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Here is our latest podcast just published. Our podcasts
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The news this week
seems uniquely special, the kind of news which
synergistically enlightens all mankind. News broke
all over the world and would alert knowledgeable
Christians that the time to look up and pay close
attention is now at hand.
As Jesus said: "And
when these things begin to come to pass, then look
up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth
nigh. (Luke
21:27, KJV)
Breakdown--Living in the Time
of The Paradigm Shift Into the New World Order"
March 21, 2022 President Joe Biden said 'Now is the
time when things are shifting, there’s going to
be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead
it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free
world while doing it.'
The President
is talking about the 'Paradigm
Shift' to take us into the New World Order and stage
the Antichrist.
We are on the
verge of that New World order and our current system
is breaking down. Gas prices are up, inflation is the
worst in 40 years, interest rates are rising, and customer
confidence is collapsing. This video is the most relevant
and current on the market today and combines the best
in the progress of Bible prophecy in world news and
in the unique Cutting Edge viewpoint. This understanding
will affect -- should affect -- every other aspect of
the current collapse of this once free and mighty nation!
This DVD is a
2-DVD set running about 2 1/2 hours
Critical News
1. Millions of
Europeans are facing extreme and bitter winter cold,
without the gas and oil they normally use to stay warm.
Millions will
face daunting cold; can millions also die?
launches 36 rockets in ‘massive attack’:
Power outages in central and western Ukraine after shelling",
Newsbreak, October 23, 2022
prime minister, Denys Shmyhal, said that Russia has
plunged Ukraine into a humanitarian catastrophe by attacking
its energy infrastructure. In a statement to German
newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, Shmyhal said that
Russia wanted to condemn Ukraine to “a cold winter
when many people could literally freeze to death”.
NEWS BRIEF: "Ukraine
war heading for ‘uncontrolled escalation’,
says Russia", The Guardian,
October 23. 2022
"Russian attacks
on civilian infrastructure have brought more blackouts
and water shortages. The Kremlin says the war is heading
towards "uncontrolled escalation" but insists
its attacks are legitimate."
NEWS BRIEF: "Zelenskyy
says Russia wired a hydroelectric dam to explode and
flood 80 towns in region", Business
Insider, October 21, 2022
"Russia has mined
a major Ukrainian hydroelectric dam and is ready to
flood dozens of towns in an attack it would blame on
Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed on Thursday
... saying that "Russia is deliberately creating
the grounds for a large-scale disaster in the south
of Ukraine."
How important is this
hydro-electric dam?
"The dam generates
energy from the huge Dnipro river, which is around two
miles wide just upstream from the dam. It sits in the
Kherson region, where occupying Russian soldiers are
under heavy pressure from a Ukrainian counterattack."
" 'If Russian terrorists
blow up this dam, more than 80 settlements, including
Kherson, will be in the zone of rapid flooding', Zelenskyy
said. 'Hundreds, hundreds of thousands of people may
be affected'."
Now that Russia has thoroughly
'upset the apple cart' in Europe, China seems preparing
to attack in the Far East, against Taiwan.
2. China can attack
Taiwan any day now.
could invade Taiwan any day now: Top Navy officer
warns", New York Post, October
21, 2022
"China could invade
Taiwan as early as this year, speeding up naval experts’
predictions of a 2027 attack, the Navy’s top officer
... Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday said
China’s 20-year track record of delivering “every
promise they’ve made earlier than they said”
indicated the Communist country could try to take Taiwan
by force any day now."
"In preparation for
such a possibility, Gilday says, the Navy now has “our
eyes on preparing ourselves for a potential fight tonight.”
How committed is the Global
Elite in giving Taiwan back to the Chinese Communists?
Old-timer Conservatives remember President Eisenhower's
backing of Taiwan at the Formosa Straits, threatening
to go to war with Communist China if they attacked Taiwan.
Conservatives remember the legislation passed by Congress
and signed by the President that reiterated American
support for Taiwan. Conservatives think that Biden's
approach to Mainland China is simply crazy, shortsighted,
incompetent, and perhaps motivated for greed for money.
However, all Conservatives need to understand that President
Biden is simply following a well laid-out plan that
envisions building up Mainland China to superpower status.
Here is THE global plan
to designate all regions of the world into 'Military
Patrol Zones"!

Now, let us get back to
the issue of the 1952 Illuminati plan to give Taiwan
back to China. As you can see from this Illuminist map
of the world, above, Taiwan is shown a part of China
when the world is redrawn into military patrol zones,
a plan that will occur well after Antichrist arises;
in fact, given the prophecy of Daniel 7:7-8, where infighting
breaks out soon after Antichrist arises, resulting in
the complete loss of three of the original 10 supernations
of the world, I have to wonder if the world will ever
see the actual implementation of redrawing the world
into military patrol zones.
But, the key issue here
is to understand that this 1952 map of the world shows
Taiwan as part of China. The Chinese are due to get
Taiwan back some time before the world is to be redrawn
into military patrol zones.
This last little phrase,
"the full military might of the United States"
might be the most important aspect of this entire situation.
As everyone knows, President Biden began dramatically
downsizing our military might every year since he became
President., even to the point of not staying in stock
of our replacement ammunition. I can see Biden's rationale
for not intervening militarily against the Communist
Chinese on behalf of the Taiwanese. With our military
forces fully confronting a hot land and air battle in
Ukraine, I can see the President informing us that he
cannot send our Naval units into certain slaughter against
Chinese naval units, since we no longer have our main
ship-to-ship weapons in our arsenal
So, back to our original
question: how committed is the Illuminati to China getting
control of Taiwan?
The answer is: exceedingly
And, Taiwanese leaders
had better take serious note and plan likewise!
3. Israel has
successfully attacked 90% of Iranian weapons storage
in Syria.
has struck 90% of Iran’s weapons production facilities
in Syria", Israel365 News,
Oct 24, 2022
"A recent missile
strike in Syria, the first of its kind in over a month,
comes amid reports that Israel has succeeded in neutralizing
90% of Iran’s efforts to establish a military
presence in the country ... On Saturday, a report in
Hebrew-language Walla News cited “senior defense
officials” as claiming that the IDF has destroyed
90% of the ability of Iran to produce weapons in Syria
as well as thwarting their efforts to transfer weapons
to Hezbollah via land, sea, or air. The report also
claimed that the IDF has prevented Iran from establishing
military bases in Syria."
God's promise to tiny
Israel holds true today as it did 6,000 years ago. Listen: