Now, let us examine this
example of the final 10 Kings of the Earth "acting
in harmony"!
a) Trump withdrew
military forces from northern Syria.
Trump Victory In The Middle East — Announces Permanent
Ceasefire: Requires Kurdish forces to move out of
a roughly 20-mile zone on the Turkish border
", Sons of 1776, October 24, 2019
"President Trump
announced Wednesday that conditions have been met between
Turkey and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces
(SDF) for what he called a 'permanent ceasefire' between
the two sides and that the United States is lifting
sanctions on Ankara that were implemented following
the invasion of northern Syria."
"The ceasefire required
Kurdish forces formerly allied with the U.S. against
the Islamic State group to move out of
a roughly 20-mile zone on the Turkish border. With Kurdish
forces out of the zone, Turkey will halt its assault,
Trump said." (Emphasis added)
Notice that President
Trump is requiring a significant Kurdish migration out
of Syria and into the new "Free Kurdistan",
the boundaries of which are shown in the map, above,
removing the Kurds from northern Syria without a massive
genocidal military campaign.
Indeed, these fleeing
Syrian Kurds are adding population numbers to the newly
created "Free Kurdistan"!
b) Turkey invaded
northern Syria.
NEWS BRIEF: "Russians
Help Turkey Push Kurds out of Northern Syria",
Breitbart News, 23 Oct 2019
"The Kremlin issued
a warning to Kurdish forces on Wednesday that they must
withdraw from the Turkish border region immediately,
or else 'Syrian border guards and Russian military police
officers will have to pull back', leaving the Kurds
to be 'run over by the Turkish military machine'."
"The Russian Defense
Ministry said on Wednesday morning that Russian military
police units have arrived in Kobani to 'facilitate the
withdrawal of Kurdish YPG forces and their weapons'."
c) Putin and Trump
'warned' Turkey.
NEWS BRIEF: "Turkey,
Russia reach accord on north Syria—and Trump applauds",
Kurdistan24 News, Oct 23, 2019
"Following a six-hour-long
meeting in the Russian resort city of Sochi on Tuesday,
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan concluded an agreement on the future
of northern Syria, which Turkish officials hailed as
Russia gave Turkey what
she wanted.
"The agreement meets
Ankara's demand for a 30-kilometer buffer zone along
almost the entirety of its border with Syria ... Ankara
intends to repopulate the border zone with large numbers
of Syrian refugees now living in Turkey, and in Tuesday's
agreement, Moscow appears to have acquiesced."

d) Suddenly, Kurdistan
is born. Trump will recognize her soon.
Jerusalem Post, OCTOBER 25, 2019
"The media has gone
ballistic, attacking US President Donald Trump over
his decision to allow Turkey to take control of Syrian
lands occupied by the Kurds ... the president
has a plan to recognize Kurdish sovereignty and statehood.
Many have called him 'Cyrus', after the Mede, Cyrus
the Great. The Kurdish people are descendants of the
ancient Medes. The wise men who brought gifts to honor
the birth of Jesus were also Medes." (Emphasis
Just as the Medes at the
time of Cyrus were friendly to Israel and cooperated
in their exodus from Babylon to Jerusalem, so today,
the Kurds are friendly to Israel.
"President Trump
loves to say 'Merry Christmas', so don't be surprised
if he announces a Christmas gift for the Kurds. A sovereign
Kurdish state on Iran's border, coupled with US military
might, would be checkmate – not only to Iran but
also to the Iraqi government, which has treated America
with such disdain."
I know of no other ministry
who has consistently reported on the Plan of the Elite
to create a new nation known as "Free Kurdistan".
We have always known that this Pentagon Map of 2006
is a valid plan showing how the Elite has wanted to
redraw the map of the Middle East prior to the Obadiah
and the Psalm 83 wars.
Praise God!!
Now, it appears to me
that the next major step in fulfilling this map could
very well be the humiliation of Saudi Arabia (Read full
details in NEWS2213)
2. President Trump
announced that elite Navy Seals had killed the world's
most dangerous terrorist, Baghdadi.
NEWS BRIEF: "Al-Baghdadi:
A birthday present from President Trump",
Israel National News, by Daniel Pinner, 10/28/2019
"... some 470 kilometres
(290 miles) north and slightly east of my home, dozens
of US Delta Force and Navy Seals Special Forces were
approaching Barisha, a drab and almost-unknown village
of no more than a few thousand people in the Idlib Province
in north-west Syria, barely 3½ kilometres (2¼
miles) from the Turkish border."
"... they confronted
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder and commander of ISIS,
maybe the world's most wanted terrorist, certainly one
of the world's most vicious terrorists. Al-Baghdadi
grabbed three of his own children, and fled into one
of his tunnels, wearing a suicide-vest. Maybe by miscalculation
(after all, he was panicking at the time), he fled into
a dead-end tunnel instead of a tunnel which could have
led him to escape."
"When he realised
that he was cornered by US forces, he detonated his
vest, killing himself and his three children."
"A day after al-Baghdadi
was eliminated, President Trump stated in a press conference,
referring to other bloodthirsty terrorists: 'These savage
monsters will not escape their fate, and they will not
escape the final judgement of G-d' ... And listening
to his words, I couldn't resist a pang of envy: Why,
oh why can't Israel have leaders who speak such words
of faith?!"
Will Trump now
be thought of as a "War President"?
This development must
not be discounted, for Americans are hungry for just
such a hero; this killing of a major terrorist leader
could easily provide ample ammunition for the Trump
2020 Campaign to create an action-packed video clip/
Kurdish Intelligence
provided key information which led to Baghdadi being
about ISIS leader's location came from one of his wives:
"Syrian and Iraqi Kurds
... provided more intelligence for the raid than any
single country", Israel National News,
"... the CIA worked
closely with Iraqi and Kurdish intelligence officials
in Iraq and Syria to identify Baghdadi's more precise
whereabouts and to put spies in place to monitor his
periodic movements, allowing American commandos to stage
an assault Saturday in which Baghdadi died."
"The Syrian and Iraqi
Kurds, one official said, provided more intelligence
for the raid than any single country."
A top Kurdish commander
NEWS BRIEF: "Kurdish
Commander: ‘Historic' Baghdadi op was result
of joint intel work with US", The
Times of Israel, 27 Oct 2019
"Syria's top Kurdish
commander on Sunday hailed a "historic operation" and
joint intelligence work following US media reports that
Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed
during an American raid. Mazloum
Abdi, head of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces
that was the US's main local ally in years of battles
against the Islamic State group in Syria, said the operation
was the result of "joint intelligence work."
America is likely to gain
a solid pro-West nation in Kurdistan, one which will
be a natural ally of the State of Israel!
Key Democrats in both the House and the Senate has so
earned President Trump's ire over the past 3 years that
Trump ordered his officials to not brief them before
the raid began.
Leaks from Washington Would Have Jeopardized Al Baghdadi
ISIS Raid", Breitbart
News, 27 Oct 2019
"President Donald
Trump said Sunday that leaks in Washington could have
jeopardized the successful raid on the hideout of Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi ... Trump confirmed in a press conference
following his address to the nation that he had deliberately
withheld information about the raid in advance from
some congressional leaders. "
""We were going to
notify them last night but we decided not to do that
because Washington leaks like I've never seen before,"
Trump said. 'There is no country in the world that leaks
like we do and Washington is a leaking machine'."
The "Deeper State"
has used a weapon of leaking sensitive information at
just the time when that information could embarrass
the President the most.
Here are some articles
you can read to understand the width and the breadth
of the Deep State battle against Donald Trump.
Adam Schiff Not Briefed
Hits Trump For Not Informing Her Of ISIS Raid In Advance
Times thinks it found the real enemy in al-Baghdadi
raid: TRUMP
Uses al-Baghdadi Death to Attack Trump
Lee Curtis Rips Trump, Pities al-Baghdadi, Praises Dogs
in Bizarre Rant
mocks Trump for 'making ISIS great again' on night of
Baghdadi raid
Leftists who cheered
Obama's takedown of Osama bin Laden now roundly criticize
Trump's triumph over Baghdadi!
4. Republicans
congratulated President Trump's victory, even R.I.N.O.
Romney Praises Trump for Al-Baghdadi Raid",
Breitbart News, 27 October 2019
"Sen. Mitt Romney
(R-UT) praised the intelligence officers, military officers,
and President Donald Trump for the military raid that
resulted in the death of 'Islamic State' leader Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi."
"The Utah senator
said al-Baghdadi spread destruction during his time
on earth. Al Baghdadi spread 'fire and brimstone' on
earth; now he feels it for himself in hell, Romney wrote.
'To all who arranged his change of venue—the intel
officers, the President, the warriors—thank you'."
5. California
is on fire, from north to south! Governor Newsom declares
a State Emergency.
NEWS BRIEF: "California
Declares State of Emergency Over Wildfires, Hundreds
of Thousands Forced to Evacuate: Millions were without
electricity", The Epoch Times, Oct 27,
"SANTA ROSA, California—California's
governor declared a statewide emergency with nearly
200,000 people ordered to flee their homes because of
wildfires fueled by historic winds, while millions were
without electricity after the largest utility cut power
in some areas as a precaution to prevent other fires.
Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement that officials
are deploying 'every resource available' to respond
to the wildfires, including a large blaze in Northern
California's wine country driven by powerful winds."
"The fire was expected
to be especially unwieldy Sunday due to powerful winds
gusting at up to 80 mph on hillsides. The wind event
was expected to last until Monday, the National Weather
Service said ... 'The fuel in that area is extremely
dense, they're extremely old and dry', said Steve Volmer,
a fire behavior analyst with CalFire."
"State officials
concluded a PG&E transmission line sparked that
"PG&E said this
weekend's shut-off was affecting about 940,000 homes
and businesses. The city of San Francisco was not in
line for a blackout amid shut-offs for most of the rest
of the San Francisco Bay Area, the wine country to the
north and the Sierra foothills."
There is a plan which
will take away your Private Property, can throw you
into a government preserve, will kill two-thirds of
mankind, and will highly regulate the survivors and
their activities. Many people call this part of the
plan, 'Extreme Environmentalism' and it is one of the
keys to the implementation of the New World Order. Another
term for this plan is 'Re-Wilding'
which simply means allowing the land to go back to the
original 'wild' nature after all human activity is swept
away. This plan is being implemented through the United
Nations organization, UNESCO, an organization that deserves
to be feared above all others.
Before we get into this
subject, let us review a very important statement that
former Soviet President Gorbachev made concerning the
extremely important role that Environmental Extremism
was to play in the successful implementation of Antichrist
and his kingdom.
Quote of the Century:
"The threat of environmental crisis will
be the 'international disaster key' that will unlock
the New World Order." [Mikhail Gorbachev,
quoted in "A Special Report: The Wildlands Project
Unleashes Its War On Mankind", by Marilyn Brannan,
Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review, 1996,
p. 5.]
The New World Order Plan
-- represented by this map, below -- envisions that
over 50% of America will be set aside so that no human
activity whatsoever can occur within these set aside
areas (Red 'Core Reserve' Areas on above map, plus the
Yellow 'Buffer Zones'). This plan is being implemented,
right under our very noses, and always with the highest
sounding rhetoric possible. It seems to be a principle
with the Illuminati, that, whenever they want to enact
legislation that will destroy us, or enslave us, they
do so with the highest flying rhetoric they can possibly
write. I guess we should beware whenever we hear a politician
sounding off about how much they care about us, or how
much they are about to do for us!
The plan is to ruin land
by a series of horrible, unprecedented natural disasters.
The final confiscation will occur under Antichrist as
he simply declares that Mother Gaia cannot take our
Industrial Civilization anymore, so all mankind must
comply with the requirements of this map, below!
Illuminati Plan for the "cleansing" of the
earth after their Antichrist arises foresees a very
draconian plan whereby the population of the earth is
dramatically and quickly reduced by 66%, after which
the survivors will be forced to live in certain places
on earth. The land outside these designated "human
activity" zones will be set aside from any human
habitation or recreation -- called "Core Reserves"
-- or will be highly regulated "buffer zones"
between the cities and the forbidden areas. The planning
for this "cleansing" of Mother Earth is quite
advanced, and is being managed by UNESCO through the
Heritage Programs of the various nations of the world.
In New World Order literature,
occult authors place a great deal of emphasis on the
"Preparatory Period" leading up to the actual
appearance of Antichrist. The goal in this period is
to prepare the way for the coming Great One! Individual
attitudes and values must be changed so the average
person will accept the same Black Magick values as Antichrist
Further, as we have stated
many times ... the time will come when the Ultimate
Man -- Antichrist -- will be on the world scene, galvanizing
the people with his charisma and his mighty "signs
and wonders". As he begins his cleansing of our
current civilization and his de-population programs
so Mother Gaia can be 'balanced' again, he can point
to the historic precedents set by memorable mighty storms.
He can explain that, since mankind could not act responsibly
to restore "balance" in Nature, Mother Gaia
attempted to do so by sending huge and terrible storms.
He can point to great storms along the East Coast of
the United States, and to the mighty storms that have
devastated third world nations like India and Bangladesh
during the 20th Century. He will explain that U.S. storms
were caused by the unbalance to Mother Gaia caused by
our Industrial Civilization while countries like India
and Bangladesh have suffered devastation because their
overpopulation was causing imbalance.
Therefore, in one fell
swoop, Antichrist will order the implementation of his
global "Re-Wilding" campaign. Unlike the specific
and limited U.N. Biosphere Program, this campaign will
cover entire continents, just like our USA Re-Wilding
Map demonstrates. The entire Northwest is similarly
set aside, as are most of the West and Midwest states;
in 1981, I read that the Extremist Environmentalists
wanted to give all this area back to the Indians and
thought they were crazy. Little did I know that their
radical plan was developed in the minds of the Illuminati,
who controlled Congress, the White House and most state
Therefore, considering
the uncontrollable fires in California last year, and
again this year, the question must be asked:
Is California
being "Re-wilded"?
6. Neither America
or Israel have any effective defense against Iranian
cruise missiles.
like Israel, has no adequate answer for Iran's cruise
missile and drone warfare: US forces moved out of
range', DEBKAfile, Oct
29, 2019
"The US like Israel
has no adequate answer for Iran's cruise missile and
drone warfare ... Tehran is deploying those missiles
against Israel in Yemen, as well as Iraq, Syria and
Lebanon ... This alarming gap in US and Israeli defenses
shot into sight in the Sept. 14, Iranian attack on Saudi
oil infrastructure. It has galvanized the US armed forces
into starting to remove sensitive elements out of range
Therefore, American
Joint Forces Headquarters in the region and the Abraham
Lincoln carrier task force are being moved, outside
their range!
"Iran's newfound
capabilities provided the context for the US Navy's
announcement on Oct. 25 that the USS Abraham Lincoln
Carrier Strike Group had been moved out of the Gulf
into the Arabian Sea. This move reduced the ability
of the F/A-18 fighter-bombers on its decks to barely
fly there and back for reaching an Iranian coast target
only 800km away. The threat to the mighty US strike
group was considered real enough for the US military
command to forego keeping all parts of Iran within its
"The same rationale
has spurred US CENTCOM to start emptying out its air
force command posts at the Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar
for relocation at a base in central Saudi Arabia. A
direct Iranian hit could cripple US command and intelligence
centers in Qatar."