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Must I Do To Be Saved
News Analysis
1. Hillary Clinton
may be considering a court challenge to the election!
NEWS BRIEF: "Clinton
Campaign Looking into Challenging Outcome of Election
to Undermine the Vote", Breitbart
News, 22 Nov 2016
"Reports from several
sources revealed on November 22 that Clinton campaign
chief John Podesta was taking meetings with a group
claiming it had discovered “irregularities”
in several counties of some of the states that Trump
"Apparently a 'group
of prominent computer scientists and election lawyers'
met with Podesta to express their belief that they
'found persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin,
Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated
or hacked' ..."
Do you remember the
Presidential election of 1960, between Democrat John
F. Kennedy and Republican Richard Nixon? Soon after
election day, defeated Nixon announced that he was
contemplating a challenge to the result, because massive
numbers of dead people rose out of their graves in
Mayor Daley's district in Illinois and in Lyndon Johnson's
district in Texas to vote overwhelmingly for Kennedy.
However, forces forever
to be unseen worked behind the scenes to persuade
Nixon to drop his plans to appeal the election result.
Hillary's "call
to battle" against the election results is a
perfect example of the old adage, "he/she who
lives in a glass house should not throw rocks"!
: Hillary’s “Popular Vote” Came
From Over 3 Million Votes Cast by NON CITIZENS",
Truthfeed News, Nov 14, 2016
"If anyone tries
to tell you Hillary won the popular vote, she did
not. Besides the 'votes counted' vs. 'votes cast'
(the) fact, a whopping three million NON-CITIZENS
voting ... According to Gregg Philips of,
three million illegal aliens voted! This was voter
fraud on a massive scale! Hillary is winning the popular
vote by about 630,000 votes. This is voter fraud on
an unimaginably massive scale."
If Hillary Clinton's
campaign decides to pursue this type of Court Challenge,
it opens itself up to even greater challenges from
the Trump campaign. If Republicans did engage in hacking
of machines, Democrats carted up to 3,000,000 illegal
immigrants to ballot stations and aided them in illegally
Hillary is living in
a huge glass house, and Trump has a boulder as huge
as a mountain with which he can counterattack.
However, it is possible
that Hillary and Trump have reached a "behind-the-scenes"
Is Hillary's
possible court challenge the reason Trump announced
yesterday that he was not going to attempt to prosecute
her after all?
to drop investigation into Clinton – reports",
R.T. News, 22 Nov 2016
Donald Trump will not pursue an investigation into
Hillary Clinton, NBC (is) reporting. During his election
campaign Trump promised to set up an inquiry into
Clinton’s alleged criminal activity ... Regarding
the Clinton email scandal, Trump had previously said
he would instruct the attorney general to appoint
a special prosecutor to investigate the issue if elected.
This attitude appeared to ease since his election
Still, the sounds of
the campaign chant "LOCK HER UP" keep resonating
in my ears. Can a firm campaign pledge really be abandoned
in such a few days?
Or, did Candidate Trump
create this campaign slogan just so he would be able
to have a credible threat by which he could first
threaten Hillary legally and then "graciously"
offer to stop an investigation into her email crimes,
if she would not challenge the election results.
I shudder, as I know
you do also, to think that the most occult, most Black
Magick candidate in America today could still be President
of the United States! Hillary may yet "rise out
of the ashes" as the Egyptian Phoenix Bird, to
officially become the
"Sun Goddess" who will rule
and ruin.
2. Republican
John Bolton (CFR) has written a column in which he
proposes the plan by which the wars in the Middle
East can be eliminated.
CFR member, John Bolton, proposes a solution to the
wars in the Middle East",
Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, November 20,
"... What comes
after the Islamic State?"
That question is very
important, and one that, on the surface at least,
has never seriously contemplated. After the last battle
has been fought, and the last civilian and soldier
had died, what then?
While pundits would
have you believe that no concrete plan has been formulated
outlining the line-up of nations in the Middle East
after the war is completed, that simply is not true.
A Plan was created by the Pentagon before the attacks
of 9/11/2001, was followed by President Bush as he
invaded Afghanistan (Oct, 2001), and Iraq (March,
You can read the full
write-up of this Pentagon Plan in NEWS1833,
entitled, "The World Is On Fire In The
'Non-Integrating Gap' "! We posted this
article in March, 2003, and updated it in October,
Then, in 2006, a "New
Pentagon Map of the Middle East" was printed
in the American Armed Forces Journal in their June,
2006, issue. When furor erupted in the capitals of
nations throughout the region -- including from American
Islamic allies -- over what this map depicted, the
White House quickly and officially distanced itself
from it. However, the damage was done, because foreign
leaders knew all about new strategy of forcing all
nations of the world into the cashless society, a
strategy covered in the book, "The Pentagon's
New Map", published in 2004, authored by Thomas
M. Barnett, strategic researcher and professor at
the U.S. Naval College, and Illuminati extraordinare!
This is that New Middle
East Map!

SURPRISE! Bolton's
proposals are eerily similar to the 2006 Pentagon's
"New Middle East Map"! (NEWS2213),
shown above.
Finally, a
"Front Man of the Illuminati" -- John
Bolton -- has stepped forward to propose the major
elements of a 2006 Pentagon Plan. Soon after Donald
Trump becomes President of the United States, he and
Russian President Putin will announce an international
peace conference to stop the endless war and create
a Middle East which will be reorganized according
to ancient ethnic boundaries and produce a lasting
And, you will know that
this Plan was produced and published in June, 2006!
The name, Henry Kissinger, keeps popping up in connection
to the Donald Trump Transition Team.
Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House:
"Henry Kissinger ... is currently advising
the president-elect on foreign policy issues",
Forbes Magazine, December 20, 2016 issue
"It’s been
one week since Donald Trump pulled off the biggest
upset in modern political history, and his headquarters
at Trump Tower in New York City is a 58-story, onyx-glassed
lightning rod ... The most compelling figure in this
intrigue, however, wasn’t in Trump Tower. Jared
Kushner was three blocks south, high up in his own
skyscraper, at 666 Fifth Avenue, where he oversees
his family’s Kushner Companies real estate empire."
" 'It’s hard
to overstate and hard to summarize Jared’s role
in the campaign,” says billionaire Peter Thiel,
the only significant Silicon Valley figure to publicly
back Trump. “ 'If Trump was the CEO, Jared was
effectively the chief operating officer'.”
"That achievement,
coupled with the personal trust Trump has in him,
uniquely positions Kushner to be a power broker of
the highest order for at least four years. 'Every
president I’ve ever known has one or two people
he intuitively and structurally trusts', says former
secretary of state Henry Kissinger, who has known
Trump socially for decades and is currently advising
the president-elect on foreign policy issues. 'I think
Jared might be that person'.”
I find it chilling,
indeed, to learn that Henry Kissinger has known Donald
Trump socially "for decades" and, therefore,
is strategically placed to advise the newly elected
President, Donald Trump.
Just as Kissinger was
strategically placed to advise incoming Presidents
Obama, both Bushes, and Reagan, to ensure they knew
their role in the upcoming 4 years.
Kissinger is
the most powerful, most senior, and most dangerous,
leader of the New World Order, and is the key Establishment
Leader in America today!
Once again, we are confronted
with the reality that President Trump is not really
going to drain the swamp, because he depends upon
the Establishment too much. Be prepared for this reality
to unfold over the next four years.
4. Liberal Jews
despise Trump, while Orthodox Conservative, and Israeli
Jews love the possibility of working with him.
Presidency: So Far, So Good For Israel",
Israel Today, November 20, 2016
"Israel has high
expectations for the presidency of Donald Trump, and
the Republican president-elect’s first round
of political appointments did not disappoint ... Israel
is most pleased by Pompeo’s outright opposition
to the Iran nuclear agreement. “I look forward
to rolling back this disastrous deal with the world’s
largest state sponsor of terrorism,” he tweeted
last week.
"General Flynn
is a bit more of a mixed bag. He has said controversial
things about the liberal Jewish community in America.
At the same time, he is very warm toward Israel, and
will take a no-nonsense approach to combating the
forces of radical Islam."
But, one Jewish
journalist asks the same question we have been asking
since the election: Will Trump live up to his campaign
Trump live up to his promises?",
by Joe David, Israel National News, 11/22/2016
"Donald J. Trump
won. He stood alone, while others attacked, and he
beat them all, one by one at their own game. He did
it without the support of K-Street lobbyists, the
media, the political machine, and key Republican leaders.
Throughout it all, he remained tall, strong, confident,
as he fought back boldly. "
"Will he succeed?
Will he be committed enough to lead America in the
right direction and correct the damage Barack Obama
has caused? He has proven to Americans during his
campaign that he could. The big question: Will he?"
"Americans wanted
positive change, not Obama change; change that would
make America Great Again. "
All Americans await
the next four years with bated breath, as we shall
soon see whether Donald Trump is a true man of integrity
and the defender of Constitutional principle, or whether
he will fold as did Jimmy Carter, to the immense global
forces championing the global system known as the
New World Order!
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Democrats -- Led By Hillary Clinton -- Desperately
Want To Strike Down The Hyde Amendment, Which Will
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Establishment Liberals so anxious -- even hungry
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Clinton Pledges To Surrender American Sovereignty
to the North American Union Within Her First 100
Days in the White House
Supernation #1 is planned
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Edge Ministries
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