Listen again:
it helps in Ohio that we’ve got Democrats in charge
of the machines"
From the 'Horses
Barack then just as boldly
told his enthusiastic audience WHY Democrats cheat:
"... whenever people
are in power, they have this tendency to try to, you
know, tilt things in their direction."
Do you remember the revelation
from that old Communist dictator, Josef Stalin?
"He who casts his
vote counts for nothing; but he who counts the vote
counts for everything"!
With Stalin's people controlling
the vote count, the bloody Communist won every election,
by a vote of 96%!
Meanwhile, an election
official in the critically important country of Maricopa,
Arizona, let his commitment to an honest and fair election
be known.
don't give a f***!': Maricopa County attorney explodes
on election question", World
Net Daily, November 21, 2022
"A phone call by
a campaign worker for Arizona governor candidate Kari
Lake to the Maricopa County attorney turned into an
obscenity-filled explosion on the part of the government
official, a new video reveals."
Remember, this official
took an oath of office in which he promised to conduct
an honest and fair vote count.
"The volunteer said
he wanted to say that "Maricopa County was being
cooperative," as the final vote count in the governor's
race is still not complete, with Lake trailing Democrat
Katie Hobbs by less than 18,000 votes with more than
95% tallied."
"Liddy responded:
"Guess what. Let me educate you. I cannot control
what you say, OK. You can say whatever you want to say.
I can't control it. Now, if you're not happy working
with me and you don't want to continue working with
me and you don't want the answer to your questions,
then we'll just stop. I don't give a sh**."
With our system of government
under attack, this poll supervisor actually said, "I
don't give a sh**.
This race has since been
called for the Democrat, which will allow "to try
to, you know, tilt things in their direction."
In other words, "Permanent
One-party Election Control"! Read full details
in NEWS1439,
entitled, "THE INVISIBLE
2. Is the obsession
of the Establishment over Trump a working out of the
battling scenario, i.e., Hegelian
Trump vs. the Establishment All Over Again",
American Greatness, November 21, 2022
" 'Anyone', Trump
said in his 2024 campaign announcement at Mar-a-Lago
last Tuesday night, 'who truly seeks to take on this
rigged and corrupt system will be faced with a storm
of fire that only a few could understand'.”
How successful have anti-Trump
leaders been in fighting Trump supporters?
".... his allies
... have been censored, imprisoned, bankrupted, and
defamed since he entered the arena..."
"Seven years after
his historic escalator ride at Trump Tower, Trump remains
the only man who the establishment truly fears, the
only one with the capability of crashing this rigged
system called Our Democracy™. The talking heads
know this truth deep down in their bones..."
At least Trump knows the
most important reality:
"What the authoritarians
dread most of all is Trump’s unique power to rouse
the American spirit, even under the gloomiest of conditions.
As Trump put it to his supporters last week: 'This is
not just a campaign. This is a quest to save our country'.”
The Elite believes
that nothing worthwhile can happen unless a great struggle
occurs, even if they have to create one of the parties.
NEWS BRIEF: "Attempts
to Destroy Trump Result From Democrat Party Devolving
Into a Cult", Canada
Free Press, Nov 21, 2022
"Trump’s Latest
Special Prosecutor: Proves Dems, in a splendiferous,
one-track-mind pathology, reveal they’re convinced
Trump’s demise is their only way forward. The
amount of Democrat energy, resources & time spent
on this is surreal. A very pagan and primitive fixation.
Ancient Human Religious Murder: In
the ancient world, ritual slaughter was common in such
diverse cultures such as China, Egypt, and Europe, whose
priests killed humans to please the gods.
For example, Aztecs consecrating the Temple of Tenochtitlan
sacrificed over eighty thousand, and even practiced
cannibalism during this time."
Thus is Donald Trump ritually
sacrificed every single day on the altar known as Mass
Republican and Democrat
parties have been staging constant battling scenarios
constantly for the past 60 years! In the Dialectic Process,
the Thesis system is seen as the Status Quo system,
while the Antithesis system is seen as the active agent
attempting to change the Status Quo. The Thesis system
is the static defender while the Antithesis system is
the active agent for change. Thus, the Republican Party
was to be the static defender of the Capitalist small-government
foundation upon which this country was founded, while
the Democrat Party was to be the active attacker of
this Capitalist system, urging the exact opposite system.
A constant battling,
or threat of battling, was the key. Hegel theorized
that "Conflict brings about change, and planned
conflict would bring about planned change.
The Illuminati believes
in this system so completely that, if an opposite system
does not arise spontaneously to battle their antithesis,
they will create such a system which can then mock battle
until the election is completed.
For example, in the 1992
Presidential Election, Bill Clinton was not favored
over George H.W. Bush until billionaire Ross Perot announced
his third-party campaign. Since Perot was Conservatism
nearly every vote came at Bush's expense.
Clinton became a "Minority President", achieving
only 43% of the vote; George Bush received 37.5% while
spoiler Perot clocked in at an incredible 18.9%!
This scenario is one outworking
of the Hegelian Dialectic Struggle! when the Illuminati
needed an opposition to arise, Ross Perot answered the
clarion call.
3. Joe Biden's
Fantasy is revealed by the Gulf of Mexico Reality!
NEWS BRIEF: "Reality
bites Joe Biden's Gulf of Mexico wind dream:
Bludgeoned by 'rising interest rates, inflation, supply
chain bottlenecks' and 'intermittency',"
World Net Daily, Nov 20, 2022
"President Joe Biden,
fresh from a surprisingly good November election for
his fellow Democrats, has redoubled his commitment to
rid the world of natural fuels (oil, gas, coal) and
impose an all-electric universe powered in large part
by offshore wind farms. To that end, Biden recently
announced massive wind lease areas offshore from Lake
Charles, Louisiana, and Galveston, Texas. One is a 188,023-acre
tract located 56 miles offshore from Lake Charles; the
other is a 508,265-acre tract 24 nautical miles offshore
from Galveston."
Texas officials oppose
this rapid expansion of this "all-electric universe"
because the technology is not perfected and the generation
equipment is not in place! Nevertheless, Biden is determined
to unplug America from the proven technology of fossil
fuels; Germany tried this path as they decomissioned
all fossil fuel generation, only to scramble to open
a number of them again as it became crystal clear that
tens of thousands of their citizens may die this winter
because the new technology could not fill the need.
But, then, electricity
generation by wind also proved susceptible to winter
"... offshore wind
could be a net negative for Texas. Middleton highlighted
renewable energy’s unreliability, noting the failure
of onshore wind farms that froze up during the February
2021 winter storm."
But, there is more horror:
"By approving offshore
wind leases that would almost certainly result in the
abandonment of the entire lease area by commercial fishermen
'due to difficulties with navigation', Middleton contended
that the BOEM’s leases 'would violate the Outer
Continental Shelf Land Act, severely harm America’s
food supply, decrease shoreside businesses’ profits,
and make the U.S. more reliant on imported seafood from
"Despite all these
negatives, the Biden Administration is hellbent on destroying
the oil and gas and coal industries and has done little
to jumpstart a revival of nuclear energy in the U.S.
The results, if his plans are not thwarted, will be
higher energy prices, increasing blackouts and brownouts,
and quite likely economic disaster."
Leftists are using
this nonsensical fantasy as the weapon by which they
can beat all of humanity into the dictatorship of the
New World Order.
Remember Gorbachev's statement:
"The threat of environmental crisis
will be the 'international disaster key
' that will unlock the New World Order."
Tiny South Carolina still has several million cameras
and is using them to carry out surveillance on innocent
you being watched? Lawsuit says SLED is tracking
SC drivers -- "In some lawsuits in other states,
officers were caught using similar databases to stalk
and harass citizens", WYFF24 TV News,
Nov 18, 2022
"A Greenville man
and the South Carolina Public Interest Foundation are
suing South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, saying
a surveillance system and database they operate is unconstitutional."
Bible prophecy states
that, under Antichrist, authorities can watch their
citizens so thoroughly in their home and at work, that
no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark.
In other states,
officers have been caught harassing and stalking citizens,
all of which if forbidden by law and by our Constitution!
5. A nation-wide
railroad strike may erupt on December 5.
Nothing can destroy
the economy more quickly than a railroad strike!
Unions Reject Deal Biden Touted as ‘Big Win’
Ahead of Midterms", Washington
Free Beacon, Nov 22, 2022
"President Joe Biden
in September called a tentative deal to avoid a nationwide
rail strike a "big win for America." But the
deal fell apart this week after receiving a split vote
among the largest rail unions, raising concerns of a
nationwide rail shutdown next month."
"Biden touted the
failed September agreement before the midterms, saying
it would avoid a nationwide economic disaster."
Since we are heading toward
a new style Communism, we should take note that labor
unions have traditionally been a hotbed for Communist
insurgency. However, labor unions realize rather quickly
after Communists take control that their economic plight
is about to collapse, because Communism has never been
able to successfully operate an economy.
The only promise Communist
leaders have ever been able to fulfill is their promise
of economic equity between classes; wealthy have their
wealth seized by the government, while the poor see
the earning power of the rich fall to the same meaningless
low level of the poor.
In other words, everyone
is poor under Communism.