Wednesday, 11/13/2024
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What is next
for Cutting Edge? Mac Dominick and Ron Riffe
have given me some great articles. For now I plan to
do one newsletter and mailing each week and I have been
doing daily news updates with the help of Doug, who
researches the news for me. God
will provide the skills, people and funds to do His
will and we will glorify Him going forward.
I will be releasing all
of the audio from David's original radio shows that
were done when Cutting edge first began over the next
60 weeks or so at one per week. Here
is the first one. Enjoy!
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This weeks article is from
Pastor Ron Riffe. Yes it is a couple days late for the
topic according to the calendar but is is never to late
to honor our Vets.
Title: Veteran’s Day,
Subtitle: The criminal slaughter of America’s
best and brightest
This article is, for the
most part, directly quoted from an article written by
Col. Bill Conner a retired U.S. Army Infantry officer,
attorney, and founding partner of NATIONAL DEFENSE CONSULTANTS,
LLC. While in the Army, Connor logged multiple deployments
to the Middle East, and he has commanded both light
Infantry and Ranger training companies. From 2007 through
2008 he was deployed to Afghanistan where he became
the senior U.S. military adviser in Helmand Province.
Since the start of the October 2023 war in Israel, he
has provided analysis to NEWSMAX. (Copied from Canada
Free Press)
“When Ronald Reagan
began in his first term in 1981, he prioritized rebuilding
the military with higher pay and revitalization
They were primarily in their 20s and 30s, facing a hostile
media and entertainment industry which generally portrayed
them in a bad light. Vietnam vets were depicted as habitually
unemployed and/or homeless and racked with guilt or
post-traumatic stress disorder. The movies 'First Blood'
and 'Deer Hunter' were good examples of this milieu.
That came despite the reality of Vietnam veterans as
a group more successful compared with those of their
generation who didn’t serve.
Veteran’s Day at
that time was not what we experience now, insofar as
the primary veterans were Vietnam era with that negative
stigma. At the time, World War II veterans were middle
aged and a tough, silent group. World War I veterans
were still around, though quite old (as were the occasional
“ancient” Spanish American War Veteran).
Veterans Day was important, but it was celebrated despite
the wrongful stigma and the “malaise” in
America of the late 1970s and the feeling among veterans
that they were not appreciated outside their own circles.
This dynamic changed during
the 1980s and the Reagan administration. When Ronald
Reagan began in his first term in 1981, he prioritized
rebuilding the military with higher pay and revitalization.
The nation became revitalized with Reagan’s economic
and foreign policy successes to the point Reagan won
49 states in his 1984 reelection.
Rebuilding the military
was a primary focus in the 80s, and media and entertainment
came around on that. Instead of the gloom of 'First
Blood' and 'Deer Hunter', pro-military movies like “Top
Gun” (1986) became the norm. Having been commissioned
as an Infantry Officer in 1990, and deploying to the
Middle East throughout the 1990s, I experienced the
complete turnaround in treatment of the military by
society. Returning from deployments in uniform meant
the constant refrain of “thank you for your service”
versus the distain many Vietnam veterans experienced.
Veterans were almost always
portrayed in a positive light. The nation seemed to
go overboard in thanking veterans, and I suspect it
was partly to make up for treatment of Vietnam veterans.
Veterans Day became a more important Holiday beyond
the military. Americans realized World War II veterans
were a particularly important group to honor before
they were gone.
During the post 9-11 wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan, America continued the laudatory
treatment of the military and veterans. I can still
remember returning from Afghanistan in fatigue uniform
and the airport loudspeaker announcing our return to
cheers of civilians. Most younger Americans by then
had grown up without the memory of the post-Vietnam
treatment of veterans. During this period, World War
II veterans were dying at thousands per day. 'Honor
Flight', flying World War II (and later Korea) veterans
to Washington DC to see the World War II Memorial, came
into being to specially honor those veterans.
With the younger generation
deploying to the post-9/11 wars, the nation continually
honored their service. This tied all Veterans, WWII
to post-9/11, together in a positive light. Unlike with
the negative public sentiment directed at the military
after the withdrawal from Vietnam, the public did not
turn on veterans after the catastrophically botched
withdrawal from Afghanistan. The ire was almost exclusively
placed on the Biden administration and top decision-makers,
but not the troops and vets. Though military recruitment
has been in crisis the past few years, this has been
mainly due to the perception of many military families
of “woke” policies (which many believe the
incoming Trump administration will reverse). Veterans
are still honored.
Returning from command
in Korea, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur repeated
a “barracks ballad” in a speech to Congress
exclaiming “old soldiers never die, they just
fade away”. MacArthur died in 1964, just before
the Vietnam War, and so never witnessed the inexcusable
treatment of Vietnam veterans. Regardless, the sentiment
about veterans “fading away” is something
I have come to understand as I get older and watch former
and fellow brothers in arms passing on to be with those
who fell in battle. Lawrence Binyon wrote as part of
his famous poem 'For the Fallen': “ They shall
grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall
not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going
down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember
them.” We honor our fallen comrades on Memorial
Day, but we cannot forget Veterans are left to grow
old and fade away. It’s important that American
society honor their service before they join their comrades
who fell in battle. It is the duty of every American.
God bless America.” [End of quote]
As a “Cold War”
Air Force veteran myself, during which we were deployed
in Germany on MACE nuclear missile bases close to the
old “Iron Curtain” and pointed in the direction
of East Germany and the Russian Soviet Union (USSR),
I never had to dodge a bullet fired at me by an enemy
combatant. And to this day I still feel like an impostor
on Veteran’s Day. Why? The article above alludes
to the many thousands of young men (and women) who lost
their lives fighting wars which evil politicians deliberately
instigated and promoted for personal power and profit.
And untold lives were lost after those brave soldiers
came home from Viet Nam to hostile jeers, being spat
upon, and called “baby killers.” Many were
suffering from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(called “Battle Fatigue” in WWII and Korea)
and committed suicide after getting back home—something
that is still happening all across America today. The
vast majority of Viet Nam Vets did not volunteer to
fight—they were “selected” by local
draft boards made up of citizens “doing their
patriotic duty.” And their deaths, both in battle
and by their own hands afterwards, still stands as silent
accusing fingers pointed at the political leadership
of a nation that not only treated them terribly, but
also failed to prosecute the criminals who literally
caused the wars from which the Military-Industrial Complex
still profits greatly—something President Dwight
D. Eisenhower—a former WWII 5 star General warned
about as he left office.
Years ago I attended an
all day seminar at which a professor of economics revealed
quite a bit about the tremendous amounts of money that
accrued to those who engaged in (1) sales of arms and
ammunition and (2) contractors who, after hostilities
are ended, make multiplied millions by rebuilding what
the fighting had destroyed. He called it his “crunch-crunch”
I did not know until the
day I preached his funeral, that my cousin was the recipient
of the Silver Star medal for heroism in Viet Nam as
a green beret. He, like most who returned home, didn’t
talk about it and retreated into a bottle which played
a large role in his death. Folks, that makes my heart
Our brand new (and former)
President Trump needs our fervent prayers as he begins
to lead our nation. He and his administration will doubtless
face many trials and tribulations that would perplex
the wisdom of King Solomon. And the very real possibility
of WWIII will be something to deal with immediately
upon taking the oath of office in January. He has overcome
at least two assassination attempts, the first of which
by a bullet that missed his head by a quarter of an
inch and the second thwarted by an alert Secret Service
agent. Both instances appear to be divine intervention
by our loving and merciful God. And my personal prayer
is that Donald Trump has received Him as his personal
Lord and Savior. I hope that those who read this article
will pray for his eternal salvation as well. Our nation
desperately needs a man of bravery and determination
to overcome politicians whose sole aim in life is to
benefit from the life blood of impressionable and patriotic
young men and women. Multiple wars since WWII have killed
or maimed many thousands of them and accomplished absolutely
nothing of genuine strategic value for America. And
the Biden administration is going right down to the
wire wasting billions more by “pounding sand into
a rat hole” where the Ukraine is concerned, trying
to defeat Russia—a much larger and populated nation
who military experts claim cannot be done. Is there
no justice for traitorous leaders?
Today we salute all of
our veterans. May God richly bless you and your families.
Ron Riffe
Here is the first article taken
from Mac Dominick's new Book
The Bible is replete with major themes
that flow as rivers throughout the pages of Scripture.
Examples of these underlying streams of truth include
vital teachings like The Redemption of Fallen Mankind
and the Restoration of Eden with the coming Kingdom
of God on Earth. The War of Good vs. Evil is a third
river of truth that flows from Genesis to Revelation.
The Cosmic Conflict of Jerusalem vs. Babylon exemplifies
this biblical scenario, and this river of truth is explored
in depth in this new literary work. This journey through
the Word of God will begin in the Garden of Eden, traverse
the pages of the Old Testament into the New Testament,
explore the history and driving forces behind today's
Middle East conflict, and come to an awe-inspiring climax
with a prophetic view of the future as detailed in the
Book of Revelation.
The balance of this article
features the Introduction as documented in the opening
pages of Cosmic Conflict: Jerusalem vs. Babylon:
The great mountain rose
above the plain as a colossus that could be seen for
miles across the flat, fertile landscape. The mountain
seemed somehow akin to the legendary primordial mound
of Babylon that arose from the ancient sea at its creation
by the great god Marduk. The great mountain on the plain
was, however, in another sense, much different. This
was no ordinary mountain--it was a man-made mountain--well,
almost man-made. Marduk released the Anunnaki gods from
the underworld, and they labored for an entire year
to produce more than 36,000,000 of the molded bricks
needed for the construction. They further assisted the
mere mortals in assembling the mountain "from the
ground up." This artificial mountain now rose from
the plain as not only a tribute to the accomplishments
of all involved, but this edifice built directly over
the entrance to the Abzu (later called Tartarus by the
Greeks) would be the home to the supreme gods and goddesses
in the pantheon--Enlil, Enki, Ishtar, and especially
Marduk. It was also destined to become the source of
harnessing the cosmic power required to open the portal
of the Abzu to allow the former gods, the heavenly Watchers,
to be released from their chains and complete the total
corruption of the human genome initiated before the
Flood. This action would cripple the Word of Yahweh
that promised the appearance of the Redeemer--the "seed
of the woman" --to save a sin-infested human race.
The diabolical actions of these evil spirits and human
accomplices would ultimately populate Earth with a race
of what could best be described as the demonic spawn
of the Evil One. With the leadership of Nimrod and the
labors of the Anunnaki, the antediluvian world would
once again become a reality. The final success of the
plan also meant that the completion of the Great Mountain
would equate to an extinction-level event for all of
Even though Yahweh would
arrive on the scene to destroy the tower and scatter
the residents of the city of Babylon, the battle lines
had been drawn. Nimrod had become a gibbor- he made
the deal with the Evil One that would result in the
creation of the race of the Amorites and ultimately
the beings within Amorite tribes the Bible calls the
Rephaim--hybrid beings with supernatural abilities and
gigantic size. It would take more than a millennium,
but later generations of the Amorites would become the
rulers of a new Babylon founded by the Akkadian, Sargon
the Great. Sargon is reported to have taken the very
soil from the site of ancient Babylon to build his capital
city of Akkad. The Amorites would invade Akkad, change
the name to Babylon, and establish what has come to
be known as the Old Babylonian Empire. This empire came
to be ruled by the infamous Amorite, Hammurabi, whose
name translates "My fathers are Rephaim."
Thus, the Old Babylonian Empire was founded on a supernatural
Evil that began with Nimrod at the original tower and
city of Babylon. The evil entities that ruled as the
gods and guided the human rulers of Babylon established
a base of evil and wickedness that is difficult for
any today to imagine. Babylon was indeed the Evil City.
The Amorites would continue
their conquests into the region of the southern Levant.
Therein lies a major problem. Not only were the Amorites
empowered by the Evil One, but Yahweh also chose this
land for Himself and His specific inheritance--the children
of Israel. He also chose Mount Zion which lay within
the "promised land" for His Holy Mountain.
Furthermore, at the time of Abraham there was a city
resting on the crest of Mount Zion-- the city of Salem.
This city was ruled by a very mysterious figure, a priest-king
named Melchizedek. Melchizedek is very intriguing for
several reasons:
• He received a
tithe offering from Abraham.
• He is named in the New Testament as the progenitor
of a priestly order.
• This same priestly order names Jesus Christ
as its great high priest.
• Based on the above points, many scholars believe
Melchizedek was a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus
Himself--a theophany (or Christophany).
The very presence of Melchizedek
leads one to conclude that Yahweh had, by the time of
Abraham, already claimed the city of Jerusalem (the
later name of the city of Salem) as the earthly location
to place "His Name" and reiterated to the
post-Flood world that Mt. Zion was His Holy Mountain.
After the time of Melchizedek,
a group of Amorites called Jebusites overran and ruled
the city. Amorite tribes ruled in the "hill country"
west of the Jordan River in the area today known as
the "West Bank" and the region of Bashan east
of the Jordan ruled by the Rephaim giant, Og. When the
nation of Israel claimed the land God promised them
via the Exodus from Egypt, the stage was set for not
only bloody conflict on the soil of the southern Levant
but also spiritual warfare in the heavenly dimension
that was beyond the imagination of any mortal being
that dwelt on the face of Earth.
The Babylonian Spirit
of the Amorites was what we today would deem as "globalism."
This philosophy originated at the Tower of Babel where
Nimrod and his fellow citizens gathered all of mankind
together in unison in opposition to Yahweh's command
to the survivors of the Flood to "replenish the
earth." Yahweh, in contrast, became the first "nationalist."
Yahweh took upon Himself the task of distributing humanity
by nationalities across the face of the planet by changing
languages. This action forced humanity into subgroups
based on simple linguistic communication.
However, the Evil One
planned to defeat Yahweh by planting his physically
superior forces from Babylon in the land Yahweh had
claimed for His own. The battle began under the leadership
of Moses, transferred to Joshua, and culminated some
350 years later with Joab's bravery and cunning in leading
David's forces under impregnable defenses to conquer
the Amorite city of Jebus--Jerusalem, the city Yahweh
chose to place His Name. As time progressed, there would
be more bloodshed on the streets of Jerusalem than any
other city on the face of the planet.
All this history sets
the stage for the reader of this manuscript to understand
one of the most critical underlying themes of God's
Holy Word-- The Cosmic Conflict of Jerusalem vs. Babylon
that permeates the Word of God. This study will revolve
around 4 major disciplines:
• Theology--the study of God
• History--the study of the past through written
documentation and observation
• Archeology--the study of physical evidence discovered
in the ground
• Eschatology --the study of future events as
detailed in the prophecies of the Word of God
To give the reader a roadmap
as a guide for this journey through time and space,
we will map the journey based on the following guideposts:
• We will begin
with 8 theological concepts as prerequisites. These
will provide a biblical knowledge base for the journey.
• We will take a journey through the history of
Jerusalem and Babylon beginning at the Garden of Eden
to the present day. We will access biblical, historical,
and archeological sources as we traverse history.
• Our journey will lead us out of the pages of
the New Testament into the history of the Middle East
from AD 70 to 1948 which shaped the volatile situation
witnessed in the region today.
• We will take an in-depth look at the current
wars with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the evil demonic
entities behind today's attacks on God's chosen people.
• Finally, we will study the eschatology of Jerusalem
and Babylon. The Bible is rife with detailed accounts
of the future of these two cities.
There is one critical
concept to remember as we embark on this journey. Yahweh
is a supernatural being that is well beyond our ability
as human beings to grasp. However, He has given us a
supernatural book where He reveals Himself to mere mortals
by illumination sent to our minds by His Holy Spirit.
Therefore, we must be mindful that we seek to learn
of a supernatural, holy, righteous God. Our approach
must be made in humility, awe, and reverence for the
One who is the Creator and Sustainer of all life and
holds the key to all the eternal secrets of His existence.
We will not be able to
attain all the answers to the questions that arise from
this study. However, if we prayerfully approach the
Throne of Grace with our efforts, perhaps we will gain
some small glimmer of enlightenment for a better understanding
of His Holy Word-- to better "...know him, and
the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of
his sufferings." (1) Once we gain a more complete
understanding of these concepts, we can then trust the
power of His Holy Spirit to make us more like Him, love
Him more, and serve Him with all our hearts, souls,
and minds.
1. Philippians 3:10
Jesus Declared war on an ancient enemy
at the very beginning of His ministry. He hinted at
the identity of this being through the locations of
His baptism, the Transfiguration, and the Olivet Discourse.
This enemy was cast down from the mountain of God. He's
deceived millions in sacrificing their children on his
altars. And he returns from the bottomless pit at the
end of the age-a prophecy encoded into the art and architecture
of the United States Capitol.
In THE GATES OF HELL , husband and wife researchers
Derek P. Gilbert and Sharon K. Gilbert, have produced
more shocking revelations about the spiritual war in
which all of us are deployed:
• Jesus was baptized
in a region believed to be the literal entrance to the
• Jesus declared His divinity in front of the
"gates of Hades"
• The Transfiguration took place on the "Canaanite
Mount Olympus"
• Jesus based His ministry at the entrance to
the Valley of the Shadow of Death
• This ancient enemy of God may have been the
high priest in Eden
• Israel's war with Hamas my have been triggered
by this dark entity for control of the Holy Land
• The colors of the Palestinian flag are those
of the four horsemen of the apocalypse- white, red,
black, and green
• Most shocking of all, the Gilberts reveal the
hidden meaning of a painting inside the US Capitol that
contains a disturbing secret about the destiny of the
USA and a prophecy of a new Golden Age triggered by
the return of this entity THE DESTROYER, APOLLYON. 379
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