in the last government
under the Bayit Yehudi Party. ' government that with
God's help will show the world that there is no difference
between Hebron and Beersheba. Hebron is what connects
Jerusalem to Beersheba. Here in Hebron the nation of
Israel connects to its roots' Ben-Dahan said [then]
added a prayer that the Jewish Temple, which was destroyed
by the Romans in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, would be
speedily rebuilt.
8. Boris Johnson,
the new Prime Minister of Great Britain, seems to be
a Trump clone.
Netanyahu: Boris Johnson's win a 'great day for
the UK'," Israel National News, 12.13.2019
"Israeli Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated his British counterpart
Friday, following Prime Minister Boris Johnson's
decisive win in Thursday's UK general election.
'Congratulations my friend Boris Johnson on your historic
victory', Netanyahu's office tweeted Friday. 'This
is a great day for the people of Great Britain and for
the friendship between us'."
"The poor showing
for Jeremy Corbyn in the British general election is
good news for Israel, for British Jewry, and above all
for Britain's democracy."
"With 649 of the
650 races called, the Conservatives have won 364 seats
to 203 for Labour, giving the Tories a wide majority,
ending the Conservative government's minority
status which had long hampered Brexit – and barred
Johnson from setting a deadline for the UK's departure
from the EU."
Is his smashing
victory over Liberals a warning sign for American Leftist
Liberals in America?
there lessons for Israel in Johnson's huge election
victory?", DEBKAfile, Dec 13,
"On Thursday, Dec.
12, Johnson won a whacking 80-seat majority in the House
on his promise to deliver Brexit. The pundits who predicted
a defeat for Johnson were forced to admit they had missed
the average British voter's overriding mood."
1. "The opinion polls
published in Israel uniformly predict that the stalemate
between the two main political camps will persist after
the March 2, 2020 election, the third in a year. The
British pollsters were wrong, as were their American
counterparts over Donald Trump's 2016 election.
2. "The same old
campaign slogans with which opposition leaders hammer
again and again .. no longer resonate."
3. "And lastly, just
as PR experts advised Boris Johnson to distance himself
from Donald Trump if he wants to win the election, Trump
is being painted by certain political quarters in Israel
as cooling towards Netanyahu."
Boris Johnson's great
victory points to a similar great victory in America,
during the 2020 Election. Remember, in April, 2016,
British voters smashed all predictions by strongly voting
for Brexit (England exiting the European Union).
Six months later, American
voters lifted Donald J. Trump to victory.
The same similarity will
occur this November, as Johnson's victory will predict
and precede Trump's victory!