Newsletter- Wednesday, 11/27/2024

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Distinctive Cutting Edge Teachings on DVD by David Bay and Mac Dominick

What is next for Cutting Edge? Mac Dominick and Ron Riffe have written some great articles and we have 30 years of articles by David Bay we will point to as the daily news illustrates he saw it coming. For now we plan to do one newsletter and mailing each week and continue daily news updates with the help of Doug, who researches the news for us. God will provide the skills, people and funds to do His will and we will glorify Him going forward. We are also adding a podcast from David's earlier radio shows each week shown below.

Values and Attitude Conditioning. Podcast by David Bay - Preparing entire populations for the satanism of the New World Order.

In this podcast David covers subliminal advertising and the six step attitudinal change plan and how it changes attitudes about issues sch as abortion. He shows how the abortion industry uses this plan to make such things more accepted in society.

This week we have two articles, one from David and Jim and one from Ron below but first a special Thank you

I wanted to send you a special thank you to all who donated and prayed for Cutting Edge Ministries during a tough time as we adjust to working without David's new writing in the newsletters and daily news updates. I am now working with David's researcher, Doug, who searched the web every day and sent us articles that David used in creating the daily news updates. Doug and I are keeping that page fresh as it is our most popular page. David often referred to articles he has written over the past 30 years in the weekly newsletter to show how the new world order plan is progressing and showing up in our daily news. We plan to continue calling attention to his writing in the newsletter as they show things he wrote about working out in the news and articles from Ron. We plan to keep Cutting Edge going to share David's writings and to add to that, the films of Mac Dominick and writings of Ron Riffe who have provided so much for Cutting Edge over the years.

David had a great burden for the lost and he often shared testimonies with me from people who became born again after finding the Cutting Edge Web Site. One man wrote that he found Cutting Edge and that led him to the plan of salvation. He said his church never told him how to get saved and that Easter Sunday morning he got on his knees and asked Jesus to forgive him and become his Lord an Savior. Praise God for so many testimonies like this.

I have been able to help Mary Bay get everything in order and get David's life insurance filed and funeral expenses covered through your generous donations. Social Security is so back logged that her appointment with them to get David's Social security transferred to her is not until January. The donations we received have enabled us to help Mary get through this. The challenge facing Mary now is to get insurance for David and Mary's son, Danny, who is disabled and in a wheel chair. Danny needs to get insurance for pain management so he can work at a center that provides jobs for the disabled. Please pray that we can find what he needs and for his healing. You would think that a government who has a plan for illegals walking across the border could help a citizen who needs health care.

Please pray for me and our staff as we go forward in doing God's will and glorifying HIM. People don't seem to be buying books and DVDs like they did in years past so now we are almost completely dependent on donations. If God puts in on your heart to help Cutting Edge continue please visit our website and make a donation. Monthly support is especially appreciated so we know what to expect.

Cutting Edge is debt free except for several thousand dollars due to our CPA resulting from a random company and person audit over 15 years ago that found that neither Cutting Edge nor David Bay owed any taxes but the accounting costs were large so if you can help with that please do. Our CPA has been very patient in letting Cutting Edge pay along as we can.

God Bless you for your help and you prayer support.

Jim, Mac, Ron, Doug and Mary

Cutting Edge needs your continuing financial support!

Cutting Edge will be here free for everyone with thousands of articles David has written and ongoing articles that will bless you. I will continue to do God's work as long as He gives me strength and our faithful supporters continue to provide the financial needs to keep it going.

You can check out with PayPal or credit card from the link above. If you prefer to donate using our book store check out use this link even if you are not making a purchase.

For many news articles each weekday morning visit our


1. Cheating on your spouse is no longer a crime in New York

Quoting from this news article "Adultery is no longer a crime in New York.

Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill on Friday repealing a 117-year-old state law that criminalized adultery, which had been a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail.

In a statement, the governor said it was “somewhat ironic” that she signed the bill, given her 40-year marriage to her husband. But she said she understood people 'often have complex relationships.' ”

New York is not the only state to abandon it's laws regarding adultry. The article goes on to say "New York had been one of 17 states that considered adultery a crime, at least on paper. It now becomes at least the fifth state to have repealed such a law since 2015."

There are two issues to discuss here. First is God's law and the New testament instructions on marriage. Second is to realize the sign of the times David Bay wrote so much about regarding the moral decline of this world and we will look at some of those articles David wrote.

Exodus 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. This is God's law and is plain and seems simple but it means more than just having intercouse with someone who is not your spouse. It also is a violation of the body, which is God’s temple. When God commanded people not to commit adultery, He was trying to protect their bodies, hearts, and souls.

What Does Jesus Say about Adultery?
Infidelity to one’s spouse is a serious matter in the Bible; under the Old Testament system of laws, adultery was punishable by stoning. In fact, Jesus saved a woman from this very punishment in John 8:1-11, extending grace and forgiveness to her. While Jesus gave her grace, He was not silent about how deeply offensive to God it is when some commits adultery. Jesus clarified the extent of sin through adultery; Matthew 5:27-28
27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

God's law stands above any state law but these actions by states are further evidence that we are moving towards that ends times state that propehcy says will be like the days of Lot:

Luke 17:28-37
28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

Now let's look at another New Testament scripture for instruction the matter.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 2 4Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

These are the instructions for the marriage relationship that God gave us. I want to focus on verse 25. As a husband I realize this is an impossible task. Jesus is my example and he gave his life for his future bride and he was sinless and without lust in his heart. You love your wife and have never cheated or have you, or have I? What is the standard God set in Mathew 28 "whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Sexuallity is pushed at our eyes and ears every day by the media and in songs. We have failed but we should repent and reject those tempations Satan pushes at us and keep Ephesians 5:25 in our heart to help us love our wives as Christ loved the church.

Cheating Statistics in 2024

Women's infidelity rate has increased by 40% since 1990.

Men are slightly more likely to cheat. According to survey results from 2017, 20% of men and 13% of women admitted to having cheated on their partner.

Among married couples, 16% of those surveyed admitted to being unfaithful at some point in their marriage.

Nearly a third (30%) of cheaters cheated on their spouse with someone at work.

Infidelity is a dealbreaker for a majority of married couples, with 57% of ended marriages happening due to cheating.

Women are more likely to cheat emotionally; 88% of cheating women go for emotional affairs over physical ones.

In subsequent surveys, 91% of cheating women confessed to an emotional affair, compared to 77% of the men.

The workplace is one of the most common settings for infidelity, with 60% of all emotional affairs starting in a work environment. Full report here

Now let us turn to the fallen state of our country and the world and look at some of David Bay's articles exposing this movement toward the future Babylon described in prophecy.


Title: "As In The Days of Lot" -- Re-emergence of Homosexuality In Society Sure That Sign Jesus' Return Is Close, by David Bay

Subtitle: You will be shocked to learn how much power the homosexual lobby has amassed in American and other Western nations. But, after reading this article, you will gain a new sense of the lateness of the prophetic hour.

Based upon Jesus' prophetic Word shown below, Bible scholars for centuries have taught that the End of the Age would be characterized by, among other events, a re-emergence of homosexuality. In fact, since Jesus said that the End Times' acceptance of homosexuality would be exactly as it was accepted in Sodom.

Let us review Jesus' Words:

"So also it was the same as it was in the days of Lot. People ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But on the very day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. That is the way it will be on the day that the Son of Man is revealed." (Luke 17:28-30; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Unless you have been away for the past 4 decades on a trip to another planet, you are aware that the homosexual movement has "come out of the closet" in a huge way, like a fearsome tsunami. American courts have issued many rulings which have granted legitimacy to gays and lesbians, public schools have adopted a pro-gay curricula which they are now teaching in lower levels of elementary school, and gays themselves have become very vocal in demanding their rights.

But, the Bible says that things are going to get a whole lot worse. The wording of the prophecy is clear:

".. as it was in the days of Lot".

Read this full article N2342 by David Bay HERE

Here is another article David wrote illustrating our slide towards the end times

Title:  Teen Sex Attitudes Are Not Only Shocking, They Are Straight Out of Sodom

Subtitle: Teenagers today are so different from their parents, and grandparents, in that they so freely give their sex to many partners, and think they have done nothing wrong.

We can also "thank" President Clinton for the "Oral Sex Lesson" he gave to untold millions of teens and pre-teens worldwide.

Read this full article N2131 by David Bay HERE


2. Title: Possible agenda of President Trump by Ron Riffe

Subtitle: Conspiracy theory?

For over 20 years I have been scouring the Internet seeking answers to obscure questions that at times have a biblical basis. And needless to say, during those forays into the murky depths of web surfing many seemingly ridiculous topics have captured my attention. One potentially big one has occurred within the past few days that, taken at face value, will doubtless result in raised eyebrows by many reading what I have to say! But please understand that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) coined the term “Conspiracy theory” to throw at anyone who dares to engage in speculative thinking about topics having to do with questionable actions by the US government. And this ingenious psychological ploy works exceedingly well to elicit ridicule by the masses and most people tend to wilt under such pressure.

Having said this, here is a candidate for their scrutiny: In a video (link given below) a lady—a citizen of the United Kingdom—Psychologist Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, made some statements that, if true, are beyond sensational! And after having done due diligence, I believe she is letting us know quite a bit of otherwise intentionally hidden information by the Trump campaign. She was involved with Trump’s transition team as an advisor in his first campaign and again in gaining his victorious mandate from the American people last week.

After having viewed several of her video interviews I learned that she has instructed over thirty thousand corporate executives in how to best utilize their time and save money in the process. One of those whom she trained contacted her and asked if she would be willing to interpret some data which the Department of Defense had an interest in, and she agreed to do so. Her function on the Trump transition team in 2016 was to use her expertise to spot inefficiencies and recommend certain individuals for specific jobs where their skill set would be most valuable. And she was reluctant to get into too many specifics because she correctly thought that the “nuts and bolts” of what they learned would be needed in the 2024 campaign. Another of her video interviewers (herself a CEO of a large company) told her that lawyers should not be utilized in the presidential staff because they invariably have a tendency to circumvent laws! To this bit of information Ms. Halper-Hayes laughingly said she would have to remember that one.

Halper-Hayes went on to say that in her opinion Trump had to surround himself with “swamp creatures” in order to prove just how toxic they are to the American public. From that observation it would seem to be indicative that Trump intentionally planned for it, so he could develop a strategy to deal with it. And she stressed that he recognized the swamp would be successful in stealing the 2020 election and that we the people would have to live through it in order to see just how the democrat machine would make a total mess of things. And we know now how prescient Trump turned out to be.

The following conundrum is far too deep and requiring “legalese” for this particular article, but it could have a dramatic and far-reaching effect on what President Trump will do in the near future! There is a legal question that, believe it or not, has been rampant across the Internet for several years: Is the United States of America a Republic or a Corporation? Many web sites have been dedicated to the proposition that since 1871 it has been a corporation due to indebtedness incurred during the War Between the States. And in changing to a corporate structure “we the people” lost our constitutional guarantee of personal freedom in the process. We became slaves to international bankers through illegal taxation schemes. Fantastic, you say? Maybe not! And due to various things that have been written about and said in many on-line videos, such as Ms. Halper-Hayes matter of factly dropping a bomb or two in the video listed below—not the least of which was that it took 650 plane loads to retrieve the gold from the Vatican vaults owed to us and carry it back to the US, (apparently to Fort Knox). Yeah, I know this definitely sounds like “hopium” (a word used by Ms. Hayes), but crazier things have turned out to be true. And the more I check into her credentials, the more I believe she is privy to some very interesting information.

So keep your eyes and ears open while we watch what our President does in creating that which he claims will be a “golden age” for us all. A person I referred to in a previous article, former CIA case officer Robert David Steele, claimed a few years ago that the amount of money Trump had gained access to was far more than necessary to pay off our national debt, rebuild the aging infrastructure of the entire country and have a great deal left over! I don’t know about you, but I hope this is totally legit.

Watch the video and make up your own mind:

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Cutting Edge Ministries

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