News Analysis
1. Evangelical
leaders are fulfilling End Times Prophecy:
They are
speaking "marvellous", even "astonishing"
things against the Lord God Jesus!
NEWS BRIEF: "Trinity
College Dean Defends Graphic Woke Sermon Claiming
Jesus Had ‘Trans Body’
, " Breitbart News, 27 Nov
"The Dean of
Trinity College, Cambridge, has defended a woke
and highly graphic Evensong service in which an
academic likened depictions of Jesus Christ’s
wounds to bleeding vaginas and said He had a 'trans
These remarks are
more than just blaspheming God Almighty, it is
also fulfilling Antichrist prophecies.
"And the king
shall do according to his will; he shall exalt
himself and magnify himself above every god and
shall speak astonishing things against the God
of gods and shall prosper till the indignation
be accomplished ... " (Daniel 11:36)
I cannot imagine
more of astonishing things about which a person
can speak than to utter such sexual sin and such
a twisting of sacred Scripture, than this one.
Consider the abominations:
* "Jesus Christ’s
wounds to bleeding vaginas"
* " had a 'trans
body' "
* Such words of
shame were uttered in a so-called Christian Church
And, are
prosperous as they speak these abominations!
Therefore, the Dean
of Trinity College just opened the door a bit
more for Antichrist to arise!
2. President
Biden abdicates his responsibility in preventing
a nation wide rail strike in early December.
Punts Looming Rail Strike to Congress After Failure
to Reach a Deal ", Breitbart
News, 29 Nov 2022
Joe Biden on Monday asked Congress to pass legislation
to reach an agreement between railroad workers
and management after he failed to reach an agreement.
'I am calling on Congress to pass legislation
immediately to adopt the Tentative Agreement between
railroad workers and operators – without
any modifications or delay – to avert a
potentially crippling national rail shutdown',
Biden wrote in a statement issued by the White
"Nearly 7,000
freight trains could be idled by December 9th
if an agreement is not reached, costing businesses
up to $2 billion per day. The president made a
big display in September after he reached a tentative
deal to avoid a strike right before the 2022 midterm
“ 'Today is
a win — and I mean it sincerely —
a win for America', he said triumphantly on September
15 in a speech in the Rose Garden, promoting his
skills as a dealmaker."
Other observers
have looked with mounting dismay:
Urgency': Over 400 business groups plead with
Congress to prevent rail strike",
Erie News
Now, November 28, 2022
"More than
400 business groups are calling on Congressional
leaders to be prepared to prevent a freight rail
strike that could start causing chaos in the economy
as early as next week ... Congress can impose
a contract on both parties or extend a negotiation
'cooling-off period' to keep the railroads running
and avert disruptions to interstate commerce under
the Railway Labor Act of 1926. The main crux of
the dispute between the railroads and their workers
revolves around time off rules."
"The 449 business
groups -- which range from the Aluminum Association
and the Beer Institute to the US Apple Association
and the Window & Door Manufacturers Association
-- said this is a matter of "grave urgency"
as even a short-term work stoppage would cause
large problems. They said the best outcome would
be a voluntary agreement between the unions and
the freight railroads but stressed Congress needs
to prepare for the worst."
Few things
other than a rail strike can inflict as much damage
upon this economy as quickly as a rail strike!
"A rail strike
could become a reality as early as December 9,
causing shortages, spiking prices and halting
factory production. It could also disrupt commuter
rail services for up to seven million travelers
a day and the transportation of 6,300 carloads
of food and farm products a day, among other items,
according to the business groups."
3. The Biden
WH is dismantling the dams on the Klackamath River
to improve the Salmon run.
to remove dams on Klackamath River to protect
endangered salmon",
Taiwan Sun, by Robert Besser,
22 Nov 2022
" In the largest
dam removal undertaking in U.S. history, a U.S.
agency last week approved the decommissioning
of four dams straddling the California-Oregon
border, which is expected to improve the health
of the Klamath River. The U.S. Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, seeking to restore habitat
for endangered fish, issued an order surrendering
the dam licenses and approving removal of the
But, no
one is talking about the 70,000 homes being serviced
by the electricity generated.
"The dams on
federal land, which at full capacity provide enough
electricity for 70,000 homes, will be surrendered
by power utility PacifiCorp, a unit of Warren
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway."
How will this shortfall
of 70,000 homes be compensated? The radical leaders
of the European Union made the decision about
one decade ago to simply tear down the current
fossil fuel generating plants, even though alternative
generation was not proven and was not in place.
And, then, in the
face of fuel shortages Germany simply turned off
the electricity for much of the country.
And, finally, Russia
recognized the severe shortage in Europe that
she attacked Ukraine in February, 2022, during
the most critical shortage imaginable, turning
the lack of fossil fuel plants as a weapon.
How did we get to
the point where human lives were not as important
as the lives of plants and animals? Listen and
"The teaching
of Evolution is now spawning a new phenomenon,
which no one could have foreseen. A corollary
to the concept that man is just an animal is the
belief that animals possess the same rights as
humans. Therefore, humans have no right to "kill
to eat" or "kill to wear" any animals.
Since the mid-1970's, these type of Animal Rights
Activists have gone to great lengths to discourage
people from eating meat, or wearing furs. We have
written most of these activists off as lunatics
that can create no harm, not realizing these activists
themselves were just pawns of the Illuminati."
One thought is more
important than all others.
"... man is
just an animal is the belief that animals possess
the same rights as humans" --not only does
man have no right to eat any meat, but a man's
life work can be ended in an instant because the
life of an insect, or a fish, or a bird, is more
important than the life of a human being!
But, we cannot afford
to write these people off because they now influence
the Joe Biden Presidency! The President himself
stated that fully
14% of his 1,500 government officers identify
as 'LGBT-Q'!

4. President
Biden now sides with the Palestinians against
Israel - Again!
73 years, Biden tells Palestinians to wait until
conditions are right",
Taiwan Sun, 22 Nov 2022
Granting Palestine full state membership status
at the UN would be a 'practical' step that could
preserve the two-state solution and help reinvigorate
the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians,
according to Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador
to the UN."
Supposedly, the
numbers have already been secured for a full-state
membership for the Palestinians!
"Mansour said
he has already gained enough support from members
of the Security Council - including votes from
Ireland, Albania, and Norway - to secure its recommendation
that Palestine be granted full state membership
in the General Assembly."
"Mansour believes
the reticence in Washington relates to its preference
for a "negotiated two-state solution,"
an avenue Mansour said the Palestinians continue
to support."
Wait a minute! Israel
belongs to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
and will one day accede the land deed to Jesus
Christ as He returns in the Book of Revelation!
But, why was God
so interested in returning Israel back to the
Promised Land, after Israel had sinned so often
and so grievously, and after God had declared
that His patience and pity with Israel to be at
an end? This is a very good question.
In Ezekiel 20:40-44,
God specifically addressed the return to Him.
In verse 44, God says a very interesting thing:
He says that He will restore Israel "for
My name's sake". He reiterated this truth
in Ezekiel 36:21-22. God very explicitly told
Israel why He was planning to restore her to her
land. He plainly says, "But I had pity (or
concern) for mine holy name...say to the house
of Israel...I do not (do) this for your sakes,
O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake...And
I will sanctify My great name..."
Now we are at the
core truth. God had given Abraham a promise that
Abraham's descendants would be the Chosen People
forever. You see, God's Redemption Plan was set
to come through this Chosen People, Israel. And
Messiah was to come twice, the second time in
great glory and power, ruling absolutely for eternity.
If God destroyed Israel for her sins and did not
restore her, Jesus could not come back as He had
foretold. Whereas He could still return in all
His glory and power, He could not come back as
a descendent of Abraham. God's promises would
prove to be null and void; God will have been
proven to be a liar to Abraham.
So, God was forced
by His own Nature to restore Israel after His
punishment ended. Thus, God foretold often and
long of the planned restoration. This theme is
told so often in both Old and New Testaments it
is impossible to miss it, unless you close your
minds completely to this obvious truth. (NEWS1010)
And this is what
many people have elected to do today. They do
not believe because they do not want to believe.
But God's power is so great it does not matter
that many are trying to deny Israel is still God's
Chosen Nation and the Jew His Chosen People. Israel
was reestablished in 1948 and will never be thrown
out of her land again.
God is good and
is true to His Word. Praise His Holy Name!!
What judgments
shall God bring down upon Israel because of this
But, an ominous
development has now occurred. President Biden
has now placed America as a supporter of the Palestinians!
That development will work its way forward until
one day, America is annihilated!
entitled, "The Coming Prophesied Annihilation
of the Palestinians"
The present-day
Palestinians, living in Israel, are the descendents
of the "House of Esau". Why is that
important? It is critically important because
God breathed an End of the Age prophecy against
the "House of Esau" in Obadiah 15-18,
one of the most startling prophecies in the Bible
-- and one currently working its way forward toward
"But on Mount
Zion [in Jerusalem] there shall be deliverance
[for those who escape], and it shall be holy;
and the house of Jacob shall possess its [own
former] possessions. The house of Jacob shall
be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame , but
the house of Esau shall be stubble; they shall
kindle and burn them and consume them, and there
shall be no survivor of the house of Esau, for
the Lord has spoken it." [Verses 17-18; Emphasis
After describing
the End of the Age slaughter against all nations
of the earth in Isaiah 34:1-4, God turns His attention
to the people of Edom:
"Because My
sword has been bathed and equipped in heaven,
behold, it shall come down upon Edom [the descendants
of Esau], upon the people whom I have doomed for
6The sword of the
Lord is filled with blood [of sacrifices], it
is gorged and greased with fatness--with the blood
of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys
of rams. For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah
[capital of Edom] and a great slaughter in the
land of Edom.
7And the wild oxen
shall fall with them, and the [young] bullocks
with the [old and mighty] bulls; and their land
shall be drunk and soaked with blood, and their
dust made rich with fatness.
8For the Lord has
a day of vengeance, a year of recompense, for
the cause of Zion." (Isaiah 34:5-8; Parallel
Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)
These are harsh
statements, and we make them with a heavy heart,
for we wish the death of no one. But, the End
of the Age is the time when God does destroy entire
nations and peoples. Since we know the appearance
of Antichrist is close, we should expect that
these horrific prophecies will begin to come to
All expected preparations
are now in place, ready to be initialized at any
As the entire world
will awake one morning to realize that about 6
million Palestinians are suddenly dead at Israel's
hand, only the Born Again Bible-literate Christian
will have the answers.
A very important
factor is this: God warned the Palestinians for
2,500 years to stop hating her Chosen people to
5. America
and Israel were uniquely based in the beginning
by her faith in Almighty God.
Biblical Foundation of American Freedom
", Israel365 News, November
28, 2022
"We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
– The Declaration of Independence