USMCA unites Canada, the United States and
Mexico into one economic nation and paves
the way for a political union, setting the
stage for fulfilling Daniel 7:7-8.

2. Another
End Times' Prophecy continues to unfold in
Supernation #7, clearing a major obstacle
to forming this regional government.
United States will recognize Kurdistan, sooner
rather than later.
"Donald Trump will recognize
a sovereign Kurdish state",
the Jerusalem Post, OCTOBER 23, 2019
"Few people
really understand Donald Trump. He's
not like any other president. He thinks outside-the-box
... President Trump has a plan to recognize
Kurdish sovereignty and statehood. Many have
called him 'Cyrus', after the Mede, Cyrus
the Great. The Kurdish people are descendants
of the ancient Medes. The wise men who brought
gifts to honor the birth of Jesus were also
Medes. I believe the president has a gift
for them."
Trump loves to say 'Merry Christmas', so don't
be surprised if he announces a Christmas gift
for the Kurds. A sovereign Kurdish state on
Iran's boarder, coupled with U.S. military
might, would be checkmate not only to Iran
but also to the Iraqi government that has
treated America with such disdain."
This Middle
East Map of 2006 must be completed before
the nations comprising Supernation #7 (See
Map in Subject #1, above) before the regional
government can be established. This means
that Saudi Arabia must be disemboweled as
the map, above, indicates (Read full details
NEWS2213, entitled, "President
Bush's 2006 'Middle East Map' Is Enraging
Friends and Foes Alike).
Therefore, we
are pleased to report that, in this one Newsletter,
we can report significant progress in the
continuing fulfillment of two major prophecies,
both related to establishing the Ten Nation
Reorganization Plan called for in Daniel 2:40-45,
7:7-8, and Revelation 17:12, 17)
3. Evanston,
Illinois, is committing a historical error
by voting to set up a continuing tax on marijuana
so a slavery reparations fund could be set
Illinois, announces 3% tax for reparations,
regardless of slave ancestry",
World Net Daily, Dec 4, 2019
"An Illinois
city announced this week that it intends to
take a bold, and dangerous, step forward with
regard to taxpayer-sponsored financial reparations
for slavery and racial inequality ... city
lawmakers in Evanston, just north of Chicago,
voted eight to one on Nov. 25 to tax marijuana
sales at a rate of 3 percent and use the revenue
to develop a reparations fund for black residents."
Democrat Rep.
Al Green (TX) whines unbecomingly about America
needing to pay reparations as a means by which
we can atone for our original sin, Slavery.
" Rep.
Al Green: Impeachment
Must Address the Original Sin of Slavery",
Breitbart News, 8 Dec 2019
"On Saturday's
broadcast of MSNBC's "Weekends,"
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said the issues of slavery
and racism needed to be addressed in the impeachment
of President Donald Trump ... 'But I also
think that if we don't include some
of the things that are important to people
of color, then I think that our business won't
be finished. I do believe, ma'am, that
we have to deal with the original sin. We
have to deal with slavery..."
in 1861 and continuing today (159 years),
the United States Federal Government has paid
over $20 Trillion in slavery reparations!
When will this frantic feeding at the pig
trough come to an end?
Truly, the remark
from British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
has never seemed more true than today. As
she discussed the Welfare/Socialist State,
she remarked: Welfare / Socialism is a good
idea 'until you run out of the other guy's
money' "!
America's goal
of paying massive government reparations to
black slaves began in 1861, when Democrat
activists led by fervent Freemasons fired
on Fort Sumter, thus beginning the most bloody
war America has ever experienced -- the Civil
War .
Of The American Civil War", Civil War
Home, Page
last updated on 2/16/2002
" In dollars
and cents, the U.S. government estimated Jan.
1863 that the war was costing $2.5 million
daily. A final official estimate in 1879 totaled
$6,190,000,000. The Confederacy spent perhaps
$2,099,808,707. By 1906 another $3.3 billion
already had been spent by the U.S. government
on Northerners' pensions and other veterans'
benefits for former Federal soldiers. Southern
states and private philanthropy provided benefits
to the Confederate veterans. The amount spent
on benefits eventually well-exceeded the war's
original cost."
If the war cost
the Union $6,190,000,000 in 1879 Dollars,
then it will equal a staggering $142,994,689,831.08
in 2016 Dollars!
the cost in Union lives is even more staggering.
Most estimates of Union dead and wounded are
in the 750,000 range! Most Union soldiers
did not fight and die for the express purpose
of ending slavery; in fact, President Lincoln
had to disguise this genuine goal for the
first two years of the Civil War. Many immigrants
arriving at our shores were immediately mustered
into the Union Army, where they fought and
died to free the Southern slaves.
that the Federal Government has spent "an
astronomical $20 trillion" as it supported
President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society welfare
programs, the total cost to the Union for
attempting to right the wrongs of Confederate
Slavery is 20,142,000,000,000, and the loss
of life for 750,000 men! I consider that reparations
figure sufficient to right this wrong, don't
4. Impeachment
news continues to build in frenzy, forming
a "Wag The Dog" shield to distract
voters from prophecy being fulfilled!
* President
Trump can now be impeached for his thoughts,
his motives!
Judiciary Report Says the President Can Be
Impeached for His MOTIVES (THOUGHT
CRIMES)", Independent
Sentinel, Dec 8, 2019
"The House
Judiciary Committee's impeachment report
released on Saturday argues that a president
may be impeached for "illegitimate motives"
even if his actions are "legally permissible."
It claims that a president can be impeached
without committing any criminal acts. All
it takes are "illegitimate motives"
to impeach a president, according to Democrats.
They have nothing on Trump, but they are willing
to pervert the judicial system and our constitution
to impeach the President and keep him from
You have to
realize that the Democrats cannot take any
other track to impeaching President Trump,
since they have uncovered NO crime that he
has committed. They must insist that Trump
is worthy of impeachment only because they
say he is guilty of some thought that is dangerous
to the nation
This tactic
is very similar to the 2002 movie, "Minority
Report" starring Tom Cruise. Read NEWS1673,
entitled, " "MINORITY REPORT"
Democrats are
determined to force America into this type
of dictatorial hell-hole!
* Republicans
are now insisting that Democrat tactics are
opening the door to Congress impeaching any
official any time, even retroactively!
Christmas Present Ever: Retroactively
Impeaching Obama—LIVE - "High-handed
Democrats have already laid the groundwork
for anyone's impeachment",
Canada Free Press, Dec 8, 2918
patriot Mark Levin came up with the best idea
ever to turn the tables on the Impeachment-obsessed,
power-crazed Democrats when he called for
the Retroactive Impeachment of former President
Barack Obama. The Impeach-Trump-fatigued public
masses can call it : 'Poetic Justice'."
I would prefer
the old saying, "What is good for the
goose is good for the gander".
If Republicans
were to impeach Barack Obama retroactively,
they would have mountains and mountains of
REAL EVIDENCE, not made-up hearsay and lies.
that high-handed Democrats have already laid
the groundwork for anyone's impeachment,—when
one impeachment fails, just start off another—their
latest being ‘The President Can Be Impeached
for ‘Motives.'
"The House
Judiciary Committee released a report Saturday
in which it argued that a president may be
impeached for "illegitimate motives"
even if his actions are 'legally permissible'."
(Breitbart, Dec. 7, 2019)
It would be
the irony of all time, if all the plots and
conspiracies Adam Schiff dug up in the Trump
Impeachment ‘Inquiry' could be
used to retroactively Impeach Obama, whose
motives should have been laid bare when he
admitted five days before his 2008 election
that his main goal as US president would be
to "Fundamentally Transform America"!
* Impeachment
tactics are threatening to destroy our Constitutional
Coup Attack On Trump Is Also An Attack on
You & Our "Constitutional Republic!",
Judicial Watch, Dec 6, 2019
Watch President Tom Fitton reacts to Nancy
Pelosi's abusive authorization of the
articles of impeachment. With no evidence
for impeachable offenses, Pelosi and Schiff
are pushing for a purely political goal, wildly
abusing the Constitution in the process."
5. Russia,
Syria and the United Nations are cooperating
to rebuild the ancient Baal Temple in Palmyra,
UN, Syria Rebuild Pagan Temple of Baal in
Palmyra: Third Pre-Messiah Gateway",
Breaking Israel News, Dec 9, 2019
"The Russian
government recently announced that it will
partner with the Syrian government in reconstructing
the ancient temple to the pagan god MBA'al
in Palmyra. If successful, the project will
necessarily mark the third incarnation of
the Roman Victory Arch of Palmyra which an
ancient Jewish source states must fall and
be rebuilt three times before the arrival
of the Messiah. "
"In (Kabbalistic)
Jewish tradition, the Arch of Palmyra may
be alluded to as a harbinger of the Messianic
era. An arch that is repeatedly built up and
destroyed is described in the Talmud (Tractate
Sanhedrin 78a). The disciples of Rabbi Myosin
the son of Kinsman questioned him, asking
when the son of David (the Messiah) will appear.
And he answered ... When this gate will fall,
be rebuilt and fall again, be rebuilt again
and fall again. And before it will be rebuilt
for the third time the Messiah will appear."
prophecy states that messiah will appear after
this pagan temple is rebuilt for the third
6. As
North Korean dictator Kim verbally threatens
the United States, President Trump reminds
him of our massive military might.
Kim Jong Un Begins Acting Up, Trump Reminds
Him Of U.S. Military Might",
Sons of 1776 News, Dec 5, 2019
"The joy
of Kim Jong Un is you never know which North
Korean dictator you're going to get.
Is it going to be conciliatory Kim? Is it
going to be the bellicose little dictator,
threatening to fire missiles off of the shores
of Guam? You never quite know."
"At least
for the moment, we're dealing with bad
2018, the North Koreans have wanted either
more concessions from the United States or
fewer denuclearization demands. The Trump
administration, meanwhile, has held fast to
the demand they made back in Vietnam in February
of last year: North Korea needs to completely
dismantle its atomic program."
" 'The
dialogue touted by the U.S. is, in essence,
nothing but a foolish trick hatched to keep
the DPRK [North Korea] bound to dialogue and
use it in favour of the political situation
and election in the U.S.., Ri said."
" 'Hey,
look — we are more powerful, militarily,
than we ever have been', Trump said. 'And
I will tell you, when I took over the United
States military, when I became commander-in-chief,
our military was depleted, our military was
in trouble. You know that better than anybody.
We had old planes; we had old everything.
We did't have ammunition. Now we have
the most powerful military we'Ave ever
had and we're by far the most powerful
country in the world. And, hopefully, we don't
have to use it, but if we do, we'All
use it. If we have to, we'All do it."
Even though
President Trump has forced the issue of the
planned North Korean nuclear confrontation
on the back burner, remember that the Illuminati
Plan is still in effect, is still being acted
out. Re-read the original Illuminati Plan,
noting that this plan has been written into
the New World Order Plan for the appearance
of "The Christ - Antichrist"!
hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards
the end of the period, threaten man's very
[Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon
Script", p. 223]