Headline News Analysis
Prophetic Insight Into Israel's Future - DVD's
1. Israel
appears to be on the verge of plunging into
the prophetic Abyss which God calls the "Time
of Jacob's Trouble"!
for that day is great, so that none is like
it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble..."
(Jeremiah 30:7, KJV)
at that time shall Michael stand up, the great
prince which standeth for the children of thy
people: and there shall be a time of trouble,
such as never was since there was a nation even
to that same time ..." (Daniel 12:1, KJV)
NEWS BRIEF: "Israeli
Defense Minister:
Israel is on its way to war", World
Israel News, October 22, 2018
mediation has failed and Israel is on its way
war. That was the message Defense Minister Avigdor
Liberman delivered Monday to the Knesset Foreign
Affairs and Defense Committee."
riots on Israel's border with Gaza are
not 'popular protests' as Hamas depicts them
but rather carefully orchestrated violence organized
by the terror group, he said.
thousand people do not show up by foot at the
border fence', Liberman said. 'We have been
talking since March 30 about the tens of millions
[of shekels] Hamas has spent … They pay
for every person killed $3,000, each seriously
wounded $500, and a moderately injured [rioter
receives] less than $200'."
"Israel has
'reached a situation where there is no alternative
– anything other than the hardest, heaviest
blow that we are capable of dealing Hamas in
the Gaza Strip – will not help ... Hamas
has called for war on Israel',"
Visible, concrete
evidence that the Defense Minister was absolutely
correct could be seen on he both the northern
and the southern borders.
Buildup: Israel constructs barriers, deploys
tanks on Lebanon line, World Israel
News, October 22, 2018
"In recent
weeks, residents of the Upper Galilee region
have witnessed trucks unload countless mounds
of sand and artificial hills slowly rise, with
a tank or armored personnel carrier parked atop
each one. 'The hills are going up close to the
cement barrier the IDF has been building in
recent months along the border," with
Lebanon, an area resident told Israel Hayom."
Examine the "cement
barrier" which the IDF is building on the
Lebanese border and you will discover they are
the 15-foot-high blast barriers which we report
in our DVD shown above, "Israel's
Prophesied Triumph Over the Palestinians"
These high cement
barriers are designed to protect Israeli citizens
from the Fuel Air Bomb attack which Israel is
about to launch against the Palestinians in
fulfillment of God's annihilating judgment against
the Palestinians (Ancient 'House of Esau').
Listen to the wording of this judgment:
"And the
house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house
of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for
stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and
devour them; and there shall not be any remaining
of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken
God prophesied
2,600 years ago that, at the End of the Age,
He would use Israel as a weapon with which He
was going to annihilate the Palestinians. And
God's weapon of choice is FIRE!
Pass the word,
the time is getting very close to the beginning
of the unprecedented trouble and trial of the
nation of Israel -- Time
of Jacob's Trouble -- and I
believe that this unparalleled disaster about
to fall upon Israel will begin with the wars
of Obadiah, Isaiah 34 and Psalm 83.
No one is warning
of the coming absolute destruction of the Palestinians
but Cutting Edge. Spread the word.
Israel is also
building up her forces on the Southern border,
facing Hamas.
decides to ramp up forces along Gaza border",
Israel Hayom News,
October 19, 2018
"... the
military was ordered to implement harsh measures
against border rioters and terrorists who launch
incendiary balloons and kites toward Israel
... IDF bolsters troops on Gaza border a day
after rocket destroys home in Beersheba ...
the IDF ramped up its forces along the Gaza
border, one day after a Palestinian rocket destroyed
a home in southern Israel."
Somber news is
coming from Iran.
is providing Hezbollah with GPS-equipped weapons",
Israel National News, 10/19/2018
and western intelligence sources believe Iran
has been increasing its shipments of advanced
weaponry to Hezbollah, and that the deliveries
now include Global Positioning System (GPS)
components to make previously unguided rockets
into precision guided-missiles, increasing the
threat to Israel ..."
Latest reports
are that Hezbollah is now boasting that they
have 150,000 rockets surrounding Israel, but
the vast majority are thought to be poorly equipped
with accurate guidance systems. Were even a
few thousand were upgraded by GPS systems, the
entire threat to Israel would change instantly
and gravely.
Arab military
forces in the region are amassing an impressive
array of modern military attack weapons against
tiny Israel. We are rapidly reaching the point
where Israel cannot survive unless God steps
in as He has promised to bring Israel through
this destructive conflagration.
When even a reliable
ally like Jordan acts diplomatically against
Israel, you know the overall chance for peace
is deteriorating rapidly.
cancels part of peace agreement with Israel",
Israel Hayom News, October 22, 2018
King Abdullah on Sunday said he has decided
not to renew parts of his country's landmark
1994 peace treaty with Israel ... he intends
to pull out of clauses in the agreement that
allow Israel to lease two small areas comprising
1,000 acres of agricultural land– Baqura,
known as Naharayim in Hebrew, in the northern
Jordan Valley, and Ghamr in the south –
from the Jordanians for 25 years."
The king did not
give a reason for his decision, but he has faced
escalating domestic pressure to end the lease
and return the territories to full Jordanian
control ... the peace treaty with Israel is
unpopular and pro-Palestinian sentiment widespread
in Jordan. Activists and politicians have been
vocal against a renewal of the lease, which
they say is "humiliating" and perpetuates
"Israeli occupation" of Jordanian
Since Palestinians
number 2,175,491 in a population of a little
more than 10,000,000, they can apply considerable
pressure to Jordan's Hashemite Kingdom. Pulling
out of these two clauses in this 1994 peace
treaty is a big deal because it reflects the
building force of war.
2. Make
no mistake about the fact that this illegal
immigrant caravan is an attack on American sovereignty
and its ability to control its own borders!
Caravan Attack on America:
by Newt Gingrich", Gingrich
Productions, October 19, 2018
"The caravan
from Central America ... is an attempted invasion
and an attack on the United States. This assertion
will almost certainly be denounced by the usual
sources as being hateful or offensive, but it
is long past time we stop letting the Left prevent
us from using words which clearly communicate
"The fact
is: Thousands of people have openly stated their
intention to break American law and invade our
country. Other people, some of them Americans,
are funding this deliberate effort to invade
America. If you think 'invade' is too strong
a word, watch this video of the caravan tearing
down fences separating Guatemala and Mexico
while waving the Honduran flag ... How is this
not an invasion?"
"We cannot
allow ourselves to be intimidated by the heart-wrenching
pictures and misleading words the left-wing
media will doubtlessly manufacture if this caravan
arrives at our border. We also must reclaim
our narrative from the Left. We cannot allow
them to demonize us and distort what we stand
for and what we are trying to do."
The fact is that
the Leftist Democrat Party wishes to use this
illegal immigrant caravan as a battering ram
designed to knock down our borders, opening
them to a flood of refugees from countries bordering
on failure and to knock down the Presidency
of Donald J. Trump.
This caravan is
also not the innocent stream of innocent people
just wanting a better life here,
3. Guatemalan
Authorities caught 100 ISIS terrorists marching
with the caravan AND 1,000 "gangbanger"
criminals, including MS-13!
NEWS BRIEF: "Guatemala
captured 100 ISIS terrorists, president reveals
ahead of migrant caravan arrival",
American Military News, October 19, 2018
"As border
security concerns rise as a result of the Honduras
migrant caravan, Guatemala recently revealed
that it has been battling ISIS for several years
within its own borders ... Guatemalan President
Jimmy Morales delivered a speech at the Conference
on Prosperity and Security in Central America
last week, during which he announced that Guatemala
had captured nearly 100 suspects connected to
ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central
American Caravan Heads to U.S.: Also
authorities captured more than 1,000 gangbangers,
including members MS-13",
Judicial Watch, October 18, 2018
"In a startling
revelation, Guatemala's president announced
in the country's largest newspaper that
nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended
in the impoverished Central American nation.
Why should Americans care about this? A caravan
of Central American migrants is making its way
north. Let's not forget that Guatemala
is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S.
with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama's
open border free-for-all. They came in droves
from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through
the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled
out the welcome mat offering housing, food,
medical treatment and a free education ..."
". The Texas
Department of Public Safety even issued a report
documenting how the MS-13 emerged as a top tier
gang in the state thanks to the influx of illegal
alien gang members that came with the UACs.
At the time more than 60,000 UACs—many
with criminal histories—had stormed into
the U.S. in a matter of months. Tens of thousands
more eventually made it north."
"At the same
event, President Morales also revealed that
Guatemalan authorities captured more than 1,000
gangbangers, including members of the MS-13."
Trump warned that this caravan posed a real
threat to America because of the numbers of
criminals mingled in.
Challenges Media to Bring Cameras and Investigate
Breitbart News, 22 October 2018
Donald Trump challenged the media on Monday
to bring their cameras to the caravan of over
7,000 migrants, currently pressing through Mexico
towards the United States.
"Go into the middle of the caravan, take
your cameras and search," Trump told reporters
at the White House. He claimed that they would
find MS-13 gang members as well as Middle Eastern
citizens trying to enter the United States."
" 'Guess
what? We are not allowing them in our country',
he said. 'We want safety'."
Not only does
the President sound reasonable in his concern
about these thousands of illegal immigrants
attempting to invade our country, but opinion
polls show that a majority of American citizens
-- including a sup rising percentage of Hispanic-Americans
-- believe that tighter control over immigration
is needed, not the blatant 'open borders policy'
of Obama/Clinton/Pelosi, and the rest of the
Leftist Democrat Party,
Senator Jeff Flake criticized the President,
saying he had no right to bring this criminal
infestation to our attention.
Senator Jeff Flake:
Trump Wrong to ‘Emphasize Criminals'
Among Caravan",
Breitbart News,
22 October 2018
"Sen. Jeff
Flake (R-AZ) — who is leaving office after
his term — says President Donald Trump
is wrong to "emphasize the criminals"
among a 7,000-strong migrant caravan headed
to the U.S.-Mexico border to overwhelm the country's
asylum and immigration system."
"FLAKE: That's
long been pretty much a canard and a fear tactic.
Obviously with a border that large, you're
going to have people come across that are coming
from other countries. And some obviously with
nefarious motives. But to make it sound like
this is in order to put people in here who would
do us harm and to emphasize the criminals among
them, it's just … I just don't
think it's the right way to approach it.
[Emphasis added]"
This statement
is pretty stupid, because no parent wants to
suddenly realize that violent gang members,
like those of MS-13, are suddenly going to the
same high school as their child, or is living
right next door!
How large is this
problem of violent criminals in our society,
gangsters who have come across our border because
of the disastrous "open borders policy"
of the Democrat Party?
Informed: Immigration", Just
"Based on
U.S. Census data from 2011 to 2015, immigrants
who remain in the U.S. and are from Latin America
are 5.1 times more likely to be incarcerated
than immigrants from Europe and 6.3 times more
likely than immigrants from Asia."
"In 2011,
the U.S. Government Accountability Office published
a study of 249,000 non-citizens in U.S. prisons
and jails during 2003–2009 ... these non-citizen
inmates had been arrested for 2.9 million offenses
committed within the U.S., including:
* "213,047
* "115,045
* "94,492
weapons violations"
* "69,929
sex offenses"
* "25,064
So, yes, Senator
Flake, President Trump is entirely right to
be concerned with the criminals who have infiltrated
this caravan moving toward the American border.
illegal immigrants from certain countries are
more likely to commit crimes because they come
from such violent countries. Please consider:
from ‘Most Violent Countries in World'
Are ‘Invading' U.S.",
Breitbart News, 21 October 2018
"Rep. Steve
King (R-IA) says men from the 'most violent
countries in the world' are 'invading' the United
States through illegal and legal immigration
... nine of the ten most violent countries in
the world are south of the US border ...' King
"If Mollie
Tibbetts had carried a 15 ounce gun, it would
have been more useful to her than her cell phone.
I don't want to see everybody in the US
carrying a gun. It's not practical, they
are heavy, you might only need it once in ten
lifetimes. The defense I am really talking about
is this: the individual who murdered Mollie
Tibbetts should have never been in America."
[Emphasis added]
"King also
warned against mass immigration to the U.S.
from the most dangerous regions of the world,
specifically Central America and South America."
4. Attorney
General Jeff Sessions announced a Federal Government
war on Cartels, specifically the murderous Mexican
Sessions: ‘Whole
of Government Effort' to Take Down Drug
Cartel, ‘They Are in Our Crosshairs',
Breitbart News,
17 October 2018
General Jeff Sessions held a press conference
on Tuesday with officials from the Department
of Justice, U.S. Treasury, and State Department
to announce a "whole of government effort"
to take down the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion
said the drug cartel is 'one of the five most
dangerous transnational criminal organizations
on the face of the earth and it is doing unimaginable
damage to the people of this nation'."
said although it was formed only nine years
ago, it has established its network around the
world ... CJNG has a presence in cities across
the United States from San Diego to Omaha to
Roanoke to New York City to Orlando', said Sessions,
adding that the cartel is believed to traffic
ten tons of cocaine and methamphetamines into
the United States every month.
" 'They
are in our crosshairs', Sessions said. 'This
cartel is our top priority'
"DOJ also
cited 'the daily coordination between the Government
of Mexico with the U.S. Department of Justice,
Treasury, and State to target this violent drug
cartel that has a direct impact on the lives
and livelihood of millions of citizens in the
United States and Mexico'."
Mexico can join the United States in Regional
Supernation #1, the Cartel Gangster cancer must
be eradicated.
It is terrible news that the Government is now
investigating the sexual sin scandal of the
Roman Catholic Clergy and its cover-up.
Opens Investigation Into Catholic Clergy's
Alleged Sexual Abuse of Children in Pennsylvania",
KTLA5 News, October 18, 2018
"Two years
ago, a federal prosecutor in Pittsburgh considered
filing a racketeering lawsuit against a Roman
Catholic diocese over its handling of child
sex-abuse complaints, but left office before
he could make the bold move. However, a colleague
in Philadelphia is now taking aim at the church
this month, sending grand jury subpoenas to
dioceses throughout Pennsylvania as he tries
to build a federal criminal case centered on
child exploitation ... 301 priests molested
more than 1,000 children over seven decades."
centuries and across entire continents, the
Roman Catholic clergy escaped normal legal action,
they were considered to be the "third rail"
of politics. He who dares touch it dies, legally
and within his community.
Over the past
1,500 years, the Roman Catholic Church has claimed
to be the One True Church of Jesus Christ, they
have been full of dead men's bones and of all
uncleanness. We prove in this DVD pictured above
that the only way to understand why Rome brought
in truckloads of pagan doctrine, practices and
dress is to realize that the Vatican is practicing
We also examine
the many symbols of Catholicism, demonstrating
that they are symbols used in the Witchcraft
Mystery Religions of Babylon, Egypt and Chaldea.
No one can understand what the inherent, systemic
problem lies at the foundation of Catholicism
unless you study its doctrines and practices
of this counterfeit Christian Church!
Maybe, at long
last, Catholicism as we know it today is going
to either buried or transformed.
At long last,
child victims, and mothers and daughters
within the confessional, are going to be
saved from the clutches of these priests!
But, what
is truly terrible is that such an investigation
is necessary!
bad that the DOJ is investigating the Catholic
Church: It's worse that
the Church made that necessary", The
Washington Examiner, October 23, 2018
"These are
dark days for the Catholic Church, particularly
in the United States.
"Of Pennsylvania's
eight Catholic dioceses, seven reported receiving
subpoenas this week from the Justice Department,
marking a major development in the state's growing
involvement in the clergy sex-abuse scandal."
"For any
American, the idea of the Justice Department
launching a state-wide investigation into a
major religion should set off alarms. Religious
and nonreligious Americans alike should be wary
of the state bringing its authority to bear
against one of the major faiths. Progressive
or anti-religious government bureaucrats could
easily misuse public support as a means to antagonize
the faithful."
"But the
Catholic Church has left U.S. law enforcement
officials with no other option. Church leaders
have shown themselves to be too naive, too incompetent,
or too dishonest to be trusted with uprooting
the cancer of clergy sex abuse."
Cutting Edge has
been reporting this abuse for over 20 years,
starting back in Boston, Massachusetts and Providence,
Rhode Island. Please take a moment to read our
archived articles on this sad subject.
We prove that
this kind of sex abuse goes back 1,500 years,
including the bit of information from a used
book printed in 1710 that Catholic priests would
threaten a woman in the Confessional with whom
he wanted to have sex, that he would report
her to the Inquisition Authorities as a "heretic".
The woman would relent in 98% of the cases,
since she knew that "accusation equaled
guilt", and she would be tortured beyond
belief and then murdered.
This evil heart
comes straight out of the Abyss of Hell and
is the heart of Catholics everywhere.
Jesus spoke the
truth when he said:
"Beware of
false prophets, which come to you in sheep's
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather
grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even
so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit;
but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit."
(Matthew 7:15-17, KJV)
NEWS BRIEF: "Alabama
top court judge urges Supreme Court to overturn
Roe v. Wade: After Friday case ruling",
Biz Pac Review, October 20, 2018
"On Friday
the Alabama Supreme Court issued an astounding
ruling that could potentially lead to the reversal
of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that
legalized abortion."
Hang on to your
hats, because the overthrow of Roe vs Wade might
come much earlier than we had anticipated! And,
I bet that Brett Kavanaugh will be chomping
at the bit to overturn this most awful ruling
in American history.
"The case
the court ruled on, Jessie Phillips v. State
of Alabama, concerned a man who was sentenced
to death two years ago for the murder of his
pregnant wife, Erica Droze Phillips, and their
unborn child. After his conviction, Phillips
appealed his sentence on the grounds that he’d
only murdered one person versus two, his point
being that his unborn baby shouldn’t have
been counted as a person."
Yes, the Abortion
Upon Demand mob has always made a point of calling
the innoent baby within he womb a "FETUS",
a most inhuman sounding word.
"In Friday’s
unanimous ruling, the court struck down his
appeal on the basis that 'the value of the life
of an unborn child is no less than the value
of the lives of other persons'... What did shock
many was a separate opinion penned by Alabama
Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker in which he
explicitly urged the national Supreme Court
to reverse Roe v. Wade."
"Return the
power to the states to fully protect the most
vulnerable among us.”
AMEN! Praise the
Lord, let us overthrow this old relic of Baal
worship in America.
magazine, The Atlantic, posts an article in
which they boldly state that the Democrats are
the ones to blame for the march toward American
borders by 14,000 illegal immigrants!
Magazine: Trump-hating Democrats Refuse to Help
Fix Migrant Crisis", Breitbart
News, 23 October 2018
"The Democratic
Party is refusing to help fix to the migrant-caravan
crisis because they increasingly hate President
Donald Trump and his lower-immigration policies,
says the Atlantic magazine. Short of an election-eve
exoneration by Robert Mueller, it would be hard
to imagine a nicer October surprise for Donald
Trump than an attempt by thousands of unauthorized
immigrants to force the borders of the United
States. It dramatizes every one of his themes,
but none more spectacularly than this: his claim
that his opponents will not defend the borders
of the United States…"
Democrat candidates are suddenly supporting
the failed notion that Capitalism should be
overthrown in favor of Socialism, let us examine
what Socialism in America would look like.
Economists Offer Window Into What a Socialist
US Economy Would Look Like",
Daily Signal News, October 23,
"If the United
States were to adopt the socialist policies
of Venezuela, the move would slash the economy
by 40 percent—or $24,000 per year for
the average American, according to a report
by the president’s Council of Economic
Please take a
few minutes to read this entire article, as
it is truly spectacular! Converting to Socialism
would destroy America, and would render all
Socialist promises null and void!
The massive
and abrupt public swing toward virulent anti-Semitism
is so pronounced that it has raised the ire
of an Israeli government official.
endangered by Democrat D.C. takeover: Israeli
foreign ministry official warns",
World Israel News, October 24,
"Alon Ushpiz,
the Foreign Ministry’s director of diplomacy,
alerted members of the Foreign Affairs and Defense
Committee on Monday that a Democratic takeover
of the House of Representatives would significantly
change the atmosphere in Washington vis-à-vis
will be consequences for Israel. What has happened
until now since Trump’s entry into the
White House will not continue, and we need to
prepare for this.” Ushpiz further warned
that Israel was losing support in the US Jewish
community, and he asked Knesset members to meet
with Jews during trips to America, rather than
just evangelical Christians."
The American economy is
rushing to unprecedented levels, just in time
for the Mid-Term Elections!
Rust Belt Boom, Jobs Streaming Back to Ohio,
Penn., Mich., Wisc.", The
Lid News, October 23, 2018
"So far,
the era of Trump has been very good to those
midwestern states once called the Rust Belt.
Jobs have come streaming back to states including
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Indeed, Ohio has hit a 21-year record, according
to the Daily Wire."
Since American
voters typically "vote their pocketbooks",
this dramatic increase in economic wealth and
power should result in Republican majorities
in both the House and Senate!
But, Conservatives
must turn out in record numbers to make this
At the
time when the Roman Catholic priesthood is proven
to be rife with gay priests, many of whom are
carrying out gay sex assault on young boys,
the Jesuit Magazine has just poured high octane
fuel on the fire.
Magazine Defends Ordaining Gay Men to the Priesthood",
Brietbart News, 24 Octob er 2018
"The Jesuit-run
America magazine has weighed in on the debate
regarding homosexuality and the Catholic priesthood,
insisting that ordaining gay men does not increase
the risk of clerical sex abuse. In his October
22 article, titled 'No, homosexuality is not
a risk factor for the sexual abuse of children,”
Thomas G. Plante contends that the idea that
“banning homosexual men from the priesthood
could prevent future victimization of children
in the church” is 'simply not true'.”
But, current facts,
plus history of the priesthood going back over
1,200 years, demonstrates that gay celibate
priests simply do prey more on young boys than
you and I would want to believe.
"The recent
focus on homosexual men in the priesthood was
fueled by revelations last summer of serial
homosexual abuse of priests and seminarians
by U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, as well
as the report by a Pennsylvania grand jury on
clerical sex abuse manifesting a
conspicuous predominance of male victims by
Catholic priests ... over 80 percent
of abuse was committed against male victims
... homosexual behavior in the seminary 'was
significantly related to the increased likelihood
of a male child victim'.”
Now you know why
Illuminati chose the Jesuit Roman Catholic Pope
-- whomever he is at the time -- to
be the False Prophet, working alongside
Antichrist for seven years.