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Is there any significance behind the Elite choosing to sign
the Armistice Agreement ending World War I at the 11th hour
of the 11th day of the 11th month?
War I Armistice Day (Veteran's Day) - History's Greatest
Single Proof That International Conspiracy Is Ruling The
Modern World
Ending World War I
on 11/11/11 is a very big deal! It add to "33",
one of the most powerful of Satanic numbers, but there is
more significance!
When the Illuminati staged World War I Armistice
Day signing at the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th
Month, they deliberately formed the number '11-11-11', a
signal to occultists worldwide that they had successfully
completed the First World War according to Albert
Pike's Master Plan to produce Antichrist!
Now, the world focuses on the extreme Antichrist
number of 11/11/11 every year. Secret Society history records
that World War I was the outworking of Albert Pike's vision
from his familiar spirit in January, 1870, that three world
wars would be necessary to produce the Masonic Christ --
Antichrist -- on the world scene. The Pike Plan to overthrow
the Judeo-Christian Old World Order, and establish the Satanic
New World Order foresaw the need for war. However, this
war was not the type of warfare the world had seen historically.
This war was to be on a much larger scale than history had
ever recorded. This war was to be global, or world-wide.
Please take the time to read our lengthy expose'
of Albert
Pike's demonic vision which has guided world events
since the beginning of World War I on 28 July 1914, lasting
until 11 November 1918. There is simply too much material
to cover here.
this war was triggered by the Illuminati and
it achieved exactly the goals outlined in Pike's demonic
vision of 1870. Russia's Czarist government was, indeed,
overthrown and replaced by Communism. Therefore, since this
war had achieved exactly what Pike's vision had foretold,
the Illuminati decided to stage the final armistice agreement
ending the war on a day which would signal every practicing
occultist in the world that the world war had been an Illuminati
undertaking and the final goal was the staging of Antichrist.
How on earth would they signal all this information by
selecting a particular day?
Since the Illuminati are practicing pagans,
they believe that a good plan may fail if it is not carried
out according to certain "sacred numbers" (Read
NEWS1756, entitled, "The
Sacred Numbers of the Attacks of 9/11").
The occult sacred number for the appearance of Antichrist
is '11' and multiples of '11'. Just as the attacks of 9/11/2001
were undergirded by many uses of the number '11', so was
the original date of the Armistice of World War I.
This Armistice was signed on November (the
11th month), on the 11th day, at the 11th hour! This formed
an "11 11 11".
Every occultist got the message loudly and
clearly: just as World War I had been fought exactly as
Albert Pike's vision had foreseen in 1870, so would World
Wars II and III. What was the foretold event which would
trigger World War III? Pike's vision said the trigger would
be all-out war between Israel and her Arab neighbors! We
are on the cusp of that war now.
The return of Jesus Christ is very, very near.
But, first, Antichrist must be on the world scene! Remember
this fact fully: the first man stepping on the world scene
claiming to be Jesus Christ will be the prophesied Antichrist.
That day is rapidly approaching!
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisement, belo
great deal of unnecessary fear and angst have been created
by prophecy teachers falsely warning that the world was
going to be swept up in global panic and upheaval in September.
Cutting Edge addresses
this false teaching in our new DVD title, "World
War III: History's Greatest Lynchpin Event". We
report the truth: While the Elite have 12 different global
crises lined up and ready to launch at any moment, they
also have planned that none of these multiple crises will
occur until the World War III begins that will produce Antichrist
on the world scene.
Further, the Bible
foretells that the last birth pang to produce Antichrist
cannot occur until the world is reorganized into the Prophetic
10 Toes (Supernations) of Daniel! You
will feel liberated once you understand these prophetic
Biblical facts.
Video Trailer of "World War III"
Missouri black students have learned their tactics well
from Communist leader, Mao Tse-tung!
Political power can,
indeed, grow out of the exercise and the threat, of brute
NEWS BRIEF: "Missouri
Meltdown Continues: Campus Police Want Emergency Reports
on ‘Hurtful Speech’ ", Breitbart
News, 10 Nov 2015
"The campus police at the University
of Missouri sent out a campus-wide email this morning asking
'individuals who witness of hateful and/or hurtful speech
or actions” to immediately report the incident to
them. The email did not define what constitutes hurtful
speech but did say if anyone experiences or hears it they
are immediately get in touch with cops and also provide
'a detailed description of the individual(s) involved' along
with the “license plate and vehicle descriptions…'
Also, 'If possible and if it can be done safely, take a
photo of the individual(s) with your cell phone'.”
This announcement by Campus Police at Missouri
University is the most ridiculous and open-ended I have
ever heard. Since there is no concrete definition of what
constitutes "hateful or hurtful speech or actions",
any person harboring any grudge toward any other student
can simply accuse without proof and that student is immediately
"guilty as charged".
Illuminati Card -- shown left -- demonstrates a somber reality:
the plan to overthrow this Old World Order includes violent
confrontations between black students and the Army!
If this situation reminds you of the rigged
Communist trials of the Russian and Chinese era, you are
absolutely right. These radical students have learned the
lesson from Communist dictator, Mao Tse-tung, well:
"Political power grows out of the barrel
of a gun".
Mao Tse-tung is correct, as long as his bullying
is not met with superior force. But, remember, after Mao
seized control in China, he murdered over 100 million people!
Missouri students are acting as thugs, and
are being courted by university authorities instead of being
confronted. Only disaster can flow from this deplorable
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisements, below
Chris Pinto DVD
Guidestones Mystery Revealed: Dark Clouds Over Elberton"
DVD by Chris Pinto
At Long Last: The mysterious 'R.C.
Christian' who funded the massive Georgia Guidestones is
revealed by Chris Pinto. Masterful research project finally
pays off.
In 1979, a mysterious stranger appeared in the remote town
of Elberton, Georgia. The man introduced himself as R.C.
Christian, but admitted this was not his real name. He claimed
to represent a small group of loyal Americans who wanted
to erect a monument they hoped would inspire 'the Age of
The monument was named the Georgia
Guidestones. Written on the great granite stones are ten
commands or guides that were intended to provide wisdom
for mankind. But the first of them calls for a reduction
of the world population to a mere 500 million. In order
to achieve this, billions of people would have to die. Many
have wondered: is the monument designed to inspire wisdom?
Or to launch a global genocide?
Researchers have wondered for decades
about the identity of R.C. Christian and the purpose of
his mysterious structure. Was he part of a globalist group?
Was he working with the United Nations? After a five year
investigation, this powerful documentary presents groundbreaking
information, and dares to solve the mystery of who R.C.
Christian really was.
This film is a must see for those
who wish to learn more about the globalist use of environmentalism
in the cause of population control.
Role of both Rosicrucian and Freemason
secret societies in the building of the Georgia Guidestones
is revealed
2 Hours Long -- Dynamic
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu shocks the world when he
declared that the issues of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
are 'insolvable'!
If diplomacy continues
to fail, war is inevitable.
of Jerusalem and Temple Mount is 'unsolvable': Netanyahu",
i24 News, 11/11/2015
"Israeli PM tries to convince liberal
left-leaning Americans of his intention for peace with Palestinians
... One of the most burning issues, for this audience, was
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Netanyahu was asked
about his policy repeatedly during the question and answer
sessions. “It’s not about territorial compromise,”
Netanyahu said, 'it's about mutual recognition, about the
Palestinians recognizing Israel as a Jewish state - and
security arrangements. You should invite [Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud] Abbas here, I am willing to enter talks
without any preconditions, but he won't'.”
By now, every discerning person on Earth should
realize that the Palestinians -- and all Arabs throughout
the world -- will NEVER ACCEPT a peace agreement that still
allows Israel to exist. The only desire that a follower
of Islam has toward Jews and Israel is the fervent desire
to annihilate them all.
Annihilate every Jew, everywhere on Earth.
Seize the Holy Land for Islam, once and for
Succeed where Adolf Hitler failed.
Prime Minister Netanyahu continued:
" 'A future deal with the Palestinians
that any deal must ensure Israel can defend itself by itself'.
The issue of Jerusalem and Temple Mount is 'insolvable',
he added, and 'will have to stay under Israeli control'."
Global Elite knows how intractable these issues are, and
has a plan to solve it.
"Then, and only
then, will it be possible to build a combination Temple/Church/Mosque
in Jerusalem ... any purely political settlement in the
Middle East would not, by itself, bring peace. In other
words, a purely political settlement would leave the religious
nature of the problem unsolved."
"Any permanent solution to the Middle
East conflict would also have to see the religious portion
of the problem solved. Once this religious problem is solved,
then the power and influence of the Orthodox Jews in Israel
would permanently decline." (New England House of Theosophy
Director, Bill Lambert, speaking at a seminar entitled,
"Possible and Probable Events of the Future",
August 18, 1991)
Our only question is, will this "combination
Temple/Church/Mosque in Jerusalem"
be built before or after the Israelis have carried out the
annihilation of all Palestinians in fulfillment of Obadiah
15-18, as we detail in the new DVD shown left?
If this combination
worship building is built before the annihilation, Palestinian
and Israeli authorities will have to somehow keep the Muslim
hot heads under control, as radical Muslims will consider
such a cooperative effort as a sell-out to Mohammed.
But, after the annihilation
has occurred, Muslims will be outraged, but conquered. They
may reach out to cooperate on this combination offer, realizing
the enormity of the power arrayed against them!
Truly, the End of the Age is upon us.
NOTE: News Alert continues after
the advertisements, below
will never read the Gospels The Same Way Again" DVD
Your understanding of the Gospel account
will change forever! Once you understand the truth that
Jewish leaders who conspired to put Jesus on the cross were
practicing Satanists of a Secret Society.
This incredible DVD reveals that the
Pharisees and Sadducees who hated
Jesus with an unnatural hatred and
provoked the Lord into uncharacteristic animosity toward
them, were secretly Satanists practicing what later became
known as the Cabala (Kabbala, Qabbala).
Now you will know why the Pharisees
killed Jesus even though they knew with 100% certainty that
He was the Promised Messiah. Now you will know why these
Jewish leaders looked at Jesus' miracles and concluded that
He was drawing His power from Beelzebub, one of Satan's
chief demons. When the Pharisees told the people that Jesus
did not possess inherent power, but was merely accessing
the power of Beelzebub,they caused Jesus to proclaim a brand
new type of sin, the 'Unpardonable Sin'!
This type of Satanism which the Pharisees
practiced is the major power behind the drive to the 'New
World Order', which is the 'Kingdom of Antichrist', and
is the Corner Stone of every major type of Satanism in the
past 2,500 years! Even Adolf Hitler loved and revered the
Cabala, even as he was plotting to slaughter all Jews.
Soul-winning Segment at the very end
Trailer ---- Full
Order Details
4. Will it take a
Republican President to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) passed?
The TPP, dubbed "ObamaTrade"
may be so cumbersome and so controversial, and so anathema
to Republicans, that the act may not be passed Congress
until a Republican President can get it passed.
NEWS BRIEF: "Concerns
Grow on Capitol Hill Over Lame Duck ObamaTrade - TPP",
Breitbart News, 10 Nov 2015
"There is growing concern and opposition
on Capitol Hill that President Obama’s unpopular Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP) trade bill will be voted on during the
'lame-duck' session, which will take place once voters have
cast their ballots in the November 2016 election. Senator
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has been one of the most vocal
critics regarding the possibility of TPP being voted on
during the lame-duck session. He said earlier this week
that “The vote should be held under regular Senate
and Constitutional order, and it should be held when voters
can hold their lawmakers accountable – not during
an unaccountable lame-duck session.”
"The benefit of having the vote during
the 2016 lame-duck session is that there will be a lame
duck president and lame duck members of Congress who won’t
feel pressured by their constituents to oppose the deal."
Please understand this situation correctly:
This TPP is not just an Obama concept, nor just a Democrat
plan, it is part of the global plan by the Elite to help
break down barriers throughout a great swath of this world
so that the New World Order can be established.
But, first, a great deal of political posturing
will occur. Democrats will be supportive while Republicans
will be vocally opposed. Republicans will probably be seen
as possessing enough political clout to prevent TPP from
being approved by Congress.
In fact, Republican opposition to TPP may
be so strong along the lines of Traditional Republican Values
that the deal may not be passed until or unless a turncoat
Republican President rams it through. Just as NAFTA -- North
American Free Trade Agreement -- was started by Republican
George H.W. Bush but finished by Democrat Bill Clinton,
so TPP may have been started by a Democrat President, but
finally approved by a Republican.
Politics makes strange bedfellows, don't you
Most Unusual DVD
On Freemasonry Ever Created
Mac Dominick and David
Bay, Authors
In The Pulpit: Is 'Ichabod' Written Over Your Church Door?"
If your church allows Masons to fill the pulpit,
or be Deacons, or serve as Sunday School teachers, you have
a very serious spiritual problem with Almighty God. The
Holy Spirit has written 'Ichabod (The Glory Has
Departed)' above your front door!
While Freemasonry has successfully deceived
a great many people, convincing them that Freemasonry is
compatible with Christianity, God knows the Truth and is
not tolerant of Masons In The Pulpit. We prove that a Holy
God cannot tolerate Masons in the pulpit of a church for
which His Son, Jesus, bled on that cruel cross of Calvary.

We begin at a very reasonable starting premise:
If a pastor refuses to resign from the Masonic Lodge he
does so because he feels greater loyalty to the Lodge than
to Jesus Christ.
Starting from this premise, we examine a number
of key Masonic teachings and then ask the Pastor how he
can reconcile these teachings with Biblical Christianity.
We ask, 'Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key biblical
doctrine, are you really thinking of the radically different
teaching of Freemasonry? Prime Example:
Freemasonry teaches that its religion is far superior to
any other religion on Earth, including Christianity. Mr.
Pastor, are you thinking how superior Masonry is to Christianity
when you are teaching Biblical doctrine. Second
Example: Freemasonry teaches that it is necessary
for Lodge leaders to deliberately lie to their people until
they are 'mature enough' to comprehend and accept the truth;
Mr. Pastor, when you are teaching key Biblical doctrine,
are you secretly thinking that it is necessary for you to
teach these 'lies' about Jesus and the God of the Bible
until your people are spiritually mature to comprehend the
true Masonic doctrine?
We prove that a Holy God cannot tolerate Masons
in the pulpit of a church for which His Son, Jesus, bled
on that cruel cross of Calvary.
hours of teaching