Mystery of the Red Heifer"
DVD by Michael Samuel Smith
A wonderful miracle has
just occurred, one that carries with it exciting Messianic
implications! Two (2) Red Heifers were born in 2014
with the number '7' etched in their foreheads. This
miracle is a sign from Heaven to Earth, from God to
In Part 1, join Biblical
investigative reporter, Michael S. Smith, as he and
his research team travel to Gatseville, Texas, to interview
the owner of a red heifer named Shemitah and make comparisons
between her and the other red heifer born in Pennsylvania.
In Part 2, we will see
what God told Israel to do with the perfect red heifer
and then learn that Israeli religious authorities are
carrying out Gods plan right now!
In Part 3, you will be
excited to realize that Jesus fulfilled all of the red
heifer requirements during His life and ministry.
Share this most important
prophetic development with your friends, relatives and
the unsaved as time is getting very short. Only $19.99
yours today
NOTE: Michael Smith is
the author of the popular DVD titles, "The
Cyrus Effect" and "Joseph
In Egypt"
COVENANTS: Challenges For The 'Christian' Mason"
DVD - by Bill Schnoebelen
$24.95, Now Only $19.95 - You Save $5.00
Tragically, tens of thousands
of Christian men are members of the Masonic Lodge. A
surprising number are pastors, deacons and elders! Sadly,
these men have their spiritual eyes blinded to Masonry's
bloody roots, perverse hierarchy and despicable, secret
rites. Exposing ALL THIS MASONIC EVIL in a passionate
argument often creates volatile anger and deep resentment
-- which feeds demonic entities and thwarts their liberation
by Jesus the Messiah!
HOWEVER, with sincere
prayer and the seasoned, Scriptural instruction provided
in this DVD teaching, you can speak CONFIDENTLY to those
deceived by Masonry's DARK COVENANTS and start ministering
Jesus's Liberation and Deliverance with authority!
LEARN to compare Scripture
against arcane, Masonic obligations and rites, and share
Dr. Williams testimony of liberation from his nine years
of intense involvement with the Lodge. Witness to others
the ANTI-CHRIST dangers of Freemasonry -- all without
the shock factor!
Teaches you how to renounce
Lodge membership, spirituality, headship, and how to
compose a demit letter to various Masonic bodies to
sever demonic chains from the dark forces behind Masonry!
2 Hours Long -- 
DVD Titles

Critical News
Analysis -- End of the Age
1. As protests
in Chile threaten to spiral out of control, one citizen
lamented "We are an unarmed nation while the military
is the only one who has guns"!
Hell Has Broken Loose In Chile",
The Organic Prepper, October 21, 2019
"Citizens are protesting
economic inequalities in the country. The protests began
after the government raised metro prices, which appears
to have been the final straw for the people. It sure
looks like martial law has been imposed there, in response
to civil unrest."
Chile is one of the more
wealthy countries, for the very elite; but, a great
income inequality has seized the ordinary citizens,
who are barely scraping by while the rich live sumptuously.
Let us now hear from some Twitter followers:
The government set the military on the streets just
because people were demanding rights. Salaries aren"t
WE ARE A DISARMED COUNTRY. They fight us with guns and
we have bare hands.
Media is censoring this ..." (babygirl @pinkitsvne)
"They are shooting
with rifles at everyone. This is so scary, nobody is
pointing weapons to them, nobody is even near them."
(Ibid.) NOTE: Photo is shown of a soldier aiming his
rifle at the head of an elderly man who looks to be
"It's been 30 years
since the 16 years dictatorship ended, it's 2019 and
here we are, the military forces are back on the streets,
the nightmares of our parents are now ours. This is
what is going on in Chile.#EstoPasaEnChile." (SHINING@
Do you remember a few
months ago when we reported the Venezuela was in a similar
situation? Unarmed citizens were being manhandled by
the Army, and citizens were lamenting ever giving up
their guns to a popular leader!
America, take
note! This agenda is planned for you by Leftist agitators
led by the Democrat Party of today.
Whenever any Democrat
candidate shouts that Americans should not have "military
assault weapons", take another good look at these
videos from Chile. If Chilean citizens possessed several
hundred thousand such rifles, the Army would not be
able to brutalize the people.
Only "Good
Guys With Guns" can stop Bad Guys
With Guns, especially soldiers serving the bad guys!
History has shown us this very important truth. Our
continued freedoms are possible only because Americans
possess an estimated 300 million guns.
Believe me, the Illuminati
fears an aroused, and armed, 150 million people!
2. The Democrat's
impeachment nonsense is having a very real corrosive
effect on our Constitutional freedoms of "Right
to due process"!
Star Chamber impeachment farce blows up in Adam Schiff"s
face", CDN
News, October 21, 2019
"The faux Star Chamber
impeachment farce against Donald Trump proceeds this
week with another flurry of secret hearings, chaired
by the man who brought you the Russia Hoax, and now
Ukraine, Adam Schiff ... Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi
have put aside antiquated constitutional notions of
due process." (Listed Below)
What are these "Due Process"
The defendant"s
right to call witnesses, cross-examine testimony, have
legal counsel, and be treated with simple fairness,
beginning with the presumption of innocence until proven
guilty! (14th
"Of course at the
center of the farce is the fact that the House has not
actually voted to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
As they specifically did in 1998 with Clinton, in 1974
with Nixon, and in 1866 with Andrew Johnson. Nancy Pelosi
has authorized the inquiry by fiat."
Now you know the true
reason behind President Trump refusing to allow any
of his officials to cooperate with this farcical "impeachment
"This is a dictatorship.
Conducting an inquisition worthy of the Soviet Union.
Run by Nancy Pelosi"s personal Beria, her hand-picked
Himmler. She has bypassed the Judiciary Committee and
put it in the hands of the Intelligence Committee and
lying Adam Schiff. "
"They are conducting
their activities in secret. They pretend the process
is fair and open. But it is clear this is a Star Chamber
proceeding. A show trial. Worthy of impressing even
Joseph Stalin ... That is another reason Schiff and
Pelosi are rushing towards impeachment. To establish
a counter-narrative. To accuse Trump of what they themselves
are guilty of. It won"t work."
We encourage you to read
this article in full, because it contains vital information
you need to know. However, we want to focus on the "constant
repetition" which this fake impeachment inquiry
is producing, for it is absolutely necessary to jump-start
-- and continue -- an insidious Mind Control process
called "The Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan"!
(Detailed in the DVD shown above)
"the answer is an
insidious plan that quietly, invisibly, and effectively
effects a systematic change in the deeply held attitudes
and values of an entire population, without the victims
being the least bit aware that they are being manipulated.
Once this change occurs, the victim will think it is
their own idea, and will fight you if you dared suggest
Let us review this Plan,
called the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan. We have
covered it before, but let us review it again. This
is how this insidious plan works:
Step 1. Some practice
so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public
is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.
Step 2. At first, the
public is shocked, then outraged.
Step 3. But, the VERY
FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes
the SUBJECT of the debate.
Step 4. In the process,
sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion
gradually dulling its effect.
Step 5. People then are
no longer shocked by the subject.
Step 6. No longer outraged,
people begin to argue for positions to moderate the
extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead,
the means to ACHIEVE it.
Democrats are counting
on this constant repetition to quietly, invisibly, and
effectively change people's attitudes toward President
Trump and against our precious Constitutional Guarantees!
Make sure that all your friends and loved ones gets
a copy of this Mind Control DVD, entitled, "Invisible,
Invincible Mind Control: YOU ARE THE TARGET)
We do not want these un-American
antics of the Leftist Democrats to result in a permanent
change in the attitudes and values of our country, thus
overthrowing our Republic years after Donald Trump is
3. Hillary Clinton
blasts the Democrat National Committee!
NEWS BRIEF: "Hillary
Clinton Decries ‘Bankrupt" DNC: ‘We"re
Going to Be ‘Outgunned, Outspent, Out-Lied","
Breitbart News. 19 Oct 2019
"Failed presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton decried the Democratic National
Committee (DNC) as a 'bankrupt' organization and warned
that Democrats are going to be 'outgunned, outspent,
and out-lied' in the upcoming election, according to
audio posted by the GOP War Room on Friday."
I find it hilarious for
Hillary to worry that the Democrats may not lie enough
to win the 2020 Election, don't you?
She admits that
the DNC plans to lie grievously, just not as much as
it needs to in order to win the election!
4. For the first
time ever, Israel may have a government in which Israeli
Arabs play a part!
in line to form a government after Netanyahu returns
the premiership mandate to president Rivlin",
DEBKAfile Intelligence, October 21, 2019
"After Binyamin Netanyahu
dropped his Likud"s bid to form another post-election
coalition government on Monday, Oct. 21, President Rivlin
will hand the task over to Kachol Lavan leader Benny
Gantz. For the first time in more than a decade, the
premiership candidacy is to be offered to a party other
than Likud."
"Gantz, a former
army chief who is new in politics and has never held
government office, replied by saying that his party
'is determined to form a liberal national unity government
headed by himself, for which the people voted last month'...
(Netanyahu) accused Kachol Lavan of plotting to gain
the support of the Joint Arab List for a minority government
that would leave the national religious and ultra-religious
parties outside his administration. "
I am staggered to think
that the "Joint Arab List" party could now
be part of the government of Israel, a country facing
imminent and very serious threat to the continued life
of the Jewish State!
Can you imagine what a
splinter part of 16 seats might do during a life-or-death
struggle against an enemy at the "wall of the gate"?
At the very least, they might cause a delay in reaction
and at the most, they might be able to force the Gantz
government to not respond properly to an attack.
Can you imagine
admitting into your government your implacable enemy
who has hated you for the past 2,600 years?
Israel is apparently poised
to allow a very hungry lion into Israel's bosom!
5. As Turkey's
invasion of northern Syria continues, Russia has suddenly
emerged as a "Power Broker Nation".
Her status as
a leader of Arab nations can only bolster her fervent
preparations to lead the Ezekiel 38-39 War against Israel!
The key right
now to this evolving event is the Kurdistan crisis.
Agrees to Temporary Ceasefire in Syria",
Breaking Israel News, Oct 19, 2019
"Turkey agreed on
Thursday to a temporary ceasefire in northern Syria,
where it has moved its forces in against the Kurds,
who are still reeling ... Following a five-hour meeting
in Ankara between U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, U.S.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Pence announced the five-day halt,
which would consist of YPG forces withdrawing from northern
Syria and, in return, Turkey would agree to a permanent
ceasefire "to make sure peace and stability are
the order of the day in this safe zone."
However, hostilities continue
between Turkish and Kurdish military units.
NEWS BRIEF: "Clashes
ongoing between Syrian Kurdish forces, Turkey amid ceasefire",
Kurdistan24 News, October 20, 2019
"The Syrian Democratic
Council (SDC), the political wing of the Kurdish-led
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), said clashes between
Syrian Kurdish forces and Turkey were ongoing on Sunday
despite a ceasefire agreement. Clashes in northern Syria"s
Serekaniye area were reported at approximately 10:40
a.m. local time."
Estimates of displaced
Kurds fleeing northern Syria total 300,000.