News Analysis
1. The popularity
of Astrology / Divination is exploding worldwide
as people who reject the truth of the Bible earnestly
seek answers of the future.
Astrology Matters", Get Pocket
"The basic
premise of astrology is the stars and the planets
exert an influence over events on Earth. "
This one sentence
captures the essence of why God so adamantly forbade
all forms of astrology: He wants His people to
depend upon Him for provision and for guidance.
"The stars’
and planets’ exact influence depends on
their motions and relative positions ... if we
had all the data about how the sky looked when
you were born, say, we could use it to say something
about your future, your personality, and maybe
your best course of action over the next few weeks,
months, or years."
God forbids
the practice of Astrology / Divination!
"When you come
into the land which the Lord your God gives you,
you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices
of these nations. There shall not be found
among you anyone who makes his son or daughter
pass through the fire, or who uses divination,
or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer,
Or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard,
or a necromancer." (Deuteronomy 18:9-11)
"For all that
do these things are an abomination unto the Lord:
and because of these abominations the Lord thy
God doth drive them out from before thee."
(Deuteronomy 19:12, KJV))
God is preparing
to physically annihilate America as part of His
plan to bring the whole world into subjugation
following the appearance of Antichrist. One New
Age author stated that he New Age Christ (Antichrist)
could not appear until, and unless, a significant
proportion of the general population of the earth
shall be pre-conditioned to accept him.
Further, accepting
Antichrist is to accept his religion, which is
Black Magick Witchcraft (Daniel 8:25)
"When the people
[instead of trusting God] say to you, “Consult
the mediums [who try to talk to the dead] and
the soothsayers who chirp and whisper and mutter,”
should not a people consult their God? Should
they consult the dead on behalf of the living?"
(Isaiah 8:19, Commentary)
Put bluntly,
astronomy is a science, and astrology is not.
(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
Popularity of all
forms of astrology is skyrocketing in all of Western
Society, and is rooting out Christianity along
the way.
Another sign Antichrist
is close.
A Federal Court of Appeals has ruled that a Catholic
medical facility cannot be forced to carry out
Transgender Surgery.
NEWS BRIEF: "Appeals
court rules Catholic medical centers can't be
forced to perform transgender surgeries",
World Net Daily, December
10, 2022
"A federal
appeals court blocked the Biden administration's
requirement that healthcare and insurance groups
perform transgender procedures, in a case brought
by religious doctors who argued the mandate violated
their religious beliefs."
"The 8th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Religious
Sisters of Mercy and other groups in a unanimous
ruling on Friday, saying they are entitled to
a permanent injunction against the mandate from
the Department of Health and Human Services .
The decision echoes a similar 5th Circuit decision
that blocked the policy in August."
"Like Humanism
and Communism, sexual anarchy activists want to
destroy Christianity and undermine Christian morality.
Sexual anarchy of all kinds is being used as a
weapon to attack Christianity. The transgender
activists seem to be especially adept at creating
a lot of chaos in a short time."
"When God set
boundaries for our identity and our sexuality,
He did that in order to protect us. The sexual
anarchy movement is producing experts who want
to tell us what to think and how to live. However,
God knows more about us than such people do. Therefore,
we need to trust what God says in the Bible instead
of falling prey to the delusions of self-proclaimed
which is a symbol often referred to in transgender
symbology, is an androgynous character bearing
the characteristics of female and male where separate
forces are in equilibrium – as above so
Finally, Transgenderism
is an important ingredient in the advance of Witchcraft.
But, most importantly, Transgenderism and the
overall LGBTQ doctrine are designed to create
the mental and spiritual natures of all mankind
so that, one day, all mankind will undergo a dramatic
seachange -- a Paradigm Shift.
Suddenly, our entire
Western society seems to be going through a 'Paradigm
Shift' in which everything seems to be changing
at once! Our civilization is actively getting
ready to prepare for the appearance of Antichrist.
Pastor Michael Hoggard
shows, not only what is being changed, but HOW
it is being changed. Using the language of occult
symbols, with the Bible revealing their true nature,
you will see how the New Age is transforming everything
we see into a New World Order.
Let us examine
the role the Press is supposed to fulfill in order
to carry out this radical cultural change.
"In the hands
of the States today there is a great force that
creates the movement of thought in the people,
and that is the Press. The part played by the
Press is to keep pointing out requirements supposed
to be indispensable ... and to create discontent
." [Protocol
No. 2]
This paragraph was
the basis for NEWS1154,
"Bad News Planned To Discourage Us".
The Press is supposed to keep us in turmoil, because
the authors of the Protocol firmly believed that
"Conflict Brings About Change, and Planned
Conflict Brings About Planned Change" [Hegelian
Doctrine, first espoused in 1823, by a Freemason
giving Professor Hegel the concept].
In fact, the agenda
of the Press today can be summed up thusly: "Conflict
Brings About Change, and Planned Conflict Brings
About Planned Change"
The Press is the
major change agent in America today!
Since we are moving,
by Plan, toward the calculated change of government
-- a global, dictatorial government historically
unprecedented in power and repression -- then
we need a lot of planned conflict fed us daily.
Wars, rumors of wars, class conflict, and many
more tidbits of Bad News floods our consciousness
daily. This is the Plan.
"These laws
will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and
liberties which have been permitted ... and our
kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of
such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment
and in every place in a position to wipe out any
... who oppose us by deed or word." [PROTOCOL
Did you catch the
kind of dictatorship [despotism] that the Illuminati
has planned for every nation once they are brought
under the rule of Antichrist? They plan to "to
wipe out any ... who oppose us by deed or word."
3. We have
been thrust into a situation of insanity.
NEWS BRIEF: "Theater
of the Oppressed:
Where Insanity is Considered to be Sane,
Vice Versa", Canada Free Press,
December 10, 2022
"Our society
has been reduced to the most common denominator,
the thief, the drug user, the sexual pervert,
the arrogant community organizer, the corrupt.
They are now considered normal while we are considered
the oppressors."
"The Left is
not interested in gaining acceptance for homosexuality
or transgenderism, drug use, homelessness, illegal
immigration, or even election fraud. It is APPROVAL
they are demanding. Yes, even for election fraud."
No, they are not
even agitating for approval; rather, they are
creating the chaos of today because they want
Dictatorial Control!!
"Crime is becoming
so prevalent that, by many, it is considered ho
hum. Masked thieves walk into a store, ransack
it while customers watch in disbelief, and walk
out as if they just went shopping. The level of
crime, and in particular drug and sex trafficking,
that Democrats have created through their open
borders policy is stunning. The Democrats’
method of reducing crime is making everything
either legal or a misdemeanor."
Many people today
are exclaiming, "This is insanity"!
Did you know that many devotees of pagan religions
and Witchcraft view insanity as preferred over
According to Carl
Matrisciana's Gods of the New Age (1985), the
Shivites are 'recognizable by the three horizontal
lines painted on their forehead. These disciples
of the god Shiva consider madness -- one
of Shiva's attributes -- to be one of the highest
levels of spirituality! Many Hindus believe
insanity to be a form of god-consciousness.'
Once again we behold
the face of Satanism. The Bible speaks over and
over again of a sound mind as being one of the
attributes of Godliness. Listen:
"For God hath
not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind." [2 Timothy
"And they come
to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with
the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed,
and in his right mind: and they were afraid."
[Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35 also]. In this Scripture,
we see that Jesus cast out a legion of demons
possessing a man. One of the major attributes
of this demon possessed man was that he was totally
deranged. Conversely, once Jesus cast out the
demons, the man was restored to his "right
"And even as
they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do
those things which are not convenient" [Romans
1:28] All people involved heavily in the occult
are in danger of being "given over"
by God to a reprobate mind.
"Unto the pure
all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled
and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their
mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that
they know God; but in works they deny him, being
abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good
work reprobate." [Titus 2:15-16] Again, these
verses clearly and accurately describe the potential
insanity of people who have rejected God and given
themselves over to the practice of the Occult,
in whatever form.
God is a God of
a sound, sane mind, while Satan is the god of
One of the major
ways in which the world will be impacted once
the Rapture of the Church occurs is that the many
ways in which the Holy Spirit restrains evil in
this age will be removed. Then, Satan will be
allowed much more free rein. You will see many
more instances where people's minds will go haywire,
because the mind is that part of our bodies where
we were "created in the image of God".
Therefore, Satan hates it exceedingly.
The other part of
our being created in the image of God is our eternal
soul, which Satan cannot touch.
The old
saying "In a world where every person is
insane, the few sane people are considered insane",
is appropriate now.
4. Biden
is caught pretending to be helping Ukraine when
in reality he is secretly aiding Russia!
secretly tweaked missile launchers given to Ukraine
to keep them from attacking inside Russia",
Newsbreak, December 6, 2022
"The United
States secretly modified a powerful rocket-launcher
system it has provided to the Ukrainian military
to prevent it from firing missiles into Russia
... After the war began in February, the US began
sending increasingly powerful military equipment
to its ally Ukraine to help it fend off the invasion
from the much larger and better-armed Russia."
that arms transfer came to include 20 High Mobility
Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), military trucks
used to launch satellite-guided rockets. HIMARs
have made an enormous deference on the battlefield,
with one senior US defence official calling them
“the most hunted things in all of Ukraine”
due to their effectiveness in disrupting Russian
have helped turned back the Russian onslaught
because they’re highly mobile, easy to hide,
and can fire rockets with a range of about 50
miles in the configuration given to the Ukrainian
Listen to the relevant
prophecy: ""A
hair-raising nuclear confrontation ... may, towards
the end of the period, threaten man's very survival."
[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script",
p. 223, 1981]
But, America's Biden
is secretly cooperating with Russia's Putin,so
the following information should not come as a
surprise to the Biblically Literate Christian.
"... the US
modified the HIMARs so they wouldn’t be
able to fire long-range missiles into Russia itself,
hoping to head off a wider conflict or the perception
that the US is an active combatant. The tweaks
mean the truck launchers can’t fire long
range US Army ATACMs missiles, and foreclose the
use of other long-range weapons systems Ukraine
might acquire from other countries or companies."
secret alliance between Biden and Putin fulfills
Events here are
marching according to Biblical prophecy, with
the Illuminati Plan is being forced to precisely
follow God's prophecies. Therefore, let us begin
at the point of reviewing both pertinent prophecy
and equivalent New World Order writings.
Revelation 17:17
-- "For God has put it into their hearts
to carry out His own purpose by acting
in harmony in surrendering their
royal power and authority to the beast, until
the prophetic words (intentions and promises)
of God shall be fulfilled." [Parallel Bible,
KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary; Emphasis Added]
Illuminati Plan:
"Their script is now written, subject only
to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The
stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost
ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra
is already tuning up ... Most of the main actors,
one suspects, have already taken up their roles.
Soon, it will be time for them to come on stage,
ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action
will have come." [Peter Lemesurier, "The
Armageddon Script", p. 252]
Both this prophecy
and this Illuminist passage are telling the same
truth. The leaders of this day are "acting"
in harmony to stage Antichrist on the world scene,
and continue to do so until all the prophetic
words of God are fulfilled. The leaders of today
are "acting" in complete "harmony"
just as one would expect actors to do in a play.
The fact of the matter is that all major events
have been thoroughly scripted, with Satan ensuring
that the minor events and minor actors are following
the script.
And, the Press --
the Media -- is the active agent facilitating
this general fear of nuclear war. Just as the
Protcols of Zion predicted 200 years ago!
-- Kingdom of Chaos and Warfare
Therefore, the events
we are seeing today are scripted, and the leaders
of the day just following their prescribed lines.
The goal of every one of the major leaders of
this day is to so set the stage so the final birth
pangs can be induced that will give "birth"
to Antichrist. However, once Antichrist is successfully
staged on the earth, prophecy abruptly changes,
and warfare breaks out. Listen:
"I considered
the [10] horns, and behold, there came up among
them another horn, a little one, before which
three of the first horns were plucked up by the
roots; and behold, in this horn were eyes like
the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things."
[Daniel 7:7-8; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible
5. Putin
is reportedly in trouble in Ukraine, and may resort
to nuclear weapons.
NEWS BRIEF: "Vladimir
Putin is in ‘quite a bit of trouble’
politically",, 10-9-2022
called up reserve forces, he’s tried to
draft people. I think there’s quite a bit
of pressure on the Russian army to get moving
and I think there is growing calls in the Kremlin
to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine,”
Mr Shephard told Sky News Australia.
concern is that very quickly things could escalate
into nuclear conflict or even armageddon.”
(Bold Added)
The global mindset
desired by the Elite during the transition between
Old and New World Orders is a morbid fear that
nuclear war is going to devastate mankind. Listen
to the wording:
"On page 222-3,
of his book, Lemesurier makes a very cryptic statement
about Korea. "But then war will seldom be
absent from the world-scene during the last twenty
years of the century. There will be numerous local
conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East, and
Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in
Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten
man's very survival."
In other words,
the New World Order Plan envisions a staged nuclear
confrontation, possibly originating in Korea.
But, the emphasis is that the fear of a general
nuclear war is planned to cover the entire globe.
Watch the
Daily News, and you will see repeatedly
stories designed to stoke the fires of nuclear
war fear.
Is God turning
Putin's mind toward the plot to lead an alliance
of nations against Israel? (Ezekiel 38-39 being
fulfilled in your Daily
and Tehran moving towards ‘defense partnership’,
Israel365 News, December 13, 2022
"The relationship
between Russia and Iran is becoming 'a full-scale
defense partnership', warned U.S. National Security
Council spokesman John Kirby on Friday. 'Support
is flowing both ways' as Moscow offers the Islamic
Republic 'an unprecedented level of military and
technical support' in exchange for drones and
possibly ballistic missiles to deploy in Ukraine,
Kirby said."
Russia has obviously
ordered an attack against Ukraine.
Will the Holy Spirit
now "set His hooks into the jaw of the Russian
bear, turning the monstrous Russian monster into
an attack on Israel? Listen to the prophecy:
"And I will
turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and
I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses
and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts
of armour, even a great company with bucklers
and shields, all of them handling swords ..."
(Ezekiel 38:4, KJV)
This prophecy of
2,500 years ago, describes a vast army, well supplied
and led.
And, Iran is to
be in the list of nations coming against Israel.
"Persia (Iran),
Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with
shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the
house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all
his bands: and many people with thee." (Ezekiel
38:8, KJV)
Russia is also now
in the leadership position of this massive invading
army, just as prophesied:
"Be thou prepared,
and prepare thyself, thou, and all thy company
that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard
unto them." (Ezekiel 38:7, KJV)
It is possible that
the Holy Spirit has already sunk His hooks into
the jaw of the Russian bear, turning her around
to lead an invasion of Israel. Putin began a military
in an invasion of Ukraine; but, he will be turned
around to lead an invasion against Israel".
6. Why is
Ukraine suddenly turning on its Christian (Russian
Orthodox Church) citizens and persecuting them?
NEWS BRIEF: "Ukraine
Launches Attack on Citizens’ Religious Freedom",
American Defense News, December 5, 2022
"The Ukrainian
government is now launching attacks against its
people’s religious freedom with the drafting
of a new law that will ban all churches affiliated
with Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
claims the attack on religion will stop Ukraine
from being weakened “within” by people
of faith who may affiliate with such churches
as the Russian Orthodox faith."
"The Security
Service of Ukraine (SBU) also continued its raids
on Friday, saying it searched at least five parishes
belonging to a branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church which until May was subordinated to the
Russian Orthodox Church."
Zelenskyy may not be worthy of our "Blank
Check" support.