News Analysis
1. Suppose
a genuine Born-Again Christian became President!
What are
some of the changes he would either order or
propose to Congress immediately after taking
A genuine Christian
president would immediately act to remove all
Satanic images from Washington, DC, and would
inform the American people that the basic, original
layout for the city was designed to produce
a Luciferian capital which was "laid out
according to the stars"!
In fact, Washington,
D.C., is a city committed to the worship of
the pagan god, BAAL. We forcefully demonstrate
this fact in our DVD pictured left, "Riddles
In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington,
For this reason,
we pictured BAAL at the extreme left of the
front cover of "Riddles
In Stone, as you can see, left.
The most important
symbol of BAAL in Washington, D.C., is the infamous
obelisk, also known as the "Washington
An obelisk is
a tall, four-sided stone pillar tapering toward
a pyramidal top. The obelisk is critically important
to the occultist because they believe that the
spirit of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra,
resided in the obelisk. Thus, the obelisk represents
the very presence of the sun god, whom the Bible
calls Satan!!
The ancient Israelites
fervently fell into BAAL worship time and time
again, prompting God's judgments and His raising
up of a righteous king to bring Israel back
to the worship of the One True God! Listen to
the Scriptural account of the destruction of
obelisks ordered by God.
"But you
shall tear down and destroy their [pagan] altars,
smash in pieces their [sacred] pillars (obelisks,
images) and cut down their Asherim." (Exodus
"You shall
not make idols for yourselves, nor shall you
erect an image, a sacred pillar or an obelisk
... " (Leviticus 26:1)
"They brought
out the sacred pillars (obelisks) of the house
of Baal and burned them." (2 Kings 10:26)
"He removed
the foreign altars and high places and tore
down the [pagan] pillars (obelisks) ..."
(2 Chronicles 14:3)
"Now when
all of this was finished, all Israel who were
present went out to the cities of Judah, and
smashed the [pagan] pillars (obelisks) ..."
(2 Chronicles 31:1)
will also break the images and shatter the obelisks
of Heliopolis in the land of Egypt..."
(Jeremiah 43:13)
"With the
hoofs of his horses Nebuchadnezzar will trample
all your streets; with the sword he will kill
your people, and your strong pillars (obelisks)
will fall to the ground." (Ezekiel 26:11)
As you can see,
God views the obelisk as a detestable monument
which must be destroyed. The obelisk is, quite
frankly, BAAL's erect phallus! BAAL worship
is sex worship, and it requires the sacrifice
of small children.
Therefore, a genuine
Christian president would immediately order
the destruction and the burning by fire of the
Washington Monument.
The second act
a genuine President would undertake is to urge
Congress to order the removal of the goal of
the American Revolution, printed on the back
Seal of the One Dollar Bill. What is this goal?
Ordo Seclorum" = New World Order
The New World
Order is the global Kingdom of Antichrist as
foretold in the Bible. This kingdom has the
following characteristics, just as God foretold
nearly 2,000 years ago:
* A global dictatorship
with Antichrist as its global tyrant.
* A global economy
which is cashless and which can only be accessed
through the microchip insert which God calls
the Mark of the Beast.
* A global Luciferian
religion, with the False
Prophet as its leader.
Where do we find
this symbol and the words "Novus
Ordo Seclorum"? On the
back of the American One Dollar Bill.
turn the American One Dollar Bill over to the
back side so we can study the symbol on the
left, called the Obverse of the Great Seal.
This unfinished pyramid with the Eye of Lucifer
hovering over the Old World Order, is ready
to bring about the change to the New World Order.
This symbolism dates back through Freemasonry
to the Egyptian Satanic Mysteries, the religion
God cursed when He lead Moses and the children
of Israel out of bondage!
The Pyramid represents
the past. Note that the capstone of this pyramid
is not in place, thus denoting an unfinished
situation. This unfinished reality was planned
to remain in effect until the Old World Order
was destroyed and replaced with The New World
Note the
following key terms in this Great Seal, pictured
* Annuit
Coeptis - Announcing The Birth
- How does Jesus describe the appearance of
Antichrist? Matthew 24:8, says "sorrows"
which means birth pangs! The Illuminati Plan
is forced by God's Omnipotent power to devise
a plan which exactly fulfills His prophecies!
* Novus
Ordo Seclorum - New World Order
* Capstone
- Eye of Horus [Lucifer in Egyptian Mysticism]
= Eye of Satan
A genuine Christian
president would immediately act to remove this
official goal of America, printed on the back
of the One Dollar Bill.
This list of first
steps which a genuine Christian President would
take upon entering office the very first day
is not exhaustive, as doubtless you can think
of many more. But, the fact remains that you
can tell the true spiritual condition of any
man who becomes president; if he does not take
these steps to remove these two Luciferian /
Satanic symbols of Antichrist, then he is not
a genuine Christian.
(NOTE: This information
concerning the One Dollar Bill and its prophetic
implications is reported in our DVD shown above,
"The Eye of the Phoenix")
save you money, we have grouped together all
four of these "Secret Mysteries of America's
Beginnings" videos, pictured left.
Mysteries of America's Beginnings"
Buy Videos 1, 2 and 3,
and 4 - Save $60 - Nearly 9 Hours of Video
This entire Combination
Offer has almost 12 hours of video in History
Channel quality. You will be mesmerized and
your view of American history and of our national
place in history will never be the same again.
We demonstrate
the truth of our Founding Fathers, as they were
truly Illuminated Freemasons who established
America just as Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis
Bacon had originally conceived!
Russia abruptly attacked Ukrainian naval ships
and blockaded a key port.
Attacks Ukraine's Navy and Blockades Ukraine's
Ports at Kerch Strait", Breitbart
News, 26 November 2018
and Russia may be on the brink of resuming their
war today after a major naval escalation where
Russia's military fired on Ukrainian navy
ships in the Black Sea, boarded and seized the
ships, and blockaded Ukraine's ports at
the Kerch Strait."
Russia is continuing
to try to bring the Ukraine into her Supernation
#5, an effort which began in 2014,
and nearly caused NATO to militarily come to
the aid of the Ukraine.
You see, the Elite
plan by which all nations are reorganized into
the prophetic ten gives Russia control over
her former USSR nations. But, the Ukrainians
vividly remember the time prior to the outbreak
of World War II, when Russian dictator, Josef
Stalin, systematically executed an estimated
25 million unarmed and defenseless Ukrainian
They most assuredly
do not want to surrender their National Sovereignty
to Russia again!
But ,
President Trump did NOTHING but protest at the
made its move — and Trump blinked",
The New York Post, November 26, 2018
"Russia over
the weekend mounted its most serious aggression
against Ukraine since President Trump took office,
and America punted ... So what's the plan?
'It is our expectation that our European partners
will lead this effort through the Normandy Four
format', Haley said, referring to a toothless
Barack Obama-era gabfest that has mostly served
to legitimize Moscow's illegal annexation
of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine."
that diplomatic channel is like showing up to
a gunboat fight without even a knife."
How can
Trump not take action against Russia?
The answer
is simple: he is following Bible prophecy.
"And the
ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings ...
For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his
will, and to agree (to act in harmony), and
give their kingdom unto the beast, until the
words of God shall be fulfilled." (Revelation
17:12, 17, KJV)
President Trump
is secretly cooperating (acting in harmony)
with President Putin, just as this Scripture
foretells. He knows that Russia is going to
draw the Ukraine into his orbit as part of Supernation
#5 and he will not act to prevent
them from doing so.
3. In
Sweden, cash has almost disappeared while more
and more people are inserting microchips in
their hands to "buy and sell"!
Sweden, cash is almost extinct and people implant
microchips in their hands to pay for things",
Financial Post, November 23,
"Few countries
have been moving toward a cashless society as
fast as Sweden. But cash is being squeezed out
so quickly — with half the nation's retailers
predicting they will stop accepting bills before
2025 — that the government is recalculating
the societal costs of a cash-free future ...
Ask most people in Sweden how often they pay
with cash and the answer is 'almost never'.
A fifth of Swedes, in a country of 10 million
people, do not use automated teller machines
anymore. More than 4,000 Swedes have implanted
microchips in their hands, allowing them to
pay for rail travel and food, or enter keyless
offices, with a wave. Restaurants, buses, parking
lots and even pay toilets depend on clicks rather
than cash."
This is prophecy
unfolding in a rapid manner! Remember, one of
the most quoted of all prophecies is that, during
the time of Antichrist, the False
Prophet will force all people to
take an insert in their right hand or in their
forehead, without which they cannot buy or sell.
he (False Prophet) causeth all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name." (Revelation
Once countries
like Sweden solve all the glitches in a cashless
system whereby all buying and selling are carried
out by inserted microchips, Antichrist can use
his global dictatorial powers to force all nations
of the world to receive the insert and use it
as the tool by which they will meet their financial
This is another
End Times' prophecy which points to a sooner
rather than later return of Jesus Christ for
His Church!
4. When
hundreds of illegal immigrants rushed the U.S.
border, our Border Agents repelled them using
tear gas.
briefly shuts border crossing, uses tear gas
on asylum seekers",
Al Jazeera News, 25 Nov 2018
"San Diego,
California - US Customs and Border Protection
temporarily closed all vehicle and pedestrian
traffic at the major San Ysidro port of entry
between Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, California
on Sunday."
to several journalists in Tijuana, US authorities
used tear gas on migrants and refugees, including
children, who approached the border fence near
the El Chaparral crossing. A small group breached
the border, local media reported. "
Even though
Mass Media rushed to propagandize the issue
by claiming that Trump was "gassing"
the immigrants, no one bothered to explain why
no one attacked President Obama in Nov, 2013,
when he used the much more dangerous "Pepper
Spray" to repel immigrants trying to rush
the border.
was the hysterical left when Obama admin used
pepper spray on rock-throwing migrants in 2013?
", Business Politics
New, November 26, 2018
"The reaction
Sunday by the pearl-clutching left and their
media allies to the chaotic scene on the southern
border could serve as 'Exhibit A' in a case
study on hypocrisy, and goes to show that it's
all about politics ... the Obama administration
is held to a different standard when setting
the precedent for actions taken by the Trump
What is this mention
of the Obama Administration and its tactics
on border control in this featured article?
"... the
stunning irony here is that five years ago,
to the very day and at the exact same spot,
there was a similar incident …which created
nary a ripple on the left, to include the media."
Let us quickly
go to this news story, of November 25, 2013,
when President Obama was in power.
Obama Border Patrol: Crowd confronts agents,
who used pepper spray",
The San Diego Union-Tribune,
November 25, 2013
"A group
of about 100 people trying to illegally cross
the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of
entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border
Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper
spray and other means to force the crowd back
into Mexico, federal officials said."
Now, pepper spray
is far more dangerous and more likely to cause
death, than tear gas. Again, as in the case
of President Roosevelt's fatal handling of the
Jews fleeing Hitler (story below), before anyone
criticizes President Trump of anything, they
need to examine the skeletons hiding in their
own closets!
However, there
is more to this Obama treatment of migrants,
much more.
Used Tear Gas At Least 80 Times at Border",
Breitbart News, 27 Nov 2018
"Under the
Obama Administration, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) law enforcement officials,
including Border Patrol agents, utilized tear
gas against migrants at or near the border at
least 80 times between FY2012 and early FY2017."
Critcizing President
Trump as though he is doing something unique
and/or despicable is rank hypocrisy at its very
5. We
needed no more proof that Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez
is ignorant, but, without warning, she uttered
another imbecilic statement.
Only this
time, she drastically aggravated all Jews.
NEWS BRIEF: "Ocasio-Cortez
compares Central American migrants to Holocaust
World Israel News, November 27, 2018
"New York
Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
compared migrant caravan members violently attempting
to breach the U.S. border with Mexico to Jews
fleeing Nazi Europe during the Holocaust ...
On Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted: 'Asking to
be considered a refugee & applying for status
isn't a crime. It wasn't for Jewish families
fleeing Germany. It wasn't for targeted families
fleeing Rwanda. It wasn't for communities fleeing
war-torn Syria. And it isn't for those fleeing
violence in Central America', Ocasio-Cortez
tweeted late Sunday."
Fortunately for
the proclamation of the truth, Senator Lindsey
Graham quickly responded.
" 'I recommend
she take a tour of the Holocaust Museum in DC.
Might help her better understand the differences
between the Holocaust and the caravan in Tijuana',
he tweeted."
Jews fleeing Europe
were trying to escape the German Government
who was vigorously pursuing a systematic, planned
genocide whose goal was the total annihilation
of all the world's Jews, beginning in Europe.
The illegal immigrants
trying to rush our southern border are NOT facing
a government intent on murdering every single
one of them; rather they are marching as part
of a globalist campaign to destroy all borders
and all immigration laws so the "Nations
Without Borders" New World Order
can mature to reality.
Furthermore, Ocasio-Cortez
needs to address the issue of the rank hypocrisy
inherent in her refusal to admit that the Liberal
Democrat hero, President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
refused shiploads of Jewish families desperate
to avoid the Nazi Extermination Camps.
Are you aware
of this historic truth?
New evidence proves
that American President Roosevelt tacitly cooperated
with Hitler in his mass murder campaign against
the Jews! Carefully consider shocking revelations
of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our 32nd President,
serving 1933-1945. as he refused these desperate
people immigration status!
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Roosevelt and the Holocaust: New Evidence",
by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, Israel National
News, December 26, 2013
"The reasons
for the failure to bomb Auschwitz and the ways
in which the Roosevelt administration misled
the groups requesting such bombing, offer many
lessons for dealing with today's problems."
This allegation
is true. While Allied airplanes were bombing
military targets just miles from Hitler's massive
genocide concentration facilities, not one bomb
was dropped on the Nazi ovens. Allied bombing
could have stopped Hitler's genocide in its
tracks, and yet no bombs were dropped.
Furthermore, Allied
Air Force commanders knew that they could have
bombed the railroad lines delivering Jews to
their deaths. Planes could have taken out virtually
all the railroad track and most of the rolling
stock and engines. Yet, after the war, observers
were shocked to realize that no bombing campaign
had ever been undertaken against the Nazi Death
How can this be?
On March 4, 1933,
Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt was sworn
in as President of the United States. Together
with Rosicrucian Churchill and pagan Josef Stalin,
Roosevelt formed the 'planetary triangle' of
nations known as the Allies, that would oppose
the 'planetary triangle' of nations known as
the Axis Powers -- Germany, Italy, Japan. Thus,
Roosevelt was sworn in during the 3rd month,
1933, thereby giving his inauguration an occult
value of '333', just like Hitler's ascension
to power!
Thus, Satan had
his men on both sides of the Atlantic: Black
Magick Hitler and White Magic 33rd Degree Mason,
Returning to this
featured article, we discover:
There are "numerous
examples of behind-the-scenes remarks in which
U.S. president Franklin Delaney Roosevelt spoke
about the danger of allowing Jews in large numbers
to live in one specific place, or to become
too prominent in various professions."
"The United
States, Great Britain, and Canada turned away
many Jews seeking to flee Hitler's murderous
rampage against them. When these Jews were denied
entry, they were sent back to Europe, where
the vast majority were sent to a genocide camp
... Roosevelt refused to support the Wagner-Rogers
bill of 1939, which would have permitted the
entry of 20,000 German Jewish children outside
the quota system. Those children would not have
taken away any jobs, an argument often heard
regarding allowing more immigrants in. Yet only
one year later, Roosevelt personally intervened
to enable thousands of British children to come
to America to escape the German blitz of London'."
Therefore, Liberal
Democrats who are criticizing President Trump
for his defense of our borders and how he is
treating children need to acknowledge that their
hero, President Franklin hated Jews so greatly
that he shut our borders to men, women and children
and babies, forcing them to return to Europe
where the fell into the hands of Nazi soldiers,
who sent them directly to the extermination
Leftists need
to stop rewriting history to serve their own
twisted political agenda.

6. We
have just discovered that the "USMCA"
agreement contains a radical pro-LGBT-Q provision!
USMCA from containing a radical LGBT provision!",
Liberty Counsel Action News
"The proposed
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
currently includes a provision advancing the
radical LGBT agenda by elevating 'sexual orientation'
and 'gender identity' to a protected class that
is inconsistent with many existing laws, precedent,
and religious liberty and conscience rights."
This provision
is very dangerous should the proposed USMCA
ever become officially ratified. You see, as
soon as the USMCA (North American Union) is
officially set in place, then all uniquely American,
Canadian and Mexican laws are automatically
Further, all our
laws that run counter to the laws and provisions
of the USMCA are dissolved.
This creation
of the North American Union (USMCA) fits the
very definition of a Trojan Horse ruse! None
of our leaders -- not the President, nor Congressmen
nor Senators -- will have to debate any of these
changes in the court of public opinion, nor
will they have to worry about being defeated
at the next election, because the change in
our laws will occur massively and instantly.
Once the
is accord is ratified and becomes the Law of
the Land, America will have truly become "Sodom"!
And, the clock
is ticking because "President Trump, Mexican
President Enrique Peña Nieto and Canadian
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are expected to
sign the agreement on November 30th at the next
G-20 summit in Argentina."
Then, a lame-duck
Congress will have the opportunity to pass this
agreement before Christmas!
At that point
Supernation #1 of the Illuminati
Plan to reogorganize the world into the prophetic
10 will have been set in place. American's love
of National Sovereignty represented the most
difficult of the effort to being all nations
into the prophetic TEN!
Since the Illuminati
has prevailed in keeping Great Britain in the
European Union (Supernation
#2), the Global Elite must be feeling
pretty good right now. Perhaps their Masonic
Messiah can arise according to their schedule
after all.