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guarantee that Cutting Edge will not disappear for lack
of funds. We have a unique message and a worldview which
has proven right for the past 23 years.
NOTE: Our supply of
"Trump2024" DVD's is getting critically low. Order
your copy now!

President Trump MUST
Be Re-Elected If He Is To Save The Union and Fulfill Prophecy!
What happens if Trump is defeated
and Leftist Joe Biden wins the Presidency? 'Trump 2024'
dares to ask -- and then answer -- this most horrible possibility.
Multiple experts gloomily look into the next four years
under a Biden/Harris leadership and realize that this greatest
nation on Earth and the most powerful economic giant in
world history COULD, INDEED, be brought crashing down in
less than four years! If the contents of this DVD do not
fill your heart with dread, then nothing will. Christians
must pray fervently AND get out to vote.
'Two Babylons' demonstrates
that President Trump is the only leader in the world who
can bring America to the prophesied point of Rev 18:7, where
Americans are bragging about their wealth and exclaiming
that 'the good times will never end' just before God destroys
her in one hour in Judgment.
know which scenario God bring to pass?
$33.98, Now Only $19.99 For The Combo. You get 'Trump 24'
Over 3 hours of Video on two
Critically Important
News Headlines - Articles below
1. The American pharmaceutical
company, Pfizer, has already produced several hundred thousand
COVID-19 vaccine doses.
President Trump was
right: Coronavirus vaccine would be available on the market
before the November 3 election!
Joe Biden, on the
other hand, may order a compulsory vaccination order, even
for people opposed to it!
2. Candidate Joe Biden
is trapped by the facts of this laptop fiasco!
The Biden campaign
HQ does not claim that these facts are inaccurate!
This whole disaster
is a story about Joe Biden, not his son, Hunter.
3. When Twitter and
Facebook unilaterally blocked the news about Biden's computer,
they did not realize that they were going to double the
numbers of people who learned of this story.
"Unintended Consequences",
I am sure.
4. The release of
Biden emails shows that the House impeachment trial was
a complete sham!
Did President Trump
delay the release of the contents of the Biden laptop for
over a year so he could release it at a time when it would
have devastating effect on Joe Biden's candidacy?
5. Just in case you
have not noticed, the Democrat Party is "finished"
with Democracy.
If they win, America
will be cast into a dictatorship of the American Proletariat
6. President Trump
is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize because he had the courage
to rewrite the old failed template and completely change
the rules of diplomatic engagement.
Item Book Report
is Collective Demon Possession"
Naked Communist: Exposing Communism & Restoring
Book Update
of 1958 - Paperback by W. Cleon Skousen
NEWS BRIEF: "Compare
Original '45 Goals Of Communism' To Modern Woke Crusade:
From "Naked Communist",
Canada Free Press,
"Have you ever
wondered what the precursors to the current goals
of protesters and radicals demanding defunding police
departments across America? Also, their crazed goals
to pull down all historic statutes – even Mt
Rushmore? And as US Reps AOC and Ilhan Omar demand
destruction of capitalism, haven’t you wondered
where such unhinged and universally disastrous ideas
came from?
"Well, there’s
an actual source for such catastrophic, ruinous policies…World
Communism. And on Thursday, January 10, 1963,
a list of 45 Communist Goals were offered for the
record that were argued to help take over USA. These
were read into the Congressional Record, taken from
a book called 'The Naked Communist',” by Cleon
Skousen (On Sale, above)
While Skousen lists
45 goals which Communists plan to achieve in any non-Communist
country, we shall just list the most important 10:
1) Normalize
Revolt -- “Create the impression that
violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of
the American tradition"
2) "Cancel
the Police"
3) "Dismember
the Family"
4) "Infiltrate
Schools With Leftism"
5) "Pervert
the Press" - Take over the Mass Media
6) "Media
Blockade ... “Gain control of key positions
in radio, TV, and motion pictures.”
7) "Demolish
the Founders"
8) "Condemn
the American Experiment" -- "“Belittle
all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching
of American history."
9) Big Business
Now Intimidated - "“Infiltrate
and gain control of big business.”
10) " Cancel
the Constitution"
These are only 10 of
the 45 Communist goals reported in this book, "The
Naked Communist"! I find it highly
offensive that such a Satanic failure system could
erupt so strongly in America!
Read this book, pass
on the warning: "The warriors are at our gates,
threatening to break them down! Now is the time for
all good men to come to the aid of our country."
Now is also the time for mature Christians who know
their Bible prophecies to warn people to repent of
their sins through Jesus' shed blood on Calvary.
God has placed us here
to warn others. Listen:
"But if the watchman
see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and
the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take
any person from among them, he is taken away in his
iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's
hand. So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman
unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear
the word at my mouth, and warn them from me."
(Ezekiel 33:6-7, KJV)
We are all "Watchmen
on the Wall", being able to uniquely see through
the din of turmoil to the approach of God's judgment
upon a prosperous America as foretold in Revelation
Christian, stand strong,
as the fields are white with fruit!
432 Pages --
-- Only $26.95
Prophetic Reminder
Since June, 1998, we
have taught that America will see record prosperity
just before God's annihilating Judgment, as described
in Revelation 18:7-8.
This passage in Revelation
18 suggests strongly that this complacent attitude
brought on by material prosperity will, indeed, occur
in America, and probably under President Trump.
Nearly daily, prognosticators,
both religious and secular, are loudly proclaiming
that America is going to economically collapse under
the weight of so much danger and turmoil. Do not believe
Listen again to God's
prophecy that America would be so very rich at the
time of her end -- Revelation 18:7:
"How much she hath
glorified herself, and lived
deliciously, so much torment and sorrow
give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and
am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."
Keep this prophecy in
mind when listening to the news and/or when you are
listening to other Christian teachers and leaders.
After great turmoil, and possibly Martial
Law, the American economy is going to
roar like she has never roared before.
American economy has grown at a record-setting
pace after the pandemic quieted down, setting course
to become the unprecedented economy delivering historically
high levels of prosperity -- exactly as Revelation
18:7 foretold 1,900 years ago!
Never has any DVD been
more on target on any issue than our
"Tale of "Two Babylons: Trump's
Prophetic Destiny", which we originally
published in late January, 2017.
Same Individuals Who Plotted The 2016
Coup Are Now Behind Communist Insurrection
= Communism
is a most powerful expose' of the Communist,
Socialist, Progressive Plan to overthrow
our beloved country, its Constitution,
and our Guaranteed Freedoms!
This is
a 2-Title Set:
1) 'AGENDA':
look at the people and groups that have
successfully targeted America's morality
and freedom in their effort to grind America
2: MASTERS OF DECEIT' -- to expose the
Masters of Deceit and their purposeful,
premeditated, treasonous attacks on our
You will
readily see the outworking of the riots
recently nationwide over the needless
George Floyd death as the planned outworking
of this "Agenda" script.
Back In-Stock
$33.95, Now Only $24.95
Analysis of Headline News
1. American pharmaceutical
company, Pfizer, has already produced several hundred thousand
COVID-19 vaccine doses.
first in West to produce Covid-19 vaccine: "Hundreds
of thousands of vaccine doses have already been produced",
World Israel News, Oct 19, 2020
"American drug giant
Pfizer has begun manufacturing its Covid-19 vaccine in Belgium
... Several hundred thousand vials have already been produced,
and the company said that by the end of the year it could
have 100 million doses ready. With Pfizer’s global
presence, it could have 1.3 billion doses manufactured in
2021, putting a huge dent in the pandemic’s spread."
President Trump was
right: Coronavirus vaccine would be available on the market
before the November 3 election!
When President Trump announced
that a vaccine for COVID-19 would be in place before the
November 3 election, many people scoffed, because that is
far too short a timeline for scientists to research, produce
and verify that the vaccine is both effective and safe to
he recipient.
In order to demonstrate
that this new vaccine is safe, Ivanka Trump offered almost
two months ago to publicly take the vaccine!
Trump offers to take coronavirus vaccine on live TV",
Israel National News, 9/11/2020
"President Donald Trump’s
daughter Ivanka Trump hit back at the cohost of ‘The
View’, Joy Behar, and offered to receive a coronavirus
vaccine on live television once a vaccine has been developed...
Behar added, ““And by the way, I will take the
vaccine after Ivanka takes it.”
"On Thursday, Ivanka
accepted Behar’s challenge, tweeting “Deal.
I would come on your show to do so. I trust the FDA and
so should all Americans. Vanquishing the virus should be
our collective top priority.”
Now, we will be told that
no one will be at risk during the election and that everyone
should now vote in person! President Trump has just politically
defeated his Democrat opponents in this propaganda war.
Some say, people should not
take this vaccine! Why? The Illuminati intends to carry
out the agenda of Antichrist for a 66% reduction in population
through tainted vaccines! Listen now to the Illuminati Plan
for vaccines loosed on the general public:
the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to
invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring humanity
together in a one-world government which they call the New
World Order." [Bill Cooper, "Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 27; Cooper is a New
Age author exposing the horror of this plan]
"Take control of the
world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level by a process
of benevolent slavery and genocide."
[Ibid., p. 49; Emphasis Added]
"The only alternative
left to the world's ruling elite was to
increase the death rate ... they did not relish the
possible consequences of an enraged public upon discovering
that they were being systematically
murdered ... a very short but very deadly global
war using nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations
was contemplated and ... was not ruled out ... Dr. Aurelio
Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague be
introduced that would have the same effect as the Black
Death of history." [Ibid., p. 167; Emphasis Added]
To reiterate the key points:
"invent an artificial
"take control of the world"
"increase the death rate"
"benevolent slavery and genocide"
"a plague be introduced the ... same effect as the
Black Death of history."
This is the true face of the
Illuminati and their plan. Does this plan fulfill Bible
prophecy? You bet it does! Listen:
"There will be
mighty ... pestilences (plagues: malignant and contagious
or infectious epidemic diseases) which are deadly and devastating."
[Luke 21:11; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Fourth Seal: "So
I looked, and behold, an ashy pale horse [black and blue
as if made so by bruising], and its rider's name was Death,
and Hades (the realm of the dead) followed him closely.
And they were given authority and power ... to kill ....
with plague (pestilence, disease) ..." [Revelation
6:7-8, Ibid]
Furthermore, did you know
that the Spanish Flu (1917-1918) was produced by a vaccine?
"The army doctors knew
all these cases of disease and death were due to vaccination
and were honest enough to admit it in their medical reports.
When army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid
with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid
paratyphoid. But when they concocted an even stronger vaccine
to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease
Spanish flu. After the war, this was one of the vaccines
used to protect a panic-stricken world from the soldiers
returning from WWI battlefronts infected with dangerous
diseases." ("Vaccine
-- not virus -- responsible for Spanish flu")
The rest is history. From
1917 to 1920, 500 million people were infected and an estimated
50 million died.
And it was started and perpetuated
by a new vaccine!
I expect that President Trump
will urge people to take this vaccine, but not order compulsory
vaccinations. Trump has done this in the issue of critically
seniors deciding whether to take a drug which has not been
yet approved by the FDA. He calls this program the "Right
To Try".
Joe Biden, on the
other hand, may order a compulsory vaccination order, even
for people opposed to it!
Biden Open to Mandating Coronavirus Vaccine, Will Order
Governors to Impose Mask Mandate",
Breitbart News, 15 October 2020
"Joe Biden said that
he was open to mandating a coronavirus vaccine ... I think
that we should be talking about, depending on the continuation
of the spread of the virus, we should be thinking about
making it mandatory,” Biden said."
When might the deadly virus
vaccine be distributed? I believe New Age author, Bill Cooper
nailed this question in his book, pictured above, "Behold
A Pale Horse":
"Can you imagine what
will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New
York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb,
World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and
stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White
House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people
disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and
all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The
world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some
or all of these things happen to bring about the New World
Order." ["Behold
A Pale Horse", p. 177-8]
The Elite are planning to
stage Antichrist according to this scenario, as Cooper lays
out, above.
And, that means that the world
must be reorganized into the prophesied 10 Super Nations,
as Daniel 2:40-45, 7:7-8 and Revelation 17:12-17 is completed.
As we stated in our Trump DVD, "A
Tale of Two Babylons", the only man capable
of leading American Conservatives/Christians/Patriots is
a President who has come through a mighty fire of Testing,
and has emerged as the most popular in history.
2. Candidate Joe Biden
is trapped by the facts of this laptop fiasco!
Biden Is Trapped By Hunter Revelations",
Townhall Opinion, by Larry O'Connor, Posted: Oct 16, 2020
"What I'm about to lay
out in the latest revelations regarding Hunter Biden's alleged
activities with foreign entities and how it might connect
back to his father, the Democratic nominee for president,
constitute an inescapable trap that Biden and his media
handlers must, at some point, attempt to free themselves
"Let's be clear: The
Hunter Biden issue is not going away. If Biden wins the
election, it won't go away. If Biden doesn't win the election,
it won't go away. It may just be a tawdry scandal. It may
rise to the level of criminal behavior (or impeachable offenses
should Biden win."
"At some point, Biden
will have to address the questions swirling around his son's
money-making ventures, and, at some point, the media will
have to raise the issue themselves."
These revelations are a million
times more damaging to the Office of President and to the
reputation of the United States than any offenses the Democrats
have leveled against Trump! The Obama Administration did,
indeed, hang a "For Sale" sign on the front door
of the White House!
The Biden campaign
HQ does not claim that these facts are inaccurate!
Campaign Surrogate on Hunter Biden Emails:
Nobody ‘Is Saying They Are Inauthentic’
-- "did not deny the authenticity
", American Greatness, October 18, 2020
"A Biden campaign surrogate
on Sunday did not deny the authenticity of the alleged Hunter
Biden emails and texts that were published in the New York
Post last week ... 'I don’t think anybody is saying
they are inauthentic', Biden campaigner Jenna Arnold admitted
on Fox News after repeatedly trying to steer the conversation
to other topics."
"As Vitter pointed out,
neither Hunter Biden nor the Biden campaign have disavowed
the emails."
Even Hunter does not deny
and dismiss the allegations.
Biden Isn’t Denying He Gave His Laptop To A Delaware
Repair Shop", Daily
Caller, October 18, 2020
"Hunter Biden has not
confirmed or denied that he dropped off a laptop at a Delaware
computer repair shop that has been described as the source
for emails detailing his business dealings in Ukraine and
"Hunter Biden has also
not addressed the authenticity of a quote the New York Post
produced on Wednesday from the repair shop that contains
what appears to be his signature, along with his phone number
and email address, agreeing to allow the shop to attempt
to move data from three Macbook Pros to a store server."
This whole disaster
is a story about Joe Biden, not his son, Hunter.
Biden Corruption Scandal Isn’t About Hunter: It’s
About Joe", by Margot Cleveland, Oct 19, 2020
"Hunter Biden’s
addiction is not the issue. Joe Biden’s addiction
is: His addiction to power and money. And it is the evidence
of the former vice president’s corruption, and the
national security risk our country would face by electing
Biden, that is the story of the MacBook hard drive, not
the salacious, verified photographs and videos of Hunter
Amen, could not have better
framed this entire disaster myself. This laptop data should
blow Joe Biden's presidential aspirations out the window,
and should prove to everyone that the Obama Administration
acted treasonously for eight long years!
3. When Twitter and
Facebook unilaterally blocked the news about Biden's computer,
they did not realize that they were going to double the
numbers of people who learned of this story.
Tech Review: Tech Censorship
Nearly Doubled Attention for NY Post Biden Bombshell",
Breitbart News, 19 October
"The attempt by the social
media Masters of the Universe to stop the spread of the
New York Post bombshell article about Joe Biden and his
son Hunter’s alleged dealings with Burisma, has nearly
doubled the level of attention the story gained ... What
is known as the 'Streisand Effect'— a social phenomenon
that occurs when an attempt to censor information has the
unintended consequence of further publicizing it instead..."
The number of voters who sought
out the truth after hearing about the attempted censorship
is truly staggering.
"According to Zignal
Labs, data shows a surge of shares immediately after Twitter
implemented the block, jumping from around 5.5 thousand
shares every 15 minutes, to about 10 thousand."
" 'Twitter managed to
do the opposite of what it intended', the report added,
noting that the social media company’s CEO Jack Dorsey
... 'The New York Post story, which was blocked on Twitter
for about a day, was shared 352,200 times on the platform',
reports MIT Technology Review ... "
"Facebook, conducted
its suppression in a different manner ... (But) the story
shared 324,000 times, not including users inside private
"Unintended Consequences",
I am sure.
4. The release of
Biden emails shows that the House impeachment trial was
a complete sham!
Biden Emails Prove Impeachment Was A Sham",
The Federalist, October 17, 2020
"The New York Post story
shows once and for all that Trump's impeachment was all
based on a lie ... The basis for the impeachment ... was
that President Trump pressured the president of Ukraine
to launch investigations into the energy company Burisma
for the purely political purpose of hurting Joe Biden. Central
to that allegation was the argument that Trump and the United
States had no legitimate interest in seeing Burisma investigated.
If the trove of emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop
are accurate, and they have not been disputed, then this
argument falls to pieces."
"If these emails are
accurate, then it is as clear as is the summer sun that
Hunter Biden was absolutely selling access to his father
and the Obama administration in exchange for his lavish
salary ... What Trump must make clear in the final weeks
of the election is that not only was his impeachment a giant
lie, a despicable ploy by desperate Democrats, but it was
also a massive cover-up on behalf of Joe Biden.
Did President Trump
delay the release of the contents of the Biden laptop for
over a year so he could release it at a time when it would
have devastating effect on Joe Biden's candidacy?
An October Surprise?
Hang on to your hats,
because I believe these emails will produce at least one
more devastating surprises -- more October surprises!
5. Just in case you
have not noticed, the Democrat Party is "finished"
with Democracy.
NEWS BRIEF: "Democrats
Are Done with Democracy", American Greatness,
October 14, 2020
"After a century of progressives
hollowing out our constitutional republic from within through
their administrative state governing philosophy, their patience
has finally run out. In spite of controlling nearly every
major institution in this country, in spite of the massive
and sprawling bureaucracy they’ve created to enforce
their will, the ignorant masses still do not understand
what’s best for them—and in 2016 dared even
to elect the Big Bad Orange Man. So progressives have decided
enough is enough: now the peasants must submit. They must
force us to be “free.”
"This messy democracy
and our constitutional republic are wildly inconvenient
and Democrats are done pretending to abide it. "
"Democrats have decided
that the time for one-party rule is upon us in this country.
If you were to look at one overarching theme of 2020, the
most important issue at stake on November 3 is: Will our
constitutional republic and our democratic process continue,
and will the American people still have a voice in deciding
where this country goes after Election Day?
"Because Democrats fully
intend to take that right away."
If they win, America
will be cast into a dictatorship of the American Proletariat
quickly. Can you say, "Comrade Harris"?
6. President Trump
is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize because he had the courage
to rewrite the old failed template and completely change
the rules of diplomatic engagement.
Israel365 News, Oct 20, 2020
"Attending the White
House signing ceremony on Tuesday of the Abraham Accords—which
normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates
and Bahrain—was both moving and jarring. Standing
at the South Lawn, just meters from the Rose Garden where
the Oslo Accords were signed 27 years ago on Sept. 13, 1993,
the comparison between the two agreements was inescapable."
"That ceremony was an
act of political theater unsurpassed in the history of Israel.
Yasser Arafat, chairman of the PLO and architect of modern
terrorism, grinned ear to ear as he received the royal treatment
on the White House Lawn."
The second ceremony was strikingly
"And as I sat in the
garden at the White House today, with Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Donald Trump, UAE Foreign
Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Bahrain
Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani ..."
"Now, 27 years and two
days later, the Palestinians were outside the White House
with Israeli “peace activists” protesting the
peace ceremony at the White House ... devoted themselves
to ending the lie that peace is possible with people who
justify the murder of innocent Israelis as a form of “legitimate
resistance,” only to be reviled by the “peace
camp” for speaking the truth."
"The UAE, Bahrain and
Israel have come together because of the courageous leadership
of President Trump and his advisers who were willing to
acknowledge the reality on the ground and listen to the
voices of those who opposed what happened at the White House
27 years ago. Trump and his team were willing to break ranks
with generations of American policymakers who insisted that
terrorists are the true peacemakers, that the road to peace
is appeasement and that those who look for mutual respect,
human decency and shared interests as the basis of peace
are right-wing warmongers."
In other words, President
Trump had to break the 60-year-old concept that the Palestinians
would one day tolerate Israel, stop trying to annihilate
the Jewish state, and become allies for peace.
After inviting the Palestinians
to participate in this new vision, Trump was willing to
walk away from them. A genuine peace agreement began to
take shape.