Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. American and
Israeli forces are aligning forces to better meet the
Iran threat head on.
US-Iran military front is fast shaping up on the Syrian-Iraqi
border – with a role
for the IDF", DEBKAfile, Nov 24,
"As the US military
takes up new positions against Iran on the Syria-Iraq
border, a major Mid East event seems to be brewing,
with a key role for Israel..."
Let us stop right here,
to check our map, below, as to where these "new
positions against Iran on the Syrian-Iraq border might
be. Checking this map, plus watching related news stories,
tells me that the border area being mentioned here is
the point at which Syria, Kurdistan and Sunni Iraq converge.
Shi'ite Iran thoroughly
controls Shia Iraq , but is still contesting Sunni Iraq,
so the Sunni Iraq / Syria border area is where the confrontation
is shaping up.

Just as we have been warning
for years, a new "Free Kurdistan" nation is
planned, carved out of area controlled by Turkey, Syria,
Iraq and Iran. Toward this goal, VP Pence is signaling
loudly and clearly that the Trump Administration is
committed to realizing this 2007
Middle East Map.
"The vice president's
actions signified the revival of the US-Kurdish alliance
– not just with the Syrian branch but also with
their Iraqi brethren. Indeed, the outcry over the Trump
administration's desertion of the Syrian Kurds
in the wake of the Turkish invasion earlier this month
neatly camouflaged the substantial influx of US troops
arriving in the Kurdish regions of eastern Syria this
month. American encampments there, far from being evacuated,
have been substantially augmented by new military facilities,
two of them air bases."
At this point, Israel's
role in this U.S./Iran confrontation is revealed.
"The topped-up US
military presence is becoming the only real obstruction
for preventing Iran creating a direct bridge between
its forces in Iraq, Syria and Hizballah in Lebanon.
On this point, American and Israel's strategic
interests converge, especially when both anticipate
hostilities exploding in this part of the Syria-Iraq
border in the near future, and the importance of this
region growing in the coming weeks and months. The talks
the top US soldier, Gen. Milley conducted in Israel
no doubt focused on the Israel Defense Forces'
role in these events."
Finally, remember that,
a couple weeks ago, President Trump ordered American
forces to take control of the Syrian oil fields in the
northeast corridor being contested by Turkey and by
the Kurds. The President's goal is to ensure that the
Kurds keep control of these lucrative oil fields, thus
providing this fledgling nation badly needed oil revenue.
The American battle
group, Abraham Lincoln, moves back into the Persian
Gulf, even as war signs multiply.
poised to strike US/Israeli targets: US forces gear
up for action. USS Lincoln carrier enters the Gulf",
DEBKAfile, Nov 25, 2019
"The US and Iran
ramped up their preparations for direct military engagement
on Monday, Nov. 25: A top Iranian general's threatened
to destroy the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the
USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Force moved into
position opposite central Iran's coastline."
"Iran's leaders
were also spurred toward military action by the return
of the USS Lincoln carrier strike force to the Gulf
for the first time since May, when the vessel moved
into the Arabian Sea. Large-scale US marine, navy and
air might aboard the Lincoln are now in position ...."
At this point, many people
are undoubtedly asking "will Iran finally go to
war with Israel, who is solidly supported by the United
States? People have been expecting that Iran will go
to war with Israel. However, I have always believed
- and have been stating since August, 2003 -- that prophecy
forbids Iran to go to war against Israel.
Remember this prophetic
fact: "Persia" in Ezekiel 38-39, the Russian
led invasion at the End of the Age, is today called,
"Iran". Iran seems to be protected by prophecy
against the kind of attack which would destroy either
its government or its armed forces. Persia is foretold
in Ezekiel 38-39 as being one of the countries which
will march against Israel in the Latter Days. The government
in control at that time has to be anti-West and anti-Israel,
precisely as it is today.
Therefore, we expect that
current Iranian government is protected by the prophecy
of Ezekiel 38-39 from being overthrown; we may attack
their facilities, but it seems to us that the government
will be protected from actually being overthrown. Iran
may suffer an attack from either Israel or America,
but her government will not be overthrown, nor her armed
forces destroyed.
Since either Israel or
the United States can defeat and annihilate Iran, we
expect that Iran will carry out her war by continuing
to use Proxy Forces. Iran (Ancient Persia) will remain
intact until she marches with the Russian-led invasion
of Ezekiel 38-39, just as we demonstrated in the DVD
shown above, "Russian
Bear Poised To Attack Israel")
"Free Kurdistan"
Detailed Map

2. President Trump
also continues to support the fledgling state of "Free
regain international clout, but must not get complacent",
Rudaw Kurdistan News, 11-24-2019
"Mike Pence, vice
president of the United States, visited Erbil on Saturday
but chose to avoid Baghdad. His decision to skip the
protest-gripped Iraqi capital in favor of the Kurdistan
Region has triggered controversy among officials and
the publics of Kurdistan, Iraq, and the wider region."
Officially, Kurdistan
is not a sovereign nation, but is only a region under
Iraq's control. However, events during the past several
years of the Trump Administration strongly suggest that
the ultimate goal of this White House is to carry out
the Illuminati Plan as revealed by this map to the fullest
degree, and that means pulling Kurdistan away from Iraq.
"The VP's message,
as conveyed to Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi
over the phone, contained more demands than words of
support. Pence's message for the Kurds, meanwhile, was
the complete opposite ... To protect themselves from
slaughter and repression by regional states, Kurds have
reached out to allies further afield ... In
Iraqi Kurdistan, Saddam Hussein destroyed 4,000 villages
– including their mosques."
"Pence also seems
to have been deployed to Erbil to reassure American
supporters of the Kurds, indicating the administration's
stance on the Kurds has become a hot political topic
ahead of the 2020 election. Kurds should not become
complacent about this renewed American commitment. Kurds
should use this renewed political clout to reach concrete
agreements with regional powers Turkey, Iran, Iraq,
and Syria. At the same time, Kurdistan must bolster
its relationship with world powers."
Kurdistan will finally
complete her transformation as a strong regional power.
Both prophecy and the Illuminati Plan support this transformation.

The Israeli Attorney-General has ruled that Prime Minister
Netanyahu can remain in office until his indictment
is decided by Court.
says Netanyahu can stay in office for now",
The Jerusalem Post, NOVEMBER 25, 2019
Avichai Mandelblit issued a legal opinion on Monday
that amounts to deflecting all three ways that critics
have sought to force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
out of office in any immediate time frame. Mandelblit
issued the blockbuster opinion only days after announcing
a final indictment for Netanyahu for bribery, fraud
and breach of trust last Thursday."
"First, Mandelblit
said the fact that Netanyahu is a transitional prime
minister without a Knesset has no bearing on forcing
him out immediately. He cited the Knesset law that says
if a government is forced to be dissolved or a prime
minister is forced to resign, the prime minister at
the time remains the caretaker prime minister."
"Second, he ruled
that Netanyahu cannot be declared incompetent to carry
out his duties merely by the legal establishment as
a result of an indictment. Further, he said that the
statutory law on the issue does not get into deep detail
about what circumstances lead to being declared incompetent."
"Third, he said he
would not rule on whether Netanyahu can be disqualified
from forming a new government since the question is
hypothetical, with no government expected to be formed
by Netanyahu in the near future."
He remains innocent
until proven guilty and he will get his day in an open
But, his indictment throws
the entire political situation within Israel into absolute
decision to indict Netanyahu plunges Israeli politics
into chaos", Israel Hayom News,
"Israel's political
system came to the brink of a historic crisis on Thursday
after Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit announced
plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on
corruption charges ... The indictment posed no immediate
threat to his decade-long hold on power ... Netanyahu
remains the caretaker prime minister and is under no
legal obligation to resign once charged. The opening
of a trial could be delayed for months by a possible
new election and any moves by Netanyahu to secure parliamentary
immunity from prosecution."
"The legalities surrounding
how Netanyahu might challenge the charges or request
immunity from the Knesset House Committee only fuels
the political chaos, as it drives Israel deeper into
uncharted legal waters."
Israel had better be very
careful during this time of unprecedented political
chaos, because they have a powerfully armed enemy just
watching and waiting to seize the moment which might
allow them to attack a weakened enemy.
Rep. Ilhan Omar has been charged as serving as a Foreign
Deposition: US Rep Ilhan Omar accused of being foreign
agent", Israel National News, 11/25/2019
"Al Arabiya English's
Abdulla Almanai reports that U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan
Omar was recruited by a foreign government, passed sensitive
information that was relayed to Iran, and received funding
by a foreign government, quoting a sworn deposition
by a Canadian businessman in a Florida court."
"The three allegedly
claimed credit for Omar's meteoric rise, saying: 'If
it wasn't for our cash, Ilhan Omar would be just another
black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and
serving tables on weekends ... once Omar took office,
she used her position in the House of Representatives
to access sensitive information which she relayed to
Qatar, and through them to Iran."
We see more detail to
this story from another article:
Ilhan Omar is a 'Qatari Asset': Florida Court Hearing",
Pursuit of Radio Happiness, Nov 26, 2019
"Representative Ilhan
'I have a strange relationship with my brother' Omar
(D-Minn) was recruited by Qatar, received funding from
a foreign government, and exchanged sensitive information
with intermediaries to Iran, a according to testimony
in a recent Florida court hearing."
"Qatar 'recruited
Ilhan Omar from even way before she thought about becoming
a government official… They groomed her and arranged
the foundation, the grounds, for her to get into politics
way before she even showed interest. They convinced
her'," he added ... Omar was said to also have
passed information to Qatar which was subsequently handed
along to Iran, and was actively involved in recruiting
other American politicians to likewise work for the
west Asian Islamic country, Bender testified."
So, when can we expect
American authorities to charge Ilhan Omar with treason
for a foreign country?
Omar is likely
to not be the only Foreign Agent using the power and
privileges of the House in order to further the plan
of a foreign country -- Rashida Harbi Tlaib --
a "proud" Palestinian.
5. When Trump
is the subject of a "news article", Mass Media
can't wait to scream it far and wide.
But, when Obama
is the subject, the massive Leviathan monster, Mass
Media, can't bother to report it!
the villain is Obama, not Trump, news suddenly becomes
not worth reporting", Canada
Free Press, Nov 26, 2019
"So the United States
has "the world's highest rate of children
in detention." Is this worth reporting? Maybe,
maybe not. Nevertheless, Agence France-Presse, or AFP,
and Reuters did report it, attributing the information
to a "United Nations study" on migrant children
detained at the US-Mexico border.
"Then the two agencies
retracted the story. Deleted, withdrew, demolished.
If they could have used one of those Men in Black memory-zappers
on us, they would have. Sheepishly, the two news organizations
explained that, you see, the UN data was from 2015 —
part of a border crackdown that had begun years earlier."
"We all know who
the president was in 2015. It wasn't evil, child-caging
monster President Trump. It was that nice, compassionate,
child-caging monster President Barack Obama ... Zap.
The story made Obama look bad. Hence the story was removed.
Not updated or corrected, removed."
"Every time you read
something from AFP and Reuters (and CNN and the Washington
Post), you should be thinking not "This is fake
news" but: "What's the agenda?"
"The impression created
by a thousand stories like this — that America
in 2019 is a white supremacist nightmare — will
linger all the same. Using, or ignoring, facts in accordance
with whether they create the desired impression is the
principal agenda of today's media."
Indeed, America collectively
can very well lose her mind after enduring 4 full years
of a daily shower in the politics of lies and more lies
and more lies!