News Headlines
1. A Democrat
won a Senate race in Alabama for the first time
in 25 years, as Democrat Doug Jones narrowly
beat Judge Roy Moore.
When you
examine the reasons behind this electoral defeat,
you will stand amazed at the coming Godly Judgment
awaiting America!
2. The
extremely Liberal Huffington Post laments in
a feature opinion that, after being President
for one year, Trump is winning and Liberals
are flailing!
3. A Conservative
Journalist reveals boldly that President Obama's
collusion with Russia far outweighs any possible
collusion from Trump!
journalist declares that Robert Mueller's Special
Investigation is over!
4. If
the Republican tax reform bill passes, Democrat
controlled states and cities are going to have
to pay far more tax!
5. President
Trump's announcement that Jerusalem is the eternal
capital of Israel, Iran and Turkey are suddenly
attempting to put aside differences so they
can present a unified front against Israel.
Both Iran
and Turkey are foretold to be marching with
Russia in the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy!
the full text of these articles below our book
store update
To all our readers:
We will get straight to the point: Last Friday we
ask you to ensure the financial success of Cutting
Edge Ministries. We would like to thank so many who
responded and gave, because we are nearly at our goal.
It's nearly December 15, we are close to covering
our year end needs, but time is running out in 2017
to help us. We depend on donations averaging about
$20. Only a tiny portion of our readers ever give.
If everyone reading this contributed only $3, we could
keep Cutting Edge thriving for years to come. The
price of your Friday coffee is all we need.

Must I Do To Be Saved?
God's dazzling and resplendent new creation called
the 'Heavens and the Earth', created specifically
for the happiness and joy of His really special creation,
Adam and Eve, Satan suddenly launched a vicious war
against man.
And, Satan knew exactly where to strike. Taking the
form of a Serpent, Satan spoke gracious words to an
innocent, gullible Eve. He convinced her that God
REALLY did not mean what He said when he told Adam
that they could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge and Evil, and then Satan painted such a
wonderful word picture of the fruit that Eve simply
had to try it.
Satan must have been
howling with glee as he witnessed God changing the
nature of Adam and Eve to where they would now be
susceptible to physical death and they would have
to earn their sustenance through hard work fighting
weeds and brambles, wild animals, dinosaurs, demons
who have taken the form of men (Nephilim, Genesis
6), paranormal activity, parallel dimensions, and
a new nature of sin and of murder.
All mankind faced a
world as frightening and dangerous as anyone could
have possibly imagined. Little did they know Satans
true plan, i.e., to so corrupt every human being that
Jesus, the Redeemer of Mankind, would be thwarted
in His plan to die on Calvary. Therefore, Genesis
6 reveals that Satan flooded the world with Nephilim
who mated with human wives, producing a new creation
that was no longer purely human, but mixed with demonic
Satan's strategy was
to corrupt the human race and thus make mans redemption
impossible. But, God retaliated with a worldwide flood
that saved only one genetically pure family that will
make the gift of redemption to mankind a reality.
It is an exciting journey
that will give you basic theological truths and the
answers to may of life's most difficult questions.
Please join us as we will take one more step in our
quest to reveal how
God will ultimately
triumph over Satan and empower mankind to share in
the glorious victory.
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News Analysis

1. A Democrat
won a Senate race in Alabama for the first time in
25 years, as Democrat Doug Jones narrowly beat Judge
Roy Moore.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrat
Doug Jones wins stunning red-state Alabama Senate
upset over Roy Moore ", A.P. Top
News, December 13, 2017
(AP) — In a stunning victory aided by scandal,
Democrat Doug Jones won Alabama’s special Senate
election, beating back history, an embattled Republican
opponent and President Donald Trump, who urgently
endorsed GOP rebel Roy Moore despite a litany of sexual
misconduct allegations."
"It was the first Democratic
Senate victory in a quarter-century in Alabama, one
of the reddest of red states, and proved anew that
party loyalty is anything but certain in the age of
Trump. Tuesday’s Republican loss was a major
political embarrassment for the president and a fresh
wound for the nation’s already divided GOP."
When you examine
the reasons behind this electoral defeat, you will
stand amazed at the coming Godly Judgment awaiting
A Democrat won an Alabama
senate race for the first time in 25 years for a number
of reasons:
1) As the article above
states, Jones' victory over Judge Roy Moore was "aided
by scandal". Polls after the polls closed showed
that 56% of the electorate was swayed by the unproven
allegations of sexual misconduct against Moore. What
has happened in this country where allegations equals
What has happened to
the Constitutional protection that an accused in "innocent
until proven guilty"?
When everyday's Mass
Media spouted forth yet another unfounded allegation
and/or some politician/celebrity talking about Roy
Moore as if he had been found guilty, I began to worry
because one of the key elements in a propaganda campaign
is to repeat the "Big Lie" enough times
that people begin to believe it.
What has happened to
our Public School system, where they have not taught
Logical Thinking Skills for so long that people can
no longer critically analyze a situation. As we report
in our DVD shown above, "Escaping
The Trap of Common Core", the Elite
believed in the 1930's that America could never establish
the New World Order until and unless they seized control
over the entire Public School System -- beginning
with the writing of textbooks -- and gradually "dumbed
down" the material.
In this DVD, we also
reveal that the authors of Common Core had been trained
in the colleges favored by the New World Order Elite,
like Oxford and Yale.
This election demonstrates
that this process of "dumbing down" our
population is very close to succeeding!
2) Democrat Jones engaged
in dirty politics far beyond the sex scandal that
literally engulfed Judge Moore.
* A TV ad aired briefly
in which the average voter was warned "your vote
is in the Public Record"! This blatant lie was
quickly removed after Moore's campaign sought a "cease
and desist" order, but a lot of damage was done.
We will never know how many uneducated voters were
intimidated by this tactic.
* A flyer was created
showing a black man from this neck up. The title above
the picture ran something like, "Can you imagine
if Moore was a black man accused of pedophilia"?
This message was despicable both because it stirred
the flames of black/white racism and because Moore
had never been convicted of any public charges of
3) Judge Moore not only
faced the determined opposition of the Democrat Party,
but he faced the equally determined opposition of
the Establishment Republican Party. Senator Mitch
McConnell -- one of the most powerful RINO (Republican
In Name Only) politicians in the country, McConnell
headed a group of GOP donors who poured hundreds of
thousands of dollars into Jones' campaign.
Even the Alabama State
Republican Party withdrew its support for a time.
Moore simply could not
withstand this combined onslaught of opposition forces.
I am surprised that he lost by only 1.5%.
2. The extremely
Liberal Huffington Post laments in a feature opinion
that, after being President for one year, Trump is
winning and Liberals are flailing!
NEWS BRIEF: "Huffington
Post Laments That One Year in, ‘Trump Is Winning’,"
Breitbart News, 12 December 2017
"In the midst of
much hand-wringing and anguished sighs, the Huffington
Post has announced to its readers that after his first
year in office 'Trump Is Winning. This is one of the
hardest things I’ve ever had to write and admit',
begins Earl Ofari Hutchinson in his essay, 'Trump
is winning'.”
How is President Trump
winning, as this most important Liberal Media group
grudgingly admitting?
* "The President
has successfully taken charge of the Republican Party"
* "Mr. Trump has
managed to energize his base and keep their loyalty"
* "Trump has successfully
harnessed the mainstream media for his own purposes
... He will continue to suck the media air out of
everything that the Democrats do and try to do.”
On top of these accomplishments,
Hutchinson then continues to wring his hands:
* "Hutchinson enumerates
Mick Mulvaney’s appointment to head the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, Neil Gorsuch’s
contribution to the Supreme Court, Scott Pruitt’s
work at the EPA, Trump’s support of fossil fuels
to make America energy independent, the RNC backing
of judge Roy Moore in Alabama, the fizzling out of
Russiagate, the passage of the tax reform bill, and
the record-level stock market."
For Trump so far, “this
has been a win-win, and a sad one to admit,”
he writes.
3. A Conservative
Journalist reveals boldly that President Obama's collusion
with Russia far outweighs any possible collusion from
NEWS BRIEF: "Journalist:
Obama’s Russian Collusion Far Exceeds Trump’s
Relationship With The Country", by
GINNI THOMAS, the Daily Caller, 12/2/2017
"The Democrats’
rhetoric about Trump’s supposed Russian collusion
does not match the degree of enthusiasm and flexibility
that former President Barack Obama actually displayed
to Russia for his entire two terms, Rosett says in
this video interview."
Let us stop one minute
to properly define the meaning of the word "collusion":
"A secret agreement,
especially for fraudulent or treacherous purposes;
conspiracy; In Law, a secret understanding between
two or more persons to gain something illegally, to
defraud another of his or her rights, or to appear
as adversaries though in agreement" ("")
However, Liberals and
Democrats do not define "collusion" correctly.
They label any contact any Trump official has with
a Russian official as "treacherous collusion".
Rosett, an award-winning journalist who worked for
the Wall Street Journal for 17 years, clearly states
that the REAL collusion occurred during the Obama
Administration and probably did result in treachery
that harmed America.
Rosett provides these
* "when Obama was
caught on a hot mic promising flexibility to Vladimir
Putin, shelving missile defense for Europe in a phony
“reset” with our dangerous adversary..."
* Obama's "inadequate
pursuit of Edward Snowden who is still hiding in Russia..."
* "the imaginary
'red line' with Syria that opened the door to Russia
being emboldened in the Middle East..."
* "the Iran deal
that advantaged Russia and their allies on the world
* "the weak response
of the U.S. when Russia annexed Crimea, which belonged
to Ukraine."
* "Fusion GPS,
the shady group of former journalists who were for
sale in currying the unverified 'Russian dossier'
of Donald Trump is, to her, a 'sad icon of what is
happening in journalism today'.”
These charges against
President Obama are potentially deadly, because "Russia
is a real dangerous, expansionist, predatory threat..."
And, then, there is
a day of reckoning for Hillary Clinton's Uranium One
deal with Russia which put about $150 million into
the coffers of the Clinton Foundation! But, that is
a story for a future Newsletter.
Another journalist
declares that Robert Mueller's Special Investigation
is over!
Russia Investigation Circus Is Over: Will There
Be A Parade?", by JOHN LINDER, Former
Congressman, The Daily Caller, 12/11/2017
"If our government
misrepresented Democrat opposition research as an
FBI intelligence document in order to get a warrant
to spy on Trump associates and failed to disclose
that to the grand jury which indicted them, the entire
chain of events is as bogus as the dossier and will
be thrown out of court by an angry judge."
"The other parade
will be heading out of town. That guy with the shovel
following the elephants and Peter Strzok is Bob Mueller."
We encourage you to
read this column all the way through. John Linder
provides so much information, so inter-linked, that
it is impossible for us to report it all here. You
will realize how far afield this Robert Mueller Special
Investigation has gone and how much threat it poses
to America and her cherished freedoms.
4. If the Republican
tax reform bill passes, Democrat controlled states
and cities are going to have to pay far more tax!
Now, can you
see why Liberal Mass Media is panicking so much that
they are boldly lying as to what Trump's tax plan
will do in the lives of Middle Class Americans!
Tax Bill Will Cause Democrat-controlled States To
Face Reality", by
ROBERT DONACHIE, Capitol Hill and Health Care Reporter,
The Daily Caller, 12/11/2017
"Republican proposals
to reform the tax code have revealed the exorbitant
tax rates in Democratically controlled states, causing
Democrats and their allies in the media to spew misinformation
... Democratic-controlled states and cities impose
a steep burden on their wealthiest residents specifically
because those residents can write most of them off
on their federal tax returns. That status-quo will
not remain under the Republican tax bills."
Now can you see how
the Democrat's tax scheme favors the rich at the expense
of the Middle Class and the Working Poor? But, as
is so typical of Leftist propaganda, to fight proposals
that will actually benefit this country, they launch
an attack on their political enemies, claiming that
they are guilty of planning to do what the Democrats
have been doing for years -- and getting away with
Therefore, if the Trump
tax reform takes away the onerous tax shelter plan
that favors the rich, the Democrats start shouting
that the reform will really increase the tax on the
Middle Class and the poor, while granting huge tax
decreases to the rich.
"The reasons that
Californians need federal financial assistance to
live and run a business within the state are that
local community legislators have instilled stringent,
often prohibitory, zoning and environmental regulations.
Those regulations have retarded the building of low-income
housing, caused hundreds of thousands to flee the
state and housing prices to skyrocket. "
"California lost
109,000 more people than it gained in 2016, while
comparatively low-tax and cost of living states, like
Texas and Florida, saw a 126,000 and 207,000 net uptick
in population ... New York is the other state that
is getting attention during the tax reform debate."
"The primary complaint
the Times raised was that Republicans are stripping
local and state income tax deductions, which would
cause rich New Yorkers to pay the full brunt of local
taxes on the residents of New York City."
This entire situation
is intolerable, and needs to be replaced immediately.
If the vast numbers of Middle Class and Working Poor
can get a tax break, this economy will skyrocket beyond
your imagination.
Democrats know this
fact to be true, which is why they are lying to us
5. President
Trump's announcement that Jerusalem is the eternal
capital of Israel, Iran and Turkey are suddenly attempting
to put aside differences so they can present a unified
front against Israel.
Jerusalem issue plays into Iranian, Turkish (and Russian)
Asia Times, December
11, 2017
"Iran has, predictably
enough, taken a hard line on the US decision to recognize
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ... the commander
of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Gen. Mohammad
Ali Jafari, warned: “Al-Quds (Jerusalem) will
be the place where the Zionist regime will be buried."
Clearly, President Trump's
recognition that Jerusalem is the eternal capital
of Israel has set the Muslim world abuzzing, setting
in motion God's prophecy of 2,600 years ago that,
at the End of the Age, the subject of Jerusalem would
be a "burdensome stone" to all peoples round
about the tiny Jewish nation.
"It was Turkey’s
reaction that set the mind thinking that the ground
beneath our feet is shifting, however. President Recep
Erdogan used exceptional language in his response,
calling Israel a 'terrorist' state. His stance is
important for a variety of reasons. Turkey is currently
chairing the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
and has called for an emergency summit in Istanbul
on Wednesday. This puts Erdogan in the driving seat."
Therefore, two traditional
enemies, Iran and Turkey, are suddenly talking seriously
over the Jerusalem issue. Consider this prophecy:
Zechariah 12 -- An End Times Prophecy
-- "Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup or
bowl of reeling to all the peoples round about and
in the siege of Jerusalem will there also be a siege
against and upon Judah."
Ezekiel 38-39
Let us look at one verse in the famous
prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39, that so graphically portrays
a Russian-led invasion of Israel in the 'Latter Days',
after Israel comes back to her land. As describing
the situation where God foretells that He will bring
Russia into judgment by causing her leaders to get
the idea of staging an attack on Israel, God lists
the nations that will be joining in the attack. These
are the nations joining Russia in this infamous attack:
1) Attacking from the North of Israel
* Persia -- Modern Iran
* Gomer -- Eastern Europe
* House of Togarmah -- Modern Turkey
2) Attacking from the South of Israel
* Cush -- Modern Ethiopia
* Libya -- still Libya today
Therefore, it is very significant
that Ancient Persia (Iran) and ancient "House
of Togarmah" (Turkey) are suddenly cooperating
because of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem. I find
it amazing that nations are aligning just as God foretold
2,600 years ago!
Both Iran and
Turkey are foretold to be marching with Russia in
the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy!