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- Tuesday, 12/5/2023
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Cutting Edge Teachings on DVD
Invisible War
on the Saints: Victor or Victim?
demonic attack dramatically changed a life. We, as believers,
are to put on the armor of God and wield the weapons
of spiritual warfare to achieve victory in Jesus Christ.
In life, we fail to recognize the temporal versus the
eternal, the unseen vs. the seen and the unseen is the
most important of all. Pastor and radio host of Hello,
World Greg Patten takes us on his personal journey dealing
with the spirit world – unnerving, house- shaking,
spine-tingling experiences with the demonic and captive.
While topics in Invisible War
on the Saints: Victor or Victim 1) include Exorcism,
2) Curses, 3) Channeling, 4) 5) Strongholds, 6) Spiritism,
7) Witchcraft, 8) Sorcery and 9) Binding
The end goal for this pastor is
victory in Jesus; further, he shares how to take the
steps from victim to victor, using scripture, godly
wisdom and the power of Jesus Christ, our Savior, to
bring into captivity every thought to the obedience
of Christ.
247 pages
- Book by Dr Greg Patten and Southwest
Radio Church Onward, Christian soldier, Patten says.
Victory is just ahead.

"We Are
Pages Long, Only $21.95
Are Legion, For We Are Many' shatters
the paradigm by soberly and frighteningly exposing how,
before and after the presidency of Donald Trump, the
United States was—and now is again—on an
intentional trajectory to fulfill the occult aspirations
of dark dominions during the Hebrew year 5785 (2024–2025).
While the United States
is considered the most technologically advanced nation
in the world, spiritual regression abounds. Idolatry,
drug use, violence, Satanism, pornography, interest
in New Age doctrines (even in “Christian”
churches), and various psychic phenomena are exploding
across every facet of our culture. People feel the world
is coming undone.
But why is this happening
in America now? In Legion, you find answers to the following
• What’s really behind laptop
revelations, influence peddling, and “the big
• How is the secret stash of Biden’s classified
documents just the beginning?
• How are pandemics providing the trial run
for implementing totalitarianism?
• Why did ancient Essenes forecast the Hebrew
year 5785 as the beginning of the end?
• How are human elites in the US Capitol part
of a secret society to Apollo, the Antichrist?
• Who are the principalities behind our government
and what is their role for our “imminent future”?
• What do Vatican insiders and Catholic mystics
see in 2023 with arrival of the False Prophet?
• Is the Rapture of the Church nearer than most
Will it happen in 2024—2025? • What can
and should YOU do about it?
DVD - 'Sign
of the Times' 
Satanic Ritual of the Royal Secret"
BELIEF: Eternal
Life To Anyone Having Sex With a Minor Child
Pedophilia is
literally the 'grease that moves the levers of power',
from people as diverse as Jeffrey Epstein, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden. both George Bushes
and Henry Kissinger!
In this Teaching
learn what demonic overlords command: geopolitical
perversity, nihilism, violence, 'Wokeness' and satanism
working frantically to crush and pervert our morality,
children, Scriptural family values, freedom and religious
rights. https://www.cuttingedge.org/whats_new.cfm
yours now
1. The
President of the United Nations Climate Conference (CO28)
boldly states/admits that no scientific facts support
radical Climate Change hysteria!
NEWS BRIEF: "President
of UN climate confab says there’s ‘no science’
behind push to phase out fossil fuels",
BPR News, Dec 3, 2023
"Sultan Ahmed Al
Jaber, the president of this year’s United Nations
(UN) climate summit, said there is
'no science' behind calls to eliminate
fossil fuels to counter global warming ... 'Al Jaber
also said that getting rid of fossil fuels would not
allow for sustainable economic growth 'unless you want
to take the world back into caves',” (Emphasis
This statement is exceedingly
hot as it destroys every single argument that Climate
Radicals have shoved down our throats for the past 40+
But, this UN official
is not finished!
"There is
no science out there, or no scenario
out there, that says the phase-out of fossil fuel is
what’s going to achieve 1.5,' Al Jaber told Robinson,
referencing the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold for an
increase in global average temperatures that many scientists
and activists point to as critical to stay below. (Emphasis
Do you remember President
Biden enunciating a new Administration goal of getting
all fossil fuel vehicles off the road by 2035? Maybe
Biden should listen to the likes of Sultan Ahmed Al
Jaber instead of listening to Al Gore!
Saudi Arabia courageously
stated that there is no need for Fossil Fuel abolition!
Arabia Says ‘Absolutely Not’ to Fossil Fuel
Phase Down Demand by Climate Crazies", Breitbart
News, 5 Dec 2023
"Saudi Arabia’s
energy minister rejected any phase down of fossil fuel
now or in the future on Monday, using an interview at
the U.N.’s COP28 conference to reject the increasingly
strident demands of climate activists."
"a tentative “phasedown/out”
was included in a first draft of an agreement on climate
action delegates are haggling over during talks that
are scheduled to finish on December 12."
"If successful
it will end all new oil, gas, and coal projects."
(Emphasis Added)
"But Energy Minister
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, a half-brother of de facto
ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, told Bloomberg
that Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter,
rejects the proposal outright."
Important News Articles - Analysis
2. Hamas is using
targeted, violent rape as a Weapon of War!
NEWS BRIEF: "Israel-led
UN special session condemns world silence on Hamas using
rape as weapon of war," Dec
5, 2023
"Hundreds gathered
at the United Nations on Monday for a special session
spearheaded by Israel’s Permanent Mission to the
UN, to raise awareness of the sexual crimes committed
against women during Hamas’s October 7 attacks
on southern communities, amid growing anger over the
international community’s perceived silence on
the issue."
What kinds of crimes,
exactly, did Hamas terrorists carry out?
were burned alive, children executed in front of their
parents and parents executed in front of their children
... Hamas used rape and sexual violence as weapons of
war. These were not spur-of-the-moment decisions to
defile and mutilate girls and parade them while onlookers
cheered; rather, this was premeditated', Erdan said.
'Sadly, the silence of international bodies who are
supposedly defenders of women has been deafening'.”
Where are all
the radical Feminists who reacted instinctively to attack
any man whom they accuse of rape?
3. Religious Jewish
IDF soldiers are turning to God for protection during
the heat of battle!
NEWS BRIEF: "Prayers
and psalms recited at Western Wall for soldiers, captives
held by Hamas", The Jerusalem Post,
Oct 17, 2023
"On Sunday morning,
a large sign was hung up next to the Western Wall with
the "Mi Shebeirach" prayer for the IDF soldiers
and members of the Israeli security forces ... On Sunday
morning, a large sign was hung up next to the Western
Wall with the "Mi Shebeirach" prayer for the
IDF soldiers and members of the Israeli security forces."
"An additional sign
was hung up with the prayer 'Our brethren, the whole
house of Israel who is in distress and captivity, who
stands between the sea and the dry land, may the One
who dwells in the highest heavens have compassion on
them, and take them out from distress to relief, from
darkness to light, and from subjugation to redemption.
And let us say: Amen'."
Jews all throughout Israel
and the entire world are returning to the God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob during this time of unparalleled trouble,
terror and agony. God's judgment and His anger is not
slackened for more is on its way.
"And at that time
... there shall be a time of trouble, such as never
was since there was a nation even to that same time."
(Daniel 12:1, KJV)
"And I will bring
the third part through the fire, and will refine them
as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried:
they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I
will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord
is my God." (Zechariah 13:9, KJV)
This action is taking
place feverishly throughout Israel and the world. People
are urgently calling upon the name of the Lord and He
will hear them and miraculously delivered!
4. Secretary of
Defense Austin displayed his rank stupidity as he warned
Israel of ‘Strategic Defeat’: If Israel
Isn’t Careful, Palestinians
Might Support Hamas
Austin Warns of ‘Strategic Defeat’:
If Israel Isn’t Careful, Palestinians
Might Support Hamas," Breitbart
News, 5 Dec 2023
"Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin warned at the Reagan National Defense Forum
on Saturday that Israel could face “strategic
defeat” if it was not more careful about how it
fought Hamas, because more Palestinians might be driven
to support the terrorist group ."
This statement is one
of the dumbest in the entire history of mankind! For
the past 50 years, the Palestinians ave been offered
deal after deal after deal, but rejected them all because
they affirmed Israel's right to exist.
After all, the Palestinians
affirm the Arab/Palestinian creed that all Jews throughout
the world must be eradicated, totally eliminated.
So, what is God's doctrine
when Israel is facing such a determined enemy? Listen:
"For thy violence
against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and
thou shalt be cut off for ever ... For the day of the
Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done,
it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return
upon thine own head." (Obadiah 10, 15, KJV)
Is Austin ignorant
of the fact that citizens of Gaza Strip voted to install
Hamas as government by a 75% margin?
of Palestinians SUPPORT Hamas",
JNS News, November 17, 2023
"Three in four Palestinians
support Hamas’ massacre ... The Palestinian poll—the
first of its kind since the Oct. 7 attacks—found
that 48.2% of respondents characterize Hamas’s
role as 'very positive', while 27.8% view Hamas as 'somewhat
positive'. Almost 80% regard the role of Hamas’s
Al-Qassam Brigades 'military' wing as positive."
And, now the kicker:
"Almost all (98%)
of the respondents said the slaughter made them feel
'prouder of their identity as Palestinians', with an
equal percentage saying they would 'never forget and
never forgive' the Jewish state for its ongoing military
operation against Hamas."
Are these the kind of
values that you can support?
Jesus said, "I am
come that they might have life, and that they might
have it more abundantly." (John 10:10, KJV)
5. 'Quisling'
Biden is getting set to betray American Sovereignty
regarding pandemic legislation!
‘Pandemic Treaty’ Draft Reaffirms Nations’
Sovereignty to Dictate Health Policy",
FactCheck.org, March 2, 2023
"Members of the World
Health Organization are in the process of developing
a new agreement to prevent, prepare for and respond
to pandemics. A preliminary draft presented in February
reaffirms nations’ sovereign right to make their
own health policies during global pandemics ... "
Biden is planning
on obeying every edict from the U.N.!
Update December
6, 2023
6. Mass Media
is beginning to trumpet the 22-year-old lie that Iran
is close to making its own atomic bomb!
NEWS BRIEF: "Countdown
to Catastrophe: Iran’s Nuclear Threat Looms,
and the World Holds Its Breath",
United With Israel, December 4, 2023
"As Iran advances
its nuclear capabilities, the world faces a critical
juncture, urging swift international intervention to
prevent a catastrophic outcome. The threat of a nuclear-armed
Iran must not be underestimated. Iran’s regime
has frequently threatened to wipe a whole country —
Israel — off the map, and is also increasing military
cooperation with Venezuela and Cuba to threaten the
US. Europe, too, remains a rich target for nuclear blackmail.
Iran would not even have to use its nuclear bombs; the
threat would be enough."
The truth is far, far
Iran purcahsed atomic
bombs from Pakistan soon after the attack of 9/11!
The gist of this campaign
is that Iran is nearing completion of a nuclear power
program which is really designed to develop a nuclear
warhead capability; if foreign powers do not act soon,
Iran will have the nuclear warheads in their possession
and will threaten the entire Middle East, including
This propaganda campaign
ignores critically important facts:
Iran has possessed nuclear
weapons since at least mid-2002, according to a Russian
general. Listen:
The first reality with
which you must come to grips is that Iran has possessed
nuclear weapons for at least 13 full years! Quoting
from NEWS1660,
"Mushroom Clouds In The Middle East":
Intelligence, Week of June 4, 2002.
A Russian general's statement
about Iran's nukes fails to register with media. Sometime
a slip of the tongue is so incredible that no amount
of doctoring can explain it. And sometimes a slip of
the tongue is as intentional as could be. Take an appearance
by Russian Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky.
He gave a briefing on Friday in Moscow during the Bush-Putin
summit and was asked about whether Iran actually fired
the Shihab-3 intermediate-range missile in a successful
test earlier this month. The second question was whether
Iran can threaten Israel, Russia or the United States
with its nuclear and missile programs.
"Then the Russian
general took a surprise turn: 'Now, as to whether or
not Iran has tested something like that. Iran does have
nuclear weapons,' Baluyevsky said. 'Of course, these
are non-strategic nuclear weapons. I mean these are
not ICBMs with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers
and more."
Now this is shocking news,
indeed! This Russian general has just confirmed -- in
June, 2002 -- that Iran has nuclear warheads and theater
missiles with which to deliver them!
Iran logically bought
these nuclear warheads "off the shelf from Pakistan"
approximately a decade ago. Recently, the Pakistani
scientist known as the "Father of the Bomb"
for Pakistan, was stripped of his position and sent
into disgrace for his admitted part in transferring
weapons technology to other nations in the region.
However advantageous it
has been for the United States to keep up the charade
that Iran is the nation who threatens Israel with nuclear
warheads, the truth is that Israel is threatened by
several equally hostile nations with nuclear weapons.
Privately, behind the scenes, the vaunted Israel Defense
Force has addressed all these concerns -- yet, all we
hear about is the crisis from Iran, a crisis which falsely
pretends that Iran is close to getting the nuclear bomb,
but does not yet have it.
Upon this note, we conclude
this article. Even though all the heathen nations rage
around Israel, even though they equip themselves with
the highest technology money can buy, and even though
they outnumber the Jews in the land 45-1, God will mightily
destroy them, so that all the nations of the world may
know, understand, and comprehend that He alone is God.
"Multitudes, multitudes
in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is
near in the valley of decision." [Joel 3:14]
The very fact you are
seeing such a buildup of nations in the Middle East
now that Israel has been back in her land 75 years is
proof positive we are at the very End of the Age.
What has stopped these
nations who control nuclear warheads from launching
them against an enemy? One acronym says it all: M.A.D.
-- Mutually Assured Destruction.
In other words, a nation
contemplating using such nuclear weapons against a neighbor
is deterred because he knows his own nation will be
bombed back into the Stone Age -- a radioactive Stone
M.A.D. has worked quite
well since 1945 and will continue to work.
The fact that Iran had
purchased nuclear warheads directly "off the shelf"
from Iran in early 2002, but has not used them, proves
that Iranian leaders are as much guided by the principles
of M.A.D. as any other leader in the modern era.
So what if Israel declares
in a matter of days that Iran now possesses a nuclear
So What? Who Cares?
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