News Analysis
1. Texas church
murderer had the time to shoot almost 500 rounds of
ammunition, and walk slowly from pew to pew, shooting
everyone alive!
Checked Each Aisle, Shot Babies At Point-Blank Range",
CBS Local News, November 7, 2017
(CBSDFW.COM/AP) — The gunman who killed 26 people
at a small-town Texas church went aisle to aisle looking
for victims and shot crying babies at point-blank
range, a couple who survived the attack said."
This one fact forever
correctly identifies the true cruel nature of this
murderer and, to a lesser extent, to the society which
produced him. We will not like to admit it, but all
this intense violence and murder daily depicted on
Hollywood movies and TV shows and the video games
have produced more monsters like this gunmen than
we want to admit.
"For a moment,
the attacked seemed to stop, and worshippers thought
that police had arrived to confront the gunman. But
then he entered the church and resumed “shooting
hard” at helpless families, Solis said. The
gunman checked each aisle for more victims, including
babies who cried out amid the noise and smoke, Ramirez
said ... Investigators collected at least 15 empty
magazines that held 30 rounds each at the scene, suggesting
the assailant fired at least 450 rounds."
As this murderer slowly
walked down the middle aisle, he obviously did not
fear that he had only a limited time in which to carry
out his massacre. He knew that no one in the church
was armed. His Mother-in-Law attended that church
and so he undoubtedly knew the church well.
He hated Jesus Christ
and this Baptist Church. And, he planned on killing
shooter yelled, ‘Everybody die, motherf–--r!’,
New York Post, 11/7/2017
"The Texas shooter
issued one order to his victims as he prowled the
tiny church: 'Everybody die, motherf–--r!' ”
"That was all Devin
Kelley said as he methodically killed 26 people and
injured 20 more inside the First Baptist Church of
Sutherland Springs on Sunday, survivor Rosanne Solis
told ABC affiliate KSAT. 'I shouldn’t have gone
to church that day', she remembers thinking as she
huddled under the pew."
Where were the
men who could have tried to rush him?
Do you remember the
"Virginia Tech Massacre" on April 16, 2007,
where a lone gunman murdered 32 students, wounding
17 more, in a two-hour standoff with police? Shortly
after this unmitigated disaster, a psychologist wrote
an article in which he asked the question, "Where
were the men"?
Where were the male
victims? They meekly submitted to the gunman and accepted
their death at his hands, even though they had the
physical strength to attempt to rush him and disarm
him. But, no man in the line of fire attempted to
rush this murderer in Virginia Tech.
What has happened to
our society?
What has happened to
the male instinct to try to defend the women, the
children, and the crying babies! The on-scene reports
from survivors that this murderer shot babies in cold-blood
and at point-blank range really troubles my soul.
Why did none of the men even attempt to rush the killer
and take him down? By meekly cowering before him,
these men died anyway; why not die a hero for trying?
American society has
emasculated their men. Political Correctness as espoused
by Radical Feminists, from Grade School through College,
has taken away the natural male aggressiveness to
protect and defend the women, the children, the babies
and the elderly.
And, that is a sad commentary
on America today!
President Trump responded
to the immediate calls to "solve" this problem
by taking away all our rights to own guns!
says Texas shooting due to 'mental health problem,'
not a gun issue",
Japan Today News, Nov 6, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said the mass
shooting in a Texas church that left at least 26 people
dead was due to a "mental health problem"
and wasn't a 'guns situation'."
Asked what policies he might support
in response to the shooting at a press conference
in Tokyo, Trump said that based on preliminary reports,
the gunman was 'a very deranged individual, a lot
of problems ... 'Fortunately somebody else had a gun
that was shooting in the opposite direction'."
Yes, but that person who ran to the
scene armed with his rifle, came too late to save
anyone in the church. No one in the Sutherland First
Baptist Church had a gun with which they might have
saved precious lives.
2. Democrats
won elections in states they have long controlled.
Wins in Virginia, New Jersey: Not a Repudiation of
Trump, but a Warning",
Breitbart News, 7 November 2017
"Democrats won
races for governor in both New Jersey and Virginia
on Tuesday evening ... It is not exactly a shock:
both states voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and
the Democratic candidates were favored in both."
But, Liberal political
pundits wasted no time declaring that these Democrat
wins actually meant something significant.
"Pundits are calling
Tuesday’s results a repudiation of Trump. That
is more than a stretch: it is flatly contradicted
by some of the data. Republican Jill Vogel, running
for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia, hitched herself
to Trump and out-performed the GOP establishment candidate
at the top of the ticket, Ed Gillespie, by tens of
thousands of votes."
The REAL news is that
Establishment Republicans could not garner the votes
needed to beat the equally Establishment Democrats!
Virginia is
a good example, where both Republican and Democrat
candidates supported Transgender bathroom policies,
and where an open Transgender won a first election!
NEWS BRIEF: "Republican
Ed Gillespie wins key backing after vowing to oppose
transgender bathroom bills: Democrat Northam has
long supported LBG-Q", LMTonline
News, Sunday, October 1, 2017
"RICHMOND - Republican
Ed Gillespie won the endorsement of an influential
Northern Virginia business group after privately pledging
he would oppose any bills dictating which bathrooms
transgender people must use - a promise that shocked
conservative backers ... The gubernatorial candidate
"vowed to oppose bills like North Carolina's
HB2 that would threaten Virginia's reputation as an
open and welcoming Commonwealth," Jim Corcoran,
president of the Northern Virginia Chamber, said in
a written statement announcing the endorsement by
its political action arm, NOVABIZPAC."
You read this news story
correctly. Establishment Republican candidate, Ed
Gillespie, publicly supported the Transgender Bathroom
Law! Genuine Conservative voters of both parties took
note of this sad situation and voted for neither man
So, this Democrat win
in Virginia is not a defeat for Trump policies, but
is a warning to all Republican candidates that "moderate"
Establishment candidates cannot win. And, that is
a lesson that will become exceedingly important in
the mid-term elections of 2018, the year which President
Trump will have his best opportunity to "drain
the Swamp" in D.C.!
3. Polls show
that public support for the Democrat Party has slipped
to historic lows.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrat
Party Approval at 25-Year Low",
Liberty Headlines, Nov 8, 2017
"The Democrat Party
is at its lowest approval rating in 25 years despite
the national media establishment’s daily attempt
to destroy Donald J. Trump’s presidency, a poll
finds. Favorable views of the Democrat Party are shockingly
low ... The party’s favorable ratings have tumbled
from 44 percent to only 37 percent, down seven points
since the last poll, conducted only about seven months
ago in March. Fifty-four percent reported having an
unfavorable view of the party. This is the party’s
lowest point since the 1990s, according to the (CNN)
Democrats and/or Liberals
have devoted a quarter-century to developing divisive
"identity politics", which al thought it
corrodes unity, it divides voters sufficiently to
give their candidates victory in election after election.
The key element in "Identity
Politics" is "Politically Correctness".
Americans are
sick of Political Correctness!
Polls are showing that,
finally, Americans are sick and tired of Political
Americans are Sick of Political Correctness",
Conservative Zone
"New research reveals
that more Americans than ever have a negative opinion
of 'political correctness'. According
to a poll released by the CATO Institute, just 28%
of people believe political correctness has made society
better, while 71% of Americans believe that the cultural
trend has “done more to silence important discussions
our society needs to have.”
Would you be surprised
to learn that this issue is a Left/Right controversy?
"Recently, those
on the left have run on platforms touting the need
for more political correctness in our society. Meanwhile,
one of the pillars of the Trump campaign was the idea
that political correctness is a scourge that needs
to be done away with. Given polls such as the one
conducted by the CATO Institute, it’s easy to
postulate that Trump’s stance on political correctness
played a big role in his 2016 victory."
Recently, any discussion
betsween Left and Right politicians has degenerated
into name calling.
"Political correctness
is a cudgel often used by those on the far left to
silence the voices of anyone they don’t agree
with. Why debate with someone on the real issues when
you can plug your ears and call them a racist, bigoted,
Labels such as these
are thrown about with no regard to whether they were
truthful. If you can silence your opponent with these
hurtful labels, you have won the "discussion"
and possilby tainted their reputation permanently.
In the 2016 election,
Hillary Clinton made almost no effort to debate Trump
on his policies or even describe her own policies.
Instead, her entire campaign was focused on painting
Trump as a racist and a sexist ... her entire campaign
could be summarized as 'Trump is not politically correct,
and therefore his ideas don’t matter'."
NEWS BRIEF: "Political
correctness is ruining America, poll says",
New York Post, October 31, 2017
"An overwhelming
majority of Americans feel political correctness has
stilted important discourse the nation needs to have,
a poll revealed on Tuesday. When asked if, 'The political
climate these days prevents me from saying things
I believe because others might find them offensive',
71 percent of respondents agreed, pollsters commissioned
by the conservative Cato Institute found."
"The answer to
that question had a strong correlation to political
ID. Among those who said they were a 'strong conservative'
or 'conservative', they agreed at rates of 76 percent
and 70 percent, respectively. Among those who said
they were a 'strong liberal' or 'liberal', they agreed
at rates of 30 percent and 45 percent, respectively."
"NFL players who
don’t stand for the national should be fired,
said 65 percent of Republicans interviewed by pollsters."
And, this statement
brings us to our next story.
4. Identity
Politics raises its ugly head as the Oakland Raiders'
offensive line purposely did not block for their quarterback
on the play in which he was injured.
Of NFL Player Claims Raiders Let Derek Carr Get Hurt
Over Anthem Protests", The Daily
Caller, Nov 7, 2917 (Watch Video)
"The wife of Tampa
Bay Buccaneers cornerback Brent Grimes claimed Tuesday
morning the Oakland Raiders offensive line allowed
Derek Carr to get hurt because he did not join the
anthem protests."
At this point, we should
inform you that the wife of Brent Grimes who is making
this accusation is black, not a white wife whose very
skin color might tempt someone to conclude that she
had a racial ax to grind.
"Miko Grimes made
an appearance on “The Breakfast Club”
where she emphatically claimed the star quarterback’s
views on the anthem protests led to his offensive
line allowing him to get crushed ... A lot of people
don’t know, but the reason Derek Carr got injured
was because the Raiders offensive line allowed him
to get injured,” Miko explained as she launched
into her story."
"Purposely not
blocking for your quarterback because he is against
the national anthem protests seems like a surefire
way to get cut from a team. A player who was publicly
exposed for this type of behavior would probably never
play in the NFL again.
The Raiders haven’t responded
to Grimes’ claims yet.
The Oakland Raiders narrowly lost
this game to the Denver Broncos by a 16-10 score,
and that begs the question as to whether the Raiders
could have won had their #1 quarterback, Derek Carr,
had been able to play the entire game!
This game was an important contest
between division rivals, so it was a big deal that
the Oakland Offensive line decided to not block! Several
300 pound Denver defensive linemen had a free shot
to the quarterback and one of them clearly put his
knee directly into Carr's back.
Why? The quarterback
vigorously disagreed on whether to show respect for
the flag and the anthem.
The quality of play
from the NFL is slipping badly, and fans are quickly
reacting. If fans realize that the play on the field
might be occurring because of a Politically Correct
attitude in the minds of the players, then they will
desert even more widely than ever before.
Americans might actually
be spending more time with their families and going
to Church!