2. Thirteen (13)
Republican traitors abruptly switched votes to enable
President Biden's multi-trillion dollar "Infrastructure"
bill to pass the House.
Infrastructure Bill: 13 Republicans who voted for
it", The Washington
Examiner, November 6, 2021
"Thirteen House Republicans
joined Democrats to vote in favor of the $1.2 trillion
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act late Friday night,
sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s
desk nearly three months after it passed in the Senate.
This is a perfect
illustration of our long-standing teaching that America
is really run by a One-Party System.
In the Spring of 1985,
I chuckled at the announcement by Dr. James Dobson,
that he had made a terribly upsetting discovery during
the time he and several Christian organizations were
fighting on Capitol Hill for outlawing Abortion on Demand.
In the course of his fight, Dobson discovered that most
Congressional votes, and especially votes on key issues,
are fixed.
"In a controversial
issue, those congressmen or senators in districts that
were strongly in favor of a particular piece of legislation
were allowed to vote Dr. Dobson's way. However, those
representatives whose districts were more liberal, or
were 'safe', were told they must vote against the bill.
Dr. Dobson discovered the dirty little secret: that
a very few leaders in Congress absolutely control the
vote on any issue." (NEWS1264)
3. The Federal
Appeals Court ruled that President Biden's COVID-19
Vaccine Mandate is unconstitutional!
NEWS BRIEF: "Federal
Appeals Court Blocks Biden Admin’s Vax Mandate",
Life News, November 6, 2021
"The United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a ruling
this afternoon temporarily halting Joe Biden’s
COVID vaccine mandate for private employers. A total
of 27 states have so far filed lawsuits against the
mandate along with countless businesses and organizations."
"From the pro-life
perspective, the vaccine mandate can compel pro-life
Americans to get vaccines that are linked to research
using cells from aborted babies. And it would force
Christian employers to make their employees get such
vaccines that would violate their pro-life or religious
Religiously conservative think tanks such as the Lozier Institute have expressed their opinion that lab sequenced mRNA vaccines, and specifically the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, do not pose an ethical problem for them, as they are synthetically produced. Here is the 2 page PDF from Lozier Institute showing which vaccinnes use or don't use fetal cells.
The attorney for the States
clearly enunciated the problem:
"For over a century,
the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that policies
on compulsory vaccination lie within the police powers
of the States, and that ‘[t]hey are matters that
do not ordinarily concern the national government,’
the complaint read. 'This mandate is unconstitutional,
unlawful, and unwise. The federal government lacks constitutional
authority under its enumerated powers to issue this
One person understands
hat the issue is about taking away our freedoms. "If
politicians and bureaucrats are allowed to brazenly
ignore the constitutional limits on their power whenever
they please, we no longer live in a free society...
” (Michael Farris, the president of ADF)
"Challenging the
federal government in court is costly. But more costly
is standing by and doing nothing while that same government
abuses its power.” (Ibid.)
Therefore, it appears
that there will be no Federal Mandate. Are we then in
the clear as to the dangers of this executive mandate?
Ron Paul warns that a Vaccine-Linked ‘Social Credit
Score’ Already Here!
Paul Warns: Vaccine-Linked
‘Social Credit Score’ Already Here, It Just
Needs Funding", Conservative
Zone, Nov 7, 2021
"China, for years
now, has been watching their citizens closely. With
the use of facial recognition technology, every citizen
has been given a ‘score.’ This score dictates
how someone is able to move and live in society, and
the Communist Chinese use it to control absolutely everything
of the daily lives of its subjects."
"Those that possess
less than a stellar credit score are left not being
able to travel or go about their daily lives without
harassment. Big brother has a close eye on all."
I have believed for some
time now that dictatorial China has served the purpose
of testing out ideas and concepts that the Elite want
to imposed upon the world. If an idea does not work
in China, Big Brother will likely not try imposing it
But, if a concept succeeds
in China, then the Elite will guide it along so they
can perfect the scheme before they impose it globally.
America seems poised to
fine-tune the vaccine mandate program / social credit
score, based upon the Chinese model.
"Congress is steadily
moving towards funding a similar system ... former senator,
Dr. Ron Paul, has come out with a warning for everyone
that the Chinese type credit score can soon become a
reality in America. Everyday, Americans are seeing their
freedoms being eroded by over-zealous officials, determined
to control every aspect of people’s lives. Patient
confidentiality is at risk of being completely destroyed..."
"The result of the
identifier will be a medical caste system, where those
who refuse to follow the mandates or advice of the ‘experts’
are denied opportunities to work, receive an education,
or even go to church or enjoy a night out on the town,”
said Dr. Paul."
Can you sense the rapid
degree to which our Federal Government, assisted by
'Big Tech' and cooperating with many nations worldwide,
are using the vaccine mandate as the vehicle by which
they will one day so control everyone that "no
man may buy or sell save he that had the Mark"?
(Revelation 13:15-17)
Thankfully, a Federal
Judge has ruled on our behalf.
Appeals Court Blocks Biden Admin’s Vax Mandate"
Bush's New Middle East Map

4. Iran unleashed
a pair of armed drones to converge on the home of the
Iraqi Prime Minister, trying to murder him.
assassination bid against Iraq’s PM ramps up tension",
Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Nov 7, 2021
The failed assassination attempt against Iraq’s
prime minister at his residence on Sunday has ratcheted
up tensions following last month’s parliamentary
elections, in which the Iran-backed militias were the
biggest losers."
Is Iran trying to attain
by the force of terror that which they could not gain
at the ballot box?
"Helicopters circled
in the Baghdad skies throughout the day, while troops
and patrols deployed around Baghdad and near the capital’s
fortified Green Zone, where the overnight attack occurred."
Election results went
so badly against the Iranian side that they felt Iranian
leaders simply had to strike back with terror.
"It was a dramatic
escalation in the already tense situation following
the Oct. 10 vote and the surprising results in which
Iran-backed militias lost about two-thirds of their
Iran seems to
be ratcheting tensions upward, stopping short of all-out
NEWS BRIEF: ""Iran’s
Ayatollahs are up to no good, here’s why",
World Israel News, November
8, 2021
"From an attempted
assassination attempt against Iraq’s prime minister
to a terror plot targeting Israelis in Cyprus –
Iran continues to increase offensive pressures on its
other regional neighbors."
As we stated in our DVD,
"Bringing Saudi Arabia Down",
the Elite has given Shi'ite Iran a much stronger
role to play in the New World Order. Sunni
Saudi Arabia is literally kicked to the curb. Iraq is
slated to become a dominant power in the Region! As
you can see, this map depicts Iraq being split into
three distinct nations:
a) "Free Kurdistan"
in northern Iraq
b) Sunni Iraq in the south-western
c) Shia or Shi'ite Iraq
in the south-eastern sector, with Basra as the capital
Now, let us look at Saudi
Arabia. She is slated to become much weaker and to surrender
some of her oil facilities- to Shia Iraq!
This supposed American
ally suffers grievous loss of territory according to
President Bush's new map. She gives up land on all parts
of her current border.
* She gives up land on
the Red Sea so Jordan can be expanded
* She gives up land on
the Persian Gulf so Iraq's Shia State can be created
* She gives up land to
the south so Yemen can be expanded. From time to time,
we have posted articles to Daily News Updates where
American forces are fighting rebels in that country.
Perhaps everyone shall have to be more vigilant in paying
attention to Yemen.
The incredible fact is
that, if this map is implemented, Saudi Arabia will
be stripped of almost all her access to the ocean --
both on the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf!
But, there is even more
horror on the part of Saudi Arabia:
Most shockingly, Saudi
Arabia is going to be stripped of all management and
control over the Islamic Sacred Sites! I cannot imagine
any Saudi leader voluntarily giving up control of the
Islamic sacred sites!
Saudi Arabia has a considerable
number of oil facilities in the region immediately south
of Kuwait. Now, check the first map, above, the New
Middle East Map. You will discover that Shia Iraq is
planned to extend around Kuwait, leaving that country
as a sovereign island.
But, then, Shia Iraq extends
downward, all the way to Qatar! This somber reality
is that Saudi Arabia will be stripped of a considerable
amount of oil facilities that will then be handed to
Shia Iraq.
Now you know the REAL
reason Iran is attempting to destabilize the entire
Middle East, taking actions short of war and devastation.
If her leaders stick to the script, Iran is assured
more land and oil and gas and the religious accolades
which will come to them after they take over Islam's
most holy sites.
Iran does announce that they now have developed weaponized
nuclear weapons, does that mean they are automatically
such a threat as to plunge the Middle East into war?
THE WORLD FEAR?", by David Bay, Cutting
Edge Ministries
Plan of the Elite: "Of
course, a very short but very deadly global war using
nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations
was contemplated and to tell you the truth, was not
ruled out ..." ["Behold
A Pale Horse", by William Cooper,
p. 167, 177]
'The secret societies
were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial
threat ... in order to bring humanity together in a
one-world government which they call the New World Order'."
A Pale Horse", p. 27]
Heated public rhetoric has filled the newspapers and
radio broadcasts since Summer, 2003, warning that Iran
is nearly ready to produce nuclear weapons and that,
if she were ever to actually produce those weapons,
she would be an unacceptable risk to her neighbors and
to Israel through direct military confrontation. Further,
Iran is said to be ready to supply global terrorists
with nuclear weapons, thus posing a risk to the United
States, to Great Britain, and to the European Union.
Peoples of the world believe this rhetoric. Many must
lie at wake during the night worrying about nuclear
warheads bursting upon their heads.
The fact is, Iran has
possessed nuclear weapons since early, 2002, just a
few months after the attacks of 9/11. Quoting from NEWS1660,
"Mushroom Clouds In The Middle East":
Intelligence, Week of June 4, 2002.
"A Russian general's
statement about Iran's nukes fails to register with
media. Sometime a slip of the tongue is so incredible
that no amount of doctoring can explain it. And sometimes
a slip of the tongue is as intentional as could be.
Take an appearance by Russian Deputy Chief of Staff
Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky. He gave a briefing on Friday in
Moscow during the Bush-Putin summit and was asked about
whether Iran actually fired the Shihab-3 intermediate-range
missile in a successful test earlier this month. The
second question was whether Iran can threaten Israel,
Russia or the United States with its nuclear and missile
Then the Russian general
takes a surprise turn: 'Now, as to whether or not Iran
has tested something like that. Iran does have nuclear
weapons,' Baluyevsky said. 'Of course, these are non-strategic
nuclear weapons. I mean these are not ICBMs with a range
of more than 5,500 kilometers and more."
Now this is shocking news,
indeed! This Russian general has just confirmed that
Iran has nuclear warheads and theater missiles with
which to deliver them! And, he seems not to be concerned
because these warheads cannot yet hit Russian soil.
If Iran has nuclear weapons and the missile capability
with which to deliver them to Israeli targets, then
the entire calculation of military balance in the Middle
East may just have changed.
But, Iran is pictured
as being so dangerous that she would use nuclear weapons
as soon as she possibly can.
on the other hand, is pictured in the world's media
as being the most responsible power in the world when
it comes to actually using nuclear weapons in combat.
Peoples of the world believe this rhetoric. Few must
lie at wake during the night worrying about nuclear
weapons being used by the United States.
Is this public perception
correct? Before we start our discussion, let us review
the truths I learned in U.S. Army Intelligence, which
I enunciated in November, 2001, just weeks after the
9/11 attacks. This article is NEWS1558,
"Breaking Out of the Mental Box: Learning
To Think In The Opposite Direction To Discover The Truth."
Now, let us use some "Opposite
Direction" thinking.
America is the
only nation in history who actually used nuclear bombs
-- in 1945 against Japan.
Since then, her leaders
have achieved a respectable image in the minds and hearts
of the peoples of the world. Most people throughout
the world seem to be comfortable with the idea that
America has nuclear weapons and is developing new ones,
because they believe the leadership in the White House
to be responsible in the manner in which they manage
those terrible weapons.
The facts are simple:
any national leader contemplating a war using his nuclear
weapons is deterred because he knows he will be annihilated
by his enemies' nuclear weapons. Iran knows that both
the United States and Israel possess nuclear capabilities,
along with sophisticated delivery systems.
Therefore, Iranian
leaders have not used the nuclear weapons they have
had since 2002.
Therefore, when you hear
a Western leader warning that they will not allow Iran
to develop nuclear weapons, you are being lied to --
5. President Biden
is said to be considering the closure of a second oil
NEWS BRIEF: "Biden-Harris
Admin Considers Closing Second Pipeline as Gas Prices
Soar", Breitbart News, 8 November
"The Biden-Harris
administration on Monday reportedly began weighing the
closure of a Michigan oil pipeline [even though] gas
prices have tripled since 2020. The administration is
considering a request from 12 federally recognized tribes
to cancel the 78-year-old Line 5 oil pipeline, the Daily
Mail reported."
$4.00/Gallon gas
seems inevitable!
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Sunday warned
gas prices could reach $4.00 per gallon."
Al Gore's call
in 1992 for $5/Gallon Gas may be more of a target.
The former Vice President,
Al Gore, published his environmentally strange book,
entitled, "Earth In The Balance".
Gore's rejection of God
is the basis of Gore's entire argument. He believes
that human life can completely disappear from the earth;
yet the Scripture teaches that God will preserve this
earth until the time of final judgment. The rejection
of a personal and Omnipotent God as Creator and Sustainer
is a fatal flaw in the overall theory that climate changes
are this instrumental to human existence. Attempts to
prove a history of climate changes require a belief
in evolution for which there is no scientific evidence
and a contrived speculation that borders on the preposterous.
Gore makes one fact exceedingly
"We now know that
their cumulative impact on the global environment is
posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation
that is more deadly than that of any military enemy
..." ["Earth In The Balance",
Page 325]
Wow! Our former Vice-President
considers the automobile engine to be more of a threat
than the nuclear bombs of the Russians, the Chinese,
or the Arabs? Gore is speaking in context of the automobile
engines polluting the air with their CO2 emissions.
Just to make sure we all
got the message about the danger of the car engine,
Gore brutally dispels such ambiguity. "Within the
context of the SEI [Strategic Environment Initiative],
it ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global
program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely
eliminating the internal combustion engine
..." [Ibid., Pages 325-6]
This is not AOC speaking
here, bnut a former Vice President of the United States!
But the main point is
this: From Presidents Truman to Biden, we have had politicians
secretly setting in place programs and changes that
silently implement the extremist, wacked-out plans of
writers such as Foster and Alice Bailey, Ruth Montgomery,
Al Gore, and many others. Presidents Bush through Biden
are actively and publicly pursuing programs that implement
these wacked-out plans.
Now, we possibly have
a "Walk-In"
President (Biden) and a zany, zealous New Age Vice President
who are using all the powers of their offices to pursue
a program of radical change that is designed to destroy
our Industrial Civilization!
Now, can you understand
why this Democrat Leftist president has no qualms about
restricting our supply of oil and gas and does not care
if you suddenly cannot pay for the gas you need to survive?
More understanding:
Hatred Toward Our Industrial Civilization",
"Global Warming
Treaty Reached -- Industrial Nations Singled Out For
Extinction", NEWS1126
On November 7, 1938, Hitler
unleashed Kristallnacht - the Night
of Broken Glass, ultimately murdering 6.6 million Jews.
In the early days of Adolf
Hitler, Germany had no idea that Hitler was planning
to completely annihilate every Jew in Europe. Even though
Adolf had published his book Mein Kampf (My
Struggle), in which he plainly said that this was his
goal, few Germans and even fewer European Jews read
this book.
This worsening hatred
and persecution of the Jews took a strong turn for the
worse when Hitler assumed power in 1933. Now, German
Government resources began to pour through every avenue
of society to step up the attack. One of the major new
weapons against the Jew was propaganda, primarily posters,
radio, and the new movie industry. Jews were consistently
painted stereotypically as being non-human, dangerous
to society, greedy, stupid, etc. The greatest propaganda
film of all time was the Nazi film, "The Wandering
Jew". This film depicted the Jew as wandering over
the earth, infesting every country with their filth.
This film graphically portrayed the Jew as being rats,
a stereotype that stuck in the minds of millions of
Germans. Objective historians agree that "The Wandering
Jew" made the Holocaust not only possible, but
Now, the stage was set
for wholesale public persecution of the Jews. Hitler
was convinced that the average German on the street
would do nothing to stop an all-out assault. The year
was 1938; all Hitler needed was an excuse to crack the
whip on the Jew. And, make no mistake about the fact
that he would get that excuse, even if he had to
invent the specific act of provocation. This
is one historic fact every person in America should
completely understand. Many a government in history
has secretly created the very incident against which
it is "forced" to "react". As we
move into the actual implementation of this New World
Order, understand that American Government provocateurs
might very well be at work behind the scenes to produce
the violence erupting in our country.
Hitler did not have to
wait long, for Satan is a master at arranging events
with just the right timing. On November 7, 1938, in
Paris, France, a young and very distraught Jewish man
shot and killed a German diplomatic officer with a revolver,
as a protest against the treatment of Jews. Hitler and
his cronies had the incident for which they had been
waiting. On the evening of November 9, the Satanic Joseph
Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, ordered that
demonstrations against this murder begin immediately.
The result was one of
the truly horrifying episodes in all of recorded history.
The Reverend Paul Schenck writes, in his book, "The
Extermination of Christianity", that this "spontaneous"
demonstration, called Kristallnacht -- the night
of the broken glass -- transformed German society
forever, ultimately resulting in Hitler's Final Solution
of the Jewish "problem" in the ovens of the
Holocaust. Hitler galvanized the whole German population
into action against his one major, identifiable enemy,
the Jew. If the Jew had not existed in Germany in the
numbers and the influence in which they did, Hitler
would have had to invent some other enemy.
Hitler was able to seize
absolute dictatorial control of Germany. Using the chaos
which his own plans had created, Hitler became Germany's
all powerful military ruler. The Holocaust had begun.
The role of the
Mass Media that night is very instructive!
"German newspapers,
totally under Nazi control, carried the stories of these
riots as though they were spontaneous, as though these
represented the final breakthrough of pent-up German
emotion against the Jew. Hitler and Goebbels painted
the entire Jewish population of Germany with the same
broad brush as they painted the Jewish murderer of the
German diplomat. These Nazis used an event they knew
was definitely not representative of the Jewish population,
as the excuse to initiate a policy of the most brutal
murder campaign. The entire Jewish people were made
to suffer, and ultimately die, for the murder of this
one German."
"Now, return with
me to America, 2021. The Neo-Nazi New World Order is
about to break upon us with full force. Does the leadership
of this new order have a strong, identifiable enemy
against whom the American people could be galvanized?
Yes, they do, and they plan to use this group in the
same way in which Hitler used the Jew, to seize absolute,
dictatorial power. Who is this group? The Fundamentalist,
Born-Again Christian. I have noticed that the
authors of the New World Order enthusiastically welcome
all members of all other religions into their ranks,
except for one -- Fundamentalist Born-Again Christians.
Something, or someone, is really getting their anger
aroused against this group. And, most importantly, the
American Government and Media are cooperating in an
effort to systematically condition the average citizen
on the street against Born-Again Christians. The planned
result will be the same -- an outbreak of intense persecution
that will simultaneously eradicate the Christian, and
deliver the kingdom to Anti-Christ.
7. We celebrate
Veteran's Day on November 11, also known as "Armistice
Day" (Signed at the 11th Hour of the 11th day of
the 11th month (November).
When the Illuminati staged
the Armistice Day signing at the 11th Hour of the 11th
Day of the 11th Month, they deliberately formed the
number '11-11-11', a signal to occultists worldwide
that they had successfully completed the First World
War according to Albert
Pike's Master Plan to produce Antichrist!
To understand how shocking
and revealing the timing of the Armistice that ended
World War I truly was, you must understand that the
Illuminati is thoroughly and completely Satanic; as
such, they 'worship the creature rather than the Creator'
(Romans 1:25). This fact means that one of the creatures
they worship is Numbers. Certainly, mathematics is one
of the most important -- and mysterious -- of God's
creations. In every era, on every continent, many people
have chosen to worship the creature rather than Creator
Who fashioned it out of nothing in the first place.
Such a person is called a "Pagan".
The greatest and most
powerful of all pagans is the worshipper of Satan. They
are the most powerful because they follow revealed rituals
that release the power of Satan into this dimension.
Such people worship the Sun, the Moon, the planets through
Astrology, Mother Earth (Gaia), and all parts of this
created world.
They also worship numbers,
believing they contain inherent power. Occultists not
only worship the created being, they worship the "gods
of forces", in direct fulfillment of the prophecy
in Daniel 11:38. Thus, occultists worship scientific
knowledge, especially mathematics. They believe certain
numbers possess magical powers; even more power can
be released when these sacred numbers are used in certain
combinations. One occultic writer, Westcott, stated,
"Numbers are a key
to the ancient views of cosmogony (the universe)...spiritually
as well as physically...all systems of religious mysticism
are based upon numbers". (p, 15). Further, occultists
believe that "in Number lay secreted the key to
the universe." (Van Buren, p. 42).
Numbers are literally
Occultists believe that
a good plan of action may fail miserably unless it is
carried out according to the "numbers" of
the event. Whenever an occultist contemplates an action,
he will go to great lengths to determine the most propitious
or advantageous time. He will consult the astrologer,
Tarot cards, and various forms of divination. He literally
believes the success or failure of a Plan lies as much
in the correct timing as it does in any other factor.
This process is called "divination". An occultist
becomes fairly predictable once you understand his thinking
patterns and belief structure.
A good historic example
of how an occultist will carry out an event "by
the numbers" is Adolf Hitler as he planned his
suicide at the very end of World War II. Hitler chose
the date, April 30, 1945, because it was the first day
of the Pagan Spring Holy Days. He chose 3:30p.m. because,
according to occultic doctrine, this combination of
three's presented to him the most favorable time to
depart this life and reenter the reincarnation cycle.
Note the triple 3's that are present here, April 30
as the first three, 3 o'clock in the afternoon as the
second three, and 30 minutes past the hour as the final
three. Hitler was engaging in typical occultic behavior
by arranging the timing of his death in a very precise,
numeric manner.
When the Illuminati started
World War I, they were being obedient to Pike's Satanic
vision as to how Antichrist was to be brought to the
world scene. They wanted to alert occultists throughout
the world that they had been in control of the First
World War and that it represented the first of the planned
three world wars -- Albert Pike's vision.
How could they signal
fellow Luciferians worldwide without alerting the rest
of mankind? By carrying out the Armistice ceremony according
to the sacred number of '11' -- the number of Antichrist
The Illuminati staged
this event on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th
month - November 11, 1918, when the Armistice ending
World War I was signed. Thus, they created a triplicity
of elevens, the greatest number of times a sacred number
can be symbolically repeated.
But, even the year symbolically
pointed to Antichrist. The number, '18', is a hidden
'666', because it is formed by adding '6+6+6'.
Thus, the Illuminati flashed
the mathematic symbol for their coming Antichrist in
two ways:
1) Forming a triplicity
of '11' in the timing of the Armistice which ended the
2) Ending the war in a
year which ended in '18', the occult number hiding a
Satanists of every era
have always believed that a good plan might fail if
it is not carried out according to certain 'sacred'
occult numbers. Since the Illuminati shares this occult
belief, they will ensure that their plans are carried
out according to their really sacred numbers. This is
such a consistency that most of the planned events in
the modern era contain an "Illuminati signature".
Certainly, Armistice Day,
November 11, 1918, at the 11th hour, screamed to all
fellow occultists throughout the world that the First
World War of Albert Pike's vision had been successfully
concluded and that the next two would be staged in due
time. This event is one of the greatest proofs of all
that world and national events are being guided by "The
Unseen Hand" of the Global Illuminati.
Remember President Jefferson's
classic definition of a conspiracy and you will see
how well it fits with the symbolic conclusion of World
War I.
"Single acts of
tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of
a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished
period, and pursued unalterably through every change
of ministers , too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical
plan of reducing us to slavery." ["The Works
of Thomas Jefferson", Volume 1, p. 130]
Thus, an '11-11-11'
is permanently seared into Western history!
Did you know that
the very date on which this End of the War agreement
was signed is an "Occult
Signature" proving that an International
Conspiracy Is Ruling The Modern World
Christian, the
time is getting very short before Jesus retgurns to
Earth to call His people home. Are you spiritually ready
to meet Jesus? Jesus is very plain as to what the requirement
for anyone to enter eternal Heaven' He said:
must be born again"