1. The White
House is "draining the D.C. Swamp"!
A. Establishment
R.I.N.O. (Republicans In Name Only) Have Dropped Like
Flies -- Four so far
NEWS BRIEF: "Establishment
Republicans Fall Like Dominoes", Breitbart
News, 24 October 2017
Republicans standing in the way of President Donald
Trump’s agenda are falling like dominoes heading
into the midterm elections in 2018 ... The latest
failed Republican to tap out is Sen. Jeff Flake of
Arizona, who announced on Tuesday he will not seek
re-election after originally planning to."
""Today the
Trump movement collected the scalp of America’s
number one Never Trumper," Andy Surabian, a senior
adviser to the Great America Alliance—a sister
organization of the PAC—told Breitbart News
exclusively on Tuesday afternoon. 'Jeff Flake represents
everything that is wrong with Mitch McConnell’s
failed vision of the Republican Party. President Trump’s
America First movement is on a winning streak now
that Jeff Flake has been left on the ash heaps of
political history alongside Luther Strange and Bob
Corker. And rest assured that Mitch McConnell and
the rest of his Never Trump establishment cohorts
are next on our agenda.”
As Cutting Edge reported
in October, 2016, during the presidential election,
President Trump's agenda is anti-New World Order,
anti-Globalism, and against every major event since
World War I. At the time, I believed that the combined
political power from all Establishment Democrats and
Republicans against him would prevail to bring him
to ruin.
However, I did not fully
appreciate the power of the people who were being
systematically led into this New Order. This opposition
to the principles of the New World Order was seen
first in Great Britain's BREXIT (British Exit) vote,
which mandated that England withdraw from the European
Union, a supernation which is #2 in the plan to reorganize
the world nations into the prophetic 10. (See map

The swelling tide of
British voters in BREXIT was repeated in November,
2016, as Donald Trump swept the favored Hillary aside
as he won the White House. Voters in Austria followed
with similar Conservative results.
The bottom line is that
voters reject any effort by any politician who tries
to bury Patriotic Sovereignty under mountains of Globalism.
President Obama traveled to London to lecture British
voters on his version of reality; he told them in
no uncertain terms that the world had changed and
had become Global in every area of life. That was
the reality and the British were just going to have
to get used to it!
Obama's arrogance resulted
in a resounding defeat at the polls for the Globalists.
And, now, Establishment
Republicans like former President George W. Bush,
and R.I.N.O. Senators John McCain, Bob Corker, and
Jeff Flake have made similar arrogant speeches in
which they show their contempt for American national
These globalists have
failed again and again but they never seem to learn.
This electoral resistance
to the Globalism of the New World Order is not only
surprising, but is the best news yet that. perhaps,
voters simply are not yet ready for Global Governance.
And, without global government, the Biblical Antichrist
cannot arise.
I think that the Elite
will need to start World War III in order to frighten
Conservative voters sufficiently so they will accept
the prophetic Kingdom of Antichrist.
B. Special Counsel
Robert Mueller suddenly turns his investigation on
to Democrat / Hillary donor and strategist, John Podesta!
Democrats have a Russia problem",
New York Post, 23 October 2017
"Lefty cheers for
Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian
meddling in US politics may soon fade now that he’s
reportedly looking into a top Democratic lobbyist."
We have noted on several
occasions that the REAL story of Russian collusion
with American officials was not Donald Trump, but
Hillary Clinton. After many months of seeing the apparent
Leftist Democrat agenda and believing that President
Trump was the major target, we are now witnessing
the Mueller investigation turning directly on Democrat
donor and strategist, John Podesta.
What If?
What if Trump strategists
deliberately set Robert Mueller's special counsel
so that it would look like a Democrat Deep State operation
designed to bring down the newly elected President?
If this is the case,
then Robert Mueller could work as long as he needs
to in order to expose the traitorous actions of President
Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton? The
Democrats would be none the wiser until the monstrous
weight of the Special Council was bearing down on
Hillary. I think I see the sharp mind of a savvy strategist
at work here.
"NBC reports that
Tony Podesta (the brother of Hillary Clinton’s
campaign chairman, John Podesta) and his firm are
the subjects of a criminal investigation by the special
prosecutor. And this comes amid new reports that the
FBI gathered evidence for two years as Russian agents
— including a major sleeper cell — worked
to gain access to then-Secretary of State Clinton,
husband Bill and members of their inner circle."
"Meanwhile, The
Hill is reporting new details of a years-long FBI
investigation that tracked Moscow’s covert influence-buying
activities — including planting a spy posing
as an accountant in the offices of a top Clinton donor.
Team Hillary has long denied that she was a target
of the spy ring, but an FBI source told The Hill:
“There is not
one shred of doubt from the evidence that we had that
the Russians had set their sights on Clinton’s
inner circle.”
Will "crooked Hillary"
finally see the inside of a jail cell, possibly along
with her husband, Bill Clinton?

2. Does President
Trump view his radical tax cut plan as the tool by
which the Republican Party will rule Washington for
a generation?
NEWS BRIEF: "Trump's
on the verge of a big win. Brace yourself for more
hysteria from the left...",
Fox News, 10/24/2017
what has become of the Democratic Party? ... we
have Congresswoman Frederica Wilson who tweeted this:
'Niger is Donald Trump's Benghazi'. Now that’s
a stretch."
"It seems the left's contempt,
and frankly hatred, for this president has now reached
a new level."
"Why? And why now?
"Maybe it’s because President
Trump is on the verge of a big win on taxes and the
economy. He’s getting very close. Remember that
old (Bill Clinton) line: 'It's the economy, stupid?'
Oh yes it is and the left is very worried that a tax
cutting deal would grow the economy. They don't want
the president to get credit for that."
If the President can deliver through
Congress a dramatic overhaul of our cumbersome IRS
tax code, and if he can deliver tax cuts for the Middle
and Lower Classes, then he might just become "bullet
proof" at the polls.
George Soros' plan to
create the "Never Trumper" strategy
of opposing Trump on everything every day, would certainly
panic at the thought of President Trump delivering
his promise of a tax relief for the most downtrodden
in America.
tend to "vote their pocketbooks". If Trump
can deliver less taxes, more employment, less unemployment,
new jobs in new factories, and turning blighted inner
cities into livable cities through bringing new jobs
into these areas, he will be unbeatable at the polls.
Remember, Candidate
Trump remarked during the campaign, that, if he could
become President, 75% of all blacks would then vote
to reelect him in 2020! Trump had his eye on this
project to finally pull blacks and other minorities
out of economic despair by creating well-paying jobs
for them in their neighborhoods.
Now, that concept
is positively Conservative!
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3. Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu clearly states that the man he
wants for the critically important "Military
Secretary" to be the general who urged his troops
into battle "to fight in God's Name"!
Netanyahu Rejects IDF Choices for Military Secretary:
Wants Commander Who Told Troops to Fight in God’s
Name", Breaking
Israel News, October 22, 2017
"Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu will soon announce his choice for
his next military secretary, but ... so far the PM
has rejected three brigadier generals suggested by
IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot ... Netanyahu cannot
directly pick his choice for military secretary since
the position is under the control of the Chief of
Staff. So, until Eizenkot comes up with the man Netanyahu
wants, things will remain at a standstill."
What kind of man is
the Prime Minister seeking? Be prepared to be shocked!
"... the nomination
the PM wants, and the Chief of Staff does not, is
Brigadier General Ofer Vinter, chief of the Central
Command staff. Vinter wears a knitted yarmulke and
represents the cadre of quality career officers produced
by the National Religious education system. He lives
in a religious communal village in lower Galilee,
married, father of eight who was the youngest division
commander ever to become a grandfather. He is admired
in the religious sector for all of the above, but
mostly for his famous (or infamous, depending on your
political inclination) daily order of July 9, 2014,
just as Operation Protective Edge was starting in
This Israeli general
sent his troops into battle under an Old Testament
battle cry! Listen and be amazed.
" 'History has
chosen us to be at the forefront of fighting the Gazan
terrorist enemy, who is vilifying the God of Israel',
then Colonel Ofer Vinter wrote his soldiers of the
Givati Brigade. The reference to I Samuel 17:26 was
not lost on his secular and religious public school
graduates: David said to the men standing with him,
'What reward will be given to the man who kills this
Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel?
Who is this uncircumcised Philistine anyway, that
he vilifies the armies of the living God?' ”
Amen and Amen! Is God
raising up the kind of Israeli leadership who will
go into battle depending more on His Omnipotent power
than the numbers of his soldiers and the force of
his modern tanks, aircraft and missiles?
God foretold that, at
the End of the Age, He was going to deliver Israel
in her prophesied battles against an overwhelming
"And they shall
be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in
the mire of the streets in the battle: and they shall
fight, because the Lord is with them, and the riders
on horses shall be confounded." (Zechariah 10:5,
God;s Holy Spirit will
enter into the heart of every Israeli soldier in the
time of final battle and shall cause them to fight
like "mighty men"!
At the same time, the
Holy Spirit shall confuse the minds of Israel's enemies
and shall deliver an easy victory for the Israeli
military forces.
If we are as close to
the End of the Age as we think, we should be seeing
evidence that Israeli politicians and generals are
again depending upon God's Omnipotent hand to deliver
them against their enemies!
4. Is Climate
Change finally being debunked and dismantled?
Many nations
are pulling out of the Paris Climate Treaty!
Signatories Are ‘Ignoring’ or ‘Abandoning’
Paris Climate Commitments", Breitbart
News, 22 October 2017
"Following President
Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris
Climate Accord, a number of other nations have quietly
begun ignoring the Paris energy goals ... According
to Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe, a Toronto-based
environmental organization, Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau is one of the only signers of the Paris
agreement who is actually abiding by the exacting
demands of the accord."
"Meanwhile, Solomon
notes .... most signatories are ignoring, if not altogether
abandoning Paris commitments, undoubtedly because
voters in large part put no stock in scary global
warming scenarios'."
Voters are suddenly
noticing the hypocrisy of the politicians attempting
to lead them in this wrong direction!
"“The populist
backlash — a revulsion at top-down governments
laden with jet-setting politicians landing in posh
places to preach restraint to the masses — has
swept America with Trump’s election, Great Britain
with Brexit, much of Europe, and Australia.”
“In the process, global warming
enthusiasts are being swept out,” he writes."
Voters are also realizing that the
Paris Climate Accord is simply another ruse designed
to end National Sovereignty in favor of a Global Dictatorship
which can force individual governments to do anything
they want them to do.
Since we have already noted the power
of the "BREXIT" national sovereignty movement,
we should not be surprised that this power is carrying
over into the area of Climate Change!