Wednesday, 12/4/2024
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Cutting Edge Teachings on DVD by David Bay and Mac Dominick
Mac Dominick and Ron Riffe have written some great articles
for our newsletter this week. Also Doug, who researches
the news for us is giving us a wonderful group of news
articles to keep us all up on world, USA and Israel
events and more. We are also adding a podcast from David's
earlier radio shows this week shown below.
Schools Conditioning of Our Children. Podcast by David
Bay Listen Here..
In this podcast David
covers how new age doctrines are being taught in our
schools which are teaching humanism. David goes through
teh stages that Satan uses to change the values of our
children and how God was eliminated from our schools.
The restraining influence of Christianity is gone
If you can't wait to hear all 60 of
these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them
all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs
by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order
yours today just $39.98
This week we
have two articles, one from Mac which compares Biden's
temporary pardon of his son to God's eternal pardon
through His Son Jesus Christ for all believers, and
one from Ron "Bobby Kennedy is going to
get the chance to go after “Big Pharma”
with a really big stick!!" below
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continue to provide the financial needs to keep
it going.

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For many news articles each
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Mac Dominick
This week's news has been
dominated by the story of Joe Biden's presidential pardon
of his son, Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is a convicted
felon and was awaiting sentencing for two federal crimes:
• He was found guilty of lying about his drug
use on an application to purchase a firearm. This offense
carries a maximum sentence of 25 years in federal prison.
• Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to tax evasion and
failure to file a tax return. These offenses carry a
maximum of 17 years in federal prison.
However, this is only
the tip of the iceberg for Hunter's alleged violations.
On June 5, 2024, U.S. Congressmen James Comer, Jim Jordan,
and Jason Smith sent criminal referrals to the Department
of Justice recommending that Hunter Biden (and James
Biden) be charged with making false statements to Congress.
Additionally, and by far more potentially damaging,
Hunter Biden is a major player in accusations of influence-peddling
schemes whereby Biden family members participated in
"shaking down" our nation's adversaries for
tens of millions of dollars. This money was allegedly
laundered through various shell companies and eventually
ended up in various Biden family member's bank accounts.
Lucky for Hunter, his
daddy is the President of the United States, and the
Constitution allows the President to issue full pardons
for any federal crime. Thus, "Daddy Joe" issued
Hunter a full and unconditional pardon for any federal
crimes "he has committed or may have committed"
from January 2014 to December 2024.
This fully exonerates Hunter of any wrongdoing back
to his time as a board member for Burisma, a Ukrainian
energy company. (He was paid "big bucks" for
his executive contributions to an industry without any
previous experience, but his daddy was Vice-President
of the United States.) Do not be too surprised if President
Biden has more pardons in his back pocket for other
family members.
While the pardon of Hunter
has raised quite a furor among "conservatives"
and "liberals" alike, Christians must step
back and take a longer view of these events. Yes, Hunter
may have dodged a bullet in the near term, and he may
even be able to "keep his nose clean" (no
pun intended) enough to lead a quiet and peaceful life.
However, a presidential pardon is only temporary, and
just like the rest of us, Hunter, Joe, James, and the
rest of the Bidens are in desperate need of an eternal
Why do we need an eternal
pardon? The problem for all of mankind is the same.
When it comes to a proper legal standing before a holy
and righteous God, every man and woman are, like Hunter,
convicted criminals. We have all violated God's Law
and have been sentenced to death. The Bible succinctly
states: "The wages of sin is death." Since
every human being that ever lived is a sinner ("All
have sinned and come short of the glory of God."),
we all must be pardoned or pay the price for our crimes
against God. The good news is that a "full and
unconditional" pardon is available for all of us.
The account of the provision
for the eternal pardon of mankind is the greatest love
story ever written, and not only is it the greatest--it
is also absolutely true. God created man to have His
own family on earth, but tragically, mankind turned
away from God and embraced a life of sin and self-service.
When the first man, Adam, rejected God, he initiated
a sin nature in all his posterity that separated all
humanity from God. The inherited sin nature of all humanity
made the entire race of mankind natural and habitual
violators of God's Law. God, in His infinite justice,
condemned every man to eternal death and damnation.
However, because of God's
infinite love for all of mankind, He provided a Redeemer
who would offer a complete and unconditional pardon
for an individual's crimes. This Redeemer was born in
a manger about 1BC in the village of Bethlehem of Judea.
He was the Son of God Himself, born of a virgin, and
lived a sinless life. Because He was God in the flesh,
He was (and is) uniquely qualified as the Redeemer.
He loved mankind so much that he shed His blood on the
cross to make the payment for the sins of mankind, and
all who put their faith in His shed blood receive a
full and complete pardon.
In the New Testament,
the shedding of the blood Jesus Christ in payment for
sins is called atonement. The word atonement simply
means that the blood shed by the Redeemer is efficacious
to wash away or cleanse the sinner of all his or her
sins. Hunter's pardon is only retroactive for 11 years.
He has no protection from this pardon if he "falls
off the wagon" at any future time, nor is he protected
by his pardon from crimes committed prior to 2014. However,
the blood of Jesus Christ atones for sins in the past,
present, and future. The man, woman, or child who receives
the pardon from Jesus Christ has a new legal standing
before God-- Justified, just as if they never sinned
or ever will sin again. The past record is expunged,
and the future record will remain clean. This is eternal
pardon and full atonement.
Please consider the words of the 3rd verse from the
hymn, Man of Sorrows, by Philip Bliss:
"Guilty, vile and
helpless we,
Spotless Lamb of God was He.
Full atonement, can it be?
Hallelujah, what a Savior!"
Indeed, Hallelujah, what a Savior!
It is our desire at Cutting
Edge Ministries that anyone reading this article who
has never received the eternal pardon of full atonement
would do so today. The path to full pardon for your
sin is made very clear in the Word of God, and the steps
are simple:
1. Accept and realize
that you are a sinner who has violated the Law of God.
(All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
--Romans 3:23)
2. Realize the just deserts of your crimes against God
are punishable with eternal
death. (The wages of sin is death. -- Romans 6:23)
3. Realize that Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross
to make the payment to God
for your sin. (But God commendeth His love for us, in
that, while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us. --Romans 5:8)
4. While the wages of sin is death, the gift of God
is eternal life. (Romans 6:23)
Eternal life is a free gift--it is the full and complete
5. The way to receive this free gift is by faith. How
do you exercise this faith?
You must turn from sin and self (repent) and put your
complete trust in the shed
blood of Christ. If you do this, you will receive the
eternal pardon and eternal
life. (That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe
in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.
--Romans 10:9)
2. Title: Corrupt,
bloated and inefficient Government Agencies by Ron Riffe
Subtitle: Bobby Kennedy is going to get the
chance to go after “Big Pharma” with a really
big stick!!
from WHATFINGER NEWS) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he
intends to fire 600 employees at the National Institutes
of Health (NIH). The comments were made at an event
in Scottsdale over the weekend where RFK stressed the
importance of acting fast. An audience member reportedly
asked him what he would do if he could wave a “magic
wand.” “We need to act fast, and we want
to have those people in place on January 20 so that
on January 21, 600 people are going to walk into offices
at NIH, and 600 people are going to leave.” During
a separate interview, RFK said he would clear out entire
departments at the FDA if given the opportunity. “In
some categories, there are entire departments, like
the nutrition department at the FDA that are—that
have to go, that are not doing their job, they’re
not protecting our kids.”
RFK Jr: “President
Trump has asked me to reorganize the federal health
agencies … CDC, *NIH, FDA, some of the agencies
within the USDA.” Promises made. Promises kept!
RFK Jr: “NIH won’t
do those studies because they don’t want you to
know the treatment for chronic disease.” “Calley
[Calley Means] discovered a recent NIH study that has
been suppressed and buried by NIH that shows that 48%
of American teens are now diabetic.” “I
mean can we think of a larger crisis to our country
than that? These kids are now dependent on insulin and
diabetes treatments and chronic disease treatments for
the rest of their lives. That’s bankrupting our
health care system.” “77% of American kids
cannot qualify for military service.”
“NIH and HHS have
REFUSED to turn over the documents as to why Wuhan got
this research money and why it wasn’t screened
as dangerous… pic.twitter.com/AVv5d21e6V
Sen. Rand Paul hopes RFK
Jr. will have a “BIG influence” in Trump
administration and that Trump/Kennedy will finally REVEAL
Covid documents “NIH and HHS have REFUSED to turn
over the documents as to why Wuhan got this research
money and why it wasn’t screened as dangerous
research.” “I think a friendly Trump administration
will. I’m looking forward to getting those. mainly
because we need to try to make sure this doesn’t
happen again. We’re very hopeful that whoever
will be head of Health and Human Services will now reveal
the documents I’ve been trying to get for three
RFK Jr: “NIH won’t
do those studies because they don’t want you to
know the treatment for chronic disease.”
(The referenced “Calley”
in the comments from the WHATFINGER NEWS article--along
with his sister Casey—are fantastic in both the
article and the interview with Tucker Carlson). Do yourself
a huge favor by reading what I have included from a
much longer article (Below) and watching the video to
learn how “Big Pharma” is intentionally
fostering mass sickness and murder!
The following article
was copied from:/https/www.statnews.com : And the video
link is to a Tucker Carlson interview with Callie and
Casey Means, the primary subjects of the article below:
One would not expect such an exuberant affair —
laughter, groans of recognition, and standing ovations
— for a discussion about chronic disease. But
here in the chandeliered Kennedy Caucus Room on Capitol
Hill, it’s standing-room only for a roundtable
featuring favorites of the political right, including
psychologist Jordan Peterson, surgeon Marty Makary,
and two new faces: the siblings Calley and Casey Means.
The pair have gone from relative unknowns to emergent
conservative rabble-rousers — now buzzing in the
same orbit as Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Robert F. Kennedy
Jr., and even former President Donald Trump. They, along
with Kennedy, are striving to build a new, “Make
America Healthy Again” identity for the GOP ahead
of the election. Trump sees fixing the American chronic
disease epidemic as a “legacy item,” Calley
Means said in an exclusive interview with STAT. That
appears to be true, at least for now, and has suddenly
thrust the Means’ into the mainstream. This week,
they’ll appear on two of the largest stages in
the world: Rogan’s podcast, and a virtual town
hall hosted by Trump himself. In their increasingly
frequent public appearances, the Means’ lay out
a sprawling argument for how polluted health care, government,
and science have become with perverse financial incentives.
They’ve positioned themselves as truth-tellers
looking to solve the problem — possibly with help
from their own companies.
If this all sounds familiar,
that’s because it is: Kennedy focused on many
of the same issues in his presidential campaign (and
still does in his newer role as a Trump campaign surrogate).
But the Means’ have gone even further with their
message, effectively activating conservative anxieties
about personal freedoms, family values, and institutional
corruption. If the enthusiasm continues, the “MAHA”
policy lineup may become central to Trump’s health
agenda should he be re-elected.
‘He’s getting
Republicans to get it’
In recent weeks, the elder Means, 39 — a dark-haired,
fast-talking startup founder — has become a bit
of a celebrity among conservatives. And his sister,
redheaded, polished, vegetable-prescribing Casey, 37,
has lent her M.D. to legitimize claims about a broken
health care system. She was, according to Sen. Ron Johnson
(R-Wis.), the catalyst for the roundtable on the Hill.
Until recently, she was
known mostly for starting the health tech company Levels,
which connects a habit-tracking app to continuous glucose
monitors. Then, earlier this year, the siblings published
a 400-page diet and self help book, titled “Good
Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism
and Limitless Health.” The Free Press, a website
catering to those disillusioned with mainstream news,
ran an excerpt about the personal heartbreak that radicalized
the siblings.
Their mother, Gayle, died
of stage 4 pancreatic cancer just weeks after receiving
the diagnosis. Her cancer had somehow snuck up on clinicians
at some of the most prestigious institutions in the
world. How could that be? And then, as she lay on her
death bed in early 2021, doctors recommended treatments
that were unlikely to extend her life but that might,
in a pandemic, isolate her from family in her final
moments, the Means’ say. A clear picture of twisted
medical incentives came into view.
In the years that followed,
they shared their worldview in bits and pieces, mostly
on social media and niche podcasts, plus some appearances
by Calley on conservative talk shows. But it was Carlson’s
lengthy conversation with the Means’ that seems
to have trampolined them and their ideas into the spotlight.
Their two-hour interview
has garnered more than 3 million views since it was
posted mid-August. In it, the host transforms into a
fanboy. “I truly believe you guys are going to
change the world,” he tells the siblings. From
there, the conservative media circuit beckoned: Kennedy,
who had interviewed Calley months prior, reposted their
interview right on the heels of Carlson’s.”
[End of long STAT article, a portion of which I copied]
Praise the Lord for exceptionally
credentialed and passionate individuals like the Calleys.’
In spite of the dangers inherent with taking on a giant
pharmaceutical industry with almost limitless funds
and legions of aggressive attorneys trying to protect
them, this brother and sister team, along with RFK Jr.,
are making some really big waves! And we should definitely
include them in our prayers, asking God to provide a
protective hedge about them. Big Pharma has for many
years reaped obscene financial gains by playing fast
and loose with moral and legal restrictions. And US
Government agencies have aided and abetted them repeatedly.
When the Covid epidemic was unleashed upon the world
and governments reacted with pleas for a miracle vaccine
to protect people, ostensibly to speed up the developmental
process, the US Congress enacted legislation that protected
the pharmaceuticals from being legally liable because
the normal and lengthy “double blind” studies
would have to be bypassed. And, bless his heart, President
Trump was complicit with his “Warp Speed”
program—which I do not believe he fully understood
the ways by which his attempt at being efficient would
be misused by the “Vaccine” developers.
A totally untested method was conceived that involved
mRNA technology that, according to quite a few brave
doctors was terribly flawed and downright lethal in
many cases! It was also found that human DNA was altered
in the process—something that to this day is being
constantly “fact checked” and denied by
unknown entities posting on the Internet in an effort
to keep the lid on mass murder. The Covid guru Anthony
Fauchi is still being protected by Secret Service agents
because the lid has definitely been lifted and he knows
his neck is at risk.
The “deep state,”
as it has become known as, obviously does not have any
hesitancy about engaging in mass murder to further their
aims of depopulating the planet. And the following article
“tip-toes” around the ultimate draconian
conclusion reached by the world’s unelected leaders
who have taken upon themselves the task of saving humanity
from itself. Note the date of the article. As of today
we are 15 years into the future and, make no mistake
about it, humanity itself is being culled by a number
of secret methods devised by the devil. One of the more
obvious ways is abortion—murder the innocent babies
to keep them from proliferating. Another is to slip
estrogen and chemicals into the food supply to feminize
men and lower, or totally eliminate, their sperm count,
as well as making women sterile and unable to conceive.
And even a cursory examination of birth rate records
show the relative success of such methods. Also the
never-ending instigation of wars around the world (such
as that taking place in the Ukraine) are very efficient
in wiping out millions.
June 1, 2009—The
Scientific American
Population and Sustainability:
Can We Avoid Limiting the Number of People?
Slowing the rise in human
numbers is essential for the planet--but it doesn't
require population control
“In an era of changing
climate and sinking economies, Malthusian limits to
growth are back—and squeezing us painfully. Whereas
more people once meant more ingenuity, more talent and
more innovation, today it just seems to mean less for
each. Less water for every cattle herder in the Horn
of Africa. (The United Nations projects there will be
more than four billion people living in nations defined
as water-scarce or water-stressed by 2050, up from half
a billion in 1995.) Less land for every farmer already
tilling slopes so steep they risk killing themselves
by falling off their fields. (At a bit less than six
tenths of an acre, global per capita cropland today
is little more than half of what it was in 1961, and
more than 900 million people are hungry.) Less capacity
in the atmosphere to accept the heat-trapping gases
that could fry the planet for centuries to come. Scarcer
and higher-priced energy and food. And if the world’s
economy does not bounce back to its glory days, less
credit and fewer jobs.
It’s not surprising
that this kind of predicament brings back an old sore
topic: human population and whether to do anything about
it. Let’s concede up front that nothing short
of a catastrophic population crash (think of the film
Children of Men, set in a world without children) would
make much difference to climate change, water scarcity
or land shortages over the next decade or so. There
are 6.8 billion of us today, and more are on the way.
To make a dent in these problems in the short term without
throwing anyone overboard, we will need to radically
reduce individuals’ footprint on the environment
through improvements in technology and possibly wrenching
changes in lifestyle.
But until the world’s
population stops growing, there will be no end to the
need to squeeze individuals’ consumption of fossil
fuels and other natural resources. A close look at this
problem is sobering: short of catastrophic leaps in
the death rate or unwanted crashes in fertility, the
world’s population is all but certain to grow
by at least one billion to two billion people. The low-consuming
billions of the developing world would love to consume
as Americans do, with similar disregard for the environment—and
they have as much of a right to do so. These facts suggest
that the coming ecological impact will be of a scale
that we will simply have to manage and adapt to as best
we can.
Population growth constantly
pushes the consequences of any level of individual consumption
to a higher plateau, and reductions in individual consumption
can always be overwhelmed by increases in population.
The simple reality is that acting on both, consistently
and simultaneously, is the key to long-term environmental
sustainability. The sustainability benefits of level
or falling human numbers are too powerful to ignore
for long.
In the U.S., this discussion
remains muted all the same. Population concerns may
lurk within the public anger over illegal immigration
or over the unwed California mother of octuplets earlier
this year. But to the extent that the news media address
domestic population growth at all, it is through euphemisms
such as “sprawl” (the theoretical culprit
in pollution of the Chesapeake Bay, for example) or
the economy (the theoretical driver of increased greenhouse
gas emissions). You are more likely to read about population
growth in a letter to the editor than in a news story
or editorial.” [End of article]
I certainly do not enjoy
being a purveyor of doom and gloom, but as a minister
of the Gospel it is part of my job description. And
warning people about what is coming down the road is
something I take very seriously. So with that in mind,
ask yourself if you are mentally and spiritually prepared
to cope with such life and death matters? With each
day that goes by the odds of our being murdered increase!
Speaking to how long we might live, Psalm 90:10 says,
“The days of our years are threescore years and
ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore
years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for
it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” The phrase
“for it is soon cut off, and we fly away,”
sounds almost prophetic, does it not? Of course we know
the psalmist was speaking of life expectancy in general,
but today that attainment of years must be understood
as being tenuous at best. Therefore, do you know where
you will spend eternity? If not, please click on this
link: “What must I do to be saved” https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/salvation.html
Then, if you have questions, please feel free to contact
me and I will try to answer them for you.
Ron Riffe
Cutting Edge Distinctive DVD Teachings