News Analysis
President Trump immediately demanded the "Death
Penalty" to this maniac shooter of the
Pittsburgh synagogue.
NEWS BRIEF: "President
Trump on Pittsburgh Shooting:
Change Laws So Attackers Get Death Penalty Faster",
Breitbart News, 27 October 2018
"In a statement
to press Saturday morning President Trump said
referenced the Pittsburgh shooting and said
we need to revamp our laws so attackers get
the death penalty faster."
live to reporters outside Air Force One, Trump
was asked if there is anything he can do to
end violence ... "Look at violence all
over the world. The world is a violent world."
He added, "I think one thing we should
do is we should stiffen up our laws in terms
of the death penalty. When people do this they
should get the death penalty."
Biblical Christians
should support this concept of putting murderers
to death, as God has decreed this penalty for
this crime nearly 4,000 years ago. Listen:
* Murder.
Exodus 21:12. -- Death Penalty opponents
have been highly successful in preventing the
Death Penalty from being carried out against
the guilty, resulting in many of them eventually
getting released, so they can plunder, pillage,
and kill again.
* Incest.
Lev. 18:6-16. -- Given the popularity of incest
in today's Pornography, one can only conclude
that more people are committing this sin than
we would like to believe. Incest has always
been covered up within families.
* Sexual
relations with an in-law. Lev. 18:6-16.
-- In today's television, sleeping with anyone
other than your spouse is considered perfectly
* Sexual
relations with a neighbor's wife. Lev.
* Sacrificing
children in a religious ceremony. 18:21.
-- Satanists regard Abortion and Infanticide
to be the highest sacrifice possible to Lord
Satan. Therefore, when a near majority of Americans
support Abortion "Rights" we are guilty
of sacrificing children to Lord Satan. Do not
be deceived on this matter. The death toll is
55,000,000 [55 million] and increasing daily.
* Homosexuality.
Lev. 18:22; 20:13. -- Today, our national political
and business leaders are openly supporting "gay
rights", giving gays the label "family".
We are in deep, deep trouble with God over this
* Bestiality.
Lev. 18:23; 20:15-16. -- Given the popularity
of Bestiality in the Pornography Industry today,
one can only conclude more people are committing
this perversion than we would like to admit.
* Cursing
father and mother. Exodus 20:17; Lev.
18:9. -- Rock Music has made a very splendid
living railing against the authority of the
Father and the Mother. Today's last two generations
are exhibiting the highest degree of disrespect
of the Father and Mother in our nation's history.
* Anyone
who is a medium and has a familiar spirit, or
is a wizard. Lev. 20:27. -- Today,
as many as one-third of Americans are either
actively participating in some form of New Age
religion, or are following their horoscopes,
or are consulting mediums [TV ads abound for
Psychics]. America is in deep, deep trouble
with God over this issue.
* Anyone
who kidnaps another person. Exodus
Remember during
this quick study that, when the leaders of a
nation refuse to carry out God's Divinely mandated
punishments for sin, God will eventually carry
out that judgment upon the entire nation. Therefore,
when the leaders of a nation refuse to carry
out the death penalty on the perpetrators of
sin for which God has mandated death, then God
will eventually carry out His death sentence
upon the entire nation.
This bold
call will likely energize millions of American
After all, Liberal,
Leftist politicians have been coddling murderers
for a very long time, but especially during
the eight long years of President Barack Obama.

2. Even
though the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter is identified
as a Neo-Nazi who hated President Trump, Gun
Seizure advocates continued to spew disarmament
NEWS BRIEF: "Pittsburgh
Shooter Named
– Is Nazi Robert Bowers – Hates
Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled By Jews",
Tea Party News, 29 October 2018
"A man reportedly
walked into the synagogue and opened fire during
a Saturday service ... Shooter was screaming,
'All Jews must die!' ... Another post from Pittsburgh
Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers. His profile
clearly illustrates that he's a Nazi,
admired Hitler, hates Trump, believes Trump
is controlled by Jews, he did not vote for Trump."
When Hitler planned
World War II, he fully intended to massacre
native born populations from France through
The Ukraine! Historians no longer have to wonder
why the crematoriums were made so large, with
such great capacity.
This is the spirit
of Antichrist and is the spirit of Robert Bowers
as he opened fire on innocent Jewish worshippers.
Yet, Leftist leaders
brazenly accuse President Trump for this tragedy!
NEWS BRIEF: "‘Left-Wing
Jews' Blaming Trump for Pittsburgh ‘Are
Dishonoring the Dead',"
Breitbart News, 29 October 2018
"... left-wing
Jews blaming President Donald Trump for inciting
Saturday's mass murder at a Pittsburgh
synagogue are 'dishonoring the dead' and 'dishonoring
the cause of fighting anti-Semitism' ... we
have to be less civil to anti-Semites. We have
to be less civil to people who want to annihilate
the Jewish people [and] the Jewish state'."
"But what
we're finding, particularly among left-wing
Jews is that they're using it to attack
the administration and trying to conflate the
Nazi who committed this massacre with President
Trump. Obviously, nothing could be further from
the truth."
3. However,
several Jewish leaders made the case that the
only force that can stop a gun-toting murderer
is a person who is shooting back.
Gun Advocate: ‘Learn to Shoot or Get
Out of the Way of Those Who Do',"
Breitbart News, 29 October 2018
"Doris Wise,
the founder of 'Jews Can Shoot', an offshoot
of the former Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
organization, told Breitbart News on Monday
that the best response to Saturday's synagogue
shooting is for Jews to arm themselves."
"I got very
angry when I saw the candlelight and the vigils
and all of that — I mean, it's good,
and people need a chance to heal — but
the only thing that's going to stop these
people is a gun, is shooting them back."
We have been hitting
this theme for 20 years, the only thing that
stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with
a gun! At least, this Jewish leader recognizes
that Trump bore no responsibility for this massacre.
"She rejected
the idea that President Donald Trump bore any
blame for the attack, adding that she believed
the country's divisions began in earnest
during the Obama presidency."
Ms Wise then talked
earnestly about the role guns could have played
in the Holocaust had private citizens been able
to own them.
"I go back
to the same thing I've always said. We've
been persecuted since the time of the Holocaust.
I definitely believe that had we been armed,
there would not have been a Holocaust, or the
Holocaust would have been very much minimized'."
And, remember,
American leaders have been planning to plunge
this country into an Absolute Dictatorship which
will serve Antichrist. Its name is "NOVUS
ORDO SECLORUM" or New World Order, and
it is such a public goal that it is printed
on the back of our One Dollar Bill!
4. President
Trump is ordering an additional 5,200 troops
to the Mexican/American border.
Trump deploys 5,200 troops to US-Mexico border
to stop invasion by migrants",
South China Post, 30 October 2018
"The Pentagon
is deploying 5,200 active-duty troops to strengthen
security along the US-Mexico border in a bid
to prevent a caravan of Central American migrants
from illegally crossing the frontier ... The
move represents a massive military build-up
along the border, where some 2,000 National
Guardsmen are already working to provide help
to overwhelmed authorities."
"... within
days, the US military will have more than three
times as many troops along the southern border
as it does fighting Islamic State in Syria."
He is
planning a firm, but compassionate, response
to the illegal migrants now marching northward.
We Will Hold Asylum Seekers in Tent Cities Until
Their Trial", Breitbart
News, 29 October 2018
"During an
interview broadcast on Monday's edition
of the Fox News Channel's "Ingraham
Angle," President Trump stated that asylum
applicants will be held in tent cities until
their hearing takes place, and people with rejected
asylum applications will 'get out' ... "We're
going to put up — we're going to
build tent cities. … We're going
to have tents. They're going to be very
nice, and they're going to wait, and if
they don't get asylum, they get out."
5. Young,
Conservative blacks held an energetic political
rally in Washington, D.C., last Saturday, calling
for a "Blexit" walkaway!
black conservatives unite around President Trump",
Fox News, October 27, 2018
"Chants of
‘We love Trump, U-S-A!' echoed across
the East Room of the White House before, during,
and after President Donald Trump's address
to hundreds of young black conservatives.
The President's address was part of the
Young Black Leaders Summit (YBLS), a four-day
conference focused on millennial-aged, conservative
black Americans. The student-activist group,
Turning Point USA, is hosting the event."
all of the lies and propaganda, black Americans
are waking up', said (Candace) Owens. 'Black
Americans are realizing that this person you've
painted as a monster seems to be bringing results
that you've promised for decades and never
The President
" 'For decades
policies advanced by Democrats have and eliminated
opportunity and wiped out good paying jobs and
even great paying jobs for the black community',
declared President Trump ..."
Mass Media tried its best to ignore this news.
is what Dems are afraid of':
Patriotic moment goes viral at historic summit
for young, black conservative leaders",
Biz Pac Review, October 26, 2018
Point USA is holding a historic conference for
young, conservative blacks in Washington, D.C.,
and the very idea has to have Democrats shaking
in their boots ... his is @DonaldJTrumpJr with
young black conservatives. THIS is what Democrats
are afraid of. They do NOT want you to see this,"
tweeted Collin Rugg."
"The concept
of hundreds of black Americans openly supporting
President Trump is enough to leave Democrats
lying awake at night. With a thriving economy
and black unemployment at a record low, a large
scale exodus from the Democratic Party by African-Americans
would be devastating."
Candace then offered
a novel explanation as to one of the reasons
more blacks are supporting the President at
this time.
" 'President
Trump is the most marketable president in the
history of all presidents to the black community
because he's funny', she told the New
York Post. 'They really respond well to humor
and self-deprecation'."
Will the wave
this November be Red or Blue?
More and more
pundits are coming to the conclusion that a
Blue Wave is not going to occur after all!