Antichrist will use this
concept -- that man is about to destroy Earth -- as
a massive battering ram to carry out his vengeance
upon all mankind!
One of the major teachings of humanism
is that man is no better than the animals. In fact,
he is just an animal that is more highly evolved.
However, top leaders of the New World Order Plan have
taken this concept to a new, and more radical, plane.
They are insisting that man has evolved into such
a "predatory" animal, that he threatens
all other animals, and Mother Earth herself [Gaia
is her name] with extinction. Man's "predatory"
nature that is threatening the world is manifested
in his pollution and destruction of the environment
and his destruction of the many species of wildlife.
Therefore, man is a dangerous "animal" that
must be controlled by other men who have spiritually
"evolved" into a higher state than the rest
of us humans. Of course, these "more highly evolved"
humans just so happen to be the ones who are controlling
governments and global institutions today, and who
are spearheading the drive to the New World Order
(Freemasons, Skull & Bones, Etc) !! They have
concocted many extreme environmental "crises"
that are global in nature, and are being promoted
by schools and various governmental agencies, truly
as "turning mankind upside down".
No wonder why kids are scared.

One day, in the near
future, Antichrist is planned to step to a podium
to announce that all nations of the world must immediately
begin implementing this "Simulated Reserve and
Corridor System".
Antichrist will explain
that all the severe weather of the past one hundred
years have occurred because Mother Gaia was warning
men to alter their civilization so that the Earth
can survive.
Antichrist will work
off this "Re-Wilding Map" to determine which
of the population will be allowed to live and work
within the "Core Reserves and Corridors",
shown above, in Red and Yellow..
Therefore, President
Biden and other Leftist leaders, are acting as a propaganda
tool of the coming New Age Masonic Christ (Antichrist),
the major global de-population effort of Antichrist!

3. The time has come for
Americans to reject the hatred of John Brown and embrace
the love and compassion of President Abraham Lincoln.
John Brown: Embrace Abe
Lincoln", American
Greatness, December 13, 2021
"On the 162nd anniversary of
the execution of radical abolitionist John Brown last
week, many took to social media to praise the controversial
figure for his supposed heroism in the fight against
slavery in America."
Who was John Brown and why is he
important today?
"In 1859, John Brown led a raid
on Harpers Ferry in the hopes of inciting a slave
rebellion. A few years earlier, Brown had carried
out the Pottawatomie Massacre, which left five dead,
two of whom were the sons of a pro-slavery man Brown
and his followers had hunted. Brown’s ostensible
goal was to vindicate black slaves unjustly deprived
of their natural right to life and liberty."
John Brown sounds like a harbinger
of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.
"Instead, the first man Brown
killed in his infamous raids was a free black man.
Brown’s actions did nothing to help the cause
of emancipation. If anything, it harmed the cause.
But,the great future president of
the United States, Abraham Lincoln, had already stepped
into the fray.
"In an address in Springfield,
Illinois in 1838, Lincoln warned an auditorium of
young men of the 'growing disposition to substitute
the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober
judgment of Courts'. Lincoln’s famous Lyceum
Address dealt with the perpetuation of our political
institutions in the face of bloodlust and radicalism.
“ 'Mob justice' Lincoln argued,
had no choice but to end in bloodshed, and only further
injustices against those not even at fault for the
injustice so avenged. In his Lyceum Address, Lincoln
said that 'when men take it in their head today, to
hang gamblers, or burn murders, they should recollect
that, in the confusion usually attending such transactions,
they will be as likely to hang or burn someone, who
is neither a gambler nor a murderer as one who is.”
Can you see the attempt at Mob Justice
here in the matter of Kyle Rittenhouse?
The fruit of each man is self-evident:
"Brown did not free one slave,
while Lincoln freed 3.5 million. "
America has suffered the pull-back
of the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:7), thus allowing
rampant lawlessness to break out and ravage this land.
4. Is the Biden Administration
at war with tiny Israel?
the Biden administration at war with Israel?’,
World Israel News, Dec 13, 2021
"The White House has been ‘generally
hostile’ to Israeli interests ... 'The point
of creating a separate consulate is to undermine former
US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem
... the purpose of opening the consulate is to recognize
Palestinian claims to Jerusalem'.”
"Hamas’s leader in Gaza,
Yahya Sinwar, repeated that 'the full liberation of
Palestine from the sea to the river” is “at
the heart of Hamas’s strategic vision.”
"Did the Biden Administration
even notice?"
Our national destruction
may be at hand,, because God threatened all nations
about 4,000 years ago that "they who bless Israel
He shall bless, but He will curse those who curse
"And I will bless them
that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
(Genesis 12:3, KJV)

5. The New Zealand Prime
Minister finally admitted on camera what we have always
known about the vaccine mandates:
Governments do not plan on
ending them -- EVER!
NEWS BRIEF: "Never-Ending
Vaccinations: New Zealand PM finally admits",
Planet Today, Dec 10, 2021
" New Zealand’s left-wing
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently admitted in
an interview with journalist Mihingarangi Forbes on
'The Hui' that the country’s Wuhan coronavirus
(COVID-19) mass vaccination program has “no
end point.”
NEWS BRIEF: "Vaccination
is a marathon not a sprint:
- "COVID looks to be with us forever", The
Sydney Morning Herald, Dec 13, 2021
"... Which takes us to the government’s
response. It turns out that not only is our vaccine
rollout a race, but it’s a marathon rather than
a sprint. We’ll need to place at least as much
emphasis on boosters as we eventually applied to first
and second doses."
" The evidence is now clear:
full vaccination should be redefined as having received
a third dose if five months has passed since the second
... COVID looks to be with us forever. "
This point
would be a good time to reflect on the origins of
this crisis:
secret societies were planning as far back as 1917
to invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring
humanity together in a one-world government which
they call the New World Order." [William Cooper,
"Behold A Pale Horse", p. 27]
"Take control of the
world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe
level by a process of benevolent slavery and
genocide ... The only alternative left to
the world's ruling elite was to increase the
death rate ... Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the
Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague be introduced
that would have the same effect as the Black Death
of history." (Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 49, 167)
The original purpose was of this
pandemic was to introduce a plague which would kill
as many as the "Black Death of History"
(Black Plague). a figure which stretched to 200 million
Then, and only then, can the Global
Elite "take control of the world" by inflicting
upon mankind "benevolent slavery and benevolent
This deadly variant is not yet released
and likely will not be released until the "Perfected
Man, the Masonic Christ" is on the world scene.
Toward that prophetic end, World
War III beckons.
Must I Do To Be Saved?
Watchers Book