Mystery of the Red Heifer"
DVD by Michael Samuel Smith
A wonderful miracle has
just occurred, one that carries with it exciting Messianic
implications! Two (2) Red Heifers were born in 2014
with the number '7' etched in their foreheads. This
miracle is a sign from Heaven to Earth, from God to
In Part 1, join Biblical
investigative reporter, Michael S. Smith, as he and
his research team travel to Gatseville, Texas, to interview
the owner of a red heifer named Shemitah and make comparisons
between her and the other red heifer born in Pennsylvania.
In Part 2, we will see
what God told Israel to do with the perfect red heifer
and then learn that Israeli religious authorities are
carrying out Gods plan right now!
In Part 3, you will be
excited to realize that Jesus fulfilled all of the red
heifer requirements during His life and ministry.
Share this most important
prophetic development with your friends, relatives and
the unsaved as time is getting very short. Only $19.99
yours today
NOTE: Michael Smith is
the author of the popular DVD titles, "The
Cyrus Effect" and "Joseph
In Egypt"
COVENANTS: Challenges For The 'Christian' Mason"
DVD - by Bill Schnoebelen
$24.95, Now Only $19.95 - You Save $5.00
Tragically, tens of thousands
of Christian men are members of the Masonic Lodge. A
surprising number are pastors, deacons and elders! Sadly,
these men have their spiritual eyes blinded to Masonry's
bloody roots, perverse hierarchy and despicable, secret
rites. Exposing ALL THIS MASONIC EVIL in a passionate
argument often creates volatile anger and deep resentment
-- which feeds demonic entities and thwarts their liberation
by Jesus the Messiah!
HOWEVER, with sincere
prayer and the seasoned, Scriptural instruction provided
in this DVD teaching, you can speak CONFIDENTLY to those
deceived by Masonry's DARK COVENANTS and start ministering
Jesus's Liberation and Deliverance with authority!
LEARN to compare Scripture
against arcane, Masonic obligations and rites, and share
Dr. Williams testimony of liberation from his nine years
of intense involvement with the Lodge. Witness to others
the ANTI-CHRIST dangers of Freemasonry -- all without
the shock factor!
Teaches you how to renounce
Lodge membership, spirituality, headship, and how to
compose a demit letter to various Masonic bodies to
sever demonic chains from the dark forces behind Masonry!
2 Hours Long -- 
DVD Titles

Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. "A Tale
of Two Cities" scenario occurred this week:
* Undefended family
of 10 are murdered by armed cartel attackers
10 U.S. Mormon Women, Children Murdered by Cartel Gunmen
near New Mexico Border", Breitbart
News, 5 Nov 2019
"A group of cartel
gunmen ambushed and murdered three women and seven children
near a rural Mormon community in Mexico, close to the
New Mexico border. Six more children, all from the same
family, were also injured. One additional girl remains
missing. Relatives stated that all of the victims are
dual U.S. and Mexican citizens."
* Family of 4,
defended by AR-15, is safe
Hails Pregnant Florida Woman Who Used AR-15 To Defend
Family", Canada Free Press,
5 Nov 2019
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear
Arms today is hailing the courage and tenacity of a
Florida woman who, despite being eight months pregnant,
used an AR-15 rifle to defend her husband and daughter
from violent home invaders."
The AR-15 is one of the
favorite targets of the gun seizure groups, so it is
refreshing to hear of an incident in which this gun
was used by an woman who was 8 months pregnant!
" 'This is yet another
example of why the Second Amendment must be zealously
defended', said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, co-author
of the recently-released 'Good
Guys with Guns' ... Jeremy King told reporters that
he would be dead if his wife hadn’t used his AR-15
to shoot one of the robbers and send the other one running."
" 'Those who would
ban such rifles, and restrict the rights of law-abiding
citizens to make it impossible to defend themselves
and their families against violent thugs would have
innocent blood on their hands', Gottlieb continued."
"... this story helps
send a message that law-abiding citizens use firearms
to defend themselves every day, putting the lie to claims
by gun banners that nobody needs an AR-type rifle. This
case clearly says otherwise.”
The DVD, shown
above, demonstrates vividly, time and time again, attacks
from vicious criminals who are deterred by various types
of guns. While our Founding Fathers insisted upon giving
citizens the Constitutional right to keep and to bear
arms because they knew that a disarmed citizenry is
ripe for a dictatorial government, they also knew human
nature well enough to realize that ordinary families
needed to be able to defend themselves and their families
from those who would attack them.
2. Minister of
the Knesset, Naftali Bennett, declares that Israel is
in a State of National Emergency!
is in
a state of national emergency", World
Israel News, Nov 3, 2019
“ 'Everything is
shut down', New Right party chairman Naftali Bennett
said ... 'We need to establish a government. We have
1,200 classes that aren’t built at the moment
because the money stopped flowing,” said the former
education minister."
As we have previously
warned, this kind of government weakness always attracts
the enemies of the State! Yet, in Israel today, two
former military leaders seem to be deliberately taking
firm positions that are keeping the government from
functioning normally.
Because no government
has been formed for almost a half a year, Iran is deploying
a "ring of strangulation" around Israel.
"Of central concern
to Bennett is the impact the political situation is
having on Israeli preparedness to confront Iranian aggression
... Bennett said Iran wants to create a 'ring of strangulation'
around Israel."
" 'Iran’s national
mission at the moment is to surround the State of Israel
from Lebanon through Syria and Iraq and Gaza with hundreds
of thousands of rockets and precision missiles in order
to strangle us,” he said.
" 'I would say we’re
in an event of national emergency', he said."
Israel faces an
unprecedented risk; not even the vaunted IDF may be
up to the task of defending Israel.
It seems almost impossible
to think that adult politicians and former military
leaders could bring Israel to this point, where a leader-less
Israel is left to fend off hordes of soldiers, rockets
and massive armaments of guns.
Has the time arrived where
Israel's only hope lies in the hand of God Himself?
"And at that time
shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth
for the children of thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was since there was a
nation even to that same time: and at that time thy
people shall be delivered..." (Daniel 12:1, KJV
Israel will survive, "against
all odds"!
3. Unexpectedly,
Russia has quietly de-activated its most effective anti-aircraft
defense system -- the S-400 -- throughout Syria.
deactivates its S-400 batteries at the Khmeimim air
base – and throughout all Syria",
DEBKAfile, 3 Nov 2019
"Russia’s advanced
S-400 air defense batteries at the Khmeimim Air Base
in Syria have been quietly “deactivated,”
according to Russian military sources and publications.
This has not been officially confirmed or denied. One
source said that today, not a single S-400 is operational
anywhere in Syria."
"... in spite of
the coordination and understandings forged between Russia
and Israel, Israeli air crews have always taken the
presence of these advanced weapons into careful consideration
whenever they flew into Syrian air space."
American forces immediately
test to see if the radar was, indeed, turned off.
"This week, for the
first time since the Russians military intervention
in the Syrian war began in 2015, an American B-52 strategic
bomber flew over Khmeimim and then headed down the Syrian
coast before turning east and landing in Jordan. Our
sources report that the lone US bomber was likely on
a mission to test Russia’s reported neutralization
of its state-of-the-art defense systems in Syria."
Iran and her proxy
forces -- are thus under notice that all of Syria is
open to Israeli air attacks.
Pulls Plug on Anti-Air System in Syria:
Opening Skies For Israeli Air Operations",
Breaking Israel News, Nov 4, 2019
"Russia has reportedly
deactivated the S-400 anti-air system stationed at the
Khmeimim Air Base in Syria in a move that frees up the
skies for other countries including Israel and the U.S.
to run air-operations in the region."

Now, you might ask, why
would Russia deactivate her state-of-the-art S-400 air
defense missile system at just the time when all-out
war was about to break out?
The answer is found in
End of the Age prophecy:
"And the ten horns
which thou sawest are ten kings ... For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree ('to
act in harmony'), and give their kingdom unto the beast,
until the words of God shall be fulfilled." (Revelation17:12,
You see, while Russia
(Supernation #5) is cooperating with the Iranian and
all her Palestinian proxies on one level, she is also
cooperating with America Supernation #1) on a higher
level, so that the overall goal of producing the Masonic
Christ to the world scene!
However, Moscow
is delivering her promised delivery of S-400 systems
to Turkey ahead of schedule.
transfers air defense missile systems -- S-400s -- to
Turkey ahead of schedule", DEBKAfile,
Nov 3, 2019
"Russia has completed
the transfer of all the S-400 air defense missile systems
purchased by Turkey ahead of their contracted schedule.
This was announced on Sunday by Alexander Mikheev, director
of Russians arms export company Rosoboronexport."
Therefore, Russia's decision
to turn off her S-400 systems in Syria had nothing to
do with shipping them to Turkey.
4. Did you know
that California operates a very inefficient water diversion
system, allowing fresh water to empty into the ocean?
NEWS BRIEF: "California
wastes most of its rainwater, which simply goes down
the drain: Los Angeles Times,
Feb 20, 2019
wet winter has dumped an estimated 18 trillion gallons
of rain in February alone. But much of it is simply
going down the drain ... In what has become a source
of much concern in a state prone to droughts and water
shortages, the vast majority of rainwater in urban areas
flows into storm drains and is eventually lost to the
Pacific Ocean."
“When you look at
the Los Angeles River being between 50% and 70% full
during a storm, you realize that more water is running
down the river into the ocean than what Los Angeles
would use in close to a year,” said Mark Gold,
associate vice chancellor for environment and sustainability
at UCLA. “What a waste of water supply.”
Now, let us hear from
another Democrat official:
"Climatologist Bill
Patzert estimates that more than 80% of the region’s
rainfall ends up diverted from urban areas in Southern
California into the Pacific."
President Trump
announced he is withholding Federal funds from California
because they refuse to follow standard Forest Management
principles that keep dead trees and brush cleared.
Threatens to Cut US Funding for California Wildfires",
NewsMax, Nov 5, 2019
"President Donald
Trump on Sunday blasted California Governor Gavin Newsom,
in a series of Twitter posts, for his handling of the
devastating wildfires that continue to blaze across
the state.
Trump said Newsom, a Democrat, has “done a terrible
job of forest management.” In a second tweet,
the president told Newsom California will no longer
receive federal government money for help, adding, 'Get
your act together Governor'.”
The President then addressed
California's lack of properly channeling state's water
"In a final post,
Trump said California desperately needs water and called
for opening up 'the ridiculously closed water lanes
coming down from the North. Don’t pour it out
into the Pacific Ocean'.”
What was the Governor's
response? Did he respond with science?
"“You don’t
believe in climate change. You are excused from this
In other words, Governor
Newsom responded with propaganda!
President Trump will certainly
excuse himself from this conservation by packing up
his Federal Funds and retreat to the Oval Office, leaving
California to reap the terrible economic and environmental
consequences which naturally flow from the insane forest
practices of the past 20 Years!