News Analysis

1. Yesterday
afternoon, on Halloween, an Islamic terrorist suddenly
drove a rented flatbed truck into a crowded bicycle
lane, running down innocent cyclists.
NEWS BRIEF: "Manhattan
Truck Rampage Suspect Almost Gleeful About Attack,
Had Knife in Truck", NBC
New York News, Nov 1, 2017
"The truck driver
suspected of mowing people down on a riverfront bike
path near the World Trade Center, killing eight people
and injuring nearly a dozen as he yelled "Allahu
Akbar," has shown no remorse for the deadly attack
and was almost boastful about it, a senior official
briefed on the investigation says."
Finally, this
murderous terrorist aimed his truck directly into
a small school bus carrying children.
attack victims include students, school staff and
tourists celebrating reunion", New
York Post, Oct 31, 2017
"Information about
the victims in the deadly truck rampage in downtown
Manhattan has started to emerge ... A spokesperson
for Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña told The
Post that two staff members and two students were
among those who were wounded. They had been on a school
bus, which was struck by suspected terrorist Sayfullo
"One of the students was said
to be in critical condition."
Eight dead,
a dozen wounded.
2. This murderer
was clearly on a religious mission, as he repeatedly
yelled "“Allahu akbar”!
NEWS BRIEF: "Suspect
Claimed He Committed NYC Truck Attack for ISIS ",
NBC New York News, Nov 1, 2017
"Sayfullo Saipov
wrote in a note found in his truck that he rammed
into people in New York City for ISIS, sources say
... Left 'ISIS Lives Forever' Note in Truck."
GOP Senator
Lindsey Graham pointedly told a reporter that President
Trump knows America is in a religious war with Islam
and will act accordingly.
Senator Graham: Donald Trump ‘Understands
We’re in a Religious War’,"
Brietbart News, 31 October 2017
"Tuesday on Fox
News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) praised President Donald
Trump given a conversation he had with Trump shortly
before the appearance about the apparent terrorist
attack in New York City earlier in the day. Graham
explained Trump understood the country was in a 'religious
war' with regards to that attack and he lobbied Trump
to treat the suspect as an enemy combatant."
Now, that is a refreshing
idea, i.e., proclaim this terrorist as an "enemy
combatant", this giving the Federal Government
jurisdiction. President Trump and the Department of
Justice could then prevent Liberal New York City officials
from discovering some loophole they could use to set
him free.
Don't scoff at this
idea. Democrat officials have already declared New
York City as a "Sanctuary City", which means
that their officials do not have to cooperate with
Federal authorities in pursuing immigrants who have
violated the law. In many instances, "Sanctuary
City" guidelines have allowed immigrant criminals
to be released back into society!
But, this particular
immigrant criminal came into the United States on
a very special Visa, which Democrat Senator Chuck
Schumer championed!
The President
then tweeted the fact that this Muslim was allowed
into this country on a special visa deemed so dangerous
that Trump has attempted to scuttle it.
Foreign Terror Suspect Entered U.S. with the ‘Diversity
Visa’ Trump Wants to End",
Breitbart News, 31 October 2017
"The suspected
foreign national terrorist behind the New York City
attack that has left at least eight individuals dead
came to the United States years ago through the Diversity
Visa Lottery, a program that President Trump and pro-American
immigration reformers have demanded an end to ...
29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov ... entered the U.S. in
2010 from Uzbekistan under the Diversity Visa Lottery
before obtaining a Green Card."
How many such immigrants
have come into this country under this program?
"The Diversity
Visa Lottery gives out 50,000 visas every year to
foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including
those with known terrorist problems – such as
Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya,
Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and
Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan."
Once again, I reiterate
the absolute folly in easily granting Visas to immigrants
from countries with whom we are at war and/or who
have a history of radical Islam beliefs. This program
represents perfectly the disastrous immigration policy
being pursued by Liberal Democrats. No wonder polls
showed that Donald Trump could not go wrong in preaching
against Immigration every chance he got, during the
2016 Presidential Election!
3. A NATO spokesman
announced that enough time had elapsed that now North
Korean missiles are capable to striking Europe!
Korea Could Drop Nuclear Bombs on Western Europe",
MSN News, October 31, 2017
"North Korea could
attack Europe or the U.S. with a nuclear missile,
the leader of the military alliance said Monday. North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General
Jens Stoltenberg said North Korean Kim Jong Un had
developed the weapons to put Western nations in danger.
'We recognize that Europe has also entered the [North
Korean] missile range, and NATO member states are
already in danger', he told the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.
The major effect of
the "do-nothing and hope the problem goes away"
policy of Presidents George H.W. bush, William Clinton,
George W. Bush, and Barack Obama is that North Korea
was allowed the time she needed to perfect both missiles
and nuclear warheads.
Had any one of these
Presidents attacked North Korea and taken out her
capability and her research, virtually no damage would
have occurred outside South Korea. Now, North Korean
missiles can destroy Japan, Hawaii, the United States,
and Europe.
What a mess this appeasement
policy has produced!
Meanwhile, North
Korea continues holding mass evacuation and blackout
drills, clearly a war sign.
"North Korea is
preparing for attack. The rogue state is holding unprecedented
blackout and mass evacuation drills amidst heightened
tensions with the U.S. ... 'I have never heard of
this type of training exercises before in North Korea,
but am not surprised', Chun In-bum, a South Korean
army retired lieutenant general, told NK News. 'They
must realize how serious the situation is'.”
"North Koreans
participated in night-time blackout drills last week,
turning off their lights in preparation for the possibility
of needing to hide from enemy sight ... CIA officials
told Reuters that the country is on its way to quickly
having the nuclear power it would need to attack the
South Korea is preparing
her people for war, too.
"South Korea is
also holding its own preparation drills. U.S. Forces
Korea hosted its biannual drill from October 23 to
27, and troops evacuated the family members of about
28,500 troops to Okinawa Japan in preparation for
natural disaster or man-made event."
4. Did the Hillary
Clinton campaign set a "honey pot" trap
for Donald Trump, Jr., attempting to tie him to the
Russian collusion lie?
pot: Was the Trump Camp's Meeting With Russian Lawyer
All a Clinton Set-Up?", PJ Media,
October 28, 2017
"This week's bombshell
— that the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign
financed former British spy Christopher Steele's salacious
dossier allegedly connecting Donald Trump and Russia
— may suggest something even more devious. The
dossier was compiled by the notorious firm Fusion
GPS, which also worked for Russian lawyer Natalia
Veselnitskaya, the very woman who met with Donald
Trump Jr. in a meeting deemed pivotal to the case
for Trump-Russia 'collusion'."
"The Fusion GPS
connection raises a supremely interesting question:
Did the Clinton campaign actually orchestrate the
meeting between Trump campaign officials and Veselnitskaya?
Is the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative the
result of a Clinton set-up?"
"Not only does
the timeline work out, but Clinton attacked Trump
as Putin's puppet and Clinton's connections to Russia
had been powerfully reported in 2015. What better
way to distract from Clinton's ties to Russia than
proving "collusion" on Trump's part?"
As we have stated numerous
times over the past 20 years, an old proven tactic
used by Bill Clinton is that, when he learns he is
under investigation for some offense, he immediately
accuses a political rival of the very offense for
which he is being investigated
The legal and the political
firestorm thus ignited kicks up enough confusion that
Bill Clinton rides away into the sunset, completely
unscathed. It makes sense that Hillary Clinton would
pull the same stunt.
Hopefully, President
Trump is savvy enough to cause her to fall into the
trap which Hillary set!
Card Game
5. Liberal "Social
Justice Warriors" from the University of UW-Madison
are leveling a bold, audacious lie against President
Abraham Lincoln!
They are claiming
that he owned slaves!
Claim From UW-Madison Social Justice Warriors:
Lincoln Owned Slaves", PJ Media,
October 26, 2017
"Abraham Lincoln
had a lot on his plate during his presidency, so we
don't think about the laws he signed or major acts
of diplomacy during his time in office. After all,
he was fighting to not just keep our nation whole,
but also to destroy the institution of slavery. So
I can only imagine how surprised old Abe would be
if he learned that he, the man who signed the Emancipation
Proclamation, was also a slave owner."
"The activist group
is now demanding a disclaimer be put up saying Lincoln
was complicit in the murder of Native Americans ...
Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know,
freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned
slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that
he ordered the execution of native men,” said
one of the protesters."
What is this? This is
a Big Lie, and if it is told often enough, people
will begin to believe it. After all, public schools
have not taught academics for the past 40 years! Today,
almost 65% of American adults under the age of 40
do not know who Adolf Hitler is, so why should we
think this lie about President Lincoln won't be believed?
to our featured story:
"This claim from
the protester is patently false. The Great Emancipator
grew up in poverty and never owned slaves. Not only
that, but his debates with fellow Illinois statesman
Stephen A. Douglas offer some of the clearest reasons
for why the institution of slavery violated the American
creed. Of course he didn't own slaves. Only an idiot
would think that he did."
Just as ISIS
deliberately destroyed ancient Arab artifacts throughout
the Middle East, so Liberals today are trying to destroy
American historic artifacts.
In fact, if this lie
takes hold, we will be in a struggle to keep all monuments
and paintings depicting Abraham Lincoln from being
As the world
enters into the New World Order, no historical monuments
will exist anymore to remind anyone from whom we came
and what they believed.
Part of destroying
the Old World Order is to destroy monuments and artifacts.
For this reason, this
card shown above is very important to understand.
The Illuminati (Global Elite) understands that the
Old World Order cannot be overthrown unless and until
history is completely rewritten.
Unfortunately, this
strategy is succeeding more than we would like to