News Analysis
1. German
Chancellor, Angela Merkel, screams in wretched
horror: "Trump is single handedly destroying
the New World Order"!
Merkel: Trump Has
Almost Destroyed The New World Order",
News Punch, December 7, 2018
"German chancellor
Angela Merkel has admitted that the New World
Order is ‘under threat' due to the
rise of President Trump and his patriotic message
of 'polarization', 'protectionism' and 'populism'."
Merkel was "preaching
to the choir"!
at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Merkel
slammed Trump's rejection of open borders
and globalism, and poured scorn on the popular
patriotic movement currently sweeping across
Europe, the U.S., Brazil, Australia and other
parts of the world."
Starting immediately
after the end of World War II, writings from
New World writers identified patriotism as THE
most difficult obstacle that they must overcome
if they were to achieve their global goals.
Since they had already taken control of the
Public School System and the Mass Media, they
were confident that, no later than the advent
of the new Century (2000 AD) they would have
a population who supported the globalist ideal,
thus allowing the New Order to replace the Old.
Alas for them,
that has not proven to be the case. Populations
of Western Countries all across the world are
making noise and taking action that clearly
threatens the continued march toward this new

We reported
in August, 2016, that Donald Trump's actions
are taking apart this global New World Order.
In our News
Alert for July 25, 2016, I wrote:
nominee for President, Donald Trump, continued
to outline his plan to pull America out of the
New World Order!"
"... by definition,
the New World Order is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist',
so Christians should cheer Donald Trump in his
plans to cancel America's participation in the
"NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" as you can see
on the back of our One Dollar Bill. Since this
symbol was passed by Congress in 1791 and then
hidden until 1935, you can see that America's
Founding Fathers considered that it was crucial
to be a leader in the global New World Order.
Thus, America has been pursuing this occult
dream of establishing a global Masonic Christ
for 225 years. Will the Global Elite allow Trump
to fulfill his plan?"
The answer is
that Global Elite leaders are trying every trick
in their political handbook to stop Donald Trump
from unraveling all the underpinnings of this
global Kingdom of the New Age Christ. In fact,
their resistance is taking on the radicalism
normally seen only in deeply religious leaders.
This resistance
to Trump's actions are deeply rooted in the
Deep State commitment to the Global Dictatorship
listed on the back of our One Dollar Bill, "NOVUS
Did you
know that President Trump has "an appointment
with Destiny" according to Revelation 18?
of Two Babylons DVD: Trump's Prophetic Destiny"
will reveal two major contributions to End Times'
prophecy which Donald J. Trump is poised to
fulfill. In fact, Trump may be the only leader
who can fulfill these prophecies in America
today. President Trump does not realize it,
but he has 'An Appointment With Destiny', a
favorite term uttered many times by 33rd Degree
Masonic President, Franklin Roosevelt, referring
to the New Age / Masonic Messiah, whom the Bible
calls Antichrist."

2. South
Africa is poised to economically drop dramatically,
possibly even into Third World Status.
The South
African government announces that "the
time for the White Man is over" as he details
the plan to seize white-owned lands without
Time Is Up White People!"
South African Government Sets Date For White
Farmers To Give Up Land Without Compensation",
Tea Party News,
December 10, 2018
"South African
lawmakers passed a proposal to change the country's
constitution to make land grabs legal. The government
voted in agreement to take land from white farmers
without compensation. This same plan turned
South Africa's neighbor Zimbabwe from
a state of plenty to a starving state."
Notice in the
original Club of Rome 10-Nation Reorganization
Map, supernation #4 linked South Africa and
Namibia with New Zealand and Australia. They
believed South Africa was economically advanced
enough that it should not be coupled with the
other nations of Central Africa (Supernation
Now, however,
they must be rethinking their original supposition
in light of the cultural and economic disintegration
which has been occurring for a number of years,
and which will only increase now that blacks
are traveling down the same road as did Rhodesia
Black leaders
of South Africa have surrendered their logical
thinking skills here, seizing land and businesses
owned by whites without first ensuring that
they have black leaders with the skills necessary
to carry on the farms and the businesses they
have seized.
And, as in Zimbabwe,
when the black leadership does not have the
skills necessary, the businesses and the farms,
and eventually, the entire country, drops into
the abyss.
3. British
PM Theresa May surrendered British sovereignty
under the pretense of negotiating an exit from
the European Union.
Worst Deal in History":
PM Theresa May's Brexit Surrender", Gatestone
Institute, December 4, 2018
"This Brexit
'deal' is anything but good for the nation.
This "deal" will cost the British
taxpayer 60 billion euros; require that the
British still comply with EU rules without having
any say in what those will be, and worst of
all, it permits the British to leave the EU
only if the EU agrees. "
"It commits
the British effectively to subjugation by the
EU in perpetuity, with no recourse should the
British change their mind. It is a prison. It
is also the first step of the EU toward its
dream of global governance: unaccountable, untransparent,
unelected by the public, and with no way out."
The Elite
had the right people in power when the "Brexit"
election confirmed the will of the people to
Immediately following
the "Brexit" election in May, 2016,
we predicted that, somehow, and some way, the
Illuminati would find a way to neutralize the
results of this election. We took this stance
Bible prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter
(Daniel 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:12, 17),
and Great Britain is part of Supernation #2,
the European Union.
4. Bill
and Hillary Clinton may just have been pushed
in the direction of real jail for their treasonous
A former
officer of the Clinton Foundation has just revealed
that he is cooperating with the DOJ and that
he "knows where all the bodies are buried"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton
Nightmare! Chief Financial Officer Of Clinton
Foundation Turns Government Informant On Crime
Family", Tea Party News,
December 10, 2018
to the Clinton Foundation plummeted by 90% over
a three-year period since Hillary Clinton lost
the 2016 election to President Donald Trump.
But that may be the least of the her worries."
Indeed, the Clintons
have created such a cash cow in the Clinton
Foundation that they could very well be sitting
on half a billion dollars! Once Hillary became
Secretary of State, she really began to rake
in the money, as foreign governments began to
kick in huge infusions of cash for Hillary's
"Pay For Play" scheme.
So, if Hillary
and Bill are not close to going broke, what
is her worry?
"John Solomon
from The Hill dropped another bombshell that
will keep the Clintons up at night. The former
Chief Financial Officer of the Clinton Foundation
has turned on the crime family and is now working
as a government informant. This could spell
doom for the Clinton Crime Family."
"... whistleblowers
inside and outside the Clinton Foundation have
amassed '6,000 pages of evidence attached to
a whistleblower submission filed secretly more
than a year ago with the IRS and FBI'."
President Trump
hinted last week that something very significant
was going to be announced this week, so this
may be what he was hinting. We can only hope
that this expose' on Hillary is going to result
in her finally getting the punishment which
she and Bill have been avoiding for five decades
of corruption in public service.
As we reported
in the DVD shown above, "Hillary
Clinton: The Sun Goddess Unleashed",
she and Bill are both practicing witches in
the Illuminati Tradition. Their hidden occult
power has protected them thus far, and it remains
to be seen if they can be brought to justice,
even by President Trump!
5. Amidst
rising tensions in the region, the Lebanese
Army suddenly deploys to the northern border
of Israel!
tunnel tensions, Lebanese army sends troops
to Israeli border",
Israel Hayom News, December 10, 2018
"The Lebanese
army is sending reinforcements to the border
with Israel ... The move comes amid fears of
a security escalation once IDF engineering units
begin working on the Lebanese side of the border
to neutralize cross-border terrorist tunnels
dug by the Hezbollah terrorist group."
not equal to the IDF in actual combat, the Lebanese
Army is far superior to Hezbollah soldiers.
significant threat to Israel has just abruptly
raised its ugly head.
6. French
President Macron reluctantly agreed to remove
the tax increases imposed by the "Carbon
Tax" provision of the Paris Climate Accord.
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Macron declares 'economic and social state of
emergency'," Israel
National News, 12/11/2018
"French President
Emmanuel Macron on Monday announced a 100-euro
($113) per month increase in the minimum wage
starting next year amid the ongoing protests
by the so-called 'yellow vests', AFP reports."
"Macron also
rolled back most of an unpopular increase in
taxes on pensioners which was introduced by
his government."
Macron had already
rolled back the fuel tax increases which precipitated
the "Yellow Jacket" rioting.
"Macron pleaded
for a return to calm after almost four weeks
of protests. He declared an 'economic and social
state of emergency', ordering the government
and parliament to take immediate steps to change
tax rules and other policies that hit the wallets
of working class French people."
The number of
protestors was staggering.
"Some 125,000
people took part in protests across France on
Saturday - about 10,000 of them in Paris, where
the greatest damage was recorded. Cars were
set on fire, shop windows were smashed and shops
were looted."
whined so much you would think , that he is
about to "Murder Mother Earth"!
NEWS BRIEF: "Political
Fallout: Macron Agrees to Murder "Mother
Earth", Breitbart News,
10 December 2018
"... more
than a year after President Trump declared war
on Mother Earth by withdrawing from the so-called
Paris Agreement, Paris is now burning to withdraw
from its own agreement. This latest effort is
not a ballot box initiative. Nor is it an appeasement
pact, either. It is more like a Molotov cocktail
approach ... That leaves one wondering. If the
future of the planet — the very life of
Mother Earth, herself — hangs in the balance
as these people believe, then how does Mr. Macron
capitulate so easily? By his very own definition
of global warming and the threat of fossil fuels
such as diesel, he has agreed to murder Mother
Earth with his own bare hands."
Jerry Brown, are you advising Macron what to
Hogg: Someone Tell Marco Rubio Bible Verses
Don’t Protect Kids from Bullets",
Breitbart News,
9 December 2018
gun control activist David Hogg is asking someone
to tell Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) that Bible verses
do not protect kids from bullets ... "
Sometimes a foolish
person speaks his foolishness so the whole wide
world can hear it. The Gun
Seizure movement is preaching the foolishness
that the way to stop a mad gunman is to seize
all guns from law-abiding citizens!
The German Jews
believed that when Hitler preached it to them,
and slightly more than 6,000,000 of them died
in the Nazi Holocaust! Protection from an Absolute
Dictator is the real issue with protecting our
Second Amendment rights.
Returning to our
featured article:
someone can tell Hogg and the rest of the gun
control movement that gun-free zones do not
stop kids from getting shot either."
Over 98% of all
public shootings have occurred in "Gun
Free Zones"!
Trade Triumphs–Trade War Truce, Deals
for Farmers, Prices for Consumers", Breitbart
News, 10 December 2018
"Rocky financial
markets, driven largely by Federal Reserve uncertainty
and President Trump’s aggressive tariff
negotiation strategy, shouldn’t overshadow
two trade victories at the recent G20 Summit
... Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping
negotiated a trade war truce."
"This ceasefire
is double victory for Americans..."
Wall Street has
been extremely convulsed in the past few months,
as investors still believe in the old paradigm
where Interest Rate hikes and Trade Wars were
extremely troublesome to the economy.
But, that is no
longer true in the Age of Trump.
President Trump
stated that trade wars are easily winnable and
today, he is being proven right. Creating millions
of jobs and putting billions of extra dollars
in consumer's pocketbooks through tax cuts and
a dramatic decrease in gasoline prices -- these
are the GENUINE factos about which our leaders
should be concerned.
France: Christmas Market Shooting: Two Dead,
11 Injured", Breitbart
News, 11 December 2018
"Two were
killed and up to a dozen injured in a shooting
in the vicinity of the Christmas Market in the
historic French city of Strasbourg Tuesday evening
... shots were fired in Strasbourg, the French
city which serves as one of the two homes of
the European Parliament. The ministry instructed
local residents to stay in their homes."
Was this a terror
attack or a shooting carried out by one of the
Yellow Jacket French protestors?
This next segment
hints that the shooter was a "radicalized"
"UPDATE 2025
— ‘Radicalised’ shooter surrounded
by police ... The individual is understood to
be known to police and is the subject of an
‘S’ file — French police slang
for an individual who has been under investiation
for radicalisation in the past ... Counter-terror
police take over the investigation."
Buries Key Facts to Conceal Migrant Health Threat—TB,
Hepatitis, HIV", Judicial
Watch, December 11, 2018
a great example of the mainstream media distorting
information to promote a liberal agenda, an
act that is especially pervasive when it comes
to immigration coverage. A story published by
NBC news, and reiterated by various other outlets,
claims illegal immigrants don’t bring
disease into the United States. The headline
reads: “Migrants don’t bring disease.
In fact, they help fight it, report says.”
Migrants carry
"hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV'. Last
we checked those are deadly diseases and Judicial
Watch has interviewed medical experts that confirm
illegal immigrants do indeed pose a serious
public health threat to the U.S. by bringing
dangerous diseases into the country. This includes
tuberculosis, dengue and Chikungunya..."
Another great
reason to control the flow of immigration into
this country!
However, all people
who want to eliminate all national borders so
the New World Order can be established, are
intent upon concealing this bold health fact
from everyone.
Middle Eastern men groom and rape girls as young
as 10 in Finland", Voice
of Europe News, 11 December 2018
Voice of Europe reported on the rape of a young
girl by several migrant men. Unfortunately this
is not an isolated case, as more young girls
are groomed and abused by asylum seekers from
the Middle East and Africa ... Most asylum seekers
in Finland and Oulu are Iraqi, Somali and Afghan,
so the odds are all of them are of those groups.
The names are mostly generic Muslim names."
"This entire
year has been pretty much a horror show when
it comes to migrant crime. And it’s not
just sex crime, it’s constant crime of
all sorts ... "
Has anyone stopped
to think that these Islamic immigrants bring
their religious and cultural values with them,
and an Islamic worldview? Just because they
are suddenly on the soil of a European nation
does not mean they suddenly adopt a Christian
European mindset.
Islamic culture
allows men to sexaully abuse young girls and
women. Of course, no one should be surprised
to learn that Islamic young men feel they can
treat women like they are used to treating them
at home!
Where are the
Radical Feminists on this issue? While they
are focusing on imagined sex abuse from President
Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, they are deliberately
turning a blind eye toware REAL rape and REAL
sex atrocities!