podcasts are now reaching 59 different countries.
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are provided to you FREE by our readers and listeners
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to our most recent podcast.
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Global Elite's Plan for Human 2.0"
Billy Crone exposes the deception
of Covid! Just when you thought it couldn’t
get any worse with the pre-planned Covid 19 agenda
of the Global Elites, it just did. As if manipulating
an election, removing our freedoms, violating
our rights to assemble, and murdering a massive
amount of people across the whole planet wasn’t
enough for them, a whole new layer of evil has
been recently discovered that frankly will shock
you to the core.
Believe it or not, these same sick
twisted megalomaniacs have plans with their Covid
agenda to also produce a whole new race of people
that they proudly call Human 2.0. A better upgraded
human they say, a genetically modified one that’s
created in their own image. Therefore, this video,
'Beyond Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human
2.0 'seeks to equip you with the solid evidence
revealing this satanic plan for the end of humanity
as we know it.
Here you will learn such shocking
agendas as: * The Ex posers of Human 2.0 * The
Resisters of Human 2.0 * The Genocide of Human
2.0 * The Signal of Human 2.0 * The Trigger of
Human 2.0 * The Super Soldiers of Human 2.0 *
The Design of Human 2.0 * The Zombies of Human
2.0 *The Control of Human 2.0 * The Response to
Human 2.0.
As wild and seemingly impossible
as all this might sound, we encourage you to deal
with facts before it’s too late. Sticking
your head in the sand is exactly what these Global
Elites want you to do. Apathy and denial are how
they get to continue to march forward with their
evil plans. Your life and your family’s
life are not only on the line, but so is your
actually humanity itself. Get your copy of 'Beyond
Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human 2.0'
before it’s too late!
DVD Set contains 4 DVD's, each with
about 2 hours ! Only $29.99 https://www.cuttingedge.org/detail.cfm?ID=3015
Billy Crone exposes
the deception of Covid!
Just when you thought
it couldn’t get any worse with the pre-planned
Covid 19 agenda of the Global Elites, it just
did. As if manipulating an election, removing
our freedoms, violating our rights to assemble,
and murdering a massive amount of people across
the whole planet wasn’t enough for them,
a whole new layer of evil has been recently discovered
that frankly will shock you to the core. Believe
it or not, these same sick twisted megalomaniacs
have plans with their Covid agenda to also produce
a whole new race of people that they proudly call
Human 2.0.
A better upgraded
human they say, a genetically modified one that’s
created in their own image. Therefore, this book,
'Beyond Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human
2.0 'seeks to equip you with the solid evidence
revealing this satanic plan for the end of humanity
as we know it. Here you will learn such shocking
agendas as: * The Exposers of Human 2.0 * The
Resisters of Human 2.0 * The Genocide of Human
2.0 * The Signal of Human 2.0 * The Trigger of
Human 2.0 * The Super Soldiers of Human 2.0 *
The Design of Human 2.0 * The Zombies of Human
2.0 *The Control of Human 2.0 * The Response to
Human 2.0
As wild and seemingly
impossible as all this might sound, we encourage
you to deal with facts before it’s too late.
Sticking your head in the sand is exactly what
these Global Elites want you to do. Apathy and
denial are how they get to continue to march forward
with their evil plans. Your life and your family’s
life are not only on the line, but so is your
actually humanity itself.
Get your copy of
Beyond Covid The Global Elites Plan for Human
2.0 before it’s too late! Only $19.99 -
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a
2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
Critical News

1. As Christians
increasingly feel in our spirit that the Rapture is
close at hand:
New Agers feel
in their spirit that Aliens and UFO's are soon at hand;
Antichrist will be his moniker!
Futurism, November 12, 2022
"The University of
St. Andrews in Scotland has announced the formation
of a new research hub last week, bringing together the
brightest minds to prepare humanity for the day we might
make first contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial
"The SETI (Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Post Detection-Hub
is meant to be a meeting point for experts to devise
a unified way to respond to aliens — in case they
do get in touch with us, or vice versa."
This news seems like it
is coming straight out of the movie "Independence
Day". No doubt about it, Americans
are truly in love with all things alien and UFO. And
no wonder, for we have been fed a steady diet since
1938, with tremendous emphasis on them since World War
II. People love to be titillated, and nothing excites
quite so much as aliens from another world. Since World
War II, alien movies have shown aliens to be hostile
in some films and friendly in others. 'E .T.' is a good
example of showing aliens as friendly beings that just
seem to have our best interests at heart.
While most people believe
Aliens are just harmless entertainment fare, New Age
adherents are taking them very, very seriously. Further,
they are claiming that Aliens do exist, and are attempting
to help lead us Earthlings into the new, higher levels
of consciousness that will allow The Christ to appear.
If you do not believe me, just walk into any New Age
bookstore, and peruse the many volumes on Aliens and
UFO's. Or, if you surf the Net, type New Age into a
Search Engine. Then, scroll down the many listings,
noting how many times Aliens or UFO's are referenced.
Listen to a high-ranking
leader in this New World Order Movement. Bill Lambert:
and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are
benevolent beings which will
aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity.
They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind
to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness
-- when the Christ appears." ("POSSIBLE
Even the Vatican is getting
in on this extraterrestrial bandwagon.
BRIEF: "Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure",
Examiner.com, November 12, 2009
"The Vatican has
just completed a five day conference astrobiology where
scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications
of extraterrestrial life. A major driving force behind
the conference was the Director of the Vatican Observatory,
the Jesuit priest Father Jose Gabriel Funes. In May
2008, Funes gave an interview to the Vatican’s
L’Osservatore Romano newspaper saying that the
existence of intelligent extraterrestrials posed no
problems to Catholic theology."
In the new made-for-TV
movie, "V", the Vatican had no trouble fitting
aliens / extraterrestrials into their Catholic theology.
However, a revelation that aliens do exist will cause
huge problems with genuine Biblical theology. The only
reason the existence of aliens does not cause problems
with Catholic theology is because Catholic theology
is this area is as flawed as it is in other areas, starting
with their emphasis on Salvation by Works.
"The Vatican’s
openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no
accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly
adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact,
the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the
world for extraterrestrial disclosure."
Therefore, we have both
the Illuminati and the Vatican evidently "preparing
the world for extraterrestrial disclosure".
* The Illuminati represents
the force of Antichrist -- the First Beast of Revelation
* The Vatican represents
the office of the False Prophet -- the Second Beast
of Revelation 13.
Therefore, it is highly
significant that both the forces of Antichrist and the
False Prophet are independently working toward revealing
that aliens / extraterrestrials are real! That news
is simply incredible.
2. Will President
Biden proclaim that Aliens are real, as is the Plan?
Since Satan is the "Lord of this World", as
the Bible describes him, he can do anything unless God
specifically intervenes to stop him, including building
actual machines that outperform anything we Earthlings
can put into the air.
Our major point here is
that the issue is not whether this material is "true"
or "false", but that it exists in enough quantity
and with enough believability to convince people that
it is true. Remember Hitler's propaganda maxim, "Truth
is not what is; truth is what people believe it to be".
Between the World Wide Web, supermarket tabloids, and
other avenues of Mass Media, people who are gullible
are being convinced, probably by the millions. This
selling of aliens seems to point to a "critical
mass" rapidly being achieved, or to the climax
of a good novel rapidly building to completion. The
end of this script, called the New World Order Plan,
is coming quickly. Antichrist may be ready to appear!!
The material we are about
to share with you can be found on a Far sight World
Wide Web site,
www.farsight.org Again, we reiterate that we have
not attempted to ascertain whether this material is
truth; rather, we simply point out that it is thoroughly
permeating our society, that many people will believe
it to be true, and that it fits in with other known
elements of the New World Order Plan.
These are the planned
steps toward persuading people to accept Antichrist:
1) A key government leader,
identified in the heading as the President, is holding
a meeting to discuss the "coming arrival of something
from space", something from outer galactic space.
2) Emotions are running
very high and very strong at this meeting, i.e., "overwhelming
fear and anxiety" In other words, the peoples of
the world are in high turmoil and fear; a crisis exists,
of the highest degree!
3) The President is not
sure he is taking the correct steps in solving this
crisis but he feels that his actions will amount to
"starting over". Perhaps this insecurity about
the quality of Presidential leadership are contributing
to this sense of panic and fear!
4) The peoples of the
Earth are in danger of being killed, and possibly, our
civilization is endangered. The President is talking
about "moving people to safety" during this
time of "upheaval". The "survival"
of the Earth must be in doubt.
5) The crisis has taken
Wall Street down, as the losses mount so significantly
and so fast that their "breath is taken away"
by the losses, and the speed with which they occurred.
Strangely enough, Ruth
Montgomery, an other prominent New Age author, speaks
so much of the coming "upheavals" in the world
that I have wondered aloud whether I am reading Ruth
Montgomery or the Book of Revelation.
Remember, Antichrist will
come through the flames and destruction of the Third
World War, between Israel and her immediate Arab neighbors;
but to ensure that the peoples of the world will fully
accept him, the planners of the New World Order have
included global crises of great magnitude, to panic
the people so they will accept the Divine claims of
the Antichrist, so they will turn to him in desperation,
hoping and believing he can solve the world's crises.
We are speaking of a new
scenario, of a global crisis, in which the American
President is taking the lead in the Earth's response.
Not knowing for sure if the action he is taking is the
correct action, the President, nevertheless, confirms
that Aliens and UFO's exist and are now on the Earth.
Can you imagine the intensity of this Presidential News
Conference? Can you imagine the questions that panicked
reporters might be asking?
Weak Presidential leadership
at this point might just make the people more hungry
for the strong leadership which Antichrist will provide
when he arises! Weak Presidential leadership at this
critical juncture in world history might provide just
the sort of leadership vacuum which will propel Antichrist
onto the world scene with the kind of synergistic propulsion
The most important scenario
the world has ever seen will be under way, and you and
I may have front row seats. But, you will know what
is truly going on, and you will be able to " look
up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth
nigh." (Luke 21:28)
As Lemesurier concluded
his New Age book, "Their script is now written,
subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions.
The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost
ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is
already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are
even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one
suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it
will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the
curtain to rise. The time for action will have come."
[Peter Lemesurier, "Armageddon Script:
Prophecy In Action", Page 252, book
written in 1981].
Maybe, just maybe, President
Biden is cast as one of the main actors. And, just maybe,
the "time for action will have come". Whenever
this event occurs, events are going to explode with
great fury, and you must keep your head and heart in
the power of the Holy Spirit. You must pray that the
Holy Spirit will protect you from this evil deception.
After all, we do have Biblical Precious Promises on
our side. As the Apostle John stated, "And every
spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit
of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should
come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are
of God, little children, and have overcome them: because
greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the
world." [1 John 4:3-4
More Prophecy: "Let no one deceive
or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except
the apostasy comes first , unless the predicted great falling
away of those who have professed to be Christians has come,
and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the
son of doom (of perdition)." (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Then, Mr. Lambert revealed
that, "when Lord Maitreya appears, he will appear
as different
beings to different people.
* He will appear as a
man to a man and as a woman to a woman.
* He will appear as a
white to a white, as a black to a black, as an Indian
to an Indian, etc."
It makes no difference
whether you are viewing him in person or on Television.
Thus, "he will show that he is all things to all
Another author has also
indicated that his image will appear over all nations
of the earth simultaneously, and that he will speak
to each ethnic group in their own language. We know
this is technologically possible with computer images
being sent from ground to satellite and back down to
earth. There will evidently be a mixing of super-natural
phenomena and advanced technology when the staging of
the Anti-Christ occurs. Of course, if Satan has deliberately
revealed scientific secrets to man, as New Agers claim,
we can say that both the super-natural phenomena and
scientific technology are the work of Satan.
3. This election
signals the time when "Republicans In Name Only"
step forward to proclaim their true nature as allied
with the coming Democrat/Communist dictatorship.
R.I.N.O. (Republicans
In Name Only ) have emerged as the "Trojan Horse"
of American politics. They won election and re-election
because voters believed their rhetoric that they possessed
American Republican values and attitudes.
And, then, they held off
stripping the mask away until the battle for America's
Constitutional Republic was at its peak; but, instead
of coming to the aid of genuine Republican and Democrat
office holders, they poured out of the Horse with their
guns blazing against genuine Americans, against genuine
patriot Republicans.
Therefore, R.I.N.O. Paul
Ryan and Mitch McConnell have caved to Liberal Democrats
on issue after issue after issue during the past two
decades. And, the issues on which they caved were critical.
But, now, we may be at
the point where Liberal Communist Democrats are preparing
to smash the power of genuine American patriots.
Senator Schumer
announced he is going to cooperate with Senator McConnell
the ways in which 'MAGA' Republicans can be defeated.
NEWS BRIEF: "Schumer:
I’m Meeting with McConnell to Push for Ditching
‘MAGA Republicans’,"
Breitbart News, 14 Nov 2022
"Senate Majority
Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Monday on CNN’s
'This Morning' that he was meeting with Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in the wake of midterm
election results to convince Republican senators to
ditch so-called 'MAGA Republicans'.”
"Schumer said, 'I’m
going to say to the Republicans in the Senate who are
not the MAGA Republicans, stop letting them lead your
party. Work with us to get things done. I intend to
sit down with Mitch McConnell and express that'.”
"Schumer said, 'It’s
different this time because they lost. The red wave
proved to be a red mirage. And one, not the main reason
but one of the main reasons for sure, was that average
American folks, even those in the middle, even those
who tended to be Republican, said, ‘I’m
afraid of this MAGA. They’re trying to ruin our
We are reminded once again
that there is no real difference between Republican
and Democrat parties. Leaders of each party are equally
committed to the worldwide New World Order.
4. Senator Ron
Johnson (R) confesses his fear that President Biden
is thoroughly compromised by China.
Ron Johnson Suggests Biden ‘Highly Compromised’
by China", Breitbart News,
14 NOv 2022
Joe Biden is 'highly compromised' by the Chinese government,
according to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) who argued that
that must be the case given the scrapping of the United
States Justice Department’s effort to combat Chinese
economic espionage."
Of course, Joe and Hunter
both have accepted many millions of dollars from Ukraine,
Russia and China during the past several decades. The
current Communist leadership of these three countries
now determine the decisions of President Biden during
the continuation of this planned world war!
But, it was an anti-Communist
president who got the ball rolling with China/.
President Richard
Nixon began this compromise when he betrayed Taiwan
and Bill Clinton continued this betrayal by transferring
highly sophisticated military technology to China!
President Nixon and his
Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, "opened the
door" to China in 1972. Ever since then, American
Government officials, both Republican and Democrat,
have been cooperating in the plan to steadily build
China up to Super Power status, without most Americans
being aware of the dangers. An entire litany of American
officials and businessmen are involved in this effort.
Donald McAlvany, writing in the Christian newsletter,
"Lion of Judah", lists the following people
who have been cooperating in this endeavor with China:
Henry Kissinger, George
Bush, Alexander Haig, Brent Scowcroft, Lawrence Eagleburger,
the late David Rockefeller, the late Armand Hammer,
Vice President Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Dick
Armey, Tom Delay, and Bob Dole.
If this list of 'Who's
Who' in American politics does not shock you, then consider
the many companies who are involved in promoting trade
with Communist China. McAlvany reports that the "United
States-China Business Council" is responsible for
taking the lead on this trade issue. These are some
of the companies reported to be involved:
Boeing, Motorola, General
Motors, General Electric, United Technologies, Mobil,
Exxon, Caterpillar, Cargill, Phillip Morris, Proctor
& Gamble, TRW, Westinghouse, American International
So many other companies
are also involved that McAlvany says that "in effect,
the Fortune 500 have become China's public relations/lobbying
machine in Washington. This pro-China corporate lobby
funneled over $20 million in PAC money contributions
to members of the House and Senate last year. The Republicans
have received more than the Democrats '.." ["Lion
of Judah", Page 2].
As bad as this news seems,
it is about to get even worse. We have been quietly
selling China technology and component parts that can
easily be used by the military as well as by the "business
interests" to whom it was supposedly sold. This
information is devastating, because this means that
China has been building a "State of the Art"
military for at least the last 30 years and maybe more!!
When President Biden announces
his decision to refrain from committing American troops
to the conflict with Russia and with China, he is simply
following the New World Order script.
Then, you will know what
it means that "Biden is highly compromised"!
5. Sam Bankman-Fried,
the Crypto Master, set up a money laundering operation
to funnel billions into Democrat election coffers!
of Billions of US Dollars Were Transferred to Ukraine
and then Using FTX Crypto Currency the Funds Were Laundered
Back to Democrats in US", November
12, 2022
"We have information
that the tens of billions of dollars going to Ukraine
were actually laundered back to the US to corrupt Democrats
and elites using FTX cryptocurrency. Now the money is
gone and FTX is bankrupt ... the FTX crypto company
gave at least $40 million to Democrat candidates and
causes in the midterms."
Within hours of
the election, this entire Ponzi Scheme collapsed, bankrupting
millions of unaware investors/voters!
NEWS BRIEF: "Bankrupt
Crypto Billionaire Donated Heavily to Democrats:
$40 Million", American Greatness, November
14, 2022
"Sam Bankman-Fried,
the eccentric young billionaire who recently saw his
fortune vanish after a collapse in the cryptocurrency
market, proved to be one of the biggest donors to Democrats
in the 2022 midterm election cycle. According to the
New York Post, Bankman-Fried donated $40 million to
the Democratic Party for various “get-out-the-vote”
efforts and other suspicious election procedures, including
ballot-harvesting campaigns. He had also previously
donated $10 million to Joe Biden’s campaign in
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
are in the middle of the ‘biggest financial fraud
case in US history’," November
15, 2022
"FTX Appears to Be
a Political Ponzi Scheme Running Dollars to Politicians
and Through Ukraine. The FTX collapse is just another
day in the life of Democrat and RINO corruption in the
US. ... Quick and dirty on Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, Ukraine
and Democrats. Given the facts of the US’s largest
Ponzi scheme, in history, many people lost a fortune,
and their retirement because all of the $32B is GONE."
As we have stated so many
times, this era is one in which there is no Justice
and will not be until the White Throne Judgment!
Post Mid-Term
Election Analysis -- America Worshipping Baal

Molech Worshipped
By Sacrificing Our Children To Him
pillars of Baalism/Moloch were child sacrifice, sexual
immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism"
You for Your Support!!

We want to thank all of
our financial supporters. Over the years your support
has proven crucial in enabling us to make our full site
free for everyone so that those who cannot afford to
donate can have full access. BUT, This year we have
experienced the painful 'birth pangs' of a world which
is going crazy as it spins toward Antichrist!
Our heartfelt thanks
for helping us continue our outreach and preventing
Cutting Edge from disappearing from the Internet, at
a most crucial time in world history!
We have always
believed that more souls will be won for Jesus Christ
during the Last of the Last Days than in entire previous
centuries. But, we must have your financial
support to make this possibility a reality.
If you have not supported
our outreach before please consider a one time or monthly
donation today!
Thank you in advance,
David Bay, Director
As Jesus said: "And
when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and
lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
(Luke 21:27, KJV)
"Ancient Cities And The
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Who were the Nephilim? What really
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Jesus said that as it was in the
days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son
of Man. Jesus also said to be ready for His return,
that it comes like a thief in the night. This DVD takes
an uncomfortable look at the days of Noah and many other
topics so that we can be ready for our Savior’s
return. Topics that God chose to include in His Word
are worth taking the time to study.
Ancient Cities looks at the Antediluvian
world from a solid biblical foundation. Why are the
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the Bible and ancient Greek mythology? Ancient Cities
studies Mount Olympus and the Greek gods whose tales
shape our culture today. Why did the Romas at Lystra
in the Bible think that Paul and Barnabas were the Roman
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America's Founding
1 - "New
Atlantis" -
demonstrates that the Secret Society plan to create
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began in the 1580's between Queen Elizabeth I
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Founding Fathers carefully carried out the Baconian
Plan in establishing the government of America.
This DVD ends by showing that this plan ends with
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3 hours long
Video 3 - "Eye
of the Phoenix" examines the two Seals on
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Bay, Director
Edge Ministries
Must I Do To Be Saved