Hot News
1. Hillary Clinton
is directly appealing to the Gay Community to get elected!
When a candidate for
President of the United States -- the most powerful post
in the world -- declares her firm, unwavering support for
Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender values, America is truly
doomed to suffer God's punishment of Sodom.
NEWS BRIEF: "Liberals
Praise Hillary Clinton’s New Ad With Same Sex Couples
Kissing", Breitbart News, 7 December 2015
"The Hillary Clinton campaign is out
with an ad highlighting her record as an advocate for LGBT
rights. The spot includes images of gay couples kissing
each other."
Hillary must have run some professional poll
numbers which convinced her that such an outrageous appeal
to the LGBT -- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender -- voter
would NOT doom her in the general election! Hillary must
be convinced that this ad will add significant election
numbers to her campaign without subtracting significant
numbers of voters who are not gay.
"The liberal website Slate
praises Clinton for including same-sex kissing in her campaign
ad, saying, 'Given the distressingly puritanical rules that
govern gay PDAs, it’s both impressive and heartening
that Clinton includes gay kisses in her official campaign
" 'The ad forces viewers to confront
images that might make them feel slightly uneasy, then encourages
them to view such affection as a normal, healthy manifestation
of adult intimacy'.”
Slate writer complains that, 'it is a depressing but incontestable
fact that most straight people—including many LGBT
allies—are uncomfortable with the sight of same-sex
kisses. Some straight people defend their disgust by pretending
to be repulsed by all public kissing.”
In the ad, Clinton says that she’s 'running
for president to stand up for the fundamental rights for
LGBT Americans and all Americans'.”
The Constitution already provides for all
these "fundamental rights" because they are American
citizens. What LGBT has always wanted is special rights,
the right to rub the gay lifestyle into the collective noses
of the heterosexual community to the point where, one day,
straight folk will allow this nation to be governed by the
dictates of the LGBT political arm.
Even though Sodom and Gomorrah had healthy
numbers of straight families, they allowed their lives to
be governed by the dictates of the LGBT radicals. The result
was such an explosion of homosexuality that God became so
incensed that He annihilated these two cities with an outpouring
of fire and brimstone.
Heterosexual families perished along with
the LGBT people.
Since God never changes, what made Him angry
5,000 years ago makes Him angry today. America, you have
been forewarned! Repent and force a change in our national
direction in this matter or you will suffer the same annihilating
punishment as God meted out to Sodom and Gomorrah.
This change begins with the resounding defeat
of Hillary Clinton in November, 2016!
"Remember in November"!
Today, Donald Trump is condemned for his common sense proposal
to shut off immigration to all Muslims.
How many more ISIS
terror attacks will have to occur until Trump's position
is shared by a majority of Americans?
ISIS has just praised
the Muslim couple who murdered 14 people in San Bernardino!
Calls for ‘Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering the
United States’, Breitbart News, 7 December
"Presidential candidate Donald Trump
is calling for 'a total and complete shutdown of Muslims
entering the United States until our country’s representatives
can figure out what is going on'.”
Trump quoted a shocking poll which revealed
that a significant proportion of Muslims living in the United
States really and truly hate us!
"Trump pointed to a poll from Center
for Security Policy to show that segments of the Muslim
population detest Americans. According to Pew Research,
among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by
large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently,
a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data
showing '25% of those polled agreed that violence against
Americans here in the United States is justified as a part
of the global jihad' and 51% of those polled, 'agreed that
Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed
according to Shariah'.”
"There is great hatred towards Americans
... by 25% of Muslims ... and violence against Americans
here in the United States is justified'?
Further, 51% of Muslims polled want to have
the choice to be governed by the hateful Sharia law that
makes Fundamental Islam so terrible to women and to non-Muslims?
Perhaps Trump is correct in saying that we
do not want to allow people with these attitudes into our
Once again, we see that Muslims do not change
their minds just because they are living in the "land
flowing with milk and honey". Despite our far greater
standard of living, Muslims still hate us and want to wage
global jihad against us!
While Trump came under intense criticism from
the politically correct crowd, how many more Islamic terror
attacks will have to occur until a great majority of Americans
agree with Donald Trump? This issue may turn out to be one
of the most intense in the 2016 elections, and one which
carries the most political weight.
Candidates for President need to carefully
think their position on this issue or they might find themselves
on the losing end of the election. And, they need to consider
recent history.
Banned Iranians from Coming to US During Hostage Crisis",
Front Page News, December 8, 2015
"During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter
issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among
these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States
unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical
How did President Carter legally issue this
"Interestingly enough, Carter did this
by invoking the Nationality
Act of 1952. A law originally opposed by Democrats for
its attempt to restrict Communist immigration to the United
States ..."
" 'If this oasis of the world should
be overrun, perverted, contaminated, or destroyed, then
the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished',
Senator McCarran said of the law. He was a Democrat."
Wow, how much more true is this statement
today than in 1952? Today, the Global Elite are locked into
mortal combat with the entire global population of Islam.
We have reported this fact before, but let us repeat it
for our new readers. In 1984, Christian author and attorney,
Constance Cumbey, published a book entitled, "Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow. In this book, Cumbey reported that
the Illuminati had decided, shortly after the end of World
War II, that, for Antichrist to succeed, all member of all
three Monotheistic Religions had to die, because none of
their followers would ever accept the polytheistic religion
espoused by the New Age Masonic Christ (Antichrist).
The three great Monotheistic Religions are:
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
The Elite decided to attack Islam first because
of its huge numbers. The Illuminati silently declared war
on Islam in January-February, 1991, when Coalition troops
began to counterattack Iraqi forces to reverse their capture
of Kuwait. By using deadly Depleted Uranium weaponry, the
Elite set in motion contamination that will one day ruin
Iraq and Afghanistan and much of the Middle East.
So far, an estimated four million Muslims
have been killed and countless more are dying from myriad
diseases related to uranium contamination. One battlefield
surgeon estimated that, by 2025, so many Muslims will have
died that Iraq and Afghanistan, at least, will be classified
as "failed states".
The Global Elite is waging silent war against
all Muslims. And, they are baiting them to attack us viciously,
simply to change the minds of a majority of American and
European citizens against Islam.
Now, returning to this concept of barring
Muslim immigrants from this country, if one of the most
Liberal Democrats to ever lead from the White House knew
enough to bar an enemy from entering this country, then
Liberals and Conservatives alike should adopt this strategy
as we face a really deadly and implacable foe!
3. Sheriffs and Mayors
are now publicly urging law-abiding citizens to deter violent
crime by carrying their concealed weapons when they go out
in public.
America might become
an armed nation around the clock!
NEWS BRIEF: "Florida
Sheriff Asks Concealed-Carry Holders ‘To Take On Terrorists’,
Breitbart News, 7 December 2015
"Florida Sheriff Wayne Ivey is urging
county residents with a concealed permit to carry guns with
them and be mentally prepared to use those guns to defend
themselves from terrorists ... the Brevard County Sheriff
said, 'Let there there be no mistake…The only thing
that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
If you’re a person who is legally licensed to carry
a firearm, now is the time more than ever to realize that
you, and you alone, may very well be the first line of defense
for you and your family'.”
"Ivey explained that his call for citizens
to carry is 'about being able to survive an attack by armed,
evil people until the cavalry can arrive.”
A Kentucky Sheriff completely agrees.
NEWS BRIEF: Kentucky
Sheriff Tells Concealed Permit Holders: Carry Daily to Fight
‘Radicalized Islamic Extremists’",
Breitbart News, 7 December 2016
"On December 6, Sheriff Michael A. Helmig
called on concealed carry permit holders in Boone County,
Kentucky, to carry their guns daily to aid law enforcement
in the fight against 'radicalized Islamic extremists' ...
On January 16, 2013, I released a letter that outlined my
commitment to the Second Amendment and Solemn Oath to uphold
the Constitution of the United States of America. In the
wake of the recent tragedy in San Bernardino, California
carried out by Radicalized Islamic Extremists and Terrorists,
I continue to stand committed to the safety and security
of our community; however I can’t do it alone'. "
Notice that this sheriff simply reiterates
the truth, i.e., that law enforcement authorities cannot
arrive on the scene of the attack quickly enough to save
your life. The only chance you have to stay alive when you
are confronted by a gunman who wants to kill you is to pull
out your gun and fire at him!
This sheriff believes that any law-abiding
citizen is BOUND BY DUTY to carry his/her deadly weapon.
" 'I would also like to remind the people
who have applied, been trained, and issued a license to
carry a Concealed Deadly Weapon (CCDW) that they also have
a responsibility to carry their firearm, which they are
proficient with, for the safety of themselves and others
... Each of us, as proud Kentuckians, has a great responsibility
to uphold the values of the United States Constitution and
protect this great nation from acts of foreign or domestic
terrorism. ‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall.'”
An Upstate New York chimed in his support.
an upstate New York sheriff wants residents to carry guns",
Christian Science Monitor, December 4, 2015
"An upstate New York sheriff is drawing
both ire and applause for a social media post licensed gun
owners to arm themselves when they leave the house, following
the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. 'I urge you
to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry
a firearm', Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum wrote
on his department's Facebook page less than a day after
the San Bernardino, California shooting."
Carry your firearm whenever you leave your
house! Now that is the formula for keeping yourself and
your loved ones and your co-workers safe!
More sheriffs are urging residents to buy
and to legally register, firearms.
"An Idaho sheriff advised residents to
purchase firearms last month following a string of armed
home robberies where the intruders opened fire on residents."
"Two years ago, a Milwaukee County Sheriff
was accused of promoting vigilantism after he issued a public
service announcement asking residents to arm themselves
after budget cuts resulted in police layoffs."
"For Van Blarcum, the post was about
offering county residents some sense of control over their
own safety at a time when fear of violent extremism and
terrorism is rampant ... I'm not trying to drum up a militia
of any sort', Van Blarcum told The Associated Press. 'It's
just a reminder that if you want to, you have a right to
carry it. It might come in handy. It's better to have it
than not have it. We're partners with the public in crime
Let the armed terrorists go to a Liberal "Gun
Free Zone" to carry out their attack! (They are already!)
Even the Mayor of Jerusalem agrees!
NEWS BRIEF: "Jerusalem
Mayor: Armed citizens help deter terror",
CNBC News, December 8, 2015
"Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said Tuesday
that his city employs a variety of techniques to try to
stop terrorist attacks before they happen, including the
use of 'smart' profiling and armed citizens ... 'When we
have a terror threat, we ask people to carry their guns'
... Following the Nov. 13 rampage in Paris, Barkat issued
a statement that read in part: "Today the entire world
understands what we have been experiencing in Israel and
Jerusalem in recent decades — murderous terror fueled
by hate and a death mission against innocent civilians in
the West. We must unite together against all forms of terror..."
When the Mayor of a large, modern Western
nation recognizes the inherent, time-efficient protection
offered by person guns, we all should consider his advice
very seriously.
We should also take note of any politician
who continues advocating gun control laws, even after these
mass public shootings, and never elect them to any office
anywhere in this land. Gun Control / Seizure efforts are
likely to die quickly once more terrorist attacks are unleashed.
Brutal Islamic terror is already causing citizens of Europe
to turn against Islam.
More murderous attacks
against Americans will cause us to turn against Islam.
far-right, pro-Israel France? Expert says this is where
all of Europe is heading", The Jerusalem Post,
"The far-right National Front party made
huge gains in French regional elections and could be a sign
of a more pro-Israel Europe ... The regional election outcomes
are taken seriously since they are thought to be a bellweather
for what will come when France votes in the 2017 national
"... one Israeli expert told The Jerusalem
Post on Monday that France has been moving to the right
for years and is part of an overall trend in Europe of far-right
parties becoming the mainstream ... Europeans are frustrated
by leaders who have ignored their concerns about rapid immigration
and radical Islam on the continent."
What factor (s) are causing the Far Right
to suddenly embrace Israel?
"... the party's fairly-recent rejection
of anti-Semitism has not come from a sudden love of Jews,
but rather from a realization that they share with the Jewish
community a common enemy in radical Islam. Lopatin said
that other far-right parties in other parts of Europe that
used to view the Jews as an enemy are now some of the most
supportive of Israel as well ... 'It's like they all of
a sudden had the realization that the Jews are not really
our enemies', Lopatin said of similar trends in other parts
of the continent. '[Jews] contribute to society, they don't
want to destroy our society or impose Sharia law on our
society. More and more people believe that'."
even though radical Islam seems to be scoring a victory
in the culture war, and are causing many people to fear
that they might take over our society, the opposite is really
true. The more ugly news that comes out about Islam, the
more powerful the blowback from non-Muslims will be.
Perhaps -- when the
prophesied annihilation of the Palestinians by the Israelis
occurs -- more people than you might think will just shrug
the action off, believing "they had it coming"!
- Man's Greatest Invention or Mark of The Beast?"
4 Studies On 2 Disks,
This device is being heralded as a silent
revolution, a state of the art global tracking device, and
as significant of an invention as the Internet or even the
computer itself. with all the hoopla aside, the question
we need to be asking ourselves is this, Is RFID man's greatest
invention or Mark of the Beast?
Yet the irony is that even though this technology
is sweeping the planet, hardly anyone, even Christians,
have any idea what it is in the first place, let alone its
Biblical ramifications!
This technology is not a science fiction
scenario of the future; it is present day reality with today's
technology called RFID. And that's why the Mark of the Beast
is not only real, it's really going to be implemented just
like the Bible said. In fact, it might be sooner than you
2 DVD set - 3 hours --

Marriage Built To Last Paperback Book
from Pastor Billy Crone
Many marriages today are under severe
strain. Most of us can identify with this. But is this the
kind of relationship that God had in mind when He instituted
marriage? Absolutely not! A Marriage Built to Last looks
at eleven steps to having a lasting and fulfilling marriage,
including: Men and Women are Different. Love is and Action.
The Need for Communication, Honor, and Intimacy. The Need
for Biblical Men and Women. The Need for a Strong Family
It's going to take some time and work, but if we'll just
get back to God's plan for marriage, we're well on our way
to having A Marriage Built to Last.
170 pages
your copy today
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching