Hot News
1. Salt Lake City
gives Planned Parenthood a "Human Rights Award"!
How many babies are
to be murdered every day and every year before an organization
would be ineligible for such an award?
gives Planned Parenthood a human rights award",
The Salt Lake City Tribune, Dec 2, 2015
"The Planned Parenthood Association of
Utah is one of the state's biggest human rights champions,
according to the Salt Lake City Mayor's Office. The local
affiliate is among a trio of this year's Human Rights Awards
winners, announced Tuesday. It also is one of several nationwide
to have its federal funding cut by a Republican governor,
but the nod is not a response to those GOP moves from Utah's
left-leaning capital ..."
Ok, now we understand. While the state officials
are Conservative, Salt Lake City is run by Liberals. Now
we can see how such a contradiction is possible, how an
organization dedicated to killing innocent unborn babies
within the mother's womb can be given a "Human Rights
Award". This award represents exactly the kind of hypocrisy
the world condemned when Saudi Arabia was given the chairmanship
of the United Nations' Human Rights Commission!
"This is the third year, he recalls,
that the Utah Planned Parenthood affiliate has been nominated
for the prize, given by the diversity and human rights arm
of Mayor Ralph Becker's administration. It is a recognition,
he said, that the group makes life better for women who
live in Salt Lake City, said Zamora, head of the Human Rights
Exactly how many unborn babies still die every
year at the hands of Planned Parenthood Clinics?
many babies die in abortions?",,
email sent 12/1/2015
"Last week, during Thanksgiving, the
Centers for Disease Control released its national abortion
report on the number of babies who die in abortions every
year across the United States ... approximately 699,000
babies lost their lives in abortions in 2012, the latest
year CDC has produced figures ... 58,250 babies die in an
abortion every month ... 13,442 babies die in an abortion
every week ... 1,915 babies die in an abortion EVERY SINGLE
Yet, there is more horror, because the states
of California, Maryland, and New Hampshire are NOT included
in these figures. Estimates are that over 1,000,000 babies
die per year in American Planned Parenthood clinics. And,
most of these babies were so brutally murdered that nurses
have to count the parts that come out to make sure that
they are not leaving a body part or two inside the womb!
Can you see these murdered babies' bodies
stacking up like corkwood toward Heaven, in God's eyes?
Listen to how God speaks of the collective sins of America,
just before He destroys this country in judgment.
"... Babylon the great is fallen,
is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the
hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and
hateful bird ... For her sins have reached unto heaven,
and God hath remembered her iniquities..."
(Revelation 18:2, 5)
Planned Parenthood is the epitome of this
kind of hateful and sinful and prideful nation. How is God
going to destroy this once great nation?
"Therefore shall her plagues
come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she
shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord
God who judgeth her." (Revelation 18:8)
THIS is the eternal legacy which the "Humanitarian
Planned Parenthood" will deliver upon America!
The stage is now set
for genuine, Evangelical Christians to be blamed for the
Colorado Springs attack on Planned Parenthood clinic. Get
Ready, for persecution is coming!!
Robert Dear, Religion and Rage Before Planned Parenthood
Attack: He believed he was Evangelical Christian",
The New York Times, December 1, 2015
"The man she had married professed to
be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with
Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life
with him as a kind of hell on earth. By January 1993, she
had had enough. In a sworn affidavit as part of her divorce
case, Ms. Micheau described Mr. Dear as a serial philanderer
and a problem gambler, a man who kicked her, beat her head
against the floor and fathered two children with other women
while they were together. "
Now, here comes the propaganda which threatens
to promptly brand all Fundamental Christians as hateful,
hurtful ideologues who need to be neutralized if society
is to be kept safe.
"He found excuses for his transgressions,
she said, in his idiosyncratic views on Christian eschatology
and the nature of salvation. 'He claims to be a Christian
and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible
in his actions', Ms. Micheau said in the court document.
'He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he
can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world
coming to an end'.”
Therefore, once the Media Spin Masters are
finished, all Christians who are evangelistic, who believe
we are saved, and who are concerned with the End of the
World, are dangerous to society, especially to the organizations
held in high esteem, like Planned Parenthood!
Just as Hitler successfully portrayed Jews
as filthy rats deserving only to be exterminated, the time
is coming when this formerly great Christian nation will
turn on us, and will imprison us, and begin to murder us.
This frightful scenario is prophetically foretold.
Speaking of the horrific reign of Antichrist,
God foretells, "as soon as they finish shattering and
crushing the power of the holy people, all these things
will be finished." (Daniel 12:7b)
" When He (the Lamb) broke open the fifth
seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who
had been slaughtered because of the word of God, and because
of the testimony which they had maintained [out of loyalty
to Christ]. 10 They cried in a loud voice, saying, “O
Lord, holy and true, how long now before You will sit in
judgment and avenge our blood on those [unregenerate ones]
who dwell on the earth?” Then they were each given
a white robe; and they were told to rest and wait quietly
for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow
servants and their brothers and sisters who were to be killed
even as they had been, would be completed." (Revelation
6:9-11; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)
Americans are being prepared to turn on fellow
Christian Americans.
2. America is going
back into Iraq with "Boots on the Ground"!
Our troops are going
to work with the Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers, and may finally
fulfill Isaiah 13 (NEWS2499,
entitled, "Iraq -- Ancient Babylon
-- is nearing the End Times' final annihilating judgment
just as God foretold 2,700 years ago in Isaiah 13")
Back Into Iraq! Support Grows for U.S. Commando Raids
to Fight Islamic State", Bloomberg News, november
30, 2015
"As lawmakers and former Pentagon officials
push President Barack Obama to deploy special-operations
forces more aggressively against Islamic State, Defense
Secretary Ash Carter said the U.S. is taking a step in that
direction. 'We’re deploying a specialized expeditionary
targeting force to assist Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces
and put even more pressure on ISIL', Carter told the House
Armed Services Committee on Tuesday..."
These American forces are going to work with
the " Kurdish Peshmerga forces"? That revelation
is astounding, because President Bush's war against Iraq,
starting March 20, 2003, has fulfilled most of the prophecy
in Isaiah 13 to the letter. The only major prophetic points
yet to be realized from the Isaiah 13 prophecy are:
1) The Medes (Kurds) have not yet finished
God's judgments against the Iraqis. Listen to God's exact
"I will put the Medes [in motion]
against them, Who have no regard for silver and do not delight
in gold [and therefore cannot be bribed]."
(Isaiah 13:17; Ibid)
The Medes in this passage are the modern-day
Kurds. While the Kurds live across several states in the
Middle East, they are very strong in northern Iraq. Today,
they operate separately from Iraqi authorities and they
sell their own oil. What is their prophesied role in the
Final Days' judgment against Ancient Babylon (Iraq)?
"Their bows will cut down the
young men [of Babylon]; They will take no pity on the fruit
of the womb, Their eyes will not look with compassion on
the children. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty
of the Chaldeans’ pride, Will be like Sodom and Gomorrah
when God overthrew them." (Isaiah 13:18-19;
2) The extent of the slayings and murders
in civil war has not reached the height foretold: "Everyone
who is found will be thrust through, and everyone who is
connected with the slain and is caught will fall by the
sword. Their infants also will be dashed to pieces before
their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their wives
ravished." [Isaiah 13:13-16]
In other words, once the civil war between
Shi'ite and Sunni Iraqis will run its course, weakening
them terribly, the Kurds (Medes) from the north will strike
southward, totally destroying the remnant of the population.
Therefore, it is fitting that we are now building
up the Ancient Medes (Kurds)!
We want to point out one other fact. The Pentagon's
New Middle East Map -- shown below -- creates a new nation
that never existed before, "Free Kurdistan".

We are preparing to build up the Kurdish nation
and their military, so they can successfully defeat ISIL
in their country. Therefore, when God's timing is right,
the army of the new Free Kurdistan nation will attack Southward,
destroying Shi'ite and Sunni Iraq.
At that point, God's annihilating judgment
will have been complete (See full details in our DVD"End
Times' Judgment On Iraq (Babylon) Worse Than Believed Possible
- Isaiah 13")
NOTE: Newsletter continues after
the advertisements, below
Is The Next Prophesied War
Prophesied Triumph Over the Palestinians" -- New DVD
Obadiah 15-18 foretells the annihilation by
fire of an entire nation, the House of Esau, which today
are the Palestinians. Israel possesses the "Weapon
of Fire" (Fuel Air Bomb) that could fulfill this prophecy
Understanding how Israel is planning to carry
out this annihilation soon is critical to comprehending
events in Israel today between the Palestinians and Israel.
You will be further surprised to learn that
the huge security fence Israel has erected around the Palestinian
towns and cities will prove to be an indispensable tool
in their strategy to carry out this complete destruction,
as God has foretold 2,500 years ago.
We wish to reiterate that we take no satisfaction
from this unbelievable prophecy of carnage, but a lot of
people are going to be searching for valid answers in a
hurry once this carnage does occur. They have to look no
further for correct answers than this prophecy in Obadiah.
People all around the world are about to be
shocked by world events beyond anything they have ever thought
possible. Only Bible believing Christians are going to have
the answers. Plan of Salvation is at the very end, making
this DVD a soul-winning tool.
By This Prophesied War
Bear Poised To Attack Israel: Ezekiel 38"
Study of Daniel 10
- DVD by David Bay and Mac Dominick, Cutting Edge Ministries
Once Israel destroys the Palestinians in fulfillment
of Obadiah 15-18, the entire Islamic world will turn to
Russia, urging her to destroy Israel for them. At this moment,
events will begin which will end with Russia assembling
a cast of nations for a coordinated attack on the Jewish
Today, the countries listed by Ezekiel 38-39
as joining in this formidable war have already coming together
in alliance and are led by virulently anti-Israel leaders.
The countries, the leaders, and the weaponry are all in
place, awaiting only the SUPERNATURAL call to battle, exactly
as Daniel 10 instructs us. As these nations are awaiting
the summons to march toward Israel, they are protected by
Ezekiel 38-39 right now from any destruction or 'regime
People all around the world are about to be
shocked by world events beyond anything they have ever thought
possible. Only Bible-believing Christians are going to have
the answers. Plan of Salvation is at the very end, making
this DVD a soul-winning tool.
3. The Paris Climate
Change talks are said to be doomed to failure because China
knows the entire topic is fake.
President Obama uttered
eight (8) statements while attending the Paris Conference
that can only be called "idiotic".
Climate Talks Are Doomed Because China Knows ‘Climate
Change’ Is A Hoax", Breitbart News,
2 Dec 2015
"... there are lots and lots of people in the world
who know it’s a hoax. And among them, unfortunately,
happen to be the ruling elite of the most significant carbon
emitting nation of them all: China. We know this because
of a devastating report, released today by the Global Warming
Policy Foundation, written by one of the West’s leading
experts on the Chinese environmental economy, Patricia Adams."
"Adams, an economist, executive director
of Toronto-based Probe International, who has been working
with the Chinese environmental movement since the mid-Eighties,
is under absolutely no illusions about China’s real
position on “climate change.”
"China sees it as a brilliant opportunity
to fleece the gullible gwailo for as much money
as it can, to burnish its international image by making
all the right green noises, and to blackmail the West into
providing it with free technology. But it has no intention
whatsoever of sacrificing economic growth by reducing its
carbon dioxide emissions."
While China knows that Climate Change is fraudulent,
she will go along, knowing that the timetable for any serious
changes will be so far out in the future, her leaders can
adroitly pull out of any agreement which fundamentally threaten
her economic well-being.
But, the hidden reality is that all nations
and all leaders know that this crisis is fraudulent!! Every
single one. In 2007, Cutting Edge identified five (5) major
global crises designed to move the world into the New World
Order. These five created crises are:
1) Global Warming / Cooling / Climate Change
2) Global Terrorism
3) Global War
4) Global Economic Disaster
5) Global Virus Pandemic (Read full details
in NEWS2193)
you can readily see, each of these five created crises is
in effect today! As New Age author, Bill Cooper, so correctly
"It is true that without the population or the bomb
problem, the elite would use some other excuse to bring about
the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things
like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, extraterrestrial landing,
and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these
things just to make ... sure that it does work. They will
do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all
the bases covered ..." (William Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 177)
After all these crises have run their course, the Rapture
of the Church will occur.
"... some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself
to the world, and all in a very short period of time."
Christian, look up, for "your Redemption
draweth nigh"!
Now, what were those eight (8) idiotic statements
President Obama uttered while he was in Paris for the Climate
Change talks?
NEWS BRIEF: "Obama’s
Top 8 Idiotic Statements in Paris', Breitbart
News, 1 December 2015
"While traveling in Paris, Obama dropped
one rhetorical bombshell after another, all laced with toxic
doses of ignorance and foolishness. Here are his top eight:"
1) "Obama Says That The Climate Change
Conference Represents 'An Act of Defiance That Proves Nothing
Will Deter Us'.”
The only "defiance" which can save
the world from this nonsensical "Climate Change"
crisis will come from respected and responsible scientists
who refuse to shut up about the false science undergirding
Climate Change!
2) "In Some Ways, [Climate Change] Is
Akin To The Problem of Terrorism and ISIL.”
Comparing Climate Change to bloody, repressive
terrorism is the height of absurdity.
3) "Obama Compares Planned Parenthood
Shooting to Paris Attacks"
I find this totally insane. You are talking
apples versus oranges here. Planned Parenthood deliberately
destroys millions of tiny, innocent babies and then profits
from selling the baby parts, while the Paris terror shootings
were acts of revenge upon adult French citizens, many of
whom had supported the Bush/Obama wars throughout the Middle
East and Northern Africa.
Planned Parenthood destroys innocents while
French citizens supported the destruction of entire Middle
Eastern nations.
4) "Obama Says That Mass Shootings “Just
[Don’t] Happen in Other Countries.”
Yes, he uttered this statement of utter falsehood
in Paris, just weeks after 129 people did in a hail of terrorist
bullets. And who can forget the Paris shooting in January,
2015, when terrorists murdered 12 people at Charlie Hebdo
and a kosher supermarket?
5) "Obama Says People Must Stop 'Demonizing'
Planned Parenthood."
What else can you call an organization dedicated
from its very beginning to the snuffing out of innocent
human lives within the womb? Former Satanists have declared
that Satan views abortion as the highest level of human
sacrifice to him and to his coming kingdom, the New World
6) "Obama Says America Must “Reaffirm
Our Commitment That Resources Will Be There For Countries
Willing to Do Their Part to Skip The Dirty Phase of Development.”
"This is entirely too vague"
7) "“For Some Reason, Too Often
In Washington, American Leadership Is Defined By Whether
Or Not We’re Sending Troops Somewhere.”
8) “I Think People Should Be Confident
That We’ll Meet Our Commitments On [Climate Change]."
No one will know for a very long time whether
a Republican Congress will authorize any agreement on Climate
Change. But, as long as GOP leadership in the House and
the Senate abruptly caves in to Obama just before a deadline
is reached, perhaps the President knows something we do
4. Syrians -- as a
people -- are terrorists and are to be feared.
Numbers tell the dangerous
NEWS BRIEF: "Syrians
are a Terror Threat: Here are the Numbers",
Breaking Israel News, Dec 2, 2015
"Syria is a terror state. It didn’t
become that way overnight because of the Arab Spring or
the Iraq War. Its people are not the victims of American
foreign policy, Islamic militancy or any of the other fashionable
excuses. They supported Islamic terrorism. Millions of them
still do."
"They are not the Jews fleeing a Nazi
Holocaust. They are the Nazis trying to relocate from a
bombed out Berlin.
"These are the cold hard facts.
* "ISIS took over parts of Syria because
its government willingly allied with it to help its terrorists
kill Americans in Iraq. That support for Al Qaeda helped
lead to the civil war tearing the country apart."
* "The Syrians were not helpless, apathetic
pawns in this fight. They supported Islamic terrorism."
* "A 2007 poll showed that 77% of Syrians
supported financing Islamic terrorists including Hamas and
the Iraqi fighters who evolved into ISIS. Less than 10%
of Syrians opposed their terrorism"
And, make no mistake about it: Syrians hate
"Sixty-three percent wanted to refuse
medical and humanitarian assistance from the United States.
An equal number didn’t want any American help caring
for Iraqi refugees in Syria. The vast majority of Syrians
turned down any form of assistance from the United States
because they hated us. They still do. Just because they’re
willing to accept it now, doesn’t mean they like us."
Now, here is the bottom line:
"If we bring Syrian Muslims to America,
we will be importing a population that hates us."
Need we say any more?
- Man's Greatest Invention or Mark of The Beast?"
4 Studies On 2 Disks,
This device is being heralded as a silent
revolution, a state of the art global tracking device, and
as significant of an invention as the Internet or even the
computer itself. with all the hoopla aside, the question
we need to be asking ourselves is this, Is RFID man's greatest
invention or Mark of the Beast?
Yet the irony is that even though this technology
is sweeping the planet, hardly anyone, even Christians,
have any idea what it is in the first place, let alone its
Biblical ramifications!
This technology is not a science fiction
scenario of the future; it is present day reality with today's
technology called RFID. And that's why the Mark of the Beast
is not only real, it's really going to be implemented just
like the Bible said. In fact, it might be sooner than you
2 DVD set - 3 hours --

Marriage Built To Last Paperback Book
from Pastor Billy Crone
Many marriages today are under severe
strain. Most of us can identify with this. But is this the
kind of relationship that God had in mind when He instituted
marriage? Absolutely not! A Marriage Built to Last looks
at eleven steps to having a lasting and fulfilling marriage,
including: Men and Women are Different. Love is and Action.
The Need for Communication, Honor, and Intimacy. The Need
for Biblical Men and Women. The Need for a Strong Family
It's going to take some time and work, but if we'll just
get back to God's plan for marriage, we're well on our way
to having A Marriage Built to Last.
170 pages
your copy today
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching
All Our $9.99 Books / DVD's
72 Titles From Which To Choose!

All Our $4.99 Books DVD's
30 Titles From Which To Choose!

Jesus Richly Bless You,
Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
803-356-2850 -- Customer Service or
Orders Toll Free within the USA 855-368-7639
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